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Why isn't James Wiseman Playing More?

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I actually like his situation.....he will get crunch time minutes when we get out of this long stretch of playoff teams. When we can fuck around a bit and give him a little extra leash.


Melo 1 Wiseman 2 Edwards 3


Interested to see the Denver match-up on Thursday. Jokic will feast against small ball. Not sure we can make it up on the other end by taking advantage of his defense. Expect to see more of James and Loon in the 4th quarter.


Alchemy i love your videos but most of what u said here doesnt make any sense.. the reason wiseman isnt playing is simple. He is too inexperienced and they are scared he would lose important games. Kerr cant risk it because they are basically playing 4 on 5 due to oubre not producing. The starting 5 is a negative and they are crowding steph which is making him frustrated. Steph plays better with the 2nd unit which has more spacing. Think about it..4th qtr of a close game when every possession is important. We have draymond and oubre who are offensively negative then u want to add wiseman who is hugely inexperienced and is likely to commit silly fouls while we may already be in the penalty..


We beat the dog shit out of them in preseason though and they still don't look great. Meanwhile we look worlds better. Im more worried about Pacers tonight and the suns then denver


I hope that part of practice is Dray and Steph each throwing 100 oops for James. Huge opportunity and big area for improvement.


Wiseman 1 because he’s a harder talent to find and I’m not down with the lamelo dad baggage. Granted I respect him raising 2 1/2 Nba players. He will have to earn and learn his minutes and I’m down with that.


The 2nd point about wanting to let steph know its still about him doesnt make sense either. Wiseman is no threat to steph. Infact steph has been trying to spoonfeed him by sacrificing his own buckets for wiseman. Wiseman and steph have different personal objectives. Wiseman is learning to play while steph is trying to cement his legacy..in the next 3yrs maybe we can have that discussion but anything sooner. Its a no no.. the issue here is the starting 5 arent working. Oubre is a total negative.. even the defense people hail him for, opponents shoot better FG% against him..wiseman has been a net negative too. Wiseman would have to develop to the point of being a positive on the floor before he can be used in crunch time..


I’d say Melo 1 , he already looks better than his brother. I think Minnesota went for Edwards thinking they already had an all star guard and center in Russel and KAT. However, realistically they should have went for the players with the most upside (Melo/Wiseman). Us warriors fans know you most likely can’t win with Russel, Minnesota looking quite foolish with how they drafted and how they handled the wiggins trade. IMO.


I think Kerr wants to give more minutes to Wiseman. The reason he doesn't may be due to our lack of center depth after Chriss got injured, Wiseman is the only 7 footer on the roster and if he gets injured we are expecting Looney to fill in center full time. Probably the same reason Looney got less minutes than Zaza in regulsr season but took over for playoffs.


Thanks for addressing this. I think Wiseman is plenty capable of more minutes, and they're just being way too stingy with it. It was a good matchup with Toronto, and they just decided "nah" for whatever reason. I like Kerr but sometimes I think he needs to get his head out of his butt and stop obsessing over small-ball. I think your last point has some validity to it in certain ways, but I think that sort of mindset would apply more if we drafted a guard like Melo. I highly doubt Steph feels competition with a center.


Wiseman goes 1 for sure, we got an absolute steal and I love it. I agree it’s a balancing act and hopefully we’ll see his minutes increase especially as he gets more on court chemistry with Steph and Dray. I’m salivating at our potential spacing when Klay is back next season.


I think Kerr was protecting himself and Wiseman from the backlash of losing that Raptors game. Vanvleet and Lowry are just to crafty for Wiseman right now. I could see him getting in foul trouble with those two, which could of cost us the game. I think if Steph gave us some more points and we had larger point differential then I could see him putting him in at the 4th but the game was too close roll then dice. I think he made the right call.


Alternative potential reasons, Kerr really favors perimeter defense and cites that as the big reason why centers are not getting as minutes in the NBA. Looney is the superior perimeter defender right now and that's who he prefers in final minutes. He's also trying to find out what other rotations are working by taking away Wiseman's minutes to some of the 2nd unit.


