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gsw vs mia gm 29

This is "gsw vs mia gm 29" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Let's gooo last night's game was LIT loved the team effort! I'm deadass starting to believe bridge troll blackmailing the dubs..


That game was crazy fun. Hope they can string along a win streak for once, this is the time to do it.


What no Wiggins love? I'm gonna declare myself 2 way's #1 fan. Game by game, quarter by quarter, possession by possession, 2 Way Wigs has become the Warriors "steady Eddie" of effort. He may not have gotten the headlines or the lion's share of credit for the win last night but in 38 minutes of play last night, Wigs was plus 25 and the second closest Warriors was E.P. at plus 10. If I ever read another let's flip Andrew for (insert your player here) again, I will be back with my soapbox. I can't wait to pair him with both Klay and Steph next year.


That Jenner line killed me. Unc is too funny lol.


Is it me or that was the first time Wiggs celebrated a basket at the end of OT?


Since KD has left Steph has gotten the chance to be the teams official closer again & he’s showing why he got the nickname baby face assassin. since 2016 finals he’s been labeled as not clutch good to see him takeover more in late game situations & tbh i bet Steph is enjoying too


Love the breakdown. This is got to be the most hungry team in the league. That has to be Kent's best game of his career. Thanks.


God DAMN that was an exciting game! Bazegod to the rescue. EP straight dominated for a few minutes in the 4th. I'm still hyped!

Matt Hanna

Not gonna lie, I turned that shit off early 4th after the Bam and1. Kept checking my phone cause I was still up but then saw it was getting close. Great comeback win and you know steph is gonna cook up something when the game is on the line. Mike Breen Voice "Bang!"

Ezra Abbey

Has to be. He barely celebrated that shit but you know he felt good inside lmao

Ezra Abbey

Oubre's turn around has been wild. Dude is playing so well right now, he's playing with great pace and just make the right basketball plays. This team is starting to look spooky


Comeback wins over LAL, LAC & MIA not the best way to judge the overall talent on the team, but they are clearly indicative of the winning culture and "go get 'em for 48 full minutes" attitude. I am not seeing any players sulk and regress on defense after missed offensive opportunities. We are seeing sustained effort and that's a real good sign for a team trying to renew their top-5 defensive credentials.


Great to see them collectively keep us in it while Steph struggled, kinda alleviates your previous concerns about getting to accustomed to Steph's constant bail-outs. Oubre seems like he's figuring out exactly how to use his skills and attributes in a way that's complimentary to the system. Good games like these where he's picking his spots and executing just seem better than his good shooting games earlier in the season. Much more sustainable.


While I love vintage Curry Crunch Time and Oubre, Basemore finally earning their checks, I just don’t agree that the team is right where they hoped to be midseason. We still don’t really even know the rotations. Injuries play a huge part, no doubt, but Kerr is still tinkering while Rome burns. Guys are still inconsistent from one game to the next. I've never seen a team that looked so good against bad teams and so bad against good ones. Hey, new topic: what's up with Draymond's "ankle soreness"? Is it just me, or is he being told to sit in the corner for his nasty language against team ownership the other night?


Man the effort, but what especially stood out was the in rhythm threes that we created for everyone. I remember that one press conference were Dray said that he can sense when steph is off, and you could just see it from the get go, the indicator for me is mostly the follow through, when he's off, it's flat he does not really flick the wrist, and on those open corner threes, whan does steph ever miss left or right. Maybe that's why Dray sat.😅. But Baze just said I'm gonna fill that big gap like the one in my teeth (alright I'll stop and leave the puns to you) Great as always


This team man...i like the fight...I think the off ball curry action is destabilizing the team...i know we need to find draymond a role in offense...but the fact that curry kept shooting gives these guys more confidence in general...He’s the sole leader now...dray more like a coach...No disrespect but you have a limit in hearing from a guy that’s dropping 6 a night (kd case)...this is the cavs 2018,westbrook okc 2017...curry can elevates the team results by his mentality game to game...but i don’t think it’s what kerr envisioned...what do you think?


