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gsw vs phx gm 19

This is "gsw vs phx gm 19" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Team notif for lifeeee


Really disappointing loss. Steph playing well and everyone else shit the bed except for Wiggins. Steph had it going and Oubre screwed everything. I really want Oubre to work given his talent, but it's looking bad

Alex H

Solid vid as always, Alc. You make me laugh out loud at least once in the game recaps. You read this Ringer article? Some dumbdumb hot takes but would be curious about your thoughts on this. https://www.theringer.com/nba/2021/1/28/22254571/bradley-beal-trade-warriors


Great vid AlC. They really wanna get more touches for Wiggins. The tryna get oubre and wiseman going so hard and that cost Wiggins so many touches. Mulder looking really bad out there. If he can shoot off the screens as well as he can shoot stand still he will be good But it doesn’t seem like it. Also we need more size. The roster moves we made recently looking really tuff. ALC u have any idea why we can’t find any decent shooters other than superstars for last few years ? Pretty much every other team has snipers. But other than Lee we don’t have any reliable shooter off the bench.


I think the problem is, you look at the Lakers, Bucks, 76ers...Heat they all have a allstar bigs. Im not sure Beal puts us over the top.


Mulder is supposed to be there to shoot threes. That's literally what he's supposed to be there for, but the dude is trying to do too much. He's trying to do everything when he's out there and it's hurting the team. They need to either move him, if they can, or they need to put their foot down and make it clear what his role is.


This team lack vets and high IQ guys! A vet helps so much in pulling ranks on guys....Oubre thinks he is better than wiggins or at the same level and wiggins doesn’t have the personality to assert himself as the second best player of this team currently...It works better on offense when there is a clear one two punch and the rest of the role players shares the shots depend in as who got the hot hand...that’s draymond role...and he only wants to coach wiseman because he knows the others guys won’t be here next year or he counting on him for his next contract or back end of his career...great vid.


IDK maybe they are looking too much a positional need rather than just who can shoot it. Who is that lanky kid we had in preseason I don't think he missed Ryan something I believe.


He is just no a NBA player, he is not basketball athletic nor does he have the iq.. he'd be great in a rec league!


They should just stick Oubre in the corner ala Pj tucker.. Defend and go run to the corner. He can attack a close out and shoot short corner 3's


the best decision would be to start damion lee i feel like that one change could change the dynamic of the starters


Matchups and PnRs, two words Steve Kerr is allergic to. I don't know if it's his philosophy, but he doesn't want to play to the strengths of the players. If you put Mulder in, you stick him in the corner, draw his man, and pass it to him for corner 3s. Why does he often moves out of the corner? Why does he try to drive at opposing bigs? And that botched fastbreak with Baze and Wiseman, why wasn't it a lob instead? Why expect the bigman to bring it up or even take a dribble? And Steph and Wiggins were hot, but they couldn't keep finding them shots...


My favorite line wasn't even a joke, "Mulder may not even be an NBA player". He started well early, can absolutely shoot 3's as well as anyone, but I agree, it seems like he just sat in a gym by himself and shot 1,000 3's a day for his entire life, has he even played full court ball before, was soccer his main sport? I'm not giving up on Kelly yet but this game shows his main weakness, it's his head. And I'm glad u r counting James fumbles, it's going to be a very high number if u also count rebounds that he fumbles. It's like Manute Bol when he played, his hands were way up there and he would grab the ball first but his hands weren't strong enough to hold on to it, once the league sees this, it's rip city for James.


Mulder looked like a civilian, lol! 🤣🤣🤣 yes that drive makes Wannamaker look like Kyrie Irving... Glad there is no fans because no one should ever have to see that trash.


the Mulder layup at the 10 minute mark of the fourth was shockingly bad. Usually when a guy takes an uncontrolled layup like that its cuz hes going full speed and is out of control. But Mulder was dribbling in a more controlled manner and just threw himself into Kaminsky. And going with the right hand on the left side? Theres just so much wrong with that play

Thomas Ogas

We are going to be vulnerable at Center all season long and we just have to suck it up. Next season we'll have Chriss and Year-Two-Wiseman (and hopefully fill Smiley's spot with a Ring-Chasing Vet). We're going to be weak at Guard all season long as well, because we have Klay Thompson coming back and the guy we drafted to be his backup (Poole) is still a maybe prospect... Maybe we release Mulder and replace him with (fill in the blank Vet FA) ... but why do that? We aren't Contenders this year. We just need to keep building culture, developing for next season and make sure to keep our 2021 draft picks. But, yeah, I hate to see them playing shitty basketball two. 3rd game in 4 nights and a road game probably had a lot to do with it, too.