Kerr really did a dice roll when Chriss went down and because he was reluctant to increase either Looney or Wiseman to significantly more minutes he played small ball E.P. at the 5 and surprisingly it had good results but sooner or later as the Warriors play the "Big" teams in the west Wiseman is going to be tested and maybe more minutes now would prepare him for that?


Classic Steve, does it all the time


Wiseman 1. Lamelo 2. Edwards 3. I don't think it's close if you look past the first 2 months, if you are saying to win the first month of this season it would be different. I'd bet the farm on Wiseman going 1 in a redraft. Great point about discipline.

Jerry Heverly

As a 30 year teacher I often heard colleagues say just what you asserted. Like most accepted wisdom I think it’s bunk. I always started as friendly as possible and adjusted as circumstances warranted. That worked for me but would probably not work for everyone……..As to Wiseman, I think your mention of Chris Webber is spot on. Alienating a player like James is a risk. The most worrisome thing for me is that I have never seen Wiseman smile during a game, an ominous sign…...I argue that this is a two year process. Trying to win every game at the expense of Wiseman’s self-confidence would be a mistake. The Warriors are not a title threat this year so developing James is more important than one more marginal victory. If he made a crucial mistake in the final seconds vs.Toronto it might set back his development (but I would have risked it).....My retrospective picks? Wiseman #1; LaMelo #2; Okongwu #3

Ezra Abbey

I think reaching the playoffs would be a big mental win for this team so I can understand why he hasn't been put in late game situations yet, although I do think we will see more of him as the season continues.

Dan Doerge

For the Warriors, Wiseman was definitely #1. Let MN and Charlotte argue about the scraps.


I mean man that’s exactly alch’s point in the first few min of the vid. Wiseman is a big, takes a bit longer to develop. Unc also said that wiseman isn’t even on the same planet as steph yet man. Wiseman coming tho


See you only hear it as a Steph slight. That’s not what I’m saying, nor did I say Steph was in on the theory.


In today’s league, I think the question is how long is he alright with this limited a roll....No need to apologize Tomas, happens to me twice a week on Twitter


If siakams shot went in, we lose that game. The issue I have is that clearly the Warriors were starting to blow that game in the 4th, yet Kerr never once played Wiseman to try to hopefully prevent that collapse. For all we know, puting Wiseman in could've prevented the Raptors from even getting a chance to win it on the last shot.


Right I hear you it be silly to think he feels threatened by a young center. Point was this is supposed to be his revenge tour. And maybe Kerr wants to make it clear that is priority 1. win now for your 32 yr old MVP


I’ve tried to almost put it out if my mind for now. But you replace Oubre with klay and we are looking scary.


Yeah EP is probably cutting into a few of his potential min.. but you are right It’s inevitable


I dig Wiseman. He's a great kid and will be a contributor for a long time in the league but... I called Lamelo. He has the it factor and it seemed obvious to me. I would have loved to see what he could do in a small ball lineup with Steph, Klay, Draymond, Wiggins, and Pascal.


I'm surprised he's shooting as well as he is particularly from 3


Hey alch, great video!! I’d love to hear your opinion on the Kyrie situation at some point. Imo Kyrie is an idiot but id enjoy you’re breakdown of recent events i.e missing games for ‘personal reasons’ and now being seen at sisters 30th bday party with no masks / distancing, Thanks !!


Thats true, but I feel like wiseman could be a beast on the offensive glass- but for some reason, he doesnt appear to be aggressive enough on the boards. It feels like he is more worried about being where the coaching staff wants him to be than he is about using his talent to help his team. Kerr should let him play through some mistakes.


apparently he was shooken up about what happened at the capital building.....Kyries a goofball though.

Branden Edwards

Because all three teams are happy with their picks thus far I think the draft order remains the same.


