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Down 16, Up 1 to end the 3rd... steph in God mode...


"All hell's about to break loose"


I was there last night with my family in the pouring rain getting all drenched before the game. Steph was.....Steph. No words. Looney was just horrible in the first half getting man handled, but later produced some clutch rebounds. I watched Looney miss 6-7 straight mid-range jumpers during the warmups. He really can't shoot and I can see why he has no confidence. KD was screwing around during warmups at the half shooting high rainbows the whole freaking time. The man is bored. Iggy had that extra step and SDot's dunk looked better in person. Everytime Dray shot the ball, l the whole stadium was nervous. Only if he can shoot the long ball at a +30% clip we're gonna be scary. Some dude on YouTube comment said, getting Boogie in the starting lineup is like Thanos getting that last infinity stone and there's NOTHING in the universe can do about it. 😂😂👍


What a game


Gentry trying to out-Warriors the Warriors, didn't work this time. I got real nervous when Steph got those early fouls, that often gets in his head and he pouts a little, but that second half was a fresh set of downs for him. Obviously he kept us in it thanks to bombing 7 3's in the 3rd Q but I think this win goes to Draymond. Dude was crazy good on defense even though they kept trying to attack him with Randle and AD, and he didn't have a bad turnover game. Those 4 3's were just the icing on top! Dray, Iggy and Livingston have really been showing up these last few games.

Matt Hanna

Im really enjoying this stretch of warriors ball because they are playing their strengths and steph, without a doubt, is the engine that runs this team. KD will forever be the demigod in scoring with such ease.. but like you said he gets the quietest 30 points of all time. Steph gives us life when we need it and thats why they are the champs. So much fun to watch this comeback

Kahlil Baker

Like the boys in the NBC studio say Steph happens. But if you pause it at the 11:46 minutes spot in the breakdown, you can see AD landing in Curry’s air space almost directly underneath his left foot. Shaun was called for that a couple times in some games last month. Why do you think the former 2 time MVP doesn’t get those type of calls? Is it because the refs would have to call 4 or 5 of those a night if they decided to be consistent with him or because he flops from the three point line occasionally? At the end of the day I don’t think it’s right that such an important player in the league does not get the all star treatment.


when curry goes off like that on a comeback its like i cant even cheer and clap. i just watch in awe. unbelievable


Hey Alchemy, what do you think about draymond holding his shoulder like checking or feeling something's not right at 15:41.


I think if we were say... the Blazers caliber of team. No chip... he would get more calls. A big part of it is he don’t need the calls!


Yeah he’s been doing it all year here and there. I was more concerned with Andre’s neck. Seemed to be bothering him after the c2c drive and no call.


Mark Jackson annoyingly always makes it all about him when it come to the dubs, but when he said steph is all god gifted and it has very little to do with work ethic. If that wasn’t bad enough then had the nerve to imply Harden doesn’t flop as all his fouls are legit as if shooting the most FT’s per game in the entire history of the nba is just a coincidence...bruh...for the love of god, stop letting this clown call dub games

Major Powers

After the Mavs game and then this back-to-back it's fully official that Steph is in complete Threezus mode. What a fun spot to be in with Boogie finally joining, we get to see the answer to that age-old question: what would Team USA look like if they played in an NBA regular season?


Alch, ima need you to start picking the opposite team to win before every game. Your reverse jinx is undefeated


Treymond makes an appearance.


Thats interesting about Loon...I watched clip after clip of him in the summer knocking them down. gets in front of a crowd and it all changes I guess.


I think Danny is seriously considering a Tatum package for AD. Possibly Tatum & Hayward which might be ideal for the Pelicans since they probably won’t be a huge destination for stars in the coming years. AD as the 1a with Irving and his championship dna might be the direction. Or Boston stays young and loaded for the future. Not sure what AD and Bron would look like especially the days theyre both chipped up in the coming years.


I agree, Dray changed the narrative with this game, hope he keeps trending in the right direction as he is currently doing.


Totally agree. Steph is the guy who raised the ceiling of the team, KD makes sure the floor is high when Steph has an off night.


The 1st say 5 min, Dray was throwing SC30, KD, & Klay open like S.Young was doing with J.Rice, J.Taylor, and B.Jones in 94, Great D, but better pass. The Suns game was when we figured out how to deal with the Draymond halfcort problem, yesterdays nuggest game was manisfatation that the problem was solved, And todays game made it look like there wasn't ever a problem to solve. By simply increasing the upward trjectory, all drays shots even his misses looked good. Him playing greedy on D isn't going to stop in this contact year, and yeah it gets on my nerves like some of stephs turnovers or silly folus but overall I'll live with both. I was wrong, mabey it is just a matter of Dray getting healthy and in shape. Anyways, I'm seriously thinking bout trowing a party for friday's game…lol. I wasn't even this excited for KD's debut as of course that was going to work well. I think this addition will take more effort to mesh but ultimatlly will 100% result in a net positive, Can't wait for your live Friday Alch!


Danny Ainge can’t simply strike a deal for AD before the trade deadline — unless he wants to include Kyrie n the package as a result of the "rose rule"


I have to be honest, I turned the game off early in the 3rd. Thought for sure it was a trap game and we were going to lose. Served me right that I missed the curry explosion of 6 3's in about 4 minutes!