Oubre, Looney, and Draymond combined for 8 f'ing points on 3 for 21 shooting.... You can't win in the NBA like that! Looney probably cannot play back to backs.. He was really lumbering out there.


This rem cannot be good if draymond cant give us 10ppg. Im tired of people saying his job isnt to score. All the best defensive players in the league average double digit points. Giannis, AD, Rudy, Bam, turner,even smart, boucher.. yet warriors fans say his job isnt to score. Everybody has to score. Suns and denver beat us by committee..


Draymond earning 25m just to average 4.9ppg on 32/26/63 is unacceptable. He is killing this team.. idc how much defense he brings. If u cant score u are a net negative.


Every bad Oubre game makes me question why the Warriors gave up a top-20 protected 1st rounder and added up to $80 million in luxury tax penalties to get him when they could have just brought in someone for the minimum that offers similar production. And look I get it: he's new to the team, he's playing in a system he's not used to, and he plays with good energy and hustle on defense...but my god his tunnel vision is hampering the offense. When he gets the ball, he'll either jack up a bad shot or drive straight into the defense with no plans of kicking it back out. He's a black hole. For comparison's sake, right before the Oubre trade was announced in the wake of Klay's injury, one player I thought the Warriors should look into signing was bringing back GRIII for the minimum. Now granted, there was no guarantee he'd want to come back after they traded him last season, but I think he would've been as close to a Klay fill-in as there was available. I pulled up their stats for this season to compare how both are doing, per stathead. See link below: https://stathead.com/basketball/pcm_finder.cgi?request=1&sum=0&player_id1=oubreke01&p1yrfrom=2021&player_id2=robingl02&p2yrfrom=2021


I think Oubre should be restricted to taking catch and shoot 3s in the corner. I noticed that a lot of his misses were coming from that awkward spot of the 3 point line that is between the wing and corner .


Maybe its time to bring Simmons from the G league or the other guy who was bombing away in the Dubble.


Shall we call it a wrap? Shall we just go for the picks next year? Wigs going to be perfect next to Klay Steph dray and 2nd year wise. 2 high draft picks to bolster bench get some vets... I dunno if mediocre backend of playoffs better than what’s possible to set up next season


In todays NBA you can have 1 none scorer on the floor at a time.. we out there with 3 at times


Im not sure GR3 was over getting traded for tax relief. He was reportedly hurt when it happened


My patience for Draymond constant complaining has grown so thin. Get a grip on yourself Draymond, what you are doing is selfish and counterproductive. As you get older, the trick is not to play harder the trick is to play smarter. Ego in the way.


Warriors will regret not trading for Lonzo. Kelly def doesn't fit our system.


“I’d rather have Smiley out there in a walking boot” That’s the one to beat for the year man


It’s still available, If New Orleans is openly shopping a restricted free agent, it’s most likely due to Lonzo’s people telling the Pels he don’t wanna stay If I’m them though, I want a second attach to Oubre’s name in the exchange and I’m quite certain that is what happened and what stopped the deal so far


At this point, either Kerr needs to stop trying to make Oubre into Scottie pippen, or get Lonzo here bc although they are both inconsistent shooters, Lonzo isn't an idiot and can make the right pass.


Bro Im just glad we have Steph. Who else is putting up with these roster constructions from Mr. Palo Alto Plato who thinks they dont need any shooting? And also the reason steph has to play off ball so much is to get some or any kind of offense from Looney and Dray. Its not looking good Alc. Think theres a drought coming?


When my son was about 3 years old, the poor thing shit himself in his bed because in his dreams he thot was being trampled by a heard of elephants. And when the elephants stepped on him and he crapped himself, it was so bad, that when I ran over to his little bed, the poo was running out of the top of the onesie at his neck and oozing out the pants legs at the bottom. I had to pull him out of bed and drag the onesie over his head, getting shit all over his face, throw the poor crying kid, who was covered in shit, in the shower and then change the sheets on his bed at 3 am. And I would rather do that again than watch this kind of performance from the Warriors. I grew up with season seats (blessed) for Lakers during golden years of NBA; ya know, Lakers vs Celtics, Magic vs Bird and this performance and the presence of the Warriors players and coaches were so far from game with that kind of intensity and integrity, I am over it! This continues to be absolute junk. I'm so over the gentle Kerr way of doing things. I'm so over the inconsistency. I'm 63 and I don't need this kind of crap to lead me into my grave. If you want to see a hint of real basketball, and want a reminder of how good it can be and how bad by comparison this brand of basketball is, check out “30 for 30, Celtics/Lakers, Part 2”. I've been to the mountain top, and this brand of basketball is a wasted life. Yeah these players are “such good teammates”, and they all like playing together, and Curry is making points from everywhere. But really, Kerr should have said, “Yeah, Obrea better keep playing like he did in the last game, and so should everyone else, because we all could be on the trading block.” I have no patience for this kind of stuff. When you've gone around the sun as many times as I have, you understand the preciousness of each moment. They don't. Both coaches and players, they don't... Well, at least this kind of thing will help me get a life.


