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gsw vs den gm 12

This is "gsw vs den gm 12" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I'm here for hope


Alch go back to the 10-15 mark of the 2nd quarter. Wanamaker demands a post up, Lee doesn’t pass to him and Brad whines and we are forced to take an iso 3. By the way good on you not subjecting yourself to the Fitzs broadcast. I made that mistake.


Loon's gotta go. Or at least be getting sub 10 minutes. Bring Omari back


With the option of the national broadcast or Bob and Kelena, always gotta go with the former now. I prefer listening to Mark Jackson over those two, which says a lot.


Dray is the heart and soul and defensive captain and all BUT this man HAS to SCORE more that 1 god damn point in an NBA game. He’s not getting big stats anywhere else. Like 1 point my guy? That’s also cause he made only one of his 4 free throws smh. Fucking ridiculous.

Ezra Abbey

least enjoyable game of the season, like the nets & bucks games sucked but I enjoyed watching the young dudes hoop, this one was just boring. on another note I think one nice story to this game was steph and wiseman developing some chemistry, they played well off eachother with screens and the pick n roll/pick n pop was looking pretty deadly.


I had the same thought as you alch, steph was looking for his knowing the critique he had in the past 2 games, and it didnt matter that he was red hot bc we couldnt get a stop Speaking about Campazzo bein argentinian i read the local reporta on him and he gets a lot of hype but i think rn he is more flash than sustence, dont know how much impact he can have on a game specially bc of his size. I think denver ia trying to do what rhe Spurs did with Manu and what i mean with that is they are trying to reach the latin american crowd to grow as an organization selling more ts and such, so they are also fueling that hype train.


Sure, Steph had a nice scoring stat sheet but I think it's hard to just gloss over the game-high 7 turnovers from him. Green himself had 5 turnovers. Most of them were just lazy passes forcing into spots where it simply wasn't there.


Agree that it was a frustrating game to watch. They gave us just enough hope but getting within single digits but then the lead would just blow all the way back out. Our bench has been solid so far this season, which surprised me in the first few games and is largely because Paschall found his role, but they didn't contribute this game and the TNT broadcast pointed out a few times how much Denver's bench was outscoring us. I felt like Wiggins was a bit passive this game and I don't know how much of that was influenced by Draymond's energy or whether it's just Wiggins being Wiggins.


Alc, have you noticed that Wiseman has a very weak second effort after he makes a move in the paint. He needs to learn from EP or Chriss. Also, I’m going to look carefully on how Wiggins defends LeBron and how Draymond defends Davis!


That heart and soul thing is just a cliche. Draymond is by far the worst offensive player on the warriors. We cant be a playoff team if he cant score..


Right he shot well and it masked his overall game.. but I mean steph is going to to turn it over that s just who he is. Dray was just dawged it


Ok thank you! before Im told it's steph slander.... Thats a interesting take on Campazzo, he certainly has the accolades to be in the league. But not sure id be looking to add a 5'10 guard to my lineup as WCF team .


yup.. JW in the split is going to be a problem.. imagine if it's EP or Later Klay setting the screen


where the hell is poole?


I have...I bet its from never really having to give one up until this point. You can also see a false sense of ease finishing. Turner specifically was like nope! sorry kid I can get that or alter that... or Bol Bol last night.. he cant doing everything in 2nd gear gonna have to explode sometimes


Although it's certainly not a strong enough adjective, Draymond was absolutely awful last night and awful in every phase. I had flashbacks of Clifford Ray's play for the Warriors in his last year in the NBA when the only thing he could still do was hard foul and every minute he was on the floor was an embarrassment.


Wiseman looked like a completely different player. Didn’t bobble the ball, took the jumper with confidence. Looked loose, ran the fast break, etc. Best game of the season for him and if he keeps this up he’ll be a beast


I like Poole in the picknroll over Wanamaker, he's a much better playmaker than Wanamaker. That second unit Offense is junk..they could mix in some Poole PnR with Wiggins/EP iso. Steph has a weakness on Offense (not a great lob passer), Poole is a great lob passer. Worth a try Alc?


