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James and I give our thoughts

25 min mark some lighter NBA takes as well 




When alch speaks, we listen! There are so many great points brought up in this pod.


I'm am 26 with a 5 year old son and relate to your story about being a kid/teen with a super bad temper and so I choose to stay home.....I got sent to a psych ward for my temper issues when I was 17ish and it really helped me with it and now I only get REALLY angry maybe once a year and so now I just try to stay outta trouble and mind my business


Also as someone who watched the whole Joe Rogan thing and watches most Joe Rogan episodes he is just as upset as we are he thinks this is like the sickest shit and he goes off on racists all th time......in the monkey convo he's actually referring to all humans as chimps implying that aliens are much smarter then we are and want to just end Earth because we act retarded.....one episode not too long ago he had an older black guy on who made it his job to turn high ranking KKK members into non racists u should check it out


Hopefully we make this accident be the turning point in history! Praying for my brother and sisters.. racism will blow a 400 year old lead 🙏🏻❤️


Really nice to hear James again! I am excited for the season to come back! Let's go!! I can't wait to get more NBA stuff and more breakdown. I need to see that GS draftboard Alch!!!


Excellent, old school, off the bounce shooter....Mark Price (Cavs version), who actually played for the Warriors but way past his prime at the end of his career.


It’s a growth process...aging really helps give prospective of time, its easier to understand “ this too shall pass”


I like joe.. but my point was how fine a line it can become.. between paranoia, perception and reality.


I remember Mark in Cleveland too.. he used to be a cheat code in the old bulls vs lakers games on sega. Man we had a real knack for picking guys up past their prime! I feel like that was my entire child hood lol

John Z

People are just so fucking ignorant, context never means shit and if it does, it doesn't matter to them. Stupid prideful people they are. Systemic racism just needs to be beat out of people, maybe not in a violent way but damn they making it hard. Education to me is the most important thing, just we've never seemed to give a shit about that, as a country. We also need to teach people critical thinking.


Alch, thanks for your and James' takes on what's going on right now. James' last message about not getting immediately angry with people who are ignorant and understanding why they behave the way they do reminded me of a a Ted Talk I just watched from a guy who used to be a white supremacist and now he spends his time getting people out of extremist organisations and changing their views. He basically said the same thing James did - that even though it's hard not to argue with people who have those wrong views, he tries to understand why they gravitated towards that in the first place and then he tries to help them fill those holes in their lives, which in turn makes them not feel the need to belong to those groups anymore. It sucks that it's usually us who have experienced oppression, racism, discrimination or whatnot that have to be the bigger person towards those who are prejudice against us but it seems to be the only way to bridge the divide. Ignorant people are not going to reach out. I support the protests going on and they are bringing attention to injustices long overdue but there are still racist people watching from afar who will continue to be racist and are even using the protests to justify their views. The protests are bringing about change but conversations need to continue long after the protests are over.


Thanks Kit.. very well said or reiterated. It’s going to have to be a sustained effort. I know working with troubled youth that I am capable of dealing with ignorance that way. I think it may be easier when it’s a kid to have the empathy to do so. But I’ve seen it work.

Raymond M. Wood

Study scripture, including the Kybalion and Corpus Hermeticum. and you REALLY begin to develop RESPECT for how WOKE Christ was. Once you learn to IGNORE the false interpretations being taught by Black pastors and their baby-aborting congregations, you realize what Christ meant when he told his disciples "Be One as I and my father are ONE". You also begin to understand what Paul was talking about when he wrote "we see through a glass darkly".


Jesus fucking christ. Someone ban Uncle Rukus


Yo Alch, thanks for taking down the racist post. Y'all bring up good points., however, the notion that all black people, more specifically, black men, are specifically disadvantage because of not being raised around fathers, is false.


it perpetuates a stereotype where you're automatically perceived as having a less significant upbringing & some sort of inherent flaw due to not having a "male presence"


Bro. Get this guy out of here. Oh my god.


Okay Ill clarify. Homie started out sounding like Uncle Tom, but sort kinda came around. I respect the Bamboozled shout out. That Self determination stuff was kinda ass still.


