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gsw vs cle gm 28

This is "gsw vs cle gm 28" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Lmao I swear you could setup an alt Youtube channel and be the next itsreal85. Even easier now with all the masks people are wearing

Thomas Ogas

Alch, I must have missed the announcement, but can you give us the official title of your new podcast? I put "The Hesi" in my podcast search and too many other pods are coming up.


Alchemy are you sure that if it was J.P. hitting 4 meaningless 3's you'd downplay it the same way you are with Mulder? Seems to me that Mulder had only 1 game last year where his 3 ball made a difference between a win and a possible loss and that was the same case for J.P. last year. Just a question about perspective and performance.


If KO is really icing Juan, then idc how good he is on D or how great of an athlete. He’s gotta go.


Mulder has value for that J he has but it's easy to c what is wrong with his D. He's hustling now which helps, but he's one of those guys that everyone loves to have guarding them. He always jumps with the first fake, feint whatever u throw his way he's goin for. So even though he looks like he's trying it aint going to work. When playing a guy like that u look right past him and watch if there is rim protection because u know he's a blow by. Contrast the way Dray, KO, Wig, Steph play D, just stay in front don't jump, it's the same as going for a head fake on a jumper. This is what looks so College player about Mulder imo. But I can't lie he can really stick the 3. DLee's struggles continue..


Oubre didn't have a good game but at least it wasn't a stinker


7:17 "I also think the Warriors PR department has caught wind of Dubnation turning on Bridgetroll and so, they got HIM the halftime Interview?! Tell me why he's so much more likeable with a mask on?" LOL... I think the mask makes such a huge difference on the troll because he's kind of got a "Sloth" from the goonies look about him without it. Now that he gave us the pretty alley-oop pass, I'm cool with THAT being the only memory I have of him. EDIT: Alch, you could do an entire game recap/breakdown with JUST your "inner voice" voiceovers for the players & coaches...and it would be HILARIOUS.

Jerry Heverly

That's why I love this 'cast. I never would have noticed Oubre's tunnel vision. I hope someone on the coaching staff is equally observant..........But I think you are not giving Draymond enough credit. Jokic is so big he can stand there and whip passes, looking like a modern day Bill Walton, so everyone is justifiably impressed; but what Dray does is in some ways more impressive because it requires multiple guys to be involved on most plays. Dray makes them a better team; Jokic only needs one cutter to work with him. His assists are flashier, Dray's are more valuable..........Poor Mulder, even when he hits three of four from beyond the arc he gets dissed.


Would we want Javale back? If Oubre and Bazemore are as goony as they're known to be do we want to complete a trio of goons? JTA handling and making decisions really does remind me of the Iggy comparison he drew last week (or maybe two weeks ago). I wonder if Wiggins is fatigued from playing all that defense. I think he's playing well, efficient on most nights and mostly making the right decisions. Would be phenomenal if he could improve to average more points per game, but where would those attempts come from?


No doubt I have a soft spot for Poole.. I think the difference is who is doing what when. For JP he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn so when or if he hit some late...too me it would have more meaning. If Mulder crossed a guy and took a bump for a AND 1 no doubt that would be in there.. or fly in and block somebody. But yeah overall Im just not a believer in the dude no secret..I try to remain objective as possible but there are built in bias and liberties I will take in my videos.


I'm mean, we know that Fitz is always praising the shit out of these guys, but he mentioned Wanamaker being perfect from the field like 5 times shit was annoying AF. He was only 2/2 but you could see the telecasts agenda to give him some love. And yeah thought the same thing, he is a whole different human being with a masked on, suddenly he doesn't look like a homeless dude anymore. Dude should consider wearing one all the time😅


lol these things happen during a season conscious or not.. but lets not get carried away I think KO is looking for his regardless


Thats really well said.. and kind of sums up why Im not a believer.. maybe if he could attack a close out or something besides in the corner.


Hmm, I'd want JaVale back if it didn't cost us too much. Wasn't looking very hard, but he seems like the same dude...good cuz he hasn't dropped off much but bad because he hasn't improved much.


IDK too me its all of stephs screens he just has to wait for the cut.. did I diss Mulder? Im just not jumping for joy that he hit a bunch a garbage time 3s.


Alch you right with Steph bailing us out. This doesn't appear to be the right formula. Steph has raised his level of play but the team... Well they are not getting better... I think Juan T has been the second most important player outside of of course Draymond and Steph which offensively are equivalent to 1 player.


