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gsw vs por gm5

This is "gsw vs por gm5" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I'm done with Kelly!!! They need to package him for a trade.

Ezra Abbey

them kd 12's are sus as hell, they're comfortable but I ended up buying kyrie's instead, I had a feeling I was gonna roll an ankle in 'em.

Jansen E

I told you this game wouldnt be pretty haha. Especially with a limited Draymond. I wont say anymore on Kelly. Like I said. I'll wait 20 games for him, or until he has a breakout game. There is absolutely NOTHING anyone can tell me to change my mind that Wanamaker isnt a totally useless player. I dont care how many steals he comes up with or stumbles into. The dude is straight trash. Has he made a single layup this whole season? Every time he goes to the rim, the dude is getting stuffed or swatted into the third row. How is it that teams continue to be absolutely on fire from 3 everytime they play us? Fucking 65% from 3 in one half???? Are you kidding me? I get Lillard and CJ are great at doing what they do, but I barely remember any other player even missing. How is it that so many other teams can find these great shooters that never miss, but we're stuck with Mulder, Wanamaker, and Lee who can only make 1 three every 3 games????? Draymond didn't look too bad in terms of playmaking. We needed him desperately. But zero improvement in his shot is concerning. And then the cherry on top. Watching our only hope of the season crumble into a heap of sadness on the first day of the year. Just doesnt get any better does it? We are cursed man. I know I heard that its not serious and he might play Sunday, but still. We can't catch a fucking break.


Boy oh boy are we looking ROUGH!! They were running around like a chicken with their head cut off ... Hopefully we can get it together. Curry, I love you man, but you gotta be the superstar we know you to be.


I see you alch making a video on Oubre so that he goes and puts up 30 hahaha


I also really worry that Wiseman is falling in love with the jumpers. He really needs to just use his size to get to the basket, but I think he's a little hesitant. These guys who have been around the league for a decade have been getting him with the offensive calls, and I think that makes him more nervous. He gets bursts of confidence to grab the rebound and run with it, but more times than not the defender just baits him into a charge. We need him to show a little more effort for the ORBs. We need to see PnR get abused with him.


Steph definitely looks a lil chunky for steph man, I think that comes with him being stronger. I remember you wanted steph to do some hand fighting training couple years ago alch. He needs that more and more if he’s gonna be a bit slower. Idk man I’m still giving this team 20 games till the alarm bells goin off. I think we still got the playoffs with all the other teams lookin wack too


I got the red youtube version as a gift.. never felt comfortable enough to where them while playing... I just use them to get up shots solo..


I'm disappointed in Steph. It feels like 2014, when he looked like he just gave up when his shots weren't falling. But that didn't happen often then, and it's every game now, and he doesn't have Klay. As for Kelly, isn't it actually good that he can occasionally draw three defenders? Someone's open. Press your pass button, man. Not sure if he runs passing reps during practice, but he probably needs to. As for Dray, I just realized how much I enjoyed watching him play, as much as I dreaded him taking shitty jumpers. None of what he does look special until you compare to what the rest of the team can do, and then you realize how much it takes for a player to know where he is on the court, where everybody else is on the court, what his options are, and what happens when your options are denied.


Alch, I haven’t commented on Patreon in a while but I’m tuning into every video. I just want you to know even though we’re going through ups and downs I always look forward to your analysis! You always keep it real and I truly appreciate that. Your basketball IQ is obviously great but you keeping it real is what keeps me here. I know if Alch is concerned about something the maybe I should be. But if you’re not worried about it yet then it usually means fans are blowing things out of proportion. You are appreciated! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and perspective with us.🙏🏾


May be time for Steph to purposeful slow his game down. Create separation with bumps and pace kinda like CJ ... but yeah every other game I have turned on looks like this around the league


Not all things that look fine are actually good. Oubre is a low IQ player who was brought to function in a high IQ offense

Jansen E

Also. Looney has gotta go man. We need to sign a real center after losing Chriss. Looney canNOT be our backup center. The dude just cant do anything anymore. All of his liabilities outweigh his individual perimeter defense (and thats slipped drastically too)


Man oh man seeing Wiseman goin coast to coast had my heart pounding. Even if the outcome was ugly, the journey was nice lol. I think our expectations were just too high for this team, we all knew dray isn't what he used to be. Without Klay our spacing is a bit wack, and we're without our best wing defender. Wiggins is lookin nice though, but who's to say come the trade deadline we don't move him and dray? I'm startin to think the one year rebuild wasn't good enough and we might be on our way for a longer one. Who knows though.


