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game 5 LAC



lol, you think warrior might not advance?


Do I think the Warriors will advance into the 2nd RD? Yes..... but! When these things end, it tends to happen ugly, unexpectedly.


Man, Marc Davis had me heated last night. Lou Williams gets even cheaper calls than James "Floppin" Harden


A huge part of me thinks that KD 's chances of stayin increase more and more the warriors continue to struggle. call me crazy


Yo alch! Thanks for the video. What are your thoughts on our center position after losing Boogie? I feel like we're going to get exposed against whoever our finals matchup will be, if we get there.


I’m gonna call you my therapist from now on, Alch. You know how you get these awful emotions and sometimes seeing a therapist helps you sort them out? Well, last night I was feeling all levels of emotions during and after last nights game. You helped me sort them out, thanks Doc Alch.


Fuck Marc Davis, dude rigged the shit out of that game. This motion offense is getting too fcking cute. The problem is only one guy is moving off the ball at any given moment so it doesn't do jack shit. We have worse fluid offense than the Spurs or the Pacers. Iono what is with Steph but he was far less aggressive off ball but that could be because Clippers were doubling him and being extra physical. I laughed when KD got those off ball holds twice in a row, if that was Steph we get the bonus two minutes into a quarter. Every team in the NBA is harder to beat now because they improved their 3 pt shot. It's too easy for teams to get hot and all the elite teams have superior spacing now. Run some goddamn PnR and we can utilize the talent disparity better.


Yeah we are missing him at the start of the 2nd and 4th bad. Unless somehow the 6ers make a miraculous run, not sure how much he will be needed against the other Eastern opponents. But we are getting way ahead lets get out of the first round.


haha... these games are tough man! I really just want to be a fan and lick my wounds for 48 hrs.

Matt Hanna

I was so angry watching the end of this game. I cant lie, these refs are making some terrible end of game calls. Lou gets all the calls and our guys have to damn near break a leg to get a free throw. Im so tired of watching them play the clippers.... Im with you alc something feels different and im not sure if we have the juice. Houston is gonna be a nightmare if they get hot


Yeah I didn't really get into to it, but I am not pleased with Kerr. I ll speak on it here soon

Branden Edwards

In game 6 if Lou is on the floor, Andre HAS to be on the floor too. Andre has defended him well 1 on 1 all series. No more double teaming this dude


Its trash, but predictable! Last years Houston I think would take us out ...I dont think they look great either right now tho.


Also..I didn't get this off in the video. He doesn't really attack right away, he likes to rock with the ball a bit. So switching is no essential. I think he will let you fight thru and recover.


Steph seems to have gone into full sulk mode. I also think this is his way of letting Kerr know that he needs to run the offence more and to not treat him like Korver or Reddick setting back screens for Iggy and Mckinnie. He doesn't seem to be like Draymond, so probably can't tell Kerr to his face. A big fail or everyone not named Durant.


Yep, watching that game I had the thought, too, maybe this isn't our year. It's now too plain, there are undiscussed problems between some of our stars, and it's likely going to cost us a chance at the chip.


Agreed... and look Kerr is pissing me off in multiple ways. But ultimately this is on Steph to take control.

Chris Styner

Yeah this year does feel different. With the DC season ending injury, and the chemistry issues. I do not know how much of the Jazz playing meh had to do with how good the rockets look. But the Warriors look very beatable.


Calm down! That to me is a reasonable question. I’ll say this, I haven’t seen any signs of something physically wrong with him.


Harrell is shooting 75% TS on 20 points against us this series. That's insane and we need to neutralize that. Not to mention the offensive rebounds. I favor Looney as center right now. KD needs to box out for once, way too many opportunities lost in the first half.

Ravi Dissanayake

The lacklustre 82 game form is coming back to bite us in the ass. Step and KD still don't know how to exist with each other and handle the offence consistently. Houston series is gonna be tough if they don't figure this out.


Steph needs way more touches in the game. I hate the posessions where he starts off-ball and doesn't even get one touch. Partly that's on him but I think most of it is on Kerr. If Curry would get more touches on offense I think we would see better a better energy level from him aswell.


I’ll be honest, I think this may not be our year ya’ll and that’s a tentative prediction until Warriors make a statement on G6. There’s too much ego and arrogance spread out across the team and it has killed our need for urgency. Yes we are chasing a 3-peat but these guys talk about “doing it for Oracle” or “one last run” but quite frankly these guys have been all talk recently and they just aren’t hungry enough. I hate the fact that we have home court. I’d rather us start in the road for these West playoffs so they can get adversity fast. Too much comfort. Look guys, this is only the 1st round and are already getting shook by a “hungrier” team. Who’s gonna be hungrier if Dubs face HOU next series? I bet my money HOU will be hungrier.