It kinda seems like wigs is coasting lately. I can’t blame him because it seems internally guys are starting to realize that they’re most likely a first round exit IF they even make the playoffs. I’m just glad he’s still giving effort, even it it isn’t 100%. Maybe it’s just me but it seems steph and dray are just putting on to keep team morale up, but they know this season isn’t going anywhere. All smiles even down 30 on national tv🤦‍♂️. I’ve got a feeling this season is gonna depend on those two finding motivation anywhere they can, like crazy ass dudes talking jive, but not every team has a Collin sexton.


If Draymond was a 2k player, he'd have 90+ vision but like 50 pass accuracy. Not talking about last night bc he only had 1 turnover but in general his passes got to be a bit more accurate.


Also, this was a Reddit take but we got to stop using initials for players that most people wouldn't recognise, I know this a warriors community but JTA just shouldn't be used, a majority of NBA fans wouldn't know who they were talking about. Is it that hard to say Juan? it's one extra letter and is way more recognisable as he's the only Mexican-American in the league right now. Not really a big deal but I saw it the other day and had no idea who they were talking about.


yeah I could see it.. I think the problem is you are cool with someone like Dray coasting but Wig it has been habitual through out his career.. Id be interested to see Steph take a rest night and see how aggressive Wig is


I think his pass accuracy would be up a few notches but he really tries to thread the needle way too much for my liking but I guess it's better than him putting up bricks from deep.

Jansen E

Those first 3 minutes of the 2nd quarter were probably the greatest 3 minutes of Wanamakers career. I will give him his due. By no means does this change anything about whether or not he should be on the team (or in the league), but he did some good things this game and I will acknowledge that. When he and Wiggins were on the fastbreak before the lob, 99% expected him to try to lay that shit up and get it swatted again. But Im glad he surprised me with the easy play that everyone should make in that situation. Wish Wiggins couldve went 1 hand tho!!! The game was wayyyy closer than the score will tell you before the 4th quarter. Cleveland has a lot of good PLAYERS but dont yet have a good TEAM. If they keep this core group together and continue developing, they could be a sneaky good team in the east. However, I agree with you during that Sexton trash talking sequence during that JTA free throw. Is it his appearance? Like the fact that he looks like a kid? Cuz I'll be honest, when Im playing with a dude who LOOKS significantly younger/smaller than me, it is hard to take them seriously when theyre spouting shit. I dont see how Sexton can become a leader of a whole team if the entire roster thinks he's a clown. Hes a legit talent! But....theyll need a leader on that team if they really wanna progress. And its NOT Kevin Love either. We get to see Iguodala tomorrow. I'm hoping we can be at least competitive in that game. I want Iguodala to retire a Warrior. He deserves to be back in blue and gold one more time.


Question for Alch, how can we improve our transition game? We play fastest pace in the league but at the same time we are one of the worst transition teams


Too me it boils down to KO and Brad not making the right pass they blow a couple opportunities a game.. but playing small and having to gang rebound isn't helping our cause


Im not sure you want either of those guards starting for you let alone being the "guys"


I think we can hang with Mia just dont let Duncan and Olynic get off

Freddie D

OMG you got me in tears over here on the free throw chatter. lmao


Draymond is out hear antagonizing the league like the Warriors could afford to deal with biased officiating, by now he must have already cost Steph his 3rd MVP with this political nonsense, like Andre Drummond and James Harden have nothing to do with the Warriors.


Feel yah on JuanT, he has quickly become a solid trustworthy player. I think he is like Mulder just a class above in poise. I want to see JuanT do what he has been doing in a BIG game. I am curious about JuanT’s ceiling. Lol and yah bridge troll, love that he threw up that lob. Hopefully you are right and something has clicked for him and he can find his role and maximize his time on the court.


I agree about trusting the ball in Juan's hands more than some others. At the end of last season, he played some point when we had no guards because of injuries. I don't want Juan breaking presses on the regular, but he can definitely bring the ball up the court and initiate the offense for us, direct traffic and guard opposing point guards. So, hell, right now, he might be a decent option with this roster as a backup PG. If I were Kerr, I might experiment with it when Wiseman and Looney comeback and he needs to find a role for Juan with the second unit. Food for thought anyway.


Maybe we're missing the pass to the open man and putting our head down because there's a collective fear of making turnovers. The backdoor was open in Cleveland, but hopefully that won't translate into a bunch of turnovers w the heat. It seemed we were forcing the backdoor pass in general with our small ball lineup. Colin Sexton seems rodman and world peace level insane. Draymond is all about the call out. Nice to see Kerr peeved af.