I don't think people realise how much better Baze has got over the years. It's like they still see him as 'bobble head Baze' from years ago. I watched almost every kings game last year and knew he'd be great for us. He's like a less talented but higher IQ Kelly in my opinion. More consistent shooter, better passer and plays with the same energy. In my opinion our second unit should be revolve around him and paschal rather than Wannamaker.


I only caught the 4th/OT last night and I knew we were winning because every 50-50 rebound was snatched by the Warriors.

Qiushi Hu

The Heat fucked up letting Crowder go


Oubre is 46% from 3 in february. you love to see it!


Yet another prime breakdown! Humor hit different on this one too


46 seconds in and I almost died from laughing at the Jenner line.


I can't wait to get wiseman back. Now it's about winning not about letting him grow. That's the situation wiseman can thrive and learn. Brad is so bad.


Hells yeah. His progress seemed to stagnant for a while at the beginning, and now his progress seems super fast. Just gotta keep working on that vision. Man...those trade rumors really helped out.


Games like this are a reason why I call Steph a meth addict. He sold most of the entire game, to just hit 3 of the most clutch shots in the game. Sidenote: I might have to give my Flowers to Oubre depending on how this road trip goes. It was probably his smartest game as a Warrior so far.


I'm loving two-way Wigs... Maple Jordan but if Kawhi becomes available next year due to another Clipper flame out. We gon' have to say goodbye to Wiggins... The Juggernaut in Brooklyn looks tough RN. Steph, Klay, and Wiggins is not enough to match that squad...


Jesus, did I see the Warriors getting second chances on offense? I think I’m going blind...


Is Bam really worth that max contract? Hes nice dont get me wrong but why are these contracts so over inflated? Everyone and their mother wants max contracts nowadays(S/O John Collins). With Bam and Jimmy on max deals how do they even build around them?

Ezra Abbey

i dont think anyone thinks brad should be the focal point of our 2nd unit at this point lol


Tyler Herro was trash... Missed so many wide open 3's guess he's not that guy.. He started looking for cheap jump shot fouls toward the end. I also notice that Miami kept hitting steph's shooting hand on there close outs disrupting the follow thru... I'm sure that had something to do with his misses. I guess the NBA doesn't call that unless its Shawn Livingston doing it! hot ham!


"None of this funny motion offense" LOL I feel you, Alc. It started a while ago that Kerr's motion offense became more style than substance.


But that inconsistency is exactly what is expected for this team without a true identity. We've only seen flashes of how good/bad they can be, exactly 1/3 of the way through the season. Being above .500 right now (with our decimated lineup that is slowly coming back) does not equal Rome Burning. In my opinion, that's being hyperbolic and having a "sky-is-falling" mentality when this entire season is "experimental."


You didn’t have to do Tim Tebow dirty like that on the pod😭😭


Also tyler herro's got such a fake tough guy look anytime he makes a shot... it's sooo annoying....


BAM definitely not a max guy... Miami is more infatuated with players that "fit" their culture as opposed to talent... They better go get another scorer. Butler and them boys overachieved last year...


Offensive rebounding! Wow they were on the glass in crunch time this game. Normally I'll bet we are the easiest team to play against as everyone knows it's one shot up and retreat but this game guys just said no, I'm not going to jog back, I'm going to the glass and then I'll catch up if I don't get it. Shades of the old days. Baze is awesome if he can just cool the fouling 1/3. I can't believe we won this game, no Bigs, no Dray, and Steph is as cold as Hockey Ice almost all game and we still win? Maybe Dray reads into this that he doesn't have to hunt assists quite as hard, let the game come to him more. Great game to have before they start the road trip. Alc I love that we all get to have game days to look forward to and then Alc Videos to look forward to the next day. Twice as much fun for us.


Me too. I think I turned it off at 96-81. Woke up around midnight to let the dog out, looked at my phone to see how bad we lost, said wtf, went back to sleep happy.