I think its a bit of look what I can do...hopefully it doesn't people calling soft to balance out

Major Powers

You've been complaining for multiple seasons now - in the thick of the dynasty - about Kerr not changing his offense out of pure hubris, like he's trying to prove a point to everyone about how fucking cool the motion offense is. Even KD was complaining about it ("it only takes you so far" etc.) That being said, even with certain low bbiq players and Kerr trying to cram a square peg in a round hole, I'm not stressing out about it, even if they go on a big losing streak. They really need to grind for weeks and weeks to see if they can make lemonade out of this roster. It's way too early to completely write everyone off.


To give the Blazers cred, they have a lot of what we don’t have right now Continuity Chemistry New additions that are contributing And a bench that has some decent firepower Def will be good to see how they run it back There is a whole epic storyline around the ego of the dubs org It’s like Kerr and the rest of em forgot they were so good because they had generational talents in their prime Not because of how they thought of themselves Def seems like there is some major ego busting happening around Kerr and the warriors image that neither curry or management want to reconcile Klay will come back But at that point, who knows what will be relevant I am grateful that through some growing pains I do have faith in Kerr and management to make adjustments and stay committed to winning big We just might have to witness some stubbornness and friction of realities given the oddness of last season and this season with the core 3

Jerry Heverly

Some games are meaningless in the big picture. There is little to learn from this one. Oubre may or may not recover. Draymond may or may not return to his old form. But this game didn't clarify any of that. Sunday OTH should be a barometer of whether this team can stick near .500 for the season.


Appreciate you C! Glad to hear you are still enjoying the content. Im someone who really only knows how to be one way. What you see is what you get, and in certain jobs that has hurt me tbh... but doing this it works me.


you are right big picture... But over time I have come to the realization that Steph must want this offense just as much as Kerr tho. We know how the NBA works! I dont care how nice of guy Steph is.. they are going to play how he wants to play.

Qiushi Hu

Hey Alch, I'm so done with Oubre. He's like a talentless Westbrook who doesn't know how to pass. I'd rather have Alex Caruso over him

Thomas Ogas

What I appreciate most about this video is your observation that Kerr AND Curry like the Motion offense. This isn't just Kerr stubbornly sticking to an advanced principle that "the players can't run." They can run it if they actually get used to it. So much blame falls on the one week training camp/pre-season garbage with limited scrimmaging and Draymond missing. Curry played in a "simplified" offense when he was drafted and then during the Mark Jackson years. He didn't win shit. Kerr's system got Curry 2 MVPs and 3 rings. Curry knows how he wants to play and it's going to take time to get this cast playing to that level.

Qiushi Hu

Also, Wiseman's hands are a real problem. I think that puts an end to his comparison to Giannis


Man we look lost out there, it's painfully obvious when we are on offense. Also, you pointed out the collapsing of our defense and I hated that so much about us. I think that's the reason most teams rain threes on us. Everyone wants to collapse and help, even if they are useless at it like DLEE, he's the biggest offender. I say we should do the switch everything scheme for defense right now. It simplifies defense and I think it will really help us.


Alc I think Kelly needs to learn how to switch and then HUSTLE for the close out. If you watch his effort after the switch for the three point close out, it’s less than admirable...


That’s a great way to put it! What system did Steph become a star in! He might kinda like it...


when Wiseman did the face down passed out heroin addict pose i thought there was a neurological injury.. i dont mean to be simplistic and say things will get better, but I look at that starting five and have high hopes. i think that this is the assiest we will look. Dray will rise to the occasion, Wiseman will improve a lot have his 25 point games, WIggins and Oubre will sync up more.


