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gsw vs sac gm7

This is "gsw vs sac gm7" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



How long has it been since the "extended garbage time" was in our favour haha


get wannamaker the fuck out. this mf pissing me off

Ezra Abbey

harrison barnes looked like the best player on the kings last night, what a shit show. I'm trying not to be too optimistic since the kings are a train wreck but I can't help but feel excited!


I'm with you on Wanamaker :/ Get him outta here!!


I want to see Poole take over Wanamaker's minutes. Wanamaker's passes are terrible, and he's supposed to be their backup PG. Why not take him out and let the other guys simply run drive (and kick) instead.


I don't understand why Kerr doesn't try Poole at the 1. He's a better playmaker than Wanamaker.


Yeah I’m not going to lie I feel like we’d be better off giving Poole the backup point guard role over Wannamaker he really don’t move the ball 😂


Glad to see we're all on the same page about wanamaker, I hope Kerr joins us soon


would be nice to get a big but I can't stand Whiteside. As you said before the man doesn't wipe his back side, lolz. Also low-key Andrew Wiggins has been solid but he's going to have turn his performance up a few notches. If Klay was here he'd be doing just fine, but with Klay out Wiggins gotta be somewhere around 20-22 a night if we really going to solidify ourselves in this playoff run. Paschall went from the biggest disappointment to potential 6 man of the year candidate?


Poole ain't ready yet. He has to earn it. He still very lost. He missed out not having summer league part two. He would've been able to prove much more to the coaching staff. He still looks unsure out there which we cannot have. But I hope he gets more playing time.


Poole cant defend and he isnt an efficient scorer. Go look up his numbers.. he isnt anywhere close to being efficient and he has a tendency to hijack the offense and jack up shots


Not to just pile on Wanamaker, I know he's got some defensive value but I was really hoping he'd be a distributing point guard for the second unit. Would love to see Poole at that spot, way less rigid, way smoother and better playmaker, and probably better scorer at this point. I feel like it'd be a nice second unit dynamic with Poole setting up Wiggins and Paschall

Ravi Dissanayake

Who tf is dj olive? For your question Alc is Draymond the key reason we shooting better? I’d say he’s helping our wings get in better rhythm off defensive stops. That definitely boosts their confidence as well. Mhmm yes


It was a fun game even though we probably shot it better as a group than we will most nights so not a completely accurate picture of where the Warriors actually are as a team but still much to like other than the shooting....first good assist game....and I can't remember a Warriors team that had so many players that could apply this much on ball pressure and Wig/Kelly/Bays/JTA and even Nico can do it. Also E.P. finding out what his game is and stacking successful games while getting in better shape so there's that.


huge jlin fan.. ill leave at that.. brad!


the pikachu dumpoff 😂😂😂 oh man


Love the breakdowns. Couldn't watch the last three games live, and your commentary is always on point. Thanks man!


I'm so tired of Wanamaker. My lord.


Wanamaker was killing me in garbage time with all his shots lol, let the young guys get theirs

Connor H

Wannamaker and moulder have been so much rougher than I expected


Is our bench very good now? We need a vet big man though.


his daugher Olive and his son DJ. They were in the stands watching the game


Yeah BOIIII! Draymond's first game back was a huge letdown, but I had to recalibrate my expectations because it was probably unreasonable for us to expect the team to look like magic his first game back...BUT THESE LAST 2 GAMES! Wow, I'm really floored by how much better the whole team is looking. My GAWD when Draymond didn't hesitate on that 3pt shot and it went down...PURE FANGASM!!! Anyone else catch him jawing off to Corey Joseph late in the game? I was trying to lip read what he was saying but it seemed like some of that tasty trash talk...I was loving the energy. It was funny to see Oubre's 3s fall while the Sac announcers kept saying "THAT'S the guy you want taking 3s." Totally agree with everything you said in this breakdown, especially Wanamaker, "the least talented ball hog, I've ever seen." NAIL ON THE HEAD!!! After that first game, everything I've seen from Wana is selfish, trash. I don't think we need any more data: Dump his ass. Poole and Nico were looking nice in those garbage minutes, wish we saw more. Poole has a really nice triple threat from the perimeter game.


