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vs DEN gm 44



Maynnn they put that spanking on these nuggets. They definitely circled the calendar for these dudes. But i find this very surprising because they sometimes play shit against the rockets and the thunder both whom are a bigger threat (espescially paper wise) and get destroyed and then they go and absolutely annihilate the nuggets.


true! I think the standings had something to do with it. When are they ever looking up at a team?

Jansen E

I dont wanna get too overhyped on this game. Obviously it was a fantastic offensive game for them. Defensively couldve been a little better, but Jokic is just too good, too big, and too strong sometimes. What immediately stood out to me about this game?....I want an immediate rematch with Cousins in the lineup. Jokic is so much bigger than Looney and Draymond, he just bullied them whenever he wanted to 1v1. That doesnt happen at all with Cousins. He still will drop dimes, but that turnaround hook move and backdown game isnt gonna work on Boogie. Anyway, my favorite part about this game (besides Klay dunking!!!!!!) was the bench performance. Cook was perfect off the bench, Jonas, McKinnie, Livingston all making the right plays and contributing. Iguodala!!!! I love that this man is still finishing above the rim, but it almost worries me because Im thinking, YO MAN ITS STILL JANUARY. Save that shit for May!!!! If hes feeling good enough to do it, thats fine. But damn I hope hes not gassed by the end of April. Hope the Warriors can cap it off tonight with a win at home. It'd feel like a thorn in their side to go into the Clippers game and Boogie's debut on a loss.

David Savage

I really feel like the atmosphere of the team is in a great place, especially considering that they'll be bringing Boogie in on Friday.


Going to the game tonight against pels. Don't jinx it, Alch! The bottom line is, nobody wants to face us come playoff time. I thought cook missed some open shots. I hope boogie gets some real scrimmage in before Friday to get his lungs up. Klay was definitely less selfish but still selfish. That call on Iggy from the FT line was just plain ridiculous. Maybe there IS a conspiracy in the NBA.


Definite trap game tonight, hope they take it seriously not trying to see ad put up 45/15/7


Indeed McKinnie bites at like everything. I remember him guarding Buddy Hield 2 weekends ago and Hield pretty much had him on skates. The Murray cocky thing is also interesting as I know in pickup, those are the guys that engage you and make you wanna shut them down on D.


i like seeing murray agitated and complaining about "missed" calls. it warms my heart

Matt Hanna

I listened to one of Zach Lowe's latest podcast and I still dont understand why the Pels are not good? AD is amazing and Holiday is a solid solid player.. Im just baffled why they didnt things together like 2 years ago... Anywa, I went to the Nugs game and enjoyed seeing some sad fans after the game.


Klay is funny lmao! 🤣🤣🤣 the Roof is on fire!


Looney off the bench will be fun to watch. In less minutes he will be able to expand more energy in shorter bursts.


Things seem fine with the interpersonal situation with Dray and the others, meaning it is no longer a hostile work environment. However if you look at Livingston’s face when stopping Dray from getting tossed after the T he doesn’t look like he particularly wants to help. And he only did it because of his proximity to the scene. Dray’s fire, I believe no longer fuels the Warriors and his technicals actually seem to have a serious adverse effect on the Dubs momentum. I don’t think the big 3 find him and his antics cute anymore, especially as his game has become subpar. Durant looks like he’s enjoying wearing that Golden State jersey. And even though he’s susceptible to getting caught in the moment as they’ve will have more ups and downs till June, after they take the finals in 5, seems more than likely he’ll opt to stay. And where does that leave Dray?


When the second unit is run by Dray and Klay I think the Dubs are at their best, because it allows Klay to hunt for his shots. Speaking of Nate Duncan I think he was saying that Klay has some massive usage numbers when he's with the 2nd unit. Let's him be selfish, get his shots and play D, and Dray gets to set him up so everyone stays happy. Great performance by the bench obviously, Sean looking like more than a zombie out there lol. At the end of the day the only teams that will trouble the Dubs in the playoffs are the ones with a disruptive defense that can get under Steph's skin, get him off rhythm and hanging his head. The Nuggets have been better on that end this season and they have had a lot of injuries but I question whether they have the defense to hang with the Warriors. OKC has the defense but no offense, but I'd be more concerned with them. Plus you have to be wary of the Rockets. I noticed Warriors doubling the center against the Knicks as well. I think they are practicing this in anticipation of Giannis in case Boogie doesn't have the speed or stamina to play playoff levels defense. The Raptors with Kawhi, Siakam and Ibaka are also crushing in the front court and Lowry+Danny Green are no slouch playing defense on Steph and Klay. I think they are the toughest matchup (no surprise as they are leading in the standings) for the Warriors though I could see them losing to the Bucks in the ECF.


