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game 6 LAC



KD was unstoppable this game. Hopefully he shows up in the rocket series like you say.


2:03 was that Beverley complaining to Kerr?


Changing of the guard? Lol hell naw


“Minds are changed” 😆


There is not a possibility KD just dominates all the way through these playoffs!? And in turn the team officially becomes his. Look I just want to win! Regardless who is leading the way. Don’t let your love for Steph blind you. His body ain’t holding up.


KD's best game? It's up there for sure. Curry played superb but it won't show after being doubled nearly every possession. 40 rebounds for the series tied with Bogut and 7 less than Draymond... Draymond's weight loss has made him far more consistent. Watching him in the regulat season was infuriating but now he is anchoring everything we do. Livingston is unplayable. I've said it multiple times. TS% of 34%, fouling 3 pt shooters repeatedly, horrible spacing, etc.


Yo Alch don‘t you think that this Scoring outburst by KD is fools gold for us? I mean everytime he goes for big nights like this Steph and Klay are relative passive and that forces us to change the way we play and if you double KD and force it out of his hands Steph and Klay may not be in the rhytmn to take over especially in late game situations. Would rather see Steph get 30 than a Kd 50 tbh am i trippin?


This is the version of KD that absolutely best player in the world. He rises and shoots from everywhere. I think a lot of people crowning Houston already, I dont see it. With KD in this form, no way they beat gsw! Warriors in 6

Neal X

Epic thumbnail. Ready for the Rockets series. I do NOT think this is fool's gold from KD, he can do even better to be honest, and he even said as much in his post game interview. I'm ready to see him go for 60 against the Rockets. What are they going to do? It all comes down to defensive effort and as long as we have Iggy and Dray playing like this we'll have the best shot possible to defeat the Rockets. We may not have depth like in past years, but do they? I just hope Kerr is smart enough to limit Bogut's minutes big time and absolutely don't start him. Either go Kevon or go small ball. EDIT: definitely noticed the favorable whistle for once and Dray gapping those shooters way too much. I definitely got some conspiracy vibes from the refs too lol, like "OK OK we had our fun, time to let them win now."


The anger of Klay, Dre, Dray, and Klutch God KD was...epic. I see what you're saying with Day-day assist-hunting, but his percentage of bad/lazy plays to good ones felt better than normal. You made a point before that we just need to live with some of his bad 3s because that pays for the game changing ones he does make. Similarly, I've come to expect that of Draymond and all players. There's gotta be some sort of normal distribution curve of effort on offense and defense. Most of the time you're putting in that middle chunk of effort and in spurts you're putting 0% or 100% effort. Overall, I loved his effort and his mistakes seemed like the normal cost of Day-Day balling out, plus neither Steph nor Klay's ankle tweaks had anything to do with him. Lou Williams showed how mentally weak he is. After the mind-numbingly bullshit foul calls of the last game, I was feeding off of his misery like a hungry dog. *Hannibal Lecter Slurp*

Jansen E

I think this game was a significant player into whether KD stays or not. Im not saying he will more or wont more....Im just saying its games like these that he will look back and say "hmmm, will this be as fun doing on another team?". Anyway, I have almost ZERO sympathy for Steph Curry. Im extremely pissed off that it happened to him. But thats what YOU get for thinking you can just fuck around for 45 minutes in game 5 and expect to win. Then turn it on in the final 3 minutes thinking every shot will go in. The Warriors could have completely avoided putting Curry (or anyone for that matter) in that situation, but they only have themselves to blame. As if we already didnt have enough to worry about with Houston, now we gotta worry about whether Curry can even play at 100% or not. IF the series goes 7 games, the Warriors have a chance. But my fear and "almost" prediction, is that if the series is in 6 games or less.....the Warriors arent coming out on top. KD might average 45 for the whole series though.


They doubled Steph instead of KD after game 2. It is strange though that KD's big games are still fairly close margin games despite being very efficient.