Every time I go to the trade machine I’m torn, but I’m always more drawn toward the Draymond trade for the point Alch made on non-shooters on the floor. As much as like Pascall as our 6th man, that is our starting power forward. Dray + the Minni pick is a powerful combination as trading piece (far more so than Oubre on his restricted).


The over helping off the corners always kills me. One of the few times I shout at my tv screen during games


Yep I think we have seen enough to know that this roster ain't cutting it. and Kerr's coaching choices aren't helping. Trying a partial rebuild and making playoff push in the same season seems like a recipe for just a mediocre season at best. If they don't make any changes Steph is going to get worn down and possibly suffer some sort of injury before season's end and we will be lucky to stay above .500. Molder, Oubre, Looney have to go at least. Looks like Mannion and Poole are going to the G league cause they are still far too raw. If Lonzo is available I would be all for taking him. He won't solve all or even some of our issues by himself but I trust him to make the right plays more than any of those I've just mentioned. If Kerr, Curry and Dray insist on sticking with basically the same schemes from the dynasty days then we need to get players with enough IQ to have a shot to make it work. As is if this team were somehow to make the playoffs that would get swept in the first round no question.

Jerry Heverly

I completely blame Steph for this loss. Harden, Westbrook, et. al. get pilloried for being ball hogs. Some of that is simply because they have public personas that make them fit the selfishness tag. Steph never gets that designation, (he is too much of a nice guy)but there are times when he out-hogs Harden......Look at the game in the third quarter when things turned decisively for the Suns. Steph went through a period of about three minutes when he dribbled down court for every possession and basically ignored the rest of the team. Now flash forward to the next 5-6 minutes of play. No Warrior could buy a basket, clank after clank. Why? If you go through a period when you are simply a spectator, when you don't even touch the ball, it isn't surprising that you might lose confidence and lose your feel for the basket if you are left out of the action for a prolonged period? That is what I saw.......The second team far excelled the first team. Could the absence of a ball hog have been a part of their success?......There were more things to criticize but Steph's selfishness during the key moments of the third quarter were key as far as I saw.


I think we all need to lower the expectations more for this squad. From the beginning of the year, we knew this team at it's best was gonna be a 6th seed. The fact we are above .500 after having one of the more tougher schedules in the league is honestly amazing. I feel like the dynasty years have spoiled all you guys into believing we should be dominating our opponents and playing flawless basketball. Fact of the matter is, we have an entirely new roster that is composed of several young players who trying to find chemistry with one another. This process isn't going to be instantaneous and will likely take the entire season to form. It's important for us to realize there are going to be many games like yesterday where we look like we shouldn't even be on the floor. But there will also be flashes of brillance like the Clippers and Lakers games where the team seems to hint at their full potential Let's all just learn to appreciate and enjoy this team when they show these small signs of progression rather than dwelling on their mishaps. It'll make this season a lot more enjoyable and less stressful for yall. I still believe in this team making the playoffs and making some real noise in the playoffs


Starting Baze or Lee instead of Oubre would add more shooting to our starting line up. You can't play brick bros along with oubrick all three being non shooters


Steph can be a ball hog at times, but would you rather have him try to will his team to victory or have bricklayers try to make their first shot in a week?


Less is more. Marcus Thompson brought it up on the Warriors +/- podcast. We've got players doing more than they should. Keep it simple and do what your good at.


I'm not on the Oubre for Lonzo trade train. As a Pelicans fan and I discussed, Lonzo is not even that great of a passer outside of transition offense. Oubre shoots better than Lonzo, we'll see how he does when he's not dealing with a crazy ex and facing his old Suns team. I just want this Draymond pass to Wiseman every possession nonsense to stop. It hasn't been efficient for most possessions either because Wiseman can't make his free throws or turn it over or the pass got forced which led to a turnover.


New brick bros: Dray 34%/22%/66% Oubrick 36%/22%/76%


Sideshow Bob... first audible I called during the game! Haha.


