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gsw vs por gm6

This is "gsw vs por gm6" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Chris Cho

been waiting!!

Kahlil Baker

☝🏾☝🏾Same!! Been checking my phone all morning🤣🤣


Was waiting for this! I'm excited for this steph.

Branden Edwards

I haven't been this excited for a breakdown in years. Keep up the great work keep grinding

Connor H

It was awesome seeing steph actually get some respect and superstar calls. Still waiting for a true skyfucker game though raining threes


How does the chef look now!? 👀


Living in the UK i normally go to bed at half time but since steph had 31 at the half I had to stay up and watch the whole thing, thank god I did

Qiushi Hu

Day's impact was felt. It was not a coincidence that Curry and Wiseman had their best games playing with Draymond


Alch do u know where that scar on stephs shoulder came from? I've not been able to find any info on it


Bruh whenever Kelenna would keep saying expose kanter I was dying 😂

Qiushi Hu

Also I hate the Warriors broadcasting crew. They are arrogant and disrespectful as hell (towards Kanter) and are very biased


Draymond had a statline of 1 3 and 8 and looked absolutely fantastic. If draymond plays defense like that last night obviously it's a plus for the team. But more, than that, it helps the defense exponentially. If Dray plays like that, Oubre and Wiggins can ballhawk and gamble constantly, and Wiseman can as well.

Matt Hanna

almost turned it off after the 3rd cause it was going to go into garbage time but couldnt after seeing steph just go off. Glad to see him having fun again and the team is slowing coming together. I got a co worker still just hating on oubre and wigs and I keep telling him- 1st give it more time with dray on the court and 2nd we have to switch our expectations for this season. A playoff birth and a competitive series is a win for the season in my book.

Chris Cho

he got scratched a couple years back and had to wear a huge bandage on it for some time to prevent infection. it was just from defenders grabbing him


I haven’t felt that good watching us for a while now! 2021 is already better.

Qiushi Hu

I always thought that the final missing piece to Steph's game is drawing contact and going to the free throw line. He's finally getting it!

Ezra Abbey

steph was grabbing and pushing derrick jones jr. the whole night, that shit with cj had me weak, cj was so surprised he didn't even say anything.

Ezra Abbey

I'm not sure we're gonna see any true skyfucker games like we did with the dynasty, there's just less space and he's being doubled and tripled constantly, he would've made more threes this game if there was more spacing and he had more room to operate.


Perfect timing. Just got lunch


Ah that felt good. Had to eat some crow but damn bully steph is what we need. Jeezus let’s be an annoying ass team to play

Connor H

Seemed like steph was playing less off ball and I’m here for it


It's almost like Steph answered your question when you asked whether he could get his buckets on the ball lmao. Dame wasn't throwing shade at Curry, he was actually defending him but his words got misinterpreted on social media. There are 2 obvious cases of Steph being hyper aggro, the first time was in the 2018 finals game 4 when he was hunting for that finals mvp and the second time the 2019 finals game 3 when he scored 47. We don't really notice how Steph improved his free throw rate when he is playing off ball and getting less touches, but it's clear in games like this when he wants to be Jordan esque by increasing touches and on ball activity. Question is whether he maintains this mentality throughout the season and how much Kerr played a role in this, if at all. I honestly could see him averaging 40 if he tried because he averages a lot more free throws this way and he's not going to continue shooting poorly from 3, not to mention the team isn't like 2016 where the dubs sit Curry in the 4th due to blowouts. Injury is the biggest factor in terms of whether Curry should play like this every game.

Ezra Abbey

also on a side note... those curry 8's are growing on me, the blue joints he had on last night were lowkey fire🤣

Daniel Fries

Fitz said "Paschanimal"

Paul Hanson

So much fun to watch and like a glass of ice water to someone crossing Death Valley. I remember the days before this franchise and Northern CA were blessed with Stephen Curry. I also remember just 2 days ago people talk about 'is it time to trade Stephen Curry?" NO-you NEVER EVER trade a player like Steph. Not only did he change the game-he changed this franchise. There is a future beyond Steph but let's be clear-this is who we thought he was. It always takes a bit of time in a season-especially it will in this season. The future of the Warriors is on the floor with Steph in James Wiseman. Let's at the very least work that pick and roll out with Draymond, Steph and James as Wiseman learns the ropes and matures. Jesus Christ-the kid's played 6 NBA games after not playing a game for over a year-no training camp or preseason games either. This bodes well for the young Padawan to learn from the masters. I hope somehow that in addition to Jarron Collins and Chris D'Marco, there is another former center that can help James reach his full potential. Can you imagine if he could develop some of the skills Bogut had defensively? Anyway-that was a very timely and exciting game and fantastic performance by Wardell Stephen Curry.


