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yall get my dirty humor all season, I didn't want to step on the most entertaining telecast in years. you can check my twitter feed for my live reactions from last night. 




gsw vs det gm 20

This is "gsw vs det gm 20" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



You're the best


I can’t put into words how happy it makes me that Klay is sonning Dumb and Dumber. Ignoring Fitz texts and deleting Kelennas number all together is just perfect. Fitz talkin beginning of the fourth about “Klay loves to joke and have fun”.....nah he just don’t like you fool. He just treating you like the whiny child you are. “we exchanged numbers a few years ago” “nah I ain’t got your number”💀💀💀. And then Kelenna brought up being ghosted like 3 more times in the fourth like dude just let it go😂😂😂 And then Klay just roasting Mcgruder to end the game was great Side note: I hated Blake for years but damn is it sad to see him like this.


Let's hope they can finally play like this against some good teams. Oubre is still a bad fit, guy misses too many open opportunities. I still say Baze in the starting line up and Oubre in the second unit - Oubre can perhaps play more free.


We got #SpicyKlay last night, and just hearing him talk about the starting lineup when he gets back, Klay, Wiggs, Steph, Draymond and Wiseman... got me on the good vibe

Valentine Nguyen

i thought the same thing when oubre was pretending to act like he knew what steph was coaching wiseman about 😂💀the nodding


He's not perfect, but I disagree with you that he's a bad fit. We need him. His size, motor, and defense are vital for us. And his shooting is definitely getting a lot better. We know he can shoot, we've seen it on previous teams. The more comfortable he gets with this team, I am positive it will get back to where it was. People who are saying trade him for Lonzo, I just don't get it. Lonzo has never shown the ability shoot, and his defense, while pretty good, is more fit for 1-2 guards, while Oubre is more versatile for 1-4, due to his size and athleticism.


As much fun as klay was last night, i dont want to see him report until he retires


Klay: Oh my gaaawd Kelenna: Klay's figuring out...What what...what's going on over there Klay? Bob: Rodney McGruder... Klay: I don't know, this dude might be out the league soon. He's probably mad about that. Who knows? Kelenna: Woooooow. Shots *Chuckling* fired! Klay: Over here checking my guy...you good? Bob: Everybody seems to be OK and everybody is going to their respective locker rooms there but... Kelenna: *chuckling* Oh my goodness Klay: Yeah I don't know. Kelenna: *breath in*....Yooooo Bob: So that will, that will end it right there but Kelenna: SSSSAVAGE! HEH HEH HEH! Bob: 5 Warriors... Klay: Over here trying to start something like he's a good player or something. Bob: Easy, easy... Klay: It's like Bro, get outta here you might be... Bob: Easy, easy. Klay: Sorry. Alright, we're done. We're done. *All Chuckling* Bob: I'm pulling you away verbally. Klay: That's the stuff that kills me, y'know? You just can't, I can't...I can't do anything. I'm in a boot right now.


Awesome to see Wiggs starting to enter the inner circle. Wasn’t sure what to expect


"im messin wit juan t" now too after that interview


Juan T with the dub!!

Paul Hanson

Such a beautiful sight and sound to witness the Klay Magic alongside a Rodney kerfluffle and of course chatting it up in the interview with his Splash brother. Never ever split these dudes up-what they are is something starting in basketball but also something beyond it. Teamwork, a vibe, a spiritual connection to the Bay Area-whatever you want to call it-it’s something you just can’t manufacture unless it truly was meant to happen. Kudos to Jerry West for being so high on Klay in the draft and thanks to Bob Myers for not making the Kevin Love trade.

Dami I

I gotta say I didn’t expect klay to end Rodney like that but boy did it make my night 🤣 especially considering he legit might be outta the league soon


Bazemore, oubre , brad wanamaker are all low IQ players..


was nice to see Wiseman has that spin move in his bag, bc we know how much he loves the straight line drive

Kahlil Baker

It’s great to see Wiggins playing happy. Did y’all see that mans smile after he intercepted Curry’s pass. The man is truly loving the game again


The difference between oubre and bazemore is that oubre is a starter and gets more minutes. Once bazemore starts getting a lot of minutes, his flaws will start showing and they'll be on par with oubre..


