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gsw vs det gm4

This is "gsw vs det gm4" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Alch I have a great nickname for James Wiseman: King James 👑 .


Steph still blowing layups makes me wonder if he got too strong during his recovery and isn’t used to it at game speed.


its embarassing how many times i refreshed my page for this


Wtf Poole doing at 0:08 🤣


I am glad that Wiggins got off this game because I think its in his head. Here in Golden State he needs to play winning basketball and accountable for his play night after night and with Wiggins having a great game now he can see and feel like he can hold his own. Plus if he can get going and Stephen that will allow for Obre to slash to the basket because that is what he does best.


Not even a Warriors fan but still have to watch every breakdown. Both the knowledge and humor you bring to each one makes it a great watch. With so many blowouts around the league it may be tough to find a good game, especially this early, but do you have any upcoming non-warrior games circled for a breakdown?


I think Draymond's foot is fine already. Both he and Kerr said he's been joining the scrimmages. The reason he's still out is he hasn't got his lungs back, and I don't know if that's just the long off-season or the COVID. They seem to think he'll play in the next game.


The no fans thing gets me everytime, on dlee game winner its was just a bunch of grow men going “arg, ahhhhh” in a empty gym. Yeah dray needs to be respectable from 3 and he needs to be healthy. I think they really rested him and said he had a injury to help him ease into the the season. Now we just need oubre to shoot better and we good. I think what we got may be a lil flawed but its special non the less


Yea, that sounds all well and good, but if Dray ain't out there against the Blazer at Chase Center, there may be some serious concerns.


bazemore back in his pokemon cavern 😂😂😂


I read somewhere that Dray is being held out due to his conditioning and no longer his foot injury. Shortness of breath can be a lasting effect of COVID, so hopefully it isn't that.


I can't believe Wiggins calmly used the triple Threat into a quick drive. Never thought I would see the day. Also, I think Draymond's situation is a bit more related to Covid than just the foot, solely due to him trying to find his wind despite his body being fine (using Draymond's words). We will see how things play out then

Ezra Abbey

Josh Jackson was hooping, happy for him, he's gone through a lot. Does anyone know his connections to Steph and the Warriors? I was watching the Piston's feed and they showed a tweet of Dray's complimenting Josh on how he's gotten better etc. I also noticed he was wearing the Curry 8's and him and Steph were chopping it up after the game.

Thomas Ogas

Bazemore back in his natural environment!

Branden Edwards

Draymonds sitting from Covid complications. He said the other day he's still feeling winded, so it's no longer the foot.


Dray is gonna have a lot of fun mentoring Wiseman. Defensively he just needs to improve his timing and use his length for contests rather than leaving his feet. Offensively, we gotta start drawing up more plays for him to get some lobs and look for him on those trailer threes, which dray’s presence will help with a lot. I loved to see his disappointment at fouling out, cause it shows he both loves to play the game and holds himself to a really high standard. Can’t believe he’s 19... Wiggins and Oubre are only gonna get better on defense as the cohesion improves, I could see them each averaging a couple steals and blocks per game once the team hits its stride. This back-to-back Portland series is gonna tell us a lot about how far we have to go, they’re a great litmus test for playoff potential. If we just split them, I’ll be happy. But as long as both games are competitive then it’ll be a good sign


Looks like we are picking up the Sun’s lottery picks!


my subscription ended yesterday and I had no idea til the damn game started. I missed the dang 3 from oubre! lol I got that league pass back on deck by end 1st quarter though.

Ezra Abbey

well said. portland is looking tough and they're better than they've been in the past few years, especially defensively. gonna be an interesting matchup


I got that grown man strength G lol!


Man the headache I felt after that Plumlee three. They green lighted this guy, even runnin clear outs for him. I'M OUT


Loved your last point .. its what Draymond has always said. Everyone is a star in the league, its about effort. LeBrons ring last year was, in my opinion, 1) calling the league office with Nikes CEO and getting 10 more FTs a game, 2) not having to worry about heartless teams like the Clippers. But this is why its great to be a Ws fan under its leadership. You are hoping to see a lot of great dudes bring their best and play some beautiful ball. By the way, among the many reasons I love seeing AW play well (most of all bc it is damn pretty), is I really like all the salty Wolves fans crying about it. Imoutchall


There were multiple things to like about this game but I'm glad you showed the part I liked the most and that was the camera following Wiseman to the bench after he fouled out with Mulder and Poole consoling him with a good job and Wiseman having none of it, frustrated and disappointed. Oh wait, was Wiseman thinking of going for Wilt's record of never fouling out of an NBA game regular season & playoffs? (I'm kidding, I'm kidding) Seriously I really, really like that he was disappointed = high standards for himself. Wilt Chamberlain never fouled out of an NBA game. Never fouled out of an NBA game while averaging an NBA record: 45.8 minutes for his career 1045 Regular Season games 47.1 minutes for his career 160 Playoff games


you took your time on this one G


the one thing I would like to see from Wiggins is him learning how to draw fouls. perhaps Wiggins suffers from being "too nice" and not using veteran savvy tricks to pick up cheap fouls. he seems to often have a step on a defender or get them out of position but for the most part shies away from intitiating contact. getting opponents in the penalty would really help our offense.


it brought me back seeing Baze with the sideline celebrations, I don't care if he doesn't give us a productive minute all season, it was great lol


same. hopefully his lung/cardiovascular health isn't permanently affected

John Z

Wiggins in that fourth was like him playing against us a few years past. Can't wait to see the dynamic intensity with Dray and Oubre.

