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gm75 vs MIN



My reaction to this game was literally Andre laughing at the end due to all the bs


Oh boy I'm hyped for this breakdown


I spit my coffee on that dieng first man ever, 🤣🤣🤣 💀

Connor H

First man ever 😂😂😂😂


okogies shot of the night was on stephs ankles... that was inexcusable man! bush league


Maybe this is really good for our team chemistry seems like when everyone gangs up against a common enemy it builds up the team morale a bit


The fact that KDs shot was waved off is just atrocious! Wtf are the refs doing? They tryna dethrone us early? Refs should be fined just like players get fined when they take shots at the refs. But I know why they don’t get fined...they work for the NBA and it’s a business I get it. But there needs to be some sort of accountability towards these referees. On another note Steph was clutch and it’s too bad they had to lose the way they did. But if KD gets the 4 point play it’s probably a W.


I’m surprised no one is talking about how Okogie slaps curry on the ankle on his transition 3 while he’s in the air @ 0:24. So dirty.


I understand that it was a foul on the last play, but they almost never call that and it happens so frequently. To call it on a game deciding play with 0.5 seconds to play, when towns would've never gotten to the ball, I don't know. The ref was just salty af.

Jansen E

Quickly address the bullshit. The warriors won this game. Flat out obvious rob by the refs. Game winning 4pt play from Durant and they take it away. Steph works his magic and the refs get pissed off so they take the game away from the warriors. The NBA-wide agenda to steal homecourt from the Warriors if fucking disgusting. Been saying it all season really. They want the warriors to fail so badly they are trying to force them to run through Denver. Now the rest of the game. That’s just poor from the warriors. They let the game get out of hand. They had it won at halftime basically, and came out of halftime and stunk up the joint. I’m really hoping that doesn’t become a trend. Silver lining, this game should fire the team up to really push for the 1 see these finals few games. That Denver game in a couple days......game of the season right there. I might go to that game!! Let’s hope for a classic warriors playoff atmosphere one last time at the ROARACLE.


We can always expect that kinda line from the GOAT, Alchemy.


I’m looking at it now... I’m not convinced it was intentional. It’s such a weird thing to do.


My take is I agree with u AA about all the calls, most of KD's drives were no calls legit, his 4 pt play absolutely was a foul. But so was his grab of Kat on the last play. You know his entire playing career he's almost never been targeted on D so he's just playing, not thinking about what's about to happen like Dray and Iggy do. And Cousins, like Dray are just disliked by the ref's for all their crying. Cousins gets hit tons when he is on offense. Plus side, this team may have an excuse to get going full now, no cushion anymore,


Yeah maybe I tried to be too objective. I go to a lot of high school games. And the shit you see up close from refs is just ridiculous. I think it’s kinda desensitized me. But at the pro level they need to be held accountable.


In a weird way I feel like the outcome of this loss was good for the team's unity and chemistry. Steph and KD were clowning the refs on IG and everyone was laughing at the refs as opposed to being genuinely frustrated like Harden and Scott Foster. Slight optimism that this bring the team even closer heading into the playoffs.


Please don't watch Live with us. You don't upload an analysis video if you do that.


it was funny to see kats confidence fly after boogie dipped hahah


I will double down. I can’t promise it will be the normal 12 to 15 min. But I’ll do a breakdown too.


How many possessions did KD waste trying to draw a foul? Like 4? I don't want to see Draymond handle the ball in anything but transition when the game is on the line. That shot at 13:10 is perfect form. If Curry shoots like that consistently, he's shooting over 50% from 3 guaranteed. It infuriates me how the greatest shooter deviates from this form so often. That's why he was shooting 33% over a long stretch after the All Stars break. Somehow he's now back on track after that one game break.