Jerry Heverly

Believe it or not I'm not super excited about getting Wiseman back. Part of their success lately has been exploiting Steph's gravity and the open center of the court. Wiseman might end up clogging the middle and costing the Warriors some of what you saw here from Bazemore and Oubre. Call them the Slashers: Pascall, Steph, Oubre, Bazemore, Wiggins...........Odd that Miami seemed to totally run out of gas in the fourth quarter. Was this a back to back for them?


You are starting to see these young players get comfortable in kerr's motion offense with them looking for the extra pass. It reminds of what Kerr told the team when he got the job in 15, he said it's not going to click perfectly in the first year but year 2 it will just take off, it just takes a bit for most players to get used to the system and playing with each other


that win felt so good. super happy for wigs hitting that big 3 as well. Not often you see him show emotions


Has Paschall hit a free throw this season? Genuinely asking


I'd like to formally apologize to Oubre for doubting him earlier this season. Been very happy with how he's come along now that he's had some time to mesh with this team. This team is looking soo much better now that they have some experience together. Hopefully it will remain as we reintroduce Wiseman.


Didn't get a chance to watch this game so this was a welcome summary. Best win of the season so far easily. Being able to find a way to win when Steph isn't shooting lights out from the off and Dray is sitting on the bench is a good sign. That said I'm not expecting it to be an instant sign of permanent progress. The inconsistent performances will continue for sure. I don't hate the roster overall but I'd still love to see some big moves before the trade deadline trying to establish something real for next season. Simply adding Klay back won't be nearly enough to call yourself genuine contenders.

John Z

What a game. Great stuff as always!


The first half was painful to watch. We looked lost on both sides without draymond out there. No one was shotcalling on the floor. What made us win this game was our scrappy mentality. Huge credit to our guys for competing the way they did.


Uncle Alc, COVID lockdown MVP. Was good to see a game w Precious, I remember Stevie Ray calling him out pre draft. Oubre. Heres the deal- Lacob is absolutely going to pay the money next year. People are going to be going batshit crazy next year when the arenas are open and the public is out. Everything entertainment related is going to see a 100 year windfall. Its going to be a straight up question to KO. Do you want to be the next Iggy and get those rings, have plenty of minutes? The championships were all about how we had the best players but also we structurally had more good players than other teams bc we developed from the draft. Keep the assets


I was done with Oubre but recently his IQ has been improved drastically. I'm curious about what the warriors think. Do they see this as an opportunity to trade him as his value rises, or do they want make Lacob to pay the money


I'm also beginning to get excited about Kelly Jr. Just the fact he seems capable of learning and changing is big. But his potential is starting to look formidable. Those long arms! And that play where he absorbed contact and still got off the shot - he has a kind of Kobe-esque athleticism that you can't teach. As he gets more patient, slows the game down, I think he could be a big offensive weapon, on top of defense. I feel bad for dissing him, hope he is happy with the team chemistry and culture and wants to stay. Of course, I'll be singing a different tune if he goes 1-for-15 in the next game! :)


I know I'm just feeding the rumor mill and this is pure conjecture, but I get a sense Dray's outburst about Drummond wasn't just about Drummond. I smell a rat in the sudden "ankle" issue. I think the league leaned on Dub management to punish Dray for crying foul over trade policy. At first I figured he was just addressing the double standard where owners can shop players openly while players get vilified for doing the same. But now I'm thinking his actual message was the part about how not knowing your fate can affect mental health. Dray is too smart to just blow up on camera like that. Watch the video: he formally introduces this serious topic. It was carefully planned. Then suddenly he is benched the next game for ankle "soreness" that hasn't been an issue since the first week. I call Bullshit. Is it possible he senses he's being shopped around? Something seems fishy. I hope we're not about to lose him.

Patrick Kennedy

Just imagine adding Klay and Wiseman into this team healthy...


JayBird u might have something. I've seen suspensions called all kinds of things. His tirade makes all kinds of sense if he's being shopped. And Drummond might be who he's being shopped for.. What if Lacob and Kerr think Wiseman is 2-3 years away and Steph etc. r ready next year and James won't be. Drummond is in his prime now. But I don't know, it's highly unlikely, Dray is too valuable, Drummond can't switch and can't shoot free throws.


and Chris too! the athleticism and length would be off the charts.