Would so love to see Chriss coming off the bench right now with this unit. Brad will sit now going forward. Poole and Mulder will play with Mannion finding some light here and there, I just got to believe Kerr sees what we all see, Brad isn't it. Kelly posing on his spin out was so Kelly but it was his only screw up really, he's fitting in nicely now, like he said now the season can start for him. Dray is doing his thing now and so wants to be a coach some day, these young guys need him on the floor but I agree with u Alc, we start losing and he will lose the plot and start whining like a stuck pig

Thomas Ogas

They want Wannamaker to be the backup PG due to his size (compared to Poole), experience with the Celtics, and his very high FT% ... and it did seem like he had a high BBIQ in the pre-season, but I wonder if he's feeling some sort of way about minutes, or competition or something else. He's not really facilitating Warriors basketball or playing the role as we like it played. And his defense has been so-so lately. Maybe it's just a small sample size. We'll see how things shake out.

Jerry Heverly

I"m with Tony Stark. Replace Wanamaker with Jeremy Lin, as long as that doesn't impede Poole's progress. The best news out of these last 3 games is that the main focus is on the second unit now that Draymond has solidified the starters.


GG. Thoughts on wiseman... He wants to emulate KG, right? Jump-shooting/ shot blocking big? Makes sense for a contemporary nba player. Not that anyone wouldnt want to add a bit of the dream's game, but maybe wiseman could work on that move of hakeems where he jump stops into the entry pass and then spins immediately baseline with the drop step. Im not a pro trainer, but that move is great for learning to establish a strong pivot foot and a quick spin. He could probably dunk w his head behind the backboard.


Wanamaker is so weird man, I also talked about his poor defense a couple games ago. He seemed like an okay shooter so I didn't really notice his lack of passing at first. We complained on the past about the bench being too passive, like Casspi, but this dude is the exact opposite.


That’s a good call.. He is so fluid no doubt he could pick it up.. I think the question would be the release and is it quick enough while turning


It be really dope to see the lightbulb go off for Wig and KO like ahhh it’s not all about scoring.. this is how to win 🤞🏽


Yeah I can’t front the Dray effect has been starting. Is that who it was at? I saw him chirping


I really thought he was going to be an IQ player off the bench, and in reality seems like the only rotation player who doesn't get it...


Probably could get Whiteside for a second round pick at the deadline. Especially in a year where people are trying to save money.


It's crazy like you said about the emotion swing from Friday to now. The same could be said about what will happen after these two games against the Clippers. Every pod has buried the warriors as >10 send seed even after the Portland win. But if they take 1 off the Clippers or take them both, its all everyone will talk about. On the flip side, if they get mopped up twice, we'll be back closer to Friday's vibes.


We believe had some lineups with Stack JR Barnes and BD but I agree this is a different level of length and athleticism

Branden Edwards

If we make the playoffs and Draymond isn't at least top 2 in DPOY votes I'm going to riot

Jansen E

I'm glad I was totally wrong about this game. I thought theyd come out flat after that big game against Portland. But thankfully they did the exact opposite! And also I guess....I just overestimated how good Sacremento is?? Anyway, quick thoughts on this game: 1) Funny how right after I say Im totally done with Looney, NOW he chooses to have his best game. But even though he had a good game on paper, most of his points were point blank and rather easy "should" finishes. Like he SHOULD be making those and has no reason not to. Im still pretty done with him. He's not a long term solution to a backup center. I prefer to have Paschall in there most of the time. 2) OUBREEEEEEEE. What'd I tell you man xD hahaha. I wont expect him to make 4 threes a game, but damn if he gets into any sort of rhythm, I will be totally fine with that. I just wish he'd stop trying to dunk EVERYTHING. I get thats just the type of guy he is and its a give and take but damn man....would it kill you to lay it up just once? hahaha 3) Everything else was pretty positive. Wiseman is learning more each game. Bench looked good. Shooting was an outlier, so I wont be expecting 23 threes again. But it was nice to finally see the lid come off the basket for the whole team. I still dont believe Mulder is a good shooter. He might have a game like this every now and then. But extended garbage time against the Kings doesnt convince me that he can continually shoot well. 4) Brad fucking Wanamaker. That fast break where he had THREE open guys, and decides once again to get STUFFED on a layup attempt. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with that dude. Get him off the damn court. Take his jersey. 5) MY MAN NICO!!!!! It was great to see him get some playing time. Shame he didnt score. I know hes better than Wanamaker. You could see it in his handle and his passing already. The dude has potential. I wish I could just convince Kerr to use Nico instead of Brad. He'd learn much faster and I know he'd hit the open guy and facilitate better. Dont need him to be a shooter right now. Although if he can do that too, hey. No sweat.