Exactly. Why did they draft Weisman? Both Lamelo and Halliburton fit better to their system. Weisman will be great scorer but I don't think he will be good passer/team player.


Draymond got to show something this season still valuable to the team but damn


all the 10 games we won: -games that end with a bailout game winner by Damien Lee -games where we defeat the worst teams in the league -games where we trial by 20+ and only come back because the other team didn’t really show up -games where the other team shot disastrously now that i think of it i don’t feel like we have a ‘proper’ win...At this rate we are not making the playoffs at all, and even if we make it, is a sweep in the 1st round. Some kind of trade has to happen to either save Lacob’s money or make the team better


It seems that Lonzo heard about trade rumors: 27 pts, 3 reb, 8 ast, 7-13 3 pt only 2 to


Agree with you man. The Suns looked past Oubre's dunks and box score stats and saw that Mikal Bridges is just better than him in every way. Shooting, layups, passing. Defense especially by far. Oubre is just too inconsistent on offense and dumb on defense man


I disagree man. Lonzo is a very good passer in transition. But his finishing and driving gravity is so bad, his passing looks worse than it is. Harden, Lebron and Giannis have great driving gravity which is why it allows them to showcase their good passing. But yeah, Lonzo's finishing is wack and his shooting is also streaky asf... but he has better awareness than oubre for sure


I'm betting Justinian Jessup better than Jordan Poole or Mychal Mulder right now


totally agree, Kerr seems to need to run the same system and not adjust his system for personnel. I mean, why is he having shot putters run the mile? This is not the system to fit this personnel. Much of this kind of loss is on coaching and management. They should have researched these kinds of traits in Obrea, Wiseman, etc and made sure Kerr could adapt to the personnel. I mean its easy to have Curry and Green and Thompson, all approved by Jerry West, and then add Durant, (who Jerry West convinced to come to the Warriors. But without Jerry's hand holding, the Warriors management is being exposed.


Overall I'd like to see a lot more movement from everyone off ball. Is there some rule I'm unaware of that Steph is the only one who can run around? Is it too much to ask to have Oubre/Wiggins/Bazemore hell even Looney/Wiseman make cuts or relocations to get the defense out of wack at least a little bit. Sometimes It's literally the 4 others players standing there like statues while Steph runs around looking for screens to come off. Everyone and their grandmother can see that Steph is the only threat in that situation. It's embarassing.


I still think lonzo would be better long term than oubre, don't know that they have the funds either way, but the way I see it, with klay coming back next year, lonzo's value as someone who could run the bench is more useful than a low iq slasher/dunker.


If you look at every team in the NBA besides the Jazz they are having a volatile season. Lakers are only 6-5 against teams above .5 and half those wins were against JJJ-less Grizzlies, Aldridge-less Spurs, and Cavaliers. Go look at the Nets, Clippers, and 76ers, they have all had terrible games against .5+ win teams. It's just overreaction that this team can't compete in the playoffs when it's nowhere near its full potential right now


I just can’t shake the feeling that every time our opponent plays at an acceptable level we 100% lose


This is a marathon not a sprint, it ain't about this year it's about giving ourselves a legit shot at one more ring sometime before Curry retires. We are building something and brand new teams rarely start clicking instantly, 2011 Miami heat started 8-9, 2015 Cavs started 19-20 for crying out loud. Now yes those are dramatic examples but the point is just because it hasn't clicked 19 games doesn't mean it won't be clicking after 100 games. Also something I realized too is we have 3 really young pieces we are relying on to give us so much and 2 have never played in a winning culture before and the 3rd is a rookie straight out of high school. Yes I was super frustrated and annoyed after this game but I calmed down and realized perspective is needed

Ken Bradford

Im kinda torn. On one side dray had covid and I know that some people still have issues with their condition long after but him being a absolute 0 on offense is just bad and unless he plays like a dpoy on every night he ain't worth the contract. I just don't know how long it's fair to wait on him at least improving some of his offense


Rebounding and boxing out will be the key to W tonight.


I don't think he'll ever improve. He is on steady decline for last couple of years. He lost his speed and can't play above the rim. His passing. screening and positioning along with high BBIQ are still there. I hope he proves me wrong and elevates his game before play off.


I think we can make the playoffs, but I think we are clearly a bottom seed unless something drastically changes.


