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Right on time im having my breakfast! Good morning from new zealand!

Kahlil Baker

Yo, alch quick question do you think curry can stay out of foul trouble this next game or future games? He likes to gamble a lot and calls have not been going his way this series. It really sucks to see him on the bench most of the game


i read some article quoting curry as saying something to the effect of "i saw klay get back to the hotel saturday night with a wet tshirt and shades on. typical klay vibes". haha what the hell was klay up to saturday night? it sure helped him out. he gotta get wet more often


is there a big man in the NBA that's as good as Bogut with those tic tac toe dimes?


He jumped in the Pacific Ocean right quick. No kidding, he went to tje beach with Jerebko to play volleyball and decided to go for a swim in the ocean lol.


"Looks like a Nickelodeon cartoon" lmao


No....he has great hands so he is a natural reacher. Like I was saying, I also think he gets caught up in “ you are not going to bully me” kinda mindset.


nothing better than a Killa interview


During games 2 and 3 I'd place a lot of the blame for Steph's foul trouble on the officials because it seemed like they almost WANTED to keep him out of the game. But for this game, it's on him. He's got to trust his teammates a little bit more. And you know what? I actually think this is Steph's last step to becoming the best defender that he can be at his size/position. He's drastically improved as an on ball defender over the past two years and now he's got to learn how to play the ref's game in order to get the benefit of the doubt like more established defenders have. I don't know if they'll ever give him a break with his aggressive defense since obviously he gets fouled so much on the offensive end and gets a fraction of those calls. But I honestly think this is the year that Steph will have to learn how to play into the refs hands and sell calls on both offense and defense to gain the refs respect. In the grand scheme of things, this will make him an even better player imo.


I didn't watch the game but it seems to me Curry was forced to take some tougher shots than usual. They really need to run more PnR, Looney has been great in that department with Curry. Is this the coaching staff or the players not implementing it? I guess we'll never know. Klay and KD shooting the number of 3s they're supposed to? That's frankly shocking to me. Klay's shots looked amazingly soft this game.


ooo u right about that PnR w kd vs curry during the 4th qtr


yo alc, I am so done with this non-flexible game plan we always employ. I mean i get it, off ball steph opens up the offense and gets more people more touches, but in the PLAYOFFS defense gets tougher and sometimes you just have to go to the pick and roll. Not only will it help steph by saving energy since he is not being mauled wherever he runs, but it will allow him to get in a rhythm when he is off. Also, i would love an explanation from Kerr for why he begins to run steph pick and rolls, which often lead to corner threes, with a lineup of iggy, dray, looney, and McKinney.... To me, it just doesn't make sense. Lets not forget, last year we tried this same crap against Huston and we were pretty lucky to escape that series, despite a much better roster. I guess what im really trying to say is: YOU CAN USE PICK AND ROLL AND OFF-BALL OFFENCES AT THE SAME TIME! With a dynamic offense, switching off between the two, we can be unbeatable. (sorry for the long post, but im heated)


I do believe the taunting of the Ref's in Minn. is coming back to bite Steph, and might hurt Iggy down the road as well. But that's a conspiracy thing, hopefully when things get serious in the Rockets series if we can close out Weds. the Ref's will get past that and it will go away. I don't think Steph is generally regarded badly by the Ref.'s it just seems he is always getting bad calls. But I agree with what you said AA, let the help help, he definitely takes on people to prove a point that doesn't by any stretch need to be proven.


Not using PnR with two of the most hyper efficient scorers in basketball...


I thought he accomplished that last year when he was averaging almost 6 FTA a game. But alas, he got absolutely hammered in the playoffs with no calls.


It really is astonishing how much more fluid and aggressive Draymond is compared to regular season when he was way fatter. It seems like shedding weight is often the fastest way to improve performance. Just look at Oladipo. MJ was freakin' lean as hell for most of his career and I think it was a big part of his success.