The thing with the 2nd unit (w/ Wiggins) is that they now have scorers, but not enough playmaking. It's funny recalling a few years ago when it was just Klay and a bunch of people trying to pass it to Klay. Now it's probably better off just run isos. That's what I find disappointing with Wanamaker. I like his hustle, but he's not offering much else. What's the deal with Poole, though? Why isn't he their backup PG?


I really hope Wiggins can settle into that role starting the fourth quarter buying Steph as much time as he can, and maybe even finishing off some games. If he and Paschall can carry the load offensively whenever he's off the court, this team suddenly seems a lot deeper. Loved that we got Wiseman some dunks, now it's time to look for him on trailer threes and get him up to around three attempts per game. We add that on top of some more P&R action, and he's gonna get progressively closer to 20ppg without garbage time. I wonder if mentoring Wiseman is helping Dray rekindle his love for the game a bit, leading by example for a potential future superstar/DPOY. Crazy stat: he had a higher plus/minus than Steph did after playing 8 fewer minutes and scoring 61 fewer points lol


E.P. played well against Kanter again and seems to have found a role as a "small ball big" by driving the bigger 5's and getting to the rim, getting contact/getting fouled or just by shooting the easy mid range 2 off the drive threat/pullup (and in that case the elevation is actually useful for separation). Nice to see players finding roles.


I think this was Wisemans best game so far, particularly defensively, and it's funny because I thought one of his last games (I can't remember which) was his best overall as well. So that shows he's learning. Still needs to work on things, but he's showing the aggression and willingness to learn. I hope the guys like dray don't discourage him from moments like that goaltend, because it shows that he's aggressive.


I'm all in on bully steph!!! why does kanter look like little nicky out there 😂😂😂


Great vid alch! Loved the putto song!

Thomas Ogas

I think Steph is used to getting other guys involved early, and getting other guys established as threats, so he can succeed in his off-ball stuff. Not much point in doing that now. Plus, he wears down defenses over the game with the motion, and tends to score more late ... and last night's 1st quarter was really surprising for that reason. I'm curious to see how the guard rotation gets figured out. Seems like Mulder/Poole/Wannamaker/Basemore are all going to be fighting for the same minutes, for the most part. Was interesting that they paid Poole and then decided to let him sit out two games while they focused on other guys (like Basemore) to see how they fit. Wiseman will slowly get more minutes. Draymond will slowly get more minutes. I feel like the front court is pretty established (Juan will get less minutes). Wings established. By game 10 we'll probably have the season's rotation set (absent injuries and rest days).


The masterful analysis as always Alc 👌🏽 I agree this just might be the beginning of the revenge tour for Steph and next year the Splash Brothers revenge tour. Book it.


The NBA had to apologize to the cash cow steph for all the slander he's been getting and named him WC player of the week. Stop biting the hand that feeds you. Put some respect on his name 🗣


The NBA had to apologize to the cash cow steph for all the slander he's been getting and named him WC player of the week. Stop biting the hand that feeds you. Put some respect on his name 🗣


The Steph revenge tour is a real thing now! Let's see how he comes out against the king's and see if he can get 30+ plus 👏🏾! I'm ready to watch our boy soar again! Wiggins and oubre coming together

Ezra Abbey

I been watching the games on replay when I wake up, staying up until 4-5 am is so taxing


I think that's where Draymond's biggest value to the team lies. We already know about the intangibles, defense and playmaking he brings to the team. But I think Draymond will be the key to developing Wiseman from a great center to an Elite center. My only gripe with Draymond is lack of willingness to expand his offensive arsenal. We unfortunately don't have the luxury of passing the ball to 3 of the best scorers in the world anymore. So if the Warriors are going to try and compete in these last few years of Steph's prime, Draymond is gonna have to be more versatile on the offensive end.


I was almost more excited for this video to come out as I was for that game last night.