Kahlil Baker

Who was that ref with the bald head. His calls all game just seemed off. The only calls that seemed to be fair calls were by the other refs. Also what happened with that play when Harrell got that timeout call without possession of the ball?!?

Paul Hanson

The way this is going-I will keep my blood pressure down and go out with for a family dinner Friday. Every time I get a chance to sit and watch an entire game-they lay an egg-especially at home. This shit's getting ridiculous but having watched them all year-I see how close this team is to a cathartic apocalypse of epic proportions. The body juju, the weird chemistry, the lack of want from this team ESPECIALLY AT ORACLE in the LAST SEASON-that has been around nearly all year or at least since November at-the Clippers house. It's just a feeling-I don't know what's been said behind closed doors or in texts-but something is not right with these guys. I understand harping on the refs-believe me-but I can't blame them being down at the end of a game on the refs. Time may have taken its course. What a godawful way to go out if they get beat 4-3 in "WE BELIEVE" fashion by Jerry West's Clippers! This time will not be the same in SF-I've been a fan since 1973 and we've been spoiled by their success over the last 5 years. All the starting lineups, all the adjustments (a lot of nothing working by Kerr and staff but that's not the main thing), all the 'wakeup calls'-all of it isn't what the real problem is. To me-they are just full. They are NOT hungry-the've all won championships (except for some bench players and Cousins). They are full and dealing with it plus the chemistry stuff and-guess what-other teams are like starving sharks in the water when they smell blood. You best believe the Clippers and the Rockets smell it!!




Klay is starting to really get on my nerves. Did y’all hear what he said in his interview after game 4? He was like I’m looking forward to the rockets. I was like, you gotta take care of business in the clippers series first!!! What do they do in game 5? They lose. What does klay say after game 5? We should win game 6 and blow them out by thirty! Something isn’t right with this team, the arrogance, the overconfidence, the complacency. Before the playoffs started I had my doubts about dubs winning it all, now i really have my doubts


agreed.. let him come out and jack the first 5 min, its worth it regardless the results of the shots.


See I think Klay is the only one keeping it 100. The other guys are trying to mask shit. Klay is just lay, what you see is what you get.

Paul Hanson

Who would have thought 4 years ago that Seth Curry would make it to the second round of the playoffs in a season faster than Steph Curry?

Thomas Ogas

I hate how everyone disregards a season full of data showing just how damned good this team is (#1 seed in West, #2 Offense in NBA [behind Mil by 0.4], #1 in Assists, #4 in Off Rebounds, #1 True Shooting ... I could go on) and then cherry picks the couple of games where guys mentally weren't playing at 100% and uses THOSE GAMES to make broad statements about the team's chances. That's bullshit. Everyone in the whole damned world thought GSW would win tonight except the Clippers. The Warriors had the Rockets on their minds. When the Warriors aren't mentally engaged they don't play good basketball. Same as any team. They're the best AWAY team in the league. They'll lock this shit up in LA and then on to Houston.


I don't think any team could have beaten the Clippers last night. With the way they were shooting plus all the benefit of the doubt going their way, they looked unstoppable. I haven't watched much of Lou William's game before this series, but he reminds me of Chris Paul. He's 6'1 with half his game being difficult shots, and the other half being cheap touch fouls.


I live and die with Curry and what he has brought to the Warriors, but I have never been so disappointed. The hustle and effort aren't there.

Jansen E

My prediction before this Clippers series even started was that the Rockets were going to beat the Warriors this year in 6. And Im sticking with that (albeit unfortunate) prediction. I just dont see the Warriors doing it this year because of their lack of effort. The way Beverley was getting rebounds through THREE warriors was just sickening. The Clippers already showed them in game 2, that they arent a team to be taken lightly. And what do the Warriors do? After winning games 3 and 4, they go back home expecting the Clippers to just give up and hand them the win. Im almost glad the Warriors lost so they can wake the FUCK back up again. I honestly really am starting to resent the "culture"/mindset of being so loose. I get its a give and take, a double edged sword. But its not acceptable in the playoffs. No game can be taken for granted. Do we really need to even refer back to 2016 again? The Warriors are disgusting to watch right now with their cocky "we'll win anyway" attitude. The Clippers beat their ass in game 2 and showed them again in game 5. I do believe the Warriors win game 6. But Im extremely pissed off they even need to be in a game 6. As for the Rockets....let me just remind everyone that missing 27 straight threes is a statistical anomaly that is likely to never happen again......I *HATE* them with white hot passion. Paul. Harden. Just the absolute worst and infuriatingly hypocritical players in the league. But with regretful credit to them, they arent going to let the Warriors punk them this year. I hope Im wrong. Please be wrong! But shit. Im mentally preparing myself to be so pissed off in a couple weeks. Just so it doesnt hurt as much


I understand the chicken or the egg argument with his offensive touches But he can’t get a pass for this. Take control!


man would you let mike brown coach the rest of the playoffs? @Athletic Alchemy


I remember your prediction a while back. I think the one big thing in our favor is no Ariza. Tucker was not nearly as effective on KD.