Qiushi Hu

Hey Alch, here's my thoughts on Wiseman. Defensively he will be a monster; all his mistakes were about his experience rather than his capabilities. On the offensive end, I don't think he could ever develop the footwork and midrange game like Embiid. He should go big and be a Shaq/Giannis hybrid who can pop the threes when left open


12:09 "Huhoooo AAAOOOoooo!" Everytime I watch this play I'm just chuckling with excitement. Love the reaction Alch, you gotta clip that to use later. Wiggins reborn! Seems like a whole new player from just a couple games ago. That Oubre dunk was DELICIOUS! Great seeing him start on the offense, but he still looks like he's spending too much energy doing too much stuff. I disagree with the goaltending charge: It looked like he got the ball on the way up and batted it against the backboard. Man, it feels gooood to end 2020 with these 2 games....whew!

Jansen E

Though Oubre hit that three (and I was happy for him), he continues to make pretty weird decisions when he has the ball. I'm hoping he is able to break his habits and mold into the Warriors/Kerr system a little better over time. I still love his energy and fire, but his team defense and decision making are making it a little hard to continue to defend him. But I will continue to hold out until at least 20 games!! This is what pisses me off about Wiggins. I've seen him play like this for Minnesota. I know he CAN be great. He saved our ass in this game. The problem is the consistency at which he plays at this level. Sure he had one great game (against a shitty team lets be real...) but with the Wolves, he would have a great game like this, and then be nowhere to be found for the next 7 games in a row. Its frustrating see his talent not be used as often as it should. I'm hoping the new culture, new team/coach, etc. will help him want to play like that for a whole season. Sure he will be allowed some off games. But out of 10 games, he needs to be able to play at this level in at LEAST 6 of them. I'm not saying drop 17 pts in the 4th every game, but just the energy and playmaking he had last night. Thats the Wiggins that would make this team great. I'm loving the Harrell comparison to Pascal. I think Pascal could even be better because of his smaller size and matching up with smaller guards and his (growing) ability to shoot. Steph has had 2 great games back to back despite the turnovers. JAMES "THE WISE ONE" WISEMAN. The dude is so exciting when he's not getting by the refs. That coast to coast play. Man that got me hyped. I keep telling ya'll man. Juan Tuscano is a solid ass player! Lets hope he stays healthy! Finally............is Damion Lee growing on me? Nah....not yet. But.....he could be haha. That was a clutch ass shot when we really needed it. Two in a row! Lets go!! I'm hoping they come for blood vs. Portland. That will be an extremely hard matchup. Lillard is gonna light it up. Lets just hope we can stay in the game and make it competitive!


You could tell Steph was excited to come back in to a lead. No way is he missing shots after watching Wiggins get buckets


any chance Ryan Taylor gets called up from the g-league for an added dose of length + shooting?


Was glad we could take the W, but gotta admit Piston was playing like shit anyway (plus wiseman put blake to sleep early lol). Portland will be a real test for our perimeter defence, if we can contain their backcourt we have a real chance at competing in the playoffs.


Spoiler alert... Wiseman is exciting. Can't wait to see how things look 40games in


You do comedy on the side bro? Lol Love the way you flow all the nitty gritty bball detail with very well timed and eclectic humor with just some real passion for the game. Love it! 🔥🙏🏻 New identify brewing New roles forming Fucking love seeing Wiggins get his at the rim and beyond the arc I think if anything Oubre is showing his age. He plays like a 25 year old dude, not a 25 year old pro. REALLY WANNA SEE how Dray impacts this forming rotation Let’s go 2021! Hopefully great things to come for all!

Jerry Heverly

I loved the observation about Wiggin's screen. It is so easy to fall for the cheerleader media looking to praise 'our guys'. I wish I could do an analysis of the small ball lineup with Pascall at center. My impression is that they have been the Dubs strongest group albeit against the other team's bench.

Jerry Heverly

Warriors need to trade for one more W: Wiggins, Wiseman, Wannamaker, Wardell......and ?


You are right they have seen to steady the ship.. bet the plus minus suggest it in the none blowouts too


Is Wig going to wake up one day and be a killer, course not! But the consistency is still possible. 25 he is really just becoming a man. A lot of pro athletes have arrested development.


I’d argue that’s almost a good thing.. that’s where Joel get in trouble. Less is more at 7ft. That spin move he has flashed looks promising. Depends on what he works on. But I hear you he is not nearly as far along with that as Embiid.


It’s exciting that you keep bring up Wilt tbh.. I know you well enough, you wouldn’t do that lightly.


He seems like a thinker.. learning tendencies will help him a lot too


🙏🏽 ... I just dropped a Brooklyn Hawks game. But your right it looks like slim pickings here for first month or so. I’ll start maybe more with just looks at teams rather than super competitive games.


great beakdown bro keep it up