Great conversation guys. I wish we had more of these kinds of deep one-on-one discussions amongst each other as respectful, loving individuals. A little about myself, I am multi-racial but most of my life I have been able to “pass” as Caucasian so I don’t generally experience the kind of discrimination that my darker hued brothers and sisters go through every day in this mostly great country of ours. That being said, I grew up in a country where my skin color was not the norm and my nationality actually made me a target of aggression and discrimination from my classmates and others. I don’t have any specific answers for “how to solve” racism in America but I do know a few things. The problems are systemic. It’s not enough to say that we as individuals can change our behavior and incrementally that will solve racism. It needs to be tackled systemically from the top down and from the bottom up simultaneously. That means we have to vote as if our lives depended on it and hold those we vote for accountable. We need to also hold individuals accountable when we see some shit going down even if that means putting ourselves in harms way at times. The systems of power are held together by self-interested people who have all the reasons in the world to hold on to that power and not give it up willingly. They will need to be forced to give up their privilege because they have no incentive to do so on their own. Collectively, we have power only when we band together in common cause. We can disagree on a multitude of issues as long as we can agree on our collective humanity and the rights that we as human beings are entitled to. The assassination of George Floyd is not an isolated incident and it will get worse before it gets better but if we stand together as human beings we can make it to the promised land. I truly believe that because to believe otherwise is a waste of my life. God bless you all brothers and sisters


"We can disagree on a multitude of issues as long as we can agree on our collective humanity and the rights that we as human beings are entitled to." That is right there brother! People will always have baked in predigests form their environment, but the universal laws of humanity need to practiced by all.


Damn bruh I remember seeing Bamboozle when I was a kid in the movie theaters.. Really good movie


Some really great insight from you and James on this one! Loved getting to hear your perspectives on everything involving the BLM movement. I’m basing my speech at graduation this year on this whole situation and the change that needs to happen, and it’s a real challenging thing approaching it from an Asian’s perspective. Thanks again Alch 🙏🏻


Wassup Alch, I’ve been very hesitant to write about this topic, and because I have no social media outlets, this might be my only place to have a discussion about the recent events especially regarding kneeling during the anthem , and I am sorry in advance if the following text offends anyone personally. I live in Germany and I was raised very leftwing and progressive. Germans are generally very cautious about the idea of Patriotism, at least in Hamburg where I live, this cautiousness is still caused by the aftermath of the 3. Reich. Many Patriots get instantly connected to rightwing extremism and nationalistic thinking. Therefore I’ve always had a relatively skeptical way of looking at patriotism as a concept, I believe that patriotism, for the most part, does more harm than good, in my experience, it is the first step to nationalistic thinking, therefore, fascist thinking. Last year I wrote an 8-page seminar paper on Police Brutality and its roots in American law enforcement practices, and I’m generally very interested and educated about American Culture and History. So looking from the outside I was always critical about the strong Patriotism in the US, even before the recent incident, it wasn’t hard to pick out numerous Problems in American thinking, politics, and society. And I’m not saying that we don’t have problems of our own. But me being interested in the US I always thought that American Patriotism created a barrier of ignorance to their deeply rooted problems. I could not be proud of a country with such economic inequality, a broken justice system, and systematic racism. A country that needs a recorded racially motivated police killing, now and then to recognize the problem. But that is coming from a person that is generally against the idea of patriotism, so what do I know. I just hope that the protest can achieve actual systematic change this time. And please make Sports political, I grew up a fan of FC St. Pauli, one of the most politically active Football clubs in the world (You are very welcome to Google it). Sports have such magnitude in America, and I understand that they are commercially motivated, but then with the power they have Teams and Leagues should not just take a stance but should promote and actively advocate antiracism and democracy. Stop looking at the business side like the NBA did with the Hong Kong incident. Anyway, that's all I have to say, for now, stay safe and go Warriors.