Klays post-game was pretty telling that something is not right. Hope we don't lose a 3/1 to the clippers cos that would be super embarrassing.


that's money. If Brown coached right now, I would have so much more confidence in winning another ring.


Draymond such trash on defense last night. He couldn't stop anything. For most of the game he had more turnovers than points.


Kerr seriously needs to rethink his rotations. Kerr can't keep KD and Curry of the game for so long going forward. Shit man! It's the playoffs. Don't hold back.


Pick and roll seems to be working out pretty good for the Clippers. You think Kerr may take notice and give a Curry KD pick and roll a chance?


Curry not playing like he wants to win a championship. KD plays hungry. Curry sabotaged the game last night.


Kerr is getting worked. Last year the Warriors could have easily lost to the Rockets. Along with 2016 that would have been 2 of the worst upsets of all time. Now it looks like the Warriors could head to another all time upset. That is inexcusable. Problem is Kerr wants the players to show Urgency when he isn’t. How is it urgency when he plays Quinn Cook important minyan game 2? How is it urgency when Kerr refuses to take Bogut out of the starting lineup after the Clippers went small? How is it Urgency when the Death Lineup only sees less than 10 minutes a game? How is it Urgency when Kerr does not call for high pick and roll for Curry to get his going? How is it Urgency when Klay, Curry, and Green all play under 40 minutes in Game 3? How is it Urgency when Kerr refuses to spam the most unstoppable play in the NBA (Curry/KD one)?


Right! I read it like it ain’t him tho. He is almost just trying to model how to just keep it real.


Kerr is a dumbass. Two obvious adjustments. Match the Clippers small lineup with the Death lineup. Run more high pick and rolls with Steph. And spam the most unstoppable play in the NBA - Steph/KD pick and roll. I’m sick of Kerr saying the players have no Urgency when his coaching moves (or lack of moves) clearly shows he lacks Urgency.


For real, that's his goto line in interviews: not enough energy and urgency. It's annoying as hell.


I hate when we try to win games in the last half of the 4th quarter. We've tried it throughout the regular season and we rarely win. It's a 48 min game!

Neal X

We are really missing people like David West, Javale, and other solid veterans like Matt Barnes and Nick Young who played super hungry. We are missing that lob option and someone who isn't going to let someone like Harrell beast and feast inside. We're missing a lot of things this year. Say what you will about Kerr but Curry might be getting exposed a little right now, especially on defense. When he's not dropping threes, is what he's providing worth having him out there? The Clippers aren't just "scrapping and clawing" like Kerr said in his post game interview, they're GOOD. They are a legitimately GOOD TEAM with GOOD PLAYERS. Every time people just say they're "scrappy" or "playing with heart" it's kind of disrespecting and underestimating them already.

Major Powers

Like Ben said, it's a 48 minute game. You're right about high Steph/KD PnRs, of course they should commit to more of them. But Kerr is right about intensity. When they play the whole game like it's the last half of the 4th quarter, they're up by 20 or 30 like clockwork. I know it sounds like some Yogi Berra shit, but the points you score (or prevent) in the 1st quarter are still on (or not on) the board in the 4th quarter. It all matters.


Maybe that’s why it’s so infuriating. Usually when your team losses it’s about talent. At least in basketball.


I was waiting for your take. Bet it would have sounded a little different last night. I see it at the youth level all the time. One team gets off a long bus ride and sleep walks thru the first 6 min. Boom game is over! Even tho the end score is close.

Major Powers

I agree with everything else, but this, "When [Curry's] not dropping threes, is what he's providing worth having him out there?" That's insanity, man! I get what you're driving at, but we're talking a living NBA legend at this point. He deserves the benefit of the doubt to figure it out, especially in the playoffs. It's not like he's 36 and we're talking about "THE DECLINE." He's still in his prime, put some respect on Threezus!

Major Powers

Last night I was so fuckin pissed I literally did a Warriors Haka in my living room about putting the Clips in a casket on Friday. Sticking my tongue out and doing crazy eyes and punching the floor and everything. Woke my daughter up and she came into the room telling me to shut the hell up. Lol.