Another thing, in all my years of watching Hoops I have never seen taunting of the refs to this extent by a team while the game was still being played. For that matter even after it's over. That was crazy, you know every ref in the NBA will watch that film and will dislike the Warriors a lot more than they do already. Dray, KD, and Cousins are 3 of the top five Technical magnets in the league, this has a lot to do with why we don't get calls. I'm not saying it's fair, but I believe it's true.


I was watching the Timberwolves feed and the commentators called the foul on the catch before it happened. Most likely because there was foul to give? KD also knew this based on his post game interview, that's why he wanted the shot as fast as possible. It's like one of those moments when you're trying to intentionally foul someone and refs already know beforehand, so they call it regardless of whether it's executed properly. More mad about the KAT call. That's technically a foul on Durant but it's obvious the refs didn't want to run around for 2nd overtime. If that's a foul, Curry would be the most unstoppable player in the post season.


Adam was a hoopster??


Bruh, the instant Josh Okogie steps one foot in the Bay, it's green light on dude for trying to step on Steph's Right Heel then slap his ankle mid air. You can debate the intent all you want, but that shit was reckless. That ending to the game made me feel some type of way. Questionable officiating aside, the game was determined by that barbaric 3rd quarter by the Warriors. At this point, we know refs are gonna be on some bullshit from time to time, so you got to do the work early so you don't get put in those situations.


The refs blew blew my mind and their whistles down the stretch... But forget that, Gsw got complacent and careless on both ends smh 19 point lead gone like a dead beat pop going to the store... Dubs gotta know refs ain't helping them out with shit they need to execute or get executed...


That was a dirty play by Okogie, trying to take out Curry mid-air. He was upset he didn't get the call on the airball 3 he just shot so he retaliated by going after Curry's ankles. Anyone who's played ball knows that's dirty. Should've been another 4pt play too. These trash refs missed two 4pt plays in 20 sec.


okogie actually slapped curry's foot on that leaner 3. I see how the ref's could have missed it in real time, but in slow-mo it was the most egregious foul of the night. would have been a flagrant if they caught it.


Good catch on the context of Iggy and Curry pointing at the ref, It was to say "told you they weren't intentionally fouling." I didn't catch that last night, too many things happening. Reddit was having a party saying "Golden boy shows his true colors".


I was very irritated with KD and Cook last night. Why did Cook keep on going over the screen on the high picknroll against bayless? It kept collapsing our defense. We let off the gas pedal on the third, but ultimately; Cook getting cooked by Bayless was definitely what swung the momentum towards the twolves.

Kahlil Baker

I feel like no matter what game it is, the refs should be publicly criticized by the NBA on what they did wrong the whole game. Players always get finned and suspended but the refs are never held accountable for the shit they do wrong. It’s like dealing with law enforcement.


Tell me about it! I left some of that out because I feel like I have been bashing his defensive so much of late. I didn’t want to beat a dead horse. I honestly don’t want him in the rotation. It just baffles me that someone with so little attributes and his pedigree can be that bad.


U see towns game winning free throw was a lane violation. 🤣😂


😂 I was so done by then I wasn’t even paying attention


Alch keeping things honest. I respect that. Great video. Sloppy games this this so close to the end of a long marathon season scare the hell out of me. Punk guys like Okogie who will probably never sniff the playoffs their entire career trying to injure Steph and these refs are impotent.


Thanks for showing the exact same plays that Cousins did (no call) then Towns does the same thing (foul called against Cousins). Very inconsistent.


All I care is that no Warriors get injured in the next 7 games. Kerr needs to NOT TIGHTEN THE ROTATION! PLAY BENCH GUYS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE


Man youve been killing Deng. First you called him Mr. National Geographic now hes the first man ever?? Damn


Hey Alch you made cook motivated and proved u wrong lol :D i bet they are subscribed at ur patrion lol

Kahlil Baker

Yo!! I just looked back at that “hot stove foul” by Okogi. He slapped Stephs foot while he was in the air. How is he not being fined or reprimanded for that play?!?! That’s dangerous especially for Steph.