That play by Andre at the end of the third. Absolutely brilliant.


Such good work, man, such good work. It's almost better than watching the game. "That was a 'I-haven't-had-a-shot-in-a-while-shot" was the topper. All I know is that they should be giving Mark Jackson's money to you, Alchemy.


Harden shoots a lot of free throws because his usage is so high, taking most of the team's possessions. Two kinds of flops exist: one to exaggerate contact made or to pretend a illegal contact was made where there was none. He's certainly done both but he uses the first mostly (e.g head shaking backwards) which are technically legitimate fouls. The truth is his free throw rate has gone down quite a bit compared to previous seasons, it's his insane 39% usage that is leading to high free throw attempts.


Two highest net rating on this team? Steph and Draymond at 13.9 and 13.2. They are also the top 2 in the league. In 7th place is KD at 10.9 while Klay is much lower at 4.2. Draymond should ONLY shoot corner 3s from now. Those are his money shots. Perfect for his low ass arch. He'll need to stay away from top of the key more. Steph's numbers are nearly exact as his 2016 season yet no one is talking about it. That's just expected greatness I guess. Yet he doesn't get the calls he deserves. Most of his free throws are from technical fouls or intentional last minute game fouls.


I'm gonna try and see Warriors vs Clippers live on Friday night. Nosebleed tix are selling for $65


Great comment on Steph "trouble 3" I get this feeling that if we as regular humans were told by our Coach to just go in and try to get a shot off in the NBA. Don't have to make it, or get close to the rim or anything, just try to get it out of our hands without it getting blocked we would look something like a bad shooting form of Steph when he is taking most of his 3's. Him just getting it off with the normal collective D he gets is flat amazing, making them like he does, somethin aint right.. I imagine him trying to shoot against his Pops D when he was 11, just throw it up and one day Boom he just started making them and never stopped.


I think you have to consider that Dray has to by necessity be playing alongside our Allstars whenever he is in, Klay, KD, and sometimes Steph have to carry the load of the second stringers much more often.


Holland or Belgium? Where are you watching from?


14:17 Klay looking like a defensive end pass-rushing with that bend lol


Best team win since 2016....


There's no way last year's team wins this game. They would have folded. But this is the underrated thing Boogie brings to this team: motivation. Our biggest enemy last year was boredom. But Cousins has given them purpose and energy. All the great ones love a challenge. Otherwise, they get bored. As if the challenge of a 3-peat wasn't enough, they now have the challenge of integrating Cousins. They have the energy of wanting Cousins to be successful. This season has an entirely different vibe and feel. Signing Boogie was such a brilliant move bc it solved their biggest opponent - their own boredom.


u were almost right!!! thank god u werent and the curry flurry came through

Paul Hanson

That was a game that I (and probably many of us) didn't think the Dubs would win. The malaise was gone-I think they are excited for Boogie like we all are. I think (not a particularly original thought) that the guys needed something to break up the routine, the boredom factor-and Boogie is it. I sense excitement and it's coming at a good time-that excitement helps them get out of holes they put themselves in with less that 2017 level defense. Having a big-any good big-down low will really help them-and of all bigs-it's BOOGIE who they will have. So exciting.

Paul Hanson

Also-I hope Draymond is OK as I think he hurt his shoulder in the second half. He seems healthy now but man does he exert some energy! If he can hit 2-3 threes a game-wow that's going to help a TON.

Kevin Morris

Many videos ago you compared KD vs Curry and discussed which was the better player. You said KD was the more reliable scorer, but Curry could go into blue flame mode where he was truly peerless. We got Blue Flame Curry in this game. It is an awesome sight. Truly something special to see.

Thomas Ogas

We have to be exhausted of the constant Steph vs KD comparisons and the "who's better? Who's more valuable? etc etc". We have both guys, in their prime, on the same team and I wouldn't trade either of them for any other player in the NBA! The only weakness in Steph's otherwise GOAT status is how it seems like his VERY BEST games only come out when he's perfectly tuned in, synched up, revved up, what have you. He has to be on the floor and running and active and engaged like a video game character charging up his power meter, then when it's full he goes fucking apeshit all over the other team and cannot miss the most difficult shots imaginable. There are some teams that don't do enough to stop that momentum and build up and he just kills them. Then there are other teams that know better and knock him off his game (mostly off ball). And some refs and even coaching decisions that can also do the same.


honestly ...Blue flame mode might be the most memorable thing I will have seen in sports when I am an old man looking back.


Thing is you see it in a high school game and the defense can kinda shake it off to luck. But they all know he can come down and hit 4 of them in a row...its subtly the most intimidating thing basketball right now.


I definitely am Thomas! We need to wait until they are done or at least opponents again to revisit it with anything new.


I think you hit the nail right on the head saying that the Pelicans know only an up-tempo game plan. They began the season very well, surprising teams with their fast pace, won a lot of early games and were at the top of the West for several weeks. Now that teams have adjusted to that pace, they don't seem to have a plan B.


there's a new post up top bro. link: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTz0L-KQgak&amp;feature=player_embedded" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTz0L-KQgak&amp;feature=player_embedded</a>