So my read on this was that the difference between games 5 and 6 was mostly the play of the others, and especially on defense, where KD was better this time as well. But Draymond and Iguodala were great, Klay was great at the other end, including 7 defensive boards. Shutting down Lou and Montrezl really was the difference. KD, he scored a lot of points, which maybe he needed to do, but like on Wednesday most were in the first half. On Wednesday he clunked threes when they needed scoring the most, during the 3rd when they couldn't close the gap and at the end when they'd caught the Clips, but they weren't in that position last night. Over these last two games he was 11 of 26 from three, a decent 42.3%, and 13 a game is way up over what he's shot this year. But even one more miss in each game would have dropped that percentage to below the 35% he shot this year, which doesn't really justify all those shots. Steph, he was 6 of 10 from three over the last two games, and you have to wonder what's going on here, that simply isn't the volume we'd expect from him. Where KD was great was on the twos, 9 of 12 last night and 18 of 26 in the last two games, that's where his efficiency comes from, and that's what makes me wonder why suddenly he's taking as many threes as twos - during the year he shot more that two and a half times as many twos as threes. The reality of this series is that it was always going to be tougher for Steph than KD, because of the Clips' backcourt and the lack of anyone who can stop KD - playing Beverly on him was an absolute act of desperation by Doc. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens against Houston, who again have no one really designed to limit Durant with Erisa gone, but they have Paul to harass Steph, and now Steph's limping, and whatever else is going on. The Sunday afternoon start of the series is a killer, exacerbating the impact of that Wednesday loss, and I can't help but expect that the Dubs will not only lose but get blown out. This Clips series was just about as bad as it could get, having had that smell about it from the start. And my concern always was that playing Houston right after that would play into Houston's hands, so here we are. If Steph doesn't rebound my gut feeling is that the Rockets will win it - Steph limping, ghost-walking or marginalized through this series is the kiss of death, even of KD gets his 50 a game. This isn't and never will be KD's team, it doesn't become your team by taking a lot of shots and signing one-year contracts, it's Steph's team and they need his positive energy, just like they needed Draymond's intensity and Iggy's bounce last night. KD could score 100, the rest fall asleep and they'd still lose.


well said! and point taken! I think sometimes I get extra annoyed with his chest thumping because ultimately he is really, really benefiting form playing with 3 HOFers. He can stand to be a little more humble at times. But you are right got take the good with the bad. No joke, Lou could not make those calls in any gym in America without being ridiculed and eventually punked.


Right you get what Im saying. Im not trying to stir up this player battle thing. But the reality of the situation is, it matters. And KD looks to be thriving in his lead dog roll right now.


I agree there are many ways to skin cat. KD's may not be as ascetically pleasing. But this year it might be necessary. I think IG is the X factor.


Thats good objective take Mark. I agree, How could I not! At our best its the Steph show! But is he able? We may have to see what this team looks like with this version of KD.


Livingston started. Warriors down 14 points in first quarter. Facts.


It's amazing Alchemy. I watched the game, and the clips that you show, and with your commentary, it's like we watched two different games. You really shed a lot of light. Case in point, why Loony's minutes been down. Thanks


Sometimes you just gotta call it what it is, even though it's not popular. Kerr plays Curry in Memphis two games before the season is over, and Curry rolls his ankle. Curry comes out in the playoffs not moving well. Kerr fucks up in game 2, can't win with a 31 point lead, then in a game we shouldn't be playing, but Curry and Thompson roll their ankles. Kerr should be called out for this. IMO game 5 should have been won. Warriors were up a couple points with less than two minutes. A lot of this mess is on Kerr, but that's not a popular opinion, so I'll leave it at that.


I forgot about the Memphis roll! I don’t know how! I was so pissed. I’m with you on this take 💯


I love the foul at 6:33 Bogut hard foul on Montrez. Basic hard foul. I wish other Warriors would do that, too.


Fantastic clip of Steph being doubled and leading to dunks (<a href="https://streamable.com/g3i7g)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://streamable.com/g3i7g)</a> uploaded on Reddit. It's not just the double but the PnR which lead to such nice possessions in this game. Kerr needs to be more consistent and run this shit. I want to see some more Curry-KD PnR.


Durant was stealing soles all night like the Night King in Game of Thrones, but Iggy's dunk was instant game over! Over.


Here's how I see this. As a Steph and Warriors fan, reading his interview with Marcus Thompson helped put a lot of this in perspective for me. He's in a great mental space where he can tune out media narratives about him and as always, he will do what it takes to win. He doesn't care about if that means he'll get crushed by the media and casuals about being "carried" because he said he knows his role and he will adjust to what the defense will give him instead of forcing up "25 shots" because it's expected. All just for the media, fans and critics to FEEL like he was doing what we think he should. (We'll see if that tune changes if it comes down to FMVP tho). He made it clear that he wants to just play the best in whatever role the team needs him to play in (KD said the same). I mean, honestly, I'm not going to argue that Steph had a beastly series or anything, but with defenses making him the primary target w/ 2-4 bodies crowding or bodying him nearly all the time, he was setting up his teammates nicely, (+ the undervalued assist to the assist plays) using his gravity, actively rebounding, and consistently playing solid to great defense. All that while shooting nearly 50-50-95 for the series and people say he didn't show up? All that said, I think where he can improve next series is staying out of foul trouble, turning up his agression on his own REGARDLESS if Kerr realizes we need it, learning to exaggerate contact on him, and playing the great defense we've been seeing all year WITHOUT getting in foul trouble.


Steph is apparently questionable for game 1.