I was at this game and I could tell immediately the effort level wasn't there. It was obvious to my eye they were half-assing it on defense. It seems like most people were shocked by this game but I wasn't. Why would I be? GSW has been playing like this at Oracle the whole year. Wildly inconsistent at Oracle. GSW is BETTER on the road. Let's just call it like it is. So let's not look into this loss more than we should. It was a bad loss and just adds to the list of bad losses at Oracle this year. You are your habits and GSW's bad habits bit them in the ass in G5. It seems like you're skeptical but I can guarantee that Kerr will either start Looney or go straight to Death Lineup to start G6. I think it is paramount that we get Curry going. Rivers is following the strategy from Lue (both were on the same staff in BOS) and taking Curry away and baiting us into running everything thru KD. We are falling for the bait. We can't keep using Curry like he's JJ Redick. Doc Rivers knows that it's far more dangerous to let Curry go off than KD. There's a reason why we ALWAYS win when Curry plays great. OTOH, KD can score damn near 50 and we will still lose. Everything we do is built around Curry. We gotta get him going (hint: more PnR and putting the ball in his hands). Y'all are gonna think I'm crazy but I think HOU is gonna be easier than LAC. As you say, styles make fights and there are a lot of things LAC does that bother us. HOU does not have a dude like Harrell. Harrell is giving us all sorts of problems. Also, HOU doesn't have a pest like Beverly. CP3 can be a good defender but neither he nor Tucker are pests like Beverly. LAC also has a better coach who actually makes adjustments. HOU is gonna give us less problems than LAC.

Major Powers

"GSW is BETTER on the road. Let's just call it like it is." To find some treasure in the trash, this could actually be a *good* thing if we are lucky enough to get to the Finals again and face the Bucks or the Raptors! That being said, I lowkey agree with your take on Houston. Even though I have a healthy fear/respect for them and the 7 game series last year, something in my gut tells me we're gonna steamroll them if we can get to them this year. Like, this is the series every Warrior has been thinking about for a year now. There's a storm brewing...


I don’t think your crazy... Houston is not as strong as they were last year. Obviously no Ariza. But CP, I can’t tell if he is saving himself. Or he really just can’t iso on the switches. I’ll just say he is a lot more selective in doing so. The bad blood should ensure we don’t let our guard down.


I’ve gotten a lot better. Not as many outbursts. But I get so worked up I can’t usually sleep until 3 or so


We still have a KD. They have no answer for him. If Curry and Klay just play respectable, we'll win.


This is Kerr's side of this, he's said it in interviews: he doesn't empathize with the stars. He empathizes with the bench players (because he was one). That means getting touches for everybody, frou frou ball. When in reality, what will work, is the KD/Curry 2-way game PnR, and if people get open because of it, great. If not, who cares, because Curry can score a 3, get to the hoop, or KD can hit a wet 15-18 footer. The other guys should focus on D and hitting a 3 when called upon (like the other star teams - i.e. Houston). Can we please get a coach in here that understands this? If we spam the PnR and put Lou Williams in the blender every play, we will run him off the court!


That is a good call on his psyche. You don’t have to convince me of more PnR! I have been crying for it all year. Your right, never mind the offensive potency! Picking on other teams offensive guys is just as big.


Definitely gonna see some changes in G6 as far as rotations and play-calling but it's just ridiculous that Kerr waits until our back is nearly against the wall to play our most effective lineups and run our most effective plays. Someone needs to get the message across to both the coaches and players that these aren't regular season games so stop treating them as if they were. Start making moves and bringing the energy.


Someone on reddit just posted the 2 PnR we ran and the results: <a href="https://streamable.com/xw7iu" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://streamable.com/xw7iu</a>


For whatever reason dubs home record is so bad this season


not that i have any special insight but i believe kerr to be intelligent and thoughtful. he knows the game and he knows his team. might there be strategy in not playing his good offensive cards repetitively in the 1st round and supply tape for 2nd round opponent. shrug. i try to give him the benefit of the doubt

Neal X

I'm was more of a Curry fan than a Warriors fan from the beginning. It's because I believe in him that I'm disappointed. He should be able to pull a Lillard and just start pulling up in people's faces from the logo. We know he CAN do that, but admit it, it's been a while since we've seen that especially in a high stakes game. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's losing his talents or something but for whatever reason we're not seeing him live up to his potential out there. What sets him apart is his ability to score, especially from behind the arc. If he's not doing that anymore, then he's not doing what he did to bring the Warriors here in the first place. Someone like Curry should NEVER be satisfied with letting Patrick fucking Beverly outdo him on the 3 point line. If Curry had the Mamba Mentality, he pulls in Beverly's face until he gets more threes than him, and he doesn't give a fuck if it looks selfish. That's what I feel, anyway.


I can't believe it took me so long to join patreon. Alchemy has the best basketball content on the internet in my opinion.