They are 6-6, lots of .500 or near .500 teams and they still have a disabled player exception to possibly use when teams decide to move a useful vet or two.....and the Warriors are ready to realize exactly what they have and what they need to push to the playoffs.


Strph should stat pad and win scoring champion. Thats the only thing he can do this season. When draymond is helping him with a whooping 1 pts all game..draymond is averaging 4ppg on 28% FG and 20% 3pt in 27mins.. i dont wanna hear his game is beyind stats. Where should the points that will help us win games c9me from. Heaven?. If draymond cant gv 10ppg then we are in trouble. Steph should stat pad.. he needs it. He shouldnt even carry anynof those scrubs along., get his own points and just look at kerr and myers


This TMZ story about Oubre and his ex girlfriend came out today about her trying to extort him for like 3 mil. Could be part of the "slump", pretty big distraction off the court. Seems like he is starting to get a hang of things here though.


not mad at steph or wiseman stat-padding... it's a long season.... This offense is hella frustrating though.... We can't all put it together.... we need to face a bad team soon....


I know we all say Green's impact is beyond scoring but let's be real here. An All Star player should be capable of dropping at least 12 ppg or even more. Kawhi is also a dpoy so let's not act like Draymond is incomparable. People should at least respect you for something. Corner 3s or top of the key. If this continues, I fear we won't win any games anymore.


Nice catch on that little stagger back "Bogut screen" Someone is working with Wiseman a lot on all sorts of screen fundamentals and it's showing.


That was painful to watch start to finish. What's the chances of getting PJ Tucker? Probably zero huh, but we need some more scoring and Loonz is a blackhole on offense. I don't mind Steph hunting or padding really because we get on him if he doesnt take enough shots so there's that. I still stand behind Oubre even though he throws so many bricks from beyond the arc but his defense is elite and he gets a few steals per game that keeps us in reach. Some funky ass lineups though from Kerr ugh.


Draymond needs to start scoring... Give us at least 8 pts a game bruh


Ehh I don't think he was stat padding. He was just entering aggro mode because at that point you needed someone to take over. It's not the first time we've seen him do this, we've seen him be aggressive when shots aren't falling for anyone else and there is a 10+ pt gap. I saw him frustrsted towards the end when Lee missed an obvious return pass to Curry and if anything there may have been some frustration involved regarding the team's offensive IQ, so he dominated the ball more. Kerr talked about Wiseman's spacing awareness on both ends and I agree that's probably the biggest problem aside from not being able to catch anything. Unless he makes a jumper or there is some split action / PnR involving Steph, Wiseman has hurt the offense overall.

John Z

All I can think with this is team is less is more.

Jerry Heverly

Alch, I am curious about your reaction to a line in today’s game story in the Chronicle (Connor Letourneau): “The Warriors gave up 54 points in the paint and piled up 19 turnovers -- including seven from Curry, who tallied a number of giveaways because teammates weren’t in the right spot on the floor.”

Natto Santo

Either Draymond or Oubre has to come off bench. Both of them on the court would just kill the spacing.


I wonder if they didn’t want JW falling in love with the 3.. but we could sure use him spaced out there at times.


He hit two, was it against indi or sac... I don’t have much faith on the 3, but layups come on now


Very good to see, it seems like screening is somewhat innate, even tho it seems like it shouldn’t be.


Alch, do you think it is time to officially give up on Draymond getting his 3 pointer back to that 33%-35% sweet spot? I was hoping with a bigger role on offence and the comments he made in the offseason about wanting to improve his 3 pointer that he would get to that sweet spot, but it seems like it just isn't going to happen. It's also crazy to me that his offensive bag hasn't improved AT ALL in the last 5 years. I mean just having a decent floater from the free throw line would help open the offence when he is in those 4v3 situations after Steph throws the ball out of the double team. Most teams are just playing him for the pass and he's becoming extremely predictable.


That’s a good way of putting it “ spacing awareness” how bout letting him stretch it out a bit? He just runs into the post with no regard for where everybody is set up.


I keep watching Wiseman retreat after every shot, especially his own, get your 7'1" butt in there and hit the glass. And agree Dray has been coasting for a couple games. I noticed 2 games ago on switches he was way too far back and gave up a number of easy 3's. Maybe the skirt KO is battling is going after Green as well.