I don't put much stock in loosing to teams that have an emotional bond to the last 2 incarnations of the Warriors. Trust in the motion offence and work on being quality vs the bottom 16 teams, then develop upwards.


Even if he is erratic, would love to see JPoole grab some of wanabricks minutes


A thing I see with Wiggins a lot is, he gaps shooters and relies on his length, his contests looks good cause his hand is close to the ball most times. But I know as a shooter I'm not bothered by that at all. You have to make the shooter feel your presence. Like Loon always did on Harden.


I don't reckon they should give up on the motion offense, but Kerr and Curry need to make changes and simplify it when they are getting beaten by 20 in the 1st quarter.


I feel like everyone talking about how done they are with Oubre is being too quick to judgement. Not to say that he will pan out for sure, but it's too soon to tell for sure. That's the same thing to be said about our team and our season. As a fan, do you guys really feel like us steamrolling every opponent is feasible or desirable? I don't WANT to be the front runner, I want to be the underdog. I want our current failures to make everyone focus on what they should be focusing on. Oubre's offensive woes should fuel his defensive focus, like how Klay would Klamp down as a defender when his shot was off. Sure I want everyone to be thinking about how to make our team better, but if you're just complaining like an entitled fan, I don't see how that helps. Whether we get to the playoffs this year, I want some competitive hoops that doesn't make me ashamed. It's gonna take some more games for that to be a consistent thing.


Steph hurt his thigh over a screen last game, so he is going to look noticeably slower and out of balance. It's nice to see Wiggins and Oubre put in the effort. It's just the switching like you said that's the problem, and hopefully this gets fixed over time. Wiseman's defense was also not great in this game, a perimeter heavy team kinda exposed him several times but this is why Kerr says this is to be expected from a center that has 3 college games, let alone the fact that the entire new team has chemistry problems. Oubre is actually putting in the effort to move off ball and create, he is just confused af right now on when to do this. He seems preoccupied with getting offensive rebounds for put back dunks, as he frequently gets into the paint when others are driving. He just needs to spot up for now and improve that aspect of his game, don't even think about dunking.


Hi Alch, thanks for the excellent analysis as always, just saw a report that Wiseman practiced with no issues today, and will play tomorrow. Sigh of relief on my part. I see a lot of similarities with the warriors to band or orchestra that hasn't played together and is expected to deliver quickly. Individually they have polished skill sets, but until they run the parts over and over and make mistakes and learn to fix them and improvise on the fly they won't gel as a unit. I'm looking forward to your Oubre video tomorrow.


Dissgree. Steph's body language has been poor but the dude is trying his best, he even took 9 fga in the first quarter to close the lead. Oubre is trying hard to be a better playmaker, it's just that he has severe rhythm issue in pretty much every facet of basketball right now (and of course, some of that is not the greatest bbiq, but it wasn't this bad on the Suns)


On offense, the Warriors looked like an uncoached, first season, city recreation league team with players that not only don't know what constitutes a good shot for their teammates but also for themselves. To the positive, E.P. took Kanter off the floor/put Kanter on the bench in 3 possessions.


Blazers are playing like a Bottom 16 team rn, we were the stepping stone to help them find their Shooting.


The skill gap of Brad and JP is the size of the fucking gap in his teeth. Get his ass all the way out


He already did, but the fact that we can't even execute a pentetrate and kick offense properly speaks to the lack of basketball iq of some guys


Not here for the steph slander. My mans is leading the team in virtually every category right now. Not his fault he's dealing with overpaid players such as draymond, Wiggins and oubre leaving the rest of the squad to be filled out with g league talent. c'mon now y'all


Unless I'm missing something we are all putting our thoughts into written word which makes unkind words about Steph libel not slander. Although, the basics of libel law state that words written as opinion cannot be considered libel. In example, saying Draymond, Wiggins and Oubre are overpaid does not constitute either slander or libel.


Dame better than Curry? Come on man. Even with how “bad” Curry has been, before the game last night, Curry was averaging more points, assists, and shooting better from the field, and 3P% than Dame. Dame is playing with one of the most shifty guards in CJ. Allow it alc. it’s not every time we have to take shots at Steph.