Hey Alc, huge fan of you and your content, and thank you for making this podcast. I just wanted to push back slightly on your comments about these protests not changing anything. I completely agree that the long term solution lies in changing the elites, in fact, eliminating the very idea of "elites." But I do think that these protests have been very powerful, and we've never seen anything like this: such as people protesting in all 50 states. Not only does it further expose the issues of the rotten system of the police (their disgraceful and unconstitutional response to peaceful protest: their militarization, tear gassing, beating, rubber bullets, etc) but it is also forcing everyone to confront this problem in a way that I don't think has happened before, in terms of educating themselves and trying to help, especially white allies. And I think some direct change has happened from the protests, in terms of overall awareness and mobilization, such as the unprecedented movement to defund police departments across the country (perhaps hopeful thinking), and all the activism around changing policy on the local level right now (check out 8cantwait.org), but also do the three cops who watched their partner murder George Floyd get arrested and charged without the outrage? Does Chauvin get charged with second degree murder? Interested to hear your thoughts, and thank you.


I think your right! My concern is that a lot of people will think that’s it! I protested and that’s that! But I stand corrected, we have never seen anything like this, and local stuff is being forced to change. As for the other officers the sentencing is what matters.. for all of them really! The actual charges seem like they continue to be Manipulated.


I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to share your thoughts here. Thank you. I think with social media and what’s happening now sports has no choice it will become political. That said I’m not sure what type of unintended consequences that will bring. I for one will try to keep it separate when things settle down.

Andre Brooks

Amanda “New-nez”. Cody “Gar-brand-t”

Strong Foru

James lost me as soon as he started speaking.....


That’s what I got to do write down the names like that.. fighters are tough because you only hear their name couple times a year really.

Ken Bradford

Just unbelievable to see how the police is treating their citizens. In my country if there were even one video of an officer murdering someone the whole country would be on fire and out to get that guy. No matter political alignment or ethnicity, human dignity should be untouchable and murder is murder and not self defense or whatever the officer tries to argue in court


Well said Alch! It is very true that people show their support in different ways and not everyone is going to be posting shit on social media. I never post anything at all on my social media accounts and really just go there to chat with people. But that doesn't mean that I don't have conversations with people online to process all this terrible-ness. For me, most of my fight for social justice and equality has been and will continue to be in the classroom. I can make the most positive effect there with my students. As an Asian, our population does experience a bit of discrimination, but it is completely not on the same level as what the Black community experience for ages. I don't go out of my house fearing that the next time a cop pulls me over, my life may be in jeopardy. Or that when I go for a walk at night, that I would be targeted by the authorities. There are also plenty of those of Asian descent who are very racist towards others as well. It's always been hard to get them to understand that we are all people.. even if we look different or have different opinions about things. This is true more often vs the older generation. Anyhow, as a society, it is unrealistic to think that we would ever agree on everything. That's just not possible. But we need to be able to respect each others views and realize that at the end of the day, we're all just people. I support you and your family all the way Alch.. as well as all the others out there who are fighting the good fight towards a more fair future.


Well said by you and James Alch, the police even tried to harass an FBI agent with their racist stereotyping recently. Keep up the great content, and stay safe!

Dan Doerge

Just to "keep it a buck", Alch, we all know if those brothers in Minn had showed up lugging AR15s like those skinheads at the Michigan state house, skump and the police would have used nuclear weapons immediately. We live in a fucked up country where the worst elements (think almost half the voters) support this kind of outrage, explicitly or implicitly. That crowd doesn't give a shit about 'good parenting' or any other bromide. They react only to raw power. Hopefully, the power now on display can be channeled into more effective ends and, ultimately, votes.


education is the long term solution.. I think a lot of people want or at this point need, intimidate change and I understand that. We need people working on both fronts. The lines have been drawn, but we still need to understand there are still some gray areas. We cant shift our focus to canceling every person who has ever said anything out a pocket.


"The cheeks are substantial" Preach. I'm so glad you touched on the corruption and propaganda in media. Thank you for James for speaking on racism against Asians because it gets swept under the rug all too often.


James is incredibly talented at describing convoluted/complex social issues and laying it all out to easily digest