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74 vs MEM



Kd did great last night


odd, restricted mode (network policies at the office) prevents me from watching this one right now. Other vids no problem.

Major Powers

"and now has been released." Jordan Bell was released?


I hope the front office can figure a way to keep klay steph and kd. I would love to see this dynasty keep going.

Ezra Abbey

Really liked that conspiracy take on KD. KD is a basketball head to the highest degree and has mentioned in the past that he wants to perfect every aspect of the game. Our front office might've nailed this on the head telling him he can play point, these past few games you can tell he's taken it as a challenge to be the initiator and passer instead of iso'ing and shooting 3's. KD could potentially be a fucking problem playing point with his size, IQ and skill.


If it takes the team running our offense through him to get him to stay, I don't want to see it. Call me a selfish fan if you want, but I don't want Steph's abilities to be stifled for the rest of his career because KD decides he wants to rebrand himself as more than a scorer. Seeing Steph play off ball robs us of seeing him play to his full ability.


Warriors need to do everything to keep this guy KD. Hes something else. Near perfect from the field. He might be the best player rn!


good theory on KD wanting to play more point, really plausible


Good take on that point forward on KD. I actually don't think he played well last night. He kept passing up open opportunities to get an assist, but his shots dropped even when they were heavily contested. I like where our team is headed man. I think we are trying to implement the "flow" offense, but we were just not executing it well enough.

Matt Hanna

It sometimes feels to me that because the narrative in sports media is that KD is for sure leaving, makes it even tougher for him to stay. Id like to see him stay one more year and compete for hopefully what will be his 4th chip... but its tough to think that will happen given that everyone assumes he is gone. I just hope he stays engaged in the post season and we get that three-pete


kd said he want a statue at the chase center. I know he knows he would have to resign to get that


i see opportunities where you simply have both point forward and point guard in kd and steph. i mean steph has already been playing a lot off ball. there are pros/cons to each taking the point position for pieces of the game/opponent. wouldnt that be amazing if the whole "selfless team" thing goes to the next level and you have these 2 great players (kd and steph) harmonize and share the point position, defer to each other when they see opportunities for the team, etc. we've seen instances of that but if the narrative became that rather than a game here and there, that would create a legacy in itself


I'm not sure I buy the KD point theory, he's been a primary half court passer along with Dray for at least two seasons now. Statistically what is eye catching are his field goal attempts: 13 shots this game and 6 shots last game. A total of 3 three pointer attempts in both games combined. That's less three pointer attempts than Lonzo Ball for reference. KD definitely hunts for easy shots in the first half, entering midrange god mode if he has the space and the less than 6'6 mismatch. But once he gets into the 4th quarter, he has a tendency to take much more difficult shots, both contested against Caboclo. This was what I noted in the early season but now it's coming back again. Why? I don't know. I think it's almost too passive at this point, as KD really dislikes moving off ball on anything but in transition.


That Haynes podcast was dope. Makes me love boogie more


I’m with you on the kd point forward theory. To me the past couple of games in his interviews he seems much happier. May just be me wanting him to stay but interesting nonetheless


If he could develop his passing ability, probably would be beneficial KD on the point. He doesn’t do shit off ball and Steph seems to infatuated with accumulating unforced turnovers along with Dray and the Home run pass.


If he turned into a better version of LeBron..that be one way to really surpass him. Gets him in rings, already the better scorer...then the playmaking!!


My problem with Steph moving off ball is none of the guys except Klay moves off the ball AND it is far less effective against teams that can communicate well (i.e any decent team in the NBA). I just see too much laziness off ball in both the regular and post season from most of the guys on the team.


I tried to point out some of that with out if coming off too critical...given the overall result


Someone had brought up it would be in his personality to do go against the narrative.. the ultimate F you to the media would be to turn around and sign a 5 year deal


Agreed. Steph is better in transition and when the temp is fast. When it slows down you got to like KD ability to pass out of traps and just see the floor.


I have really come to appreciate the stats side. Do you follow @uniquEsports on twitter great numbers. That said sometimes things cant be explained with stats. Its more of a feel on this one.


Yeah if he refined it and they really committed to it him and the team. It could be devastating. But then you know who would be the odd man out!


KD's been more passive after getting injured (for the first time this season) only a dozen games from the playoffs. He's also had to deal with the death of his friend. He was the same way coming back from injuries with OKC.