My take from last night..Dray aggressive from start. Loon solid on defense. Two way Wiggs doing it all. Steph MVP mode. Oubre slashing and picking up his spot. Paschal bit too hesitant on drive. Poole high quality minutes. Weisman signature spin move. Reporter Klay highlight of the day. On Weisman's improvement...much better ball handling and rebounding. Still poor positioning for that hook shot. Probably lack of lower body strength. Very slow release shooting off the dribble. Should stick to catch and shoot and avoid early shot clock. On Oubre...I am still not sold on Oubre. He's a headcase and if his first few shots are not falling he'll go into slump again. We need him to be consistent and play good if we have any chance to compete. Same thing with Wannamaker. One game he plays well and next two he disappears. Both Oubre and Wannamaker are the reason for our inconsistency, besides though schedule.


I freaking hate Kelenna and Bob, pure trash. Roye and Barnett are SO much better on the radio.

Jansen E

First of all.....who the FUCK is Rodney McGruber? Sounds like a main villain in a children's animated movie. Did that dude even play last night? I dont even remember. All I remember now is that Klay ended that dude's career with a single mic drop. That was hilarious. We all witnessed one thing that Klay will never be better than his father at.....play by play commentary. Hahaha. I loved hearing him cuz it was funny, but damn. After he retires, he's gotta stick to sideline reporting at best. No way would I wanna hear him in the booth every game xD Onto the game. This was definitely a feel good game for the Warriors. It makes me unsure how the celtics game will go. Do we get these Warriors? or the Knicks game Warriors? Never know with these dudes. Hoping for the former. Glad to see Poole play well. No real comment on the rest of the game. It was just a solid game from pretty much everyone except Paschall. Ive never seen a more ripped 19yr old than Stewart. He's a grown man and still growing. He's a steal for the Pistons. Would love to have him off our bench after Wiseman. Imagine having him instead of Looney.....sheesh. Last thought: I'm aware the Rams heavily overpaid for Stafford. But goddamn I really thought we had a chance at him ):


That steph Klay wig draymond and wiseman starting 5 is gonna be scary bruh

Ezra Abbey

"roddneey" draymond got me dead lmao


You’re so right. It’s been a joy to watch over the last few seasons and I believe there will still be many moments like these in the future. Amen to Jerry West and Bob Myers!

Jansen E

Sad thing I just realized: we don't play the Pistons anymore for the rest of the year. If we did, that would be the next matchup I'd circle on the calendar just to see how much they try to punk Wayne Ellington and MacGruder (if he even sees the floor).


If Dray can attack the basket like every team from Michigan then maybe we got something



Natto Santo

Wiggins and Wiseman are both improving tremendously. Steph is finally shooting over 40% in 3s now. KO is shooting better too. Now we just need Draymond to regain his 3 pt shooting, then we may have a chance to win it all.

Major Powers

Draymond is a national treasure.


Wiseman will take 2 yrs to develop. Klay after and acl + achilles is an overpaid shawn livingston. Just look at boogie cousins to see how klay will return. His shot will be fine but defense will be half. Kd only had an achilles. Klay is acl+ achilles... draymond getting paid 25m/yr to drop 4ppg.. its over guys

Strong Foru

Klay makes an awesome color commentator!


The truth is thats a pipe dream. Draymond isnt like that anymore. His problem is lack of skill. When u dont improve your skill and rely on IQ to get by.. the truth is the game will leave u behind. He's been left behind offensively.. truth


Damn Klays a game 6 killer and a self image killer

Abhi Kelkar

Kalenna thirstier for Klay's number than Klay's IG/TikTok hoes.


Your vids always a good time 💯💯💯


I'm only shocked that The Last Dance was probably the most watched viewing experience for the Pandemic last year, and yet people still don't understand sports from a competitive standpoint. Got hella people in their feelings about what Klay said when that wasn't even a top 70 roast in the nba. That said, Klay being Bill Walton on the mic is a joy to watch.


Draymond says he's getting back into shape but iono man, might take another 50 games or so. Steph's shot is definitely coming back, he is much more balanced and relaxed on all his shots than at the beginning of season.