Line in the DMV XD


I think Lin deserves a call up over Brad. Whatever is left of him after all the injuries is surely better than what Brad is bringing. The stats don't matter themselves but I think at least Lin would be humble enough to know and play his role to the best of his ability. Obviously the hope is for Poole and Nico to develop quickly enough to not need to rely on such vets too much. We really need another backup centre option besides Loons too ideally someone around Wiseman's size.


steph is finally looking like steph


Man, hard not to feel excited right now It’s just so good to see what happens when we are clicking and that there are huge areas for improvement Tomorrow should be a perfect test for how this young team does when things don’t come so easily but have some decent chemistry, momentum, and confidence

Natto Santo

Steph is on a MVP level and Wiggins is improving on both ends, Wiseman is better than rumors, the only disappointing player is Wanamaker.


Do you see a correlation between oubre getting out in transition more and him shooting better? Is that just me?


you not wrong about being worried every time looney touches the ball. I can barely watch


i think you should give some cred to stephs brother in law though. He is playing decent off the bench


I don't think so. I think it's just variance, people forget Klay started like sub 20% from 3 several times.


Alc, I wonder if Steph's bulk is moving in the direction (intentionally or not) of CP3. At least three years ago, you called out that CP lost a step, was no longer explosive etc. At at his advanced NBA age he is still beyond effective. He's crafty, smart, moves well. And he's strong. Granted, much of his gravity is based in his giant can. Which is probably the reason he is prone to butt muscle pulls which led to a chip for us. I am just wondering why people talk about Steph's window as 2-3 rather than 6 years


Treating this clips series like the Portland series, if we split then I’m happy. I’m guessing we’ll put Oubre on Kawhi and Wiggins on PG, but the team defense will be the deciding factor on that end. Great opportunity for Wiseman to learn and grow guarding the paint without as much help, thus forcing them to rely on the three ball and allowing Dray to rotate to the perimeter when necessary. It’s nice going into this series with excitement rather than dread. Hopefully Steph can keep his run going against one of the best perimeter defenses in the league. There will probably be tons of open shots for Wig, Oubre, and our role players that they’ll need to hit if we’re gonna have a chance of winning.


I think Wiseman is going to impact Kawhi in the paint. He is so reliant on pump fakes and James has been doing well staying down Should be fun


I think it started with trying to deal with all the grabbing off ball.. and now years later he finds himself much stronger and in position to really take advantage of it. I think the “window” is Prime not career


It allows him to run to a spot and be set, rather than catch on the move and have to use footwork to get set


I definitely was expecting a letdown game.. I suspect after gm 10 Kerr will recalibrate the backup guard min.


That’s just it.. if we are not true contenders this year. Why bring up Lin at the cost of stunting Poole and Nico


Interesting how Oubre seemed to shoot better when he peeps the three point line first. Haha. Unusual but i guess it matches his unusual pace


So exited for the game this eve Really wanna see how Wiggins and Oubre do on both ends with elite wings on the court I’m hoping Dray will keep them high energy and focused and they give em a real run for their money


Knicks are waiving Spellman. I imagine we bring him back soon?