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gm76 vs CHA



FIRST-for the first time ever in my history of posting! EDIT: Okay, that was pointless and all, but it felt strangely good. And this game was MONSTER. Talk about a statement game; this is peak Warriors ball, with the best bench production we've seen since...when? Whatever. Keep this up going into the Finals and we'll be happy come June, I feel.


Did you see the video of KD informing Steph about Hussels death?

Matt Hanna

These games are funny, always love to see the warriors having fun and all shooting well, which turns into a blow out but half way through you are like coo, this game over. On to the next one. I think the warriors have figured out denver though. Could be a good game but damn we have a lot of weapons.


Offensively, more than anyone in history, with more styles, from more ranges. What type of offensive production can we not muster? If the Dubs lock in, take care of the ball, and play D, who could we not destroy? Bogut looks *great* by the way. I haven't seen this much agility and speed since...what, 2013?


nothing really to say about this game. it didnt tell much of a story. kd was experimenting with some vision and passing. cook is trying to let kerr know he can be trusted come playoffs, and bell wanted to perfect his little j but didnt go as planned. bell got some handles for a small 5 though, i like his movement. i dont think nuggets know what theyve gotten themselves in to. they prolly wish they could be the underdogs right now. maybe a 6 or 7 seed =p

Kahlil Baker

Does anyone know what’s going on in OKC? I took a look at the playoff bracket and all the sudden they are in the 8th seed. They are supposed to be the dubs “biggest threat” going into the playoffs

Chris Styner

Honestly the DC foul was super bs. What it looked like to me was he made contact with the defender, then the defender was pushed back tried to regain the gap, and got contact to the upper chest and gave. And DC probably expected resistance, and what he got was a dude playing limbo.


I don’t mean to bring Nipsy into the convo but I will. Obviously it’s a tragic event that happened, but that comes with being involved in a gang and in gang violence. Idk his whole story but I know that gang violence happens and people die because of it. As it pertains to the game, I think that KD is trying to prove something to people that he can pass and rack up assists. I’m not a big fan of KD especially after the “turmoil” he’s created around the team. KD man, he’s just weird as hell for lack of a better description. Weird ass mfer.


Agreed... haven’t had too many like this, this season. Bell is such a natural athlete, but such a unnatural basketball player.


“ Live by the gun” thing with Nip was he was not just another ignorant rapper. He was on his way to really make changes and being a role model.


You look at Cook in games like this and you see someone who earned his spot on the team and can be a good backup pg. Other games he looks like Kd got him his spot and he will be out of the league next year. Maybe since he hangs out with Kd a lot he picks up on Kds "these games dont matter" vibe and that leads to those low effort games.


Appreciate you doing the highlights for the Denver game Alch!


KD with another 5 field goal attempt game?!? That's 25% of his usual. He's passing a ton but not collapsing the defense in the usual way, so it feels very empty like a lot of Draymond's assists. Hornet's defense was so bad it's hard to evaluate the team's performance, it kinda just made everyone look like an mvp.


For those who missed my tweet this happened yesterday: late to watch your breakdown today, so I turned it on, just before bed. Wife: is that alchemy? Me: yup Wife: I like his voice, I could go to sleep to his voice Me: 😳😅


KD is trying to prove a point, I don’t know if it’s that he can run the point forward position better than Dray or it’s just him trying to show he is a complete player by getting assists. I hope it doesn’t last as watching Dray avoid bunny’s at the rim searching for assists has really started to piss me off. KD not shooting is going to be two unnatural things that are just wrong. Draymond make a layup and stop chucking the ball around like an idiot searching for assists. KD shoot the damn ball.


Right..I suspect the attitude of the stars rubs off on him. Only problem is, he is a fringe NBA player


May be a little different because my process will be different but I understand a lot of you cant catch the live.


Tuesday is set up......roles....rest.....momentum.....motivation....health


Yeah Im waiting for a game where we need iso KD to see how he responds. Kinda saw it late in Min, he got aggressive.


With Murray's ankle and the tougher finishing schedule, a win by the Warriors may resign Denver to thinking of health instead of competing for the top seed so hard. Denver is a very average road team which doesn't bode well for them in the playoffs.


1st and 2nd is probably the difference between playing fading thunder or spurs not that big.


right..but for a young team that everybody is question the legitimacy of. They don't want to got in looking weak imo


Don't forget that Houston is chasing them for the #2 seed as well. They'll need every advantage they can get in that 2nd round matchup, particularly HC.

Ravi Dissanayake

I feel bad for Jordan bell maaan. He looks frustrated asf


havent watched the vid but, how much do u wana credit quinns perfomance on the hornets meh effort, especially kemba, there was just some plays where i saw him walking like he did not wana be there


Yeah they were some straight up dawgs last night. The effort was effort tho. Let’s see if he can keep it up.