Dan Doerge

Right on w/ the Boogie interview analysis, Alc. He is one smart Dude and funny. He is starting to embrace the irony that is his game and his life. My favorite Warrior now.


Watch Draymonds last 2 interviews after Durant has taken over the assist role and isn't giving Dray the assist by not shooting. Dray's body language and what he says tells me he doesn't like the new KD one bit. Why because Dray's role will go down significantly if KD wants to play point forward and get assists. This is perhaps a payback, and I think there exists a good chance KD wants to show that Dray isn't needed as much next year, save the money for KD, Klay etc.


I had a thought that KD passing agenda lately (that you mentioned) is just his focus going into the playoffs because he knows the doubles are inevitably coming. I figured getting extra reps playing point and seeking out the extra pass would pay dividends when he'll in all likelyhood be the primary defensive target for all teams going forward. do you think there is any merit to a player like KD focusing on another element of his game in preparation for the playoffs?


I've been pretty fascinated by KD running the point. You can tell that both KD and the team has made the decision to have him run the point more. I think you're onto something. Bc when you think about it, no other team can offer a role like this to KD while still being able to win.


I can't be the only one who gets nostalgia when I see that Memphis arena and court. Our playoff series in 2015 against Memphis, on the road, down 2-1, was a very special moment for all GSW fans I think. That's when we all realized this team was something special. Now I love seeing that baby blue bc it brings back those memories.


fucks with the theory heavy... more people need to hear that

Branden Edwards

It's unfortunate how Parsons career has gone. He was dangerous in Houston


With you all the way on Boogie. He got some heat for his on-court sulks, but off-court, in the community, on camera? He seems like he's just a very decent human being in a high-stress environment. It's probably really middle-class and bouzhie of me, but I'm super happy all our guys seem to be seriously good, chill, likeable human beings. Like, Harden, his game is ugly? No problem with him. CP? His game has its ugly spots, but he seems like such a fake-ass whiner. That fake smile 'fuck you' face with Steve Kerr a few years back? His position in the Player's Association and the low-key feeling he's not really looking out for anyone but himself I've read from a few sources? Dudes like that...no stomach for it.

Ravi Dissanayake

Warriors management one step ahead again! Is it me or does it feel like that post game interview was scripted. It's as if warriors Management wants to know how he's likening his new role


Dramond's passing in this game was shit.


Conspiracy theory? IDK, but human nature, I think so. You know, Warriors Chamberlain scored at will, 76er's Chamberlain restructured his game and led the league in assists, Lakers Chamberlain played defense and a complete game at peace with himself after having a "loser" label earlier in his career. So at peace, so at home, Chamberlain ran the beach by himself to rehabilitate a late career knee injury in order to come back and continue to play. The last team I ever played for in my middle 40's to middle 50's was named "just for fun" and I was playing with house money at that point and completely at peace. If Durant is looking to be at peace with his game and play just for fun...not $....he won't find that in N.Y. Hopefully someone is smart enough to tell him the Wilt career arc.


Lacob and co are not going to just passively let him walk. Got to believe there is a plan none pitch, pitch.


I like the changes in KD’s game. One aspect of the game he was lacking in was his decision making and passing. We already know he can pretty much score at will and we got two of most deadly off the ball shooters on the team. Might as well let him run the offense instead of dray. He’s not gonna run around screens the way klay and steph will so this is probably kerr’s way of having ball movement when KD’s on the floor instead of having him ball stopping and isolating.

Neal X

Honestly have to say I will not really miss Bell if he goes, right now off the bench I see Jerebko as the "guy" because he's the two-way threat as long as he's not someone teams can gap.


Makes sense for a lot of reasons. KD has never had to be deceptive with the ball for obvious reasons. But as a playmaker he will have to learn some.


This was my first ever game I got to see in person! Loved seeing KD go off


Where he is nice to have is when things get chippy in the playoffs. Put him in at the end of a Q and let him get chippy.


"LeBron James isn't a fan of the way that the Lakers roster was constructed during his first season in L.A., per report" The reports all were when he joined the team that LeBron wanted to be surrounded by playmakers now after that disastrous experiment he is throwing Magic & Pelinka under the bus lol


Oh yeah and Luke will not be able to escape LeBron's blame either he will be fired within days after season end. It's good to be the king?


Predictable! There is just no way they didn't ask him...no way! Especially when you consider the history he had with the players.