Kd left because he didn’t rate Kerr. This notion that because they’re still running this O, it must mean that Steph wants it is unfounded. Why is Steph visibly frustrated all the time then? Team bent over backwards to cater to Kd, even against some things Curry wanted.

Valentine Nguyen

man if Wiseman is laying on the floor like that and 40 seconds later he's up walking with no limp, he really is the next AD 😂


Miss me with the stats.. Steph doesn’t look good. Right now Dame looks like the better player. Let’s see how the year plays out. I’m sick of dubnation acting like Steph is above criticism from warrior fans. The only time you post is to say I’m hating on Steph. Never when I’m giving him credit or he has a monster game, only to defend the” slander” so who is really objective?


“Wiggins is a shooter...Oubre thinks he’s a shooter” 🤣


Totally agree Alchemy, it’s time to change the offense: First, everybody knows it and they prepare for it. The surprise is gone. Second, as you said, this is not the personnel. They actually play better when Steph is off the floor.


I know damn well this season will reveal who are more Curry fans than overall Warrior fans. This team obviously goes as far as Curry can take them but it doesn't mean he is immune from criticism when he is not playing like the "superstar" that he is!


I keep thinking about what you said a couple vids back about J Wise needing to develop old man strength. Like when Covington just took the ball from him. I also don’t think he’s got the personality of a Giannis. Maybe closer to KD in some ways where he wants to show you his skill not crush you into oblivion. I think his biggest area to work on right now is probably footwork and positioning, both to develop a post game and for defense and rebounding.


It appeared they might have to outline him like they do with a dead man.


steve kerry is the problem, fire both ron adams and kerr


Oubre has to go. Don’t know how the logistics of a trade would go but he’s killing the team. He’s an absolute defensive liability and he can’t hit a wide open 3 in a literal empty gym. You can’t start anybody over him but he’s not the answer for his position.


and im not talking about steph and off ball and shit. Kerr is just not suitable for this roster and this situation, he doesn't understand sometimes less is more. Ron adams has always been bad idk why he is still here our defense is trash


Is there some way Wiseman can work out with Hakeem to improve his footwork? That would be amazing and maybe working with another center will improve his post game and encourage him to play in the paint more rather than shooting everything. It's tough seeing the team get blown out frequently but tbh I'm pretty happy with us so far despite it all. We're at least putting in hard effort which was the big concern with Wiggins. The shots will fall eventually, I strongly believe that. The thing we need to work on the most is building chemistry cause the tools are all there, it's just not melding together. 5 games is a small sample size, but the chemistry will build over time. My biggest concern is just as you addressed. We've gone from an incredibly high IQ team to an almost purely athletic team, that must be a rough transition for Kerr to adjust to and for Steph and Draymond to work with literally coming off a year of playing even more if we consider them playing with other equivalent IQ players used to our system. It's gonna take major time for the new young players to learn Kerr's system. I just hope ego and impatience doesn't strike our team. Steph and Draymond are incredibly smart I think some people even undervalue that but I'm worried that with them having such high basketball IQ they're almost expecting others to be the same. And if that's the case then the others will definitely not be able to live up to that insanely high expectation placed upon them. All that said I'd still give this team the benefit of the doubt and some time to grow together. Our major losses came against some pretty expected losses. I mean the Nets have KD and Nash who know our system well and Kyrie who has played us so many times he should know how to play well against us. The Bucks were literally at the top of the league last year in the regular season. And the Blazers who has improved since last year and has Damian Lillard who always wants to show out in his home town and lets be honest he is always gonna come out extra hungry against Curry since he's always lived in his shadow. I'd start panicking after maybe 25 games and they still fumble on each other defensively and our offense doesn't change at all, but right now it's gonna be growing period. We're gonna need to learn to walk before we can run the league again


I know Draymond hasn't played in a while, which makes it unfair to criticize him at the moment, but I can't help but be worried about how much of an albatross his contract is. I remember Alch how you discussed before that Draymond is not a true hooper, but rather a competitor. And I've actually seen Draymond confirm this statement on multiple interviews and podcasts. So if this dude ain't really doing much to expand his game, how much value does he truly bring to this team? I feel like the warriors should take the opportunity to sell high on him in case he shows signs of being a top player in the league because I think Dray is quite close to falling off a cliff as a player.