Sexton with his Dragonball Z looks and MJ skincare regime looks destined for an MBP award (Most Bizarre Player). He can play though and at least shows grit, which is something I see completely absent from Wiggs.


I think we have a top 5 seed if we start to live with our mistakes and move on...too much things to correct and change...just play and see what happens... guys like oubre(tunnel vision) and wiggins(disinterested sometimes) bench(shaky chemistry) won’t change...We should focus on effort (for the new guys) and how we approach games with consistent hunger to win(draymond and steph)....could prejudice wiseman in the long run with these egos on the team tho....

Ravi Dissanayake

“Tell me why he’s soo much more likeable with a mask on” 🤣 I’m dead Alc


Yeah idk Alc... I am listening to the newest episode of "The Hezi" and I simply disagree... If we apply this to the everyday man, employees are looked at funny if they strike or quit without putting in a 2wks notice but a job without a union can fire you for whatever and in alot of cases have you work your whole shift 1st and cut you at the end lol... I think we see how much they make and just write them off but it's still pennies considering what the ppl above them make... Also when ppl like Harden or a Terrell Owens act up cause they want out you have to blame the organization for allowing it... If I was Harden woulda been pissed if they got rid of Russ and brought two players presumably past their primes that endured grueling back 2 back injuries and think Ima just be okay with it... I feel you but🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


the telecast needs to stop talking about Wiseman speaking mandarin, he doesn’t.


I have worked in almost every field trying to provide as a young dad. You learn quick shit ain’t fair... now if we want to compare it to other pro athletes, the NBA got it good.


Yeah, if everyone's healthy and JuanT is playing well, we actually don't need Kelly. So maybe.


Yeeeeaah...I'm like 50/50 on Draymond speaking out about this. I don't disagree with anything he says, but anytime he does more to hurt his cause in front of the refs, it's annoying. Then again, it's only annoying if I THINK it'll get better. If I accept that Draymond is always gonna be vilified by the refs (this is the most likely case), then how much more damage is he actually doing?


Using your same point, widen the scope to the group to include those ABOVE the players (ownership, management) and not just below, like you're doing. Draymond is highlighting the massive double standard AND the highly skewed power dynamic that unfairly places all the burden on players, who are only human yet vilified for not performing at their peak every night game. All that Draymond's referring to, and you just shrug cuz they're too rich to complain? By that same token, should none of us care that Dave Chappelle's contract gave him pennies on the dollar because he's still making bank compared to 99.99% of the global population? What about Prince and music contracts in general? You even reference injuries...do you think NBA ownership (and sports ownership in general) should take on more responsibility for players health during and after their careers?


Wait...are you saying Oubre being on the court is just neutral or worse negative, thus he wasn't needed for this win or wins in general?

John Pettus

Oubre is talented but a low IQ player. Total crap court vision, both with the ball and without it. Trainers need to take his ass aside and start drilling him on ball handling and vision. Wiggs also has a notably loping dribble. Needs to tighten the handle A LOT.


I think he's above neutral at this point but I'm talking about the future. When the centers are back and Klay healthy. I like Kelly but JuanT is more dynamic.


Whats the hesi?


There are worse players in the rotation than Oubre but since we can't keep him past this season I damn well hope that Bob is shopping him around. Wouldn't mind seeing Javale back on the squad I always had a soft spot for him. Crazy idea, is there anyway we could get Allen off of Cleveland? Given the timelines I would happily give up Wiseman to make it happen.


I don’t think we could pay or keep Allen. Cavs would be nuts to let him go anywhere. He will an elite center of this next generation.


Give up Wiseman!? I totally got a soft spot for JaVale as well, but I don't think he's improved much since he was here last...and the energy that he injected into the squad is provided by Oubre, D.Lee, Bazemore, JTA.


New Patreon? Welcome. "The Hezi" is Alch's podcast, he gave the links up top. It's the 2nd comment made on the video.


I'm only giving up Wiseman for a all star


I love Allens game, but wiseman for him is a bit much imo.


I did say it was a crazy idea. Cleveland would be nuts to let him go. At the same time it's a shame to see him wasted on a team that isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I'd happily give up Wiseman for someone that is more able to contribute in a meaningful way. The kid sure has potential but he's so damn raw and I don't think there is any hurrying the process along. Javale would at least give us some size at the center position when we need it. He ain't the highest IQ player for sure but he knows the system. Better than most anyone else we have a chance of picking up.