Maybe we thank Utah for playing so poorly on defense both on ball and off ball, both in scheme and effort, and not preparing the Rockets too well for the step up that's coming.


Alch I’m a big Portland fan but I still love watching the warriors play some ball. Any chance you will be doing any coverage of the okc Portland series or no


I couldn't agree with you more regarding the PnR. It was driving me nuts all game. We finally went to PnR repeatedly in the 4Q (especially targeting Lou WIlliams) so It's obvious that the team knows that it's the most effective and efficient play that we can utilize and rely upon. It's just so frustrating that we aren't doing it more throughout the whole game.


man I loved Klay's interview so much haha. Dude needs to be a Warrior for life

Ezra Abbey

You catch that shit Klay said about cleansing himself at the beach and after playing Volleyball with Jerebko? Klay's a weird dude lol... I really liked the defense we played down the stretch, looked like 2016 Warriors basketball, I hope we see a lot more of that against the Rockets, it's gonna be imperative for us to win games to be able to close out games strong and shutdown Harden and CP.


You notice I bring that up often, when talking about various guys around the league. It is something Riley figured out long ago, hence their body fat rule.


Hmmm! Didn't think of that, but you are right! They may come out game 1 in cruse control as crazy as that sounds.


Those rebounds. 49 - 33. rebounds got us key buckets. Also what do ya know, ZERO quin cook this game. Was glad to see mckennie in there though!


Two games with Steph in foul trouble: Game 2 Steph was RED RED hot, Kerr takes him out for extended time. Loss. Game 4 Steph ice ICE cold Kerr leaves him in. Bottom line, even with Steph ice cold, leave him in the game. Kerr bugs me a lot, but he made the right decision to leave Steph in the game.


I love that Klay held it down for the Warriors in game 4. Some people were commenting about Klay's lackluster first couple playoff games, then boom! Klay had it stuck on automatic.

Dan Doerge

Alch - I'm not seeing much joy, especially from Steph. A natural consequence of losing Boogie in such a cruel way? Kinda how I'm rolling now...

Strong Foru

Allegedly, Klay just got dumped by his beautiful model/actress girlfriend. So, yeah, he needed to 'cleanse' himself. Lol.


three days on the road, Steph game after game reachy foul trouble zapping his rhythm, plus I think Steph is a Christian and probably wanted to be with his family at home on Easter morning...(just my 2 cents). Steph always on the cusp of getting hot


Kerr got smart and woke up to playoff rotations. Game 2 was the wakeup call

Ravi Dissanayake

This series is a wrap. There's no need to show our best hand unless it's absolutely necessary to do so. Come on now this ain't our first rodeo. To answer your question Alc, Mind games.


Alch, you think we're gonna see Cook or Damion Lee at all in the playoffs?

Nathan Glanzer

I think Bogut made the right read not passing to KD. His defender was running full steam to him and might have been able to get into the passing lane. Lou definitely traveled in the corner before that sick shot too. Right foot was pivot foot. Ref was right fucking there. Come on man!


<a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/R9wQzCq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/gallery/R9wQzCq</a> Apparently Steph acknowledged the fouls were on him and this is what he did to stop reaching.


Those long passes can be risky for sure, especially since teams know Dray and Bogut are passing 90% of the time.


It's not a secret tho! What makes it so effective, is it doesn't matter if you know its coming or not. There is no real answer for it with the right talent using it. Thats why it is the most popular play in basketball.


"That's a big floater... usually dunkers don't have floaters" Lol - having rolled watery snake eyes while in Mexico City over the weekend, I'd take either one...


That's playoff Klay - a lot of D, more quiet games, his scoring average down but still decently efficient, and then he explodes, and usually when they need it. He's averaged 20 or more in the regular season during this 5-year run but has only done that once so far in the playoffs.


Exactly. This isn't mind games by Kerr lol. It's arrogance. He wants his philosophy to work so bad that he will not bring out the most effective way we play til our backs are against the wall. Mind boggling