LOL. Thinking back to the Run TMC days when we could hardly secure a rebound on defense.


We've got to get to that 4-6th seed periodt


I'm impressed how KOJ turned off his showboating and can take a solid hit without letting it phase him.


Awwwww sheeeeeit...get the popcorn out! I don't think Dray is going anywhere this year...or for the remainder of his contract. All his talk is aimed at the collective ownership, not Lacob and our FO. Other controversial topics that the Warriors have talked about include Trump, BLM, Capitol Riots, China tensions... I don't think ANY controversial talk a coach or player has made has pissed off Lacob enough to matter. Pfft, NBA/NFL owners in general can piss off...I'm not crying any tears for them. That said...I love Lacob...especially compared to Jed York.


I had the same thought - what if the Dubs are swapping Dray and Wiseman for Drummond? What if the deal's already done? I know it’s lousy long term thinking, but next season with Klay back maybe all Lacob wants is to tun the table while the window’s still open? I guess I’m mixing my furniture metaphors, but players and owners all think for the moment these days. It’ll be interesting to see if Draymond dresses for this road trip. And it might explain why Wiseman hasn’t. Hope I'm wrong.


Im actually starting to get worried that Wiseman is just not durable enough to be counted on. I mean he has missed 1/3 of the season this yr and IMO he hasnt had a single notable injury - I really think he has missed 1/3 of the games (games he really really really needs to develop). ...... and not a single one of his issues are things that were likely to get worse had he played with it.


Yo, does anyone know what happens if The T-Wolves end up in the bottom 3 and keep their pick (which is ours) in the upcoming draft? Do we get their first rounder next season, or are we just screwed ?


Yeah I hope that doesn't happen as Dray AND Wiseman would fall under huge mistake. Drummond could be categorized as a Dinosaur in todays game, a non shooting Rebounder. I've stated it a number of times here that Wiseman's hands concern me, other than that he's a huge talent. And I also think it's much more likely Dray was just trying to have an informed opinion and show his smarts and back up his fellow players, he has a valid point.


If it's 1-3 we get next year first round unprotected pick, if it's 4-30 we keep it. They can have the worst record and still fall as far as to the number 5 on the board (pretty sure if it was the knicks this would happen)


The pick we can lose is our first rounder, cuz it was traded to OKC for Oubre, but it has a protection until the 20th pick


Agreed, securing the 6th seed at least is absolutely vital. With the play in its so much harder for 7-10 to avoid a first round sweep.


If the wolves finish bottom 3 then we get their first rounder next year unprotected


Aye Jordan Poole been lowkey killing in the g league. Juiced to have him come back soon


Another loss to Charlotte. Here's the bottom line: The Dubs are a .500 team. What that means for a fan is: get your hopes up, smash them; get your hopes up, smash them again. Bottom Line: this team has absolutely ZERO chances of getting out of the first round of playoffs. It would be better to tank, enhance our draft odds, while using the rest of this season to SOLIDIFY a Viable Roster for next year from among the current motley crew. At least next year with Klay, they'll have a second option so Steph dosn't draw the entire defense. As long as opponents know how to shut us down, we'll never have a chance. And to truly go deep in the playoffs, they need more than just Steph and Klay. That's why we should jettison all the dead wood now and only keep the ones with real promise: put all the young players on the court for as many minutes as possible, discover the chemistry, let them battle it out for roster spots. Mostly Wiseman. Then Poole, Manion, Paschall, Jeremy Lin, even Jessup. As for players who, IMO, have already proven they can't cut it, that would be Smiley, Wannamaker, Looney and probably Lee and Muldaur. Base, Wigs and Oubre are still TBD. Draymond belongs as player/coach on the second squad. We still have draft picks and other trade options as well. The big goal is to surround the Splash Bros with as much talent and experience as possible by next year, and tanking to get another high draft pick fits that strategy better than trying to make the playoffs this year. Hell, there aren't even fans buying tickets, so it won't cost much.