Interesting how the team’s best player leads by example and suddenly it looks like everyone has found their role. These guys are young, they’re not as mature as dot, dre, barbosa, etc were when they came aboard and thus it’s unfair to expect them to fill a specific role of years past. Plus they’re all probably used to the leadership style of the average star player, “give me the ball and back me up when I need you.” Which we saw much of from steph in this game. He’s finally gained the trust of the new guys and they will feel much more comfortable carving out their role in this offense, which over time (and lots of practice) will open the door to the complicated sets kerr wants to run. You know how it goes, the proof is in the pudding, and chef served it up with a silver spoon last night.


I kept thinking Steph was Klay out there He looks thick, bully Steph!! Loving Wiggins finding a new level of confidence on both ends!! So good! Feels like we are close to some chemistry between the slash bros, young Wiseman and Dray with D, screens and passing If those 4 click with Steph cooking I feel like we just need to find a replacement for Wanamaker and then our second unit may really have some lit energy too


Unc praising Steph always good to see. Bully Steph, best Steph.


hey Alc, I looked it up after watching this, and Wiseman's block percentage is very good (with all sorts of small sample size warnings, of course). According to cleaning the glass, he's 94th percentile in block percentage; which seems doubly meaningful for a 19-year old center! He's had at least two blocks in each of the past three games. Nice catch!


I’ve been noticing our second unit has been holding it down too! I saw the Chef pull CJs jersey and I was like oh yeah he has that killer running through his blood tonight! Good shit Alch!


I think Brad is getting the time cause he’s more of a Vet..wouldn’t be surprised if they let Poole takeover later on in the season.


Felt like CJ didn’t miss a two point jumper, the guy scares me more than Dame sometimes.


It feels so good to have dray back on the defensive end and someone who is a great passer in the rotation. I think he’s really going to unlock wiseman and it’s good to see the three headed defensive monster of wigs,dray,and oubre together! But man do we need another big on that bench, Looney been getting bullied

Abhi Kelkar

This game was truly a breath of fresh air. It's been a while since I've been happy watching a Warriors game


I am so glad I wait until Sunday game to watch the breakdown for Friday's




Nice breakdown, per usual. It felt so good to see Steph go off. Been way too long. They have some nice pieces that slowly coming together. Fingers crossed for this season. I think we need to waive Chriss since he'll be a unrestricted free agent anyway. We need another backup center. Dedmon is out there with almost 200 NBA starts, which would probably allow him to slide into a 3rd string center role pretty well.


Just realised that the footage of Stephs 62pts on the NBA Youtube Channel has been their most watched video since the 'the top 100 plays 2019-20' from five months ago. People want more of the Chef.


Bro. Wanamaker has to have a record, over the past three games, for how quickly and often he gets a strip on one end, and turns it right back over on the other. Please tell me why we ain’t letting Poole grow by running point with this second unit? Is Kerr tryna test Wanamaker’s vale early in the season and he just sacrificing a couple games’ worth of Poole’s development or what? Can’t make sense of it... Loved Steph’s aggression and always good to see Dray show everyone there is more to a players’ impact than the stat sheet. Oh yeah, we missing Chriss on the second unit for sure. Dubs should lock him up for a couple more years right now while he still cheap, like a Looney type contract. Also, how much do you think Draymond’s ability to orchestrate the floor on both ends will affect Oubre? I think Wiggins will figure out his spot, we know he is a hooper (however much disengaged at times), but Oubre appears to be more athletic than cerebral so I’m curious what you think Draymond will be able to talk, yell and yank out of Kelly. Also, what are your thoughts on Blazers trading CJ for a 3 and giving Trent Jr his spot along side Dame? Say we was Blazers fans. Haha

Jerry Heverly

Another game that you can't take long term conclusions from, an outlier. But two things of note:'

Jerry Heverly

1. Oubre hounding Dane from end to end was a major factor.

Jerry Heverly

2. Pascall and Wiggins holding the fort, sometimes outdoing the starters.

Jerry Heverly

2. (I keep forgetting not to hit enter), the team of Pascall and Wiggins holding the fort, and sometimes outscoring the opposition. Kantor giveth, Kantor taketh away. Every time Kantor bullied for points Wiggins (over CJ) or Pascall bull rushing the net.

Freddie D

14:40 Steph look like Roy Jones showing love to his crew right after he knocked somebody the fuck out.


Steph showing he is still the best pg and Wiseman looking like a star and I’m good for the year! If that happens it should also mean playoffs


Well said. I think we are all day dreaming of what the Steph Wiseman PnR looks like with some chemistry and experience.


Looks like Steph decided to get over his hangover. His footwork is still kinda sloppy on a couple of his 3s, but this mentality has to be consistent from Steph


Will see how it goes, but off top I can’t think of too many back up bigs that are going to be able to really take advantage of him in the post.