I read something interesting about Kerr from KD's interview where he spoke on that whole Beverly in his head media narrative. He said Beverly didn't bother him it was actually Kerr, some teammates, and even close friends telling him to not "Let that little guy in his head" that bothered him. Because he knew he wasn't. So for him to hear the narrative pushed by people close to him is what irritated him. He made it clear he just wants to play within the offense to win. KD said Kerr told him something along the lines of "Oh, they think you're being bothered by Beverly? We're about to prove them wrong". After that, he said Kerr drew up EXTRA plays for him in the next games just to prove a point. And you know what, this may be my bias as a Steph fan, but I swear Kerr doesn't go out of the way for Steph like that even when we NEED it. And Steph just went along with the plan like the nice guy he is, being passive, not trying to get in the way. But you know what, if we're losing that way again he might need to say fuck the game plan and change the shit himself on the court. Seems like Kerr doesn't care about Steph's production these days because it takes him playing horribly for multiple quarters or games to say hey, let's make sure Steph gets more touches because he's just a little bit important. But really, you draw up extra plays for KD to prove a point to everyone else when KD said he just wants to play the right way. Meanwhile you just let Steph run around and get bodied up off ball for 4 games? It takes you FIVE games to adjust? Games 2-5 Kerr made no adjustments to keep the ball in Steph's hands more to avoid getting physically trapped and no more plays to that involved at least BOTH KD and Steph? I am NOT someone that believes Steph should always be the leading scorer or get all the credit or anything like that. But could we at least not play into the hands of every team's defensive scheme of keeping the ball in KD's hands and completely out of Steph's as if we didn't almost lose playing that way vs. the Rockets last year? That was until Kerr FINALLY adjusted Steph's role in game 6 and 7. How many times do we have to get destroyed by teams for falling into that same trap before Kerr adjusts DURING the game? Short term it may be needed for KD to take over w/ out help, but for a series they WANT us to play that style because we're more vulnerable that way.


Tonight it was Kevin Durant's team. No doubt. 100%.


The pick and roll with the ball starting in Curry's hands was super important to this game. Clippers had to pick their poison. Deal with Curry either slicing the defense with excellent passes leading to the an open person cutting to the rim (dunk, dunk pass), or letting Curry shoot the three ball. PLEASE MORE! either way it gets Curry involved in the game.


Ideally we'd win both home games. Obviously if Steph doesn't play that makes the first game tougher. But if there's a significant upside health wise to him resting and treating the ankle those extra days I won't be upset if he isn't cleared to play. A lot of people say Steph is being carried, he doesn't "show up" in the playoffs, etc. So it would be a good test to see if KD deserves the best player in the world title that people are giving him. I definitely don't wish him to fail if Steph is out. I want us to win however it gets done. But he wouldn't be playing within the "flow of the offense" like he can when Steph is there. He's said in multiple interviews he hates when Steph is out because he doesn't like HAVING to force shots the entire game due to the lack of spacing out there.


Haven’t read it yet. But I agree, everyone kinda takes advantage of Steph being so kind and flexible. He has to find away to communicate what he wants better. Rather than trying to passively show it in the court.


KD got his team. If he carries us to 3Ps, what he will get to go elsewhere. Media started changing the tones a bit now.


Based on the reports that came out today, it looks like Klay's ankle is the one they are worrying about more. His did appear more severe when it happened. I gotta say, if it was any other team but HOU, Kerr probably sits one or both of them. But I think the fact that its HOU alters the mindset. I think they will probably both be a go. I gotta disagree with you about Draymond, I thought that was one of his best defensive games he's played this year and best of the playoffs so far. Watch him on defense closely, the man was everywhere. So many of his teammates defensive mistakes go unnoticed bc of Draymond's help defense. There were possessions where he was defending every Clipper on the floor at one point. The stuff he does isn't by the book and can't be taught. His instincts and bball IQ are just off the charts. As far as Looney, he definitely needs to play more. A lot more. His Drating in the series was a team best 100.4. Last year vs HOU, it was 90.2 with Looney playing. Not playing Looney more may be the biggest mistake Kerr made in this series. With KD, I think you're right, he's on a different level than years past. KD of the past would've kept asking to be fed the ball and kept shooting in the 2nd half. But look at the self-control he displayed. The dude is in complete control out there. He is not letting anything affect his mindset. He is completely locked in on playing the highest level of bball. I've never seen him like this before.


Heard klays is more severe. He has such a high pain threshold it’s hard to read. I knew you would push back on Draymond lol. I don’t think I have ever heard you criticize him ever.


I agree it felt like KD's team for the first team but I think Curry is coming strong against Houston


Not gonna lie, it's very hard for me to criticize him. He's the heart of this team. At its core, this run has always been about defense. He leaves it all on the floor more than anyone else on the team. I don't think any of these rings are possible without him. And if GSW is foolish enough to not keep him, they're gonna regret it badly. Guarantee there will be teams waiting to give him the max. Just look at all the teams in the playoffs right now and imagine if they added Draymond. Scary thought, right? Like, imagine if even a team like Portland had Draymond. That team ain't losing man. Draymond is as skilled at winning as Curry and KD are at scoring.


Lol Alchemy be hating on Dray hard in this video.


When Alchemy pulled a Klay and put out a video of his analysis vs the Rockets literally minutes after the Clippers game, you know I had to give Alc what he deserves and join the patreon. Keep it up my dude.