Well said. Then again part of this whole sports thing is the bickering and trade talk. I mean you listen to Knick fans talking bout give us our respect. As if the last 20 years didn’t happen because they are hovering around .500. We all get caught up wanting or expecting more


the opponent made it worse for me.. same division, a team we are suppose to be hovering around.. but on to the next one


6ers really botched that move.. the kid they got im not sure is even going to stick in the league.. whats his name lil bouncy guard Ziere Smith or something


Its maddening! What do you think they see when they watch tape?!? It has to be strategy at this point


one of the more polarizing players maybe ever . I think he needs to just look to finish in the paint granted some big rim protector is not in front of him. Whats holding him back is not wanting to shoot FT.. NVM 3s


I am all for it. If Draymond goes down we are doomed without secondary playmaker. Sorry but I don't trust wannaburger. Lonzo can facilitate and take off some pressure. Another thing is we need another 7 footer. At this point even Mcgee would help. Why can't we use DPE ?


Once KD joined he stopped scoring and was primarily focused on facilitating. Without Klay and KD he looks totally lost on the floor forcing passes to SC and JW. That's why so many turnovers between the two. I'd like to see DLee in starting line up. That would open up passing game for Dray. With Oubrick camping at the corner our offense is too stagnant and predictable. Btw, if our bigs cannot hit fts we will soon see some "hack the dray/james" fugly games. They are both around 60% from ft line

Ken Bradford

I disagree with the decline because I'm sure he was just chilling in the reg season when kd was there he showed in the playoffs that he's still a top player in the league. But I'm not sure if that's the case anymore like you said I hope he gets it together this season


The kid has bad hands.. its one of the reasons they get outrebounded. The biggest guy cant catch the ball..


The dude stole money and warriors fans keep giving him a pass by saying his job isnt to score. Nobody asked him to score 30 every night. Look at the top 10 defensive players in the nba and all the other players average double digits in points. Its just crazy hiw useless he is and people talk about IQ. Dude this is bball. We arent writing SAT here. The outcome is decided by points. The team that scores the most wins the game. Idk why people cant see it. He hasnt scored 15pts in a game this season. Rudy gobert had a 29pt game..allother defensive players are scoring threats.. curry cant do it alone. At least contribute too


Lonzo isnt coming to the warriors. Kerr will never allow it so just cut out your fantasy and deal with reality.. lonzo has as good a chance of playing for the warriors as trump has a chance of hugging kerr..

Ken Bradford

Stole money lmao have you watched a single game the last 5 years or are you just checking bleacher report?


Dude tell me which GM will pay a player 100m to score 4pts.. he doesnt lead the league in blocks or steals.. draymond is a complementary player whose value only shows on good teams and due to his loud mouth people think he is the reason they won. Bucks didnt have draymond when they had the best defense 2 seasons in a row. Lakers dont have draymond but they have the best defense. Knicks dont have draymond but they have the 2nd best defense. Cut out the thought that he is indispensible. If he cant score, he is a net negative to this team. Jazz are on a 10 game winning streak because they have 5 scoring threats on the floor every time. Warriors have 2 scoring threats.. sometimes 3..

Ken Bradford

What you're saying doesn't make sense to me. I 100% agree that he isn't playing up to his current contract and just for the record I never said he's untradable. This is what casuals always get wrong (not you necessarily) about players like draymond. Box Scores are just a bad metric for their performance on the court. He isn't just shouting at people for fun otherwise more players and coaches would call him out. And remember the games he wasn't there steph wasn't winning shit and our defense sucked. It's about his individual defense and his coordination on both ends that makes him more valuable. Now of course he has to score but just scoring doesn't get you far enough. The warriors were a dynasty because they were elite on both ends. And trading dray will likely be a negative since he has more value to the warriors than other teams and the return would surely contribute less to winning than him so yeah we just fundamentaly disagree on this topic.


Before season started I predicted 36-40 wins and battleing for that 7th or 8th seed. With few upgrades in roaster we might be better than that


I think it's rather slow reflexes combined with lack of anticipation and experience. He will def improve but it will take some time...


I agree but still he should be able to average more than 4 ppg. Just add numbers...as a team we are not winning if only one of our wings go cold. He needs to step up. That's the whole point . ffs he's averaging barely 4 pts on 36% shooting 😱


Selling me on the Lonzo trade. Love Oubre when he is going, yikes when he isn't. Mulder can just fuck off.


I agree. Less Mulder is better for the team. His defense sucks and he's on and off with 3pt shooting


What’s up Alch. Unrelated to this tough loss, was wondering if you have ever had any Achilles soreness from hooping? Been playing a lot recently and think I have some Achilles tendinitis. Any advice / new hoop shoe suggestions?


hell he better be... mulder is trash... poole still got time to figure things out.


Lonzo isnt the answer. Though oubre gotta go but lonzo will be as bad and he has a errible father who will say his son isnt being utilized well once lonzo struggles.