I’m ready to see Brad sit a few.. do you think they are holding Nico back because of his 2 way status?


You got the right for a little victory lap on this one! I just hope this is his new energy. It can’t just be every time the chatter gets loud.

Jansen E

I'll keep my negative comments short cuz there was a lot of great stuff last night: 1) I need Nico Mannion. Badly. Im tired of Wanamaker and his bum ass. I have a hard time believing that Mannion would be worse than Wanamaker right now. Every time that dude steps on the floor, he's turning the ball over, missing the open easy pass, or getting a terrible layup attempt swatted into the third row. Im sick of it. 2) The fact that Kanter destroyed us offensively (cuz yes, I was thankful that he was awful defensively) really ticked me off. What the FUCK is Looney in there for if not to box out dudes like Kanter? I know hes not as tall or strong. But he's not out there to put a goddamn body on Kanter, why are you even playing????? The amount of uncontested offensive rebounds Kanter was getting while Looney just stared at him has put the final nail in the coffin for Looney in my eyes. Im down with Looney. Kanter is not an elite center. And we're playing in the West with guys like Montrez coming off the bench. We NEED a true center off the bench. Now on to the fun stuff!!!! 1) 100% agree on angry Steph. Thank goodness we finally saw him get angry. And not 2016 NBA Finals angry. Like angry with the media, angry with his own play, with the refs, with opponents trash talking. Like he said in that postgame interview, he "took that personally". Thank you! I had so much fun watching him last night. 2) Draymond with possibly the greatest 1pt regular season game Ive ever seen. His defense, his facilitation, his passing, his timing, his energy. So important for the Warriors. That airball was embarrassing and Im still concerned about his scoring, but shieeeet. He shut me up about how important he is to our offense. I feel kinda dumb wanting to get rid of him so easily. 3) Paschall is by far and away our best bench player. He can turn into a legit 6th man of the year at some point. He could be a Lou Will with 98 strength but 65 3 pt shooting. And Im okay with that haha. 4) Despite his continued shooting woes. Oubre had a great game. He's like a shitty Marcus Smart. I said I will not give up on him and this game gave me hope! 5) Wiggins is becoming a bully to smaller wings and I like it. I just wish he could actually finish a little better and get angry like Steph. We've been talking a lot of stuff to him! Take it personally Wig!!! Finally: after such a relief of a game, I feel like this Kings game is gonna be......quite bad. Im hoping Im wrong. But lets hope that having such a great game doesnt immediately drain the whole team and make them wet the bed on the first back to back of the season. The Kings are sneaky good.

Natto Santo

Happy for Steph finding his strength and Kelly is coming together. This team is fun to watch. The only thing missing is Wanamaker, his defense is real nice, but his offense is messed up now, it hurts the tam as a back-up PG.


Game 3 for Dray 👀... but yeah Wanamaker might be the least talented ball hog I’ve ever seen in the NBA


Agreed agreed...I do think it meant more than just one game for Steph with the context of how much time he has missed.


I LOVE Mad Bully Steph. While watching the game I was wishing a sold-out arena was seeing this and I got teary. Steph is truly an inspirational person. The entire team fought hard in their individual positions. Thank God for Draymond Green. Amazing night.


Wiseman seems to be showing surprising maturity. And you caught that one handed rebound loss, he's got to get strong NBA handed rebounds. Damn is he going to be good. Steph and Dame r the best matchup in the NBA right now, today was like Steph heard you correctly assess that Dame had previously looked better. Kelly found his role tonight, channel Pat Beverly and stop trying to get laid, it will be there. Wiggins is playing great. Lastly CJ is an unstoppable 2 when he gets going, he's crazy how he gets that shot off with a contest and he just won't miss even when he's sporty a Dad bod.


Add this to the historic Steph performances were gonna tell our kids

John Z

FIRE AND DEFENSE. Draymond making me eat my words and I love it. Alch with the spot on attention to detail, likewise with Curry, seeing them spots and reading the bodies.


Pascall at the 5 the silver-lining found in the Chriss injury? Whats that looking like against the more heavy loaded front court squads?

Nathan Glanzer

I agree I like when they play back to back. Has a playoff feel to it where you can adjust for the second game. Coaches get to shine a bit more. We played better this game but I think our rotations were much better and we handled their lineups much better as a result. Draymond helped. Haha.