Timely video. I was thinking about this a lot the last game watching his minutes the 3rd and 4th quarters and hearing his response when asked about 4th quarter minutes after the game. I trust that Kerr is talking a lot with him and staying on the same page. And yeah, I'm a homer and would definitely pick Wiseman #1 if we did a redo right now. His tools are more than I even imagined. His jumper looks so good and he's got better handle than expected. His hands (catching passes and corralling some rebounds) has been the only minor area that hasn't looked stronger than expected so far, but on the pass catching side, the team has been throwing some horrendous passes his way and they need to clean up the delivery.


I think you are overrating him. He shows flashes of brilliance but the game is just too fast for him right now


Nice nice. I'm not worried about Wiseman's minutes. I think the logical explanations in this case make sense. Dude is 10 games into his NBA career and slow rolling it is okay. The other factor is that the Warriors team is new to each other. It's not as if Wiseman is stepping into a lineup with Steph/Klay/Dray with Andre and Shaun on the bench. I think it'll ramp up as the season progresses. If the pics were redone, I think Minnesota would take Lamelo and Wiseman would still go #2. The future of Minnesota's franchise is KAT and I think KAT and Wiseman might clash. Lamelo as a playmaking wing would be a good fit with D'Lo and KAT. Wiseman would still go 2, and Edwards would fall to Charlotte I think.


Facts Alch, had to learn that the hard way. Got my first coaching job last year, an under 16 squad. Cause of the Corona stuff we had to practice in small groups and I worked with 4-5 people individually the whole summer. After most guys came from their summer break, we started Practicing as a team again. But during those summer workouts I've gotten to know the few players a lot and we were always joking and stuff playing one on one. Once we starting prepping the season these guys always played the coaches favorite card no matter what. The intensity was abysmal. I really went strict on them, but too late, they were always complaining about their teammates in scrimmages, doggin it and stuff. Anyway, unfortunately I had to leave, I've moved to another city to study. And when I get my next opportunity, hopefully soon, I'll know better. I'm 20 now, but that age gap shouldn't matter when I show them from the jump, that I'm serious about this. Thanks tho, Great vid as always.


Remember that Penny talked about how Wiseman cried in his first practice. Draymond says he takes things personally. Kerr is putting him in enough to show his Kareem hooks, his Giannis euro steps, and iron out his mistakes. He's looking for the goldilocks minutes. You all see how fans are. Wannamaker makes a couple of mistakes and everyone hates him. Kerr wants Wiseman to succeed, so taking the time to learn how things move around and not make 11 mistakes in one game is just right. This is all an extension of your first point. You covered all the bases. The Covid fro is looking good Alc. 1. Wiseman. The league moved in the big direction and Wiseman proved his game got better in 2020. And then his upside is I don't even want to start.. 2. LaMelo. Point god. 3. Edwards. He seems like a great dude

John Z

Maybe conditioning is an issue for Wiseman at this time. He hadn't played organized basketball for a year before the brief camp. Once he starts to get his pace, his minutes will probably go up.


could that injury scare have anything to do with limiting his minutes? Maybe word came down from the higher-ups that Kerr should take things slow with him?

Natto Santo

Wiseman needs to play more with Draymond and he will be ok

Natto Santo

BTW praise to Baszemore, he is doing good things on both ends and keep cheering up the spirits

Ken Bradford

I feel like with everything this season we have to be a bit more patient I do hope we see more of him tho and maybe see if Poole is still alive once we get some games with more garbagetime


I have no problem with the team holding Wiseman accountable on defense. So much for him to learn on that end. But since last night, I kinda feel that the team simply isn't looking out for Wiseman on offense. He's basically in "if you want the ball, go grab a rebound" mode. I don't blame him for taking rushed jumpers any more, because man, does he not have a place in our offense.


Wiseman looks like he's pouting whenever something goes wrong. He should have a more "next play" mentality and not be grieving so much/long. Of course learn from mistakes, but not so emotionally (more Kahwai like). We all know he's going to make mistakes. So have a learn first mentality and not pout first.

Nathan Glanzer

Did you cut out the Kerr and Wiseman pics yourself? Those are pretty clean edges.