It’s gonna be a fun trade deadline most likely! :-)


Oubre walked into the arena wearing a modified Batsuit. DLee dressed as Michael Jackson. When I saw them, I was hyped lol. I was like f yea we ready I guess! Game #5. What else can they do onward other than take care of the basics. I may be wrong but I feel that Steph is too muscular. When he's less muscular he seems much more loosey goosey. Flexible. Is this why KD and Harden maintain their original shape?


Interesting to hear you say that we should blow up the offense because of the personnel. You’re saying we aren’t as smart as we have been in the past (SDot, Dre etc)? I get that, but I don’t think we have the talent to be a championship level team with a simplified offense. We don’t have Kyrie and KD out here. Do you not think we should give them 20 games to see if they can figure it out? Isn’t our ceiling higher if they persevere? Or you think we just go as far as Steph and Wiggins talents takes us.... and pray Wiseman develops quickly? My frame of reference is the Mark Jackson team running his simple offense and being fairly successful, and then switching to the Kerr offense and unleashing potential. You think we have no chance of succeeding? Even if we tread water this season while the new guys get familiar, and then add Klay to the mix next season?


Wiseman is just falling in love with his shooting, I'm glad he's able to space the floor for us but sometimes taking the ball to the basketball for an easy 2 is better than a long 2.


Oubre so far is a bust. Now I can see why he's traded so much. He's got quick feet, long arms, bounce, effort, but he has no clue how to play within a team. He's playing girlfriend ball, everything he does he wants to elicit some girl to say, "Wow, he's cute, I really like his hair too". I wish we could dump him right now. Wiseman milking the soft sprain wasn't exactly Larry Bird like toughness.. I about died, he is one of the saving graces about watching right now.


I think the league had caught up to it before the big roster turnover. Everybody playing switchable wings blew up a lot of the off ball action. Combine that with guys that aren't going to excel in it now and I think it needs to be using sparingly like a zone .


haha never heard that one! but thats fact! its all look at me shit... The kid had me sick, It shouldn't... but it ruined my night. Huge bullet dodged


I ll say this tho.. better this way than the other way around. Much easier to get a big to start attacking the rim and paint than get him to shoot.


Chris Haynes reported if the season takes a dive he might be on the block and indicated Portland would be all over it

Natto Santo

How bad is Wannamaker's offense? he doesn't know what to do in a fast break. He has more turnovers than points. And he has been throwing bricks on 3s.


oubre needs to be benched for brother in law... he's killing the "spacing" especially now that dray is back. does kerr have the guts to bench him?


he's the only other shooter in the starting 5 that ppl have to respect. he better keep taking and making them...


Seems like a ton of comments on this one. I'm just gonna add that this game really hit home how much the Warriors miss Klay. We already knew that Klay was critical to the Warrior's system. But games vs Portland or ones like the Kings really shows how much Klay played a role. All those shots that Oubre was given to make out on the perimeter... that would have been Klay and just that much more threatening. I feel like they were trying to feed Oubre the ball to get him going, seeing as how the game was a blowout anyway, might as well give Oubre a chance to get some rhythm. But um... 1/25 isn't a pretty stat. He's at 4 percent from three. I can't do anything but LOL at that.


Also, assuming no KD in years past. Could the Warriors really beat Portland that consistently without Klay? He was probably our best perimeter defender, and he was the threat from 3 to take attention off of Steph when needed. We don't have that right now, and so the games start to look like what they are right now. I'm not going to really give any super critical judgement about the team until about 20 games in. But Friday's game definitely did not feel good at all. And no, we do not need Wiseman to get injured. Please no!


I love Draymond and don't want to see him leave, but I have to admit Portland with Dame and Draymond would be a fun team to watch.