I think it was bound to happen at some point but tonight was Damion Lee's first kinda bad game for me. I'm also kind of regretting that the front office didn't keep JTA over Mulder, we coulda used his energy tonight


I’m sure someone can point to a few where that was the case. But too me Steph has always been too deliberate passing out of PnR. That is one thing I though he could of picked up from DLO. Who is just masterful manipulating the defenses before he swings it. It’s probably has developed because Steph gets bum rushed so aggressively he just built up the habit of getting rid of it ASAP


Just when I’m ready to give up he will hit a few like the other night idk man... but I think he should just work on his FT so he can be aggressive once downhill. Imagine if he shot 80 at the line.. I imagine we see him trying to finish or draw fouls way more.


Got to find a way to get more size out there.. I don’t think Mulder shooting makes up for how weak and small he plays defensively.


I think we saw a little bit of sloppy Steph that Draymond was referring to in his comments after the 62 game. As an old point guard, I scream at the TV every time he gets sloppy with the ball. I agree 100% about the need for size.


Why isn't Poole getting a look over Wanamaker/Mulder right now? I think his playmaking should give him some weight. Wanamaker/Mulder are static, Poole... more dynamic


Could take some weight off 2nd unit when Wiggins is in there.


Alch, what's your take on our defensive scheme? I feel like we are over reacting in the post. Are they told to just automatically double a big in the post? I get that Wiseman is most likely going to lose against Jokic in the paint, but atleast he'll learn from experience going man to man against him. I'd rather take that than a wide open 3. Jokic's MO is to create for others, and his court vision is elite and we just kept feeding him. It's not just this game too, i keep noticing that we overhelp in the post even if it's not an obvious mismatch. I think we will do so much better if we just simplified things. High PnRs in offense, man to man on defense.


Remember how Draymond used to frustrate the life out of AD? Don't think that's the case any more. Not looking forward to the Lakers game.


Lol, I could see that actually. Kerr has pretty high patience for players. I'm thinking he takes a hard look, then unleashes the Poole. My eyes not that keen to the game, but Wanamaker hit the court and just sucks the life out of the offense.


Does Steve Kerr subscribe? Date JW Mins 1/8 15.18 1/10 16.32 1/12 Alchemy's video 1/12 26.03 1/14 27.33


@steve play Poole. Don't play looney (I know we have to, but god damn). Bench Wannamaker.


Kerr needs to stop the experimenting. give us a healthy diet of steph paschall PnR, steph Wiseman, steph dray, Wiggins and whoever else... we need the highest efficiency on offense, and simplicity to cut out the turnovers


when was the last time Jokic ever did a reverse dunk?!


also, JOkic is looking way more swift on his feet


instead of giving millsap a prostate exam im deaddd hahahahha


Steph with the 7 turnovers man damn.


thanks brother, great stuff


I love me some Steph, but he seems kinda disgruntled out there, almost disdainful of the level of play. I get it, he’s been playing in a symphony the past 5 years and now has to make do with a couple kids and a busted kazoo, but if I was a teammate it wouldn’t be helping.


we, yes, we (lol) are literally 2 games behind the 3 seed. People need to chill its early.


No he doesn't But 5 dudes who talk to him do Along with another couple assistants in the front office


curry was visibly frustrated towards the end of the game and he basically stopped trusting his teammates, he made quite a few 'selfish' plays dribbling himself into scoring etc. But that brings up a question in my mind, is now finally the time for Curry to become a more selfish player? I actually think the warriors would benefit if Curry hunts his own more, because this group need a true leader to lead them by action. If Curry opens up his scoring early every game then the team will probably ends up playing better


Luckily the four most key things that cost us this game (defensive intensity, free throws, layups, and turnovers) are more fixable than lack of talent. Execution and effort take time, but by game 25 it should be more consistent. Notice that Wiggins' shot has been flat both of these last two games? That usually seems to be his issue during off shooting nights, is that a sign of fatigue from his defensive effort? Fun fact: Wig is tied for 4th in blocks, and the next highest SF is Grant at 20th


Oubre for lonzo


game might have been a dud but this video was great