Awesome as always. Wiggins is definitely entering his prime with us; he looks so damn happy all the time too. Tasty chicken soup game. Lol we all need more reporter Klay -- that diss on Rodney was savage af!

Daniel Fries

I got excited when it was Steph, Wiggs, Draymond, Paschall and Poole on the floor


Wiseman is having too bright of a greenlight as a rookie in my opinion, he needs to focus more on other areas of his game to help the team, rebounding, passing, setting screens... Right now every trip down the floor he wants to take the shot. I have some issues with his screen setting, idk if is just me but he doesn't set proper actual screens, he kinda just sets a half screen and immediately rolls, this means he never intended to create space for the ball handler to score/make plays, he made up his mind already when he sets the screen that he's gonna be the one who scores. It annoyed me on quite a few occasions where if he sets a proper screen steph would've gotten an open shot easily


Biggest thing I saw was we just looked alot more locked in than we have since the spurs game, even the games against the t wolves we looked sloppy. The sun's game might have done these younger players some good, woke them up a little bit. Now if we can snag even 3 wins out of our next 5 I'll be happy, 4 wins and I'll be ecstatic


God damn Klay was baked as hell


bro i wish you included dray's defense on blake in the post, his dismissive reaction to blake's attempt was hilarious. Dray is definitely on his head


I'm pretty sure he's being told to be aggressive when he finds a mismatch. I've seen some great screens from him, as Alchemy pointed out in the past he nudges people subtly. Most teams will guard the Steph PnR well at least in terms of guarding Steph while Wiseman slips the screen when he's doubled and it leads to a lot of free buckets.


I agree he has tunnel vision, but the screens have been good IMO.. I see him holding them too long if anything most of the time.


Dray kinda gets a pass right? We can’t really get on him about it.. you see Buttler has lost like 15lbs out with it..


"Sounds like a main villain in a children's animated movie" LOL facts... yeah I was salty about the Stafford trade, I didnt realize he was 33 tho..


Dray always starts slow and gets in shape before play offs. Also, there might be few things about him we don't know...somethin like Oubre's gf extortion shit


Four great shooters with guy who can find open man. They might give up much on defence though


As I said before he is score first guy. That's his DNA. He will be superstar but not necessarily making other players better. Something like AD in Pelicans. You can't expect JW to play like Joker.


Seriously, I don’t get how people are taking this entire thing out of context. WHEN is it ok for a player to mouth off to the opposing bench after the game? Then you add in the fact that it’s a player with no name recognition or goodwill.


Yeah, his estimation of only needing a couple more games to be 100% seems suspect...to be fair though, it feels to me like he’s pretty close to what we’d expect if he never got Covid.


Hmmm, that’s an interesting point...whether JW makes his teammates better. Personally, I feel like that aspect should be weighed when selecting an MVP. Players like Westbrook and Harden seem to excel at the cost of their teammates...so I would argue that their stats are don’t matter much if the team still can’t win as the other players deteriorate.


That wrist tho :(


Latest update James Wiseman out at least a week with a sprained wrist


@Athletic Alchemy I was more comparing his screens to Looney's. For example Steph was clearly getting more open shots off screens when Looney is out there. In a vacuum JW's screens are decent, but by comparison we have better screen setters and hopefully he can learn from them


Yo Alch, great vid as always! I gotta ask, but what is it with guys like Perk and Big Baby coming at Klay for the McGruder burn? I get why Big Baby might whine about it since he's just living up to his nickname, but if Perk was supposed to have a rep for toughness you'd think he would be the last person to get in his feelings about trash talk. Or do you think it's just because he's trying to earn some brownie points with the rank-and-file players by showing he's gonna publicly defend them?


I'm a little worried for the long term injury side on Wise. Somehow the execution of these alley oops by the whole team has a sorta 7 foot kamikaze pilot look to it. They got to clean it up just for his safety. He had an ugly floor crash at Memphis State too. Hope it's not a forever pattern.


I agree the others need to be conscious at least until he fills into his body and his core is stronger


Of course always room for improvement, I just hadn’t seen him slip or not set many. Usually he sets and forgets too roll for a second


Yeah, his core has a raggedy ann doll floppy thing for sure.