TBH it was a bullshit call and I interpreted it as the other guys agreed with Dray. If they thought he was talking out of turn they might tried to shut him up earlier. That's the glass half full version though, might not disagree with you on the bigger picture..


McKinnie is what he is: a guy out of the G League. He hustled for boards, shoots the 3 ball when asked, and executes switches. He is an end of rotation guy, not a starter. He individual defense isn't great, which is probably why he hadn't been picked up before. But as a team defender he's enough IMO


I'm happy they were the aggressors here, trying to disrupt Jokic instead of letting Jamal Murray get into their heads. They kept focus down the stretch as well which is very encouraging.

Kahlil Baker

What do you think of the stent they had when all the all stars were resting and the bench was able to keep the lead and even extend it?


They'll be tired for tonight, but I think they'll be mentally present, cause they just climbed back into the first in the West. It's also on ESPN so the young guys will be pumped about that. I feel like the love for winning/experimenting with Boogie are gonna be the primary motivators for the Dubs for the rest of the regular season. One word about when you mentioned Dray leaving Looney out to dry on defense... I wonder if Looney is too passive to call him out on it. I love how stoic he is, but he needs to yell at them after those kinds of plays, cause it's not like those switches will disappear once Boogie is back. I'm guessing the coaching staff mentioned it to Dray but it needs to be communicated from the teammates as well.


Saw a bit of 2016 Steph tonight. What makes him so good on-ball is he can control his jumps, whereas being chased off ball forces him to elevate more to get over defenders. That elevation lowers the arc and adds unnecessary momentum to the ball. He wasn't on ball dominant this game but whenever he caught the ball, the defender gave him too much spacw and that also means he can get his hops low and controlled. KD also adds unnecessary forward momentum and high jump (especially beginning of the season) on some of his 3s, those contradict the motion he uses in practice; when he goes straight up on low hops he is far more accurate.


Loved all the back door cuts for easy baskets. Need more of that with teams overplaying the passing lanes to try and prevent the 3-ball. Hope to see more of that and pump fakes going forward to keep the defenses honest.


Interesting take on the Bucks prep. you would think they would match Boogies minutes with Lopez.


You nailed it he is too good of a solider. But guess what Boogie is going to let him know! In fact that will be the first spat between them book it!


Thats great detail! once he is going obviously it doesnt matter. But its almost like if he gets the early off the bounce calibration he is morel likely to roll.


Yes the pump fakes are there! But more importantly understanding the time that is bought with them. They were taking practice jumpers out of m


That might have been the worst raising of the roof I have ever seen in a NBA game..shit was hilarious! Watch Steph he was dead.


You can see the effect Boogie's imminent return has had, reinvigorating everyone simultaneously. I'm thinking they beat the trap game to handle the pelicans, a team they generally show up for anyway,as a statement to their new starting centre.


I actually have been to a game there. In the Mutombo days...same stadium or have they moved? Anyway my Aunt flew me out there for a game when my family was have a rough time. right around the time the upset the Sonics with Robert Pack.


i swear the coolest shit about your channel on here is the real basketball we all get to talk about. That KD pass to klay at 2:08 for the 3, I don't know if people really appreciate how hard of a pass that is, full speed momentum forward, bullet pass to put it on the money, his aiming point was about a foot and a half to the right of klay, and he did it with 1 hand off the dribble. Ive been low key with his accuracy passing this year, He could always find the open guy, but his accuracy has jumped up a ton. Still not elite passing, but hes done jumped up good passer when he used to be serviceable.


"Klay still in the game cuz rules don't apply to Klay" Dead Bro, HAHA! you catch the klay after game interview where he stops all the interviews to text Zaza hes 10 up on their dunks. You absolutely right about the squeezing of the trigger. Used to do shooting courses where you shoot and move, and if youre trying to throw the bullet at the target you missing by a foot. same thing with baseball, when pitchers start aiming the pitch they're off, you have to let the natural mechanics of your body type take over. curry's figured out his sweet spot release, same way you learn when the bullet is going to fire after shooting the same gun a while, you just know exactly how far to pull the trigger. its all proprioception, and steph has got that shit in spades. Its why his hand-eye coordination is so elite, and its why hes such a good golfer. he knows exactly what every limb on his body is doing ever millimeter each joint moves. Its fucking impressive. the fact that it was realized very early on and hes been able to make that part of his body/mid connection so strong is, like you said, while he'll be able to play great into his late(ish) 30's. Its athleticism, just no the kind anyone ever thinks about. Or as you say, "he got that old man game". It also explains how he so good at going high off glass with floaters and lay ups with English on it. He knows exactly what his joints are supposed to do based on the vision he sees the ball needs to take to go in.


I agree, I figure they will make it do what it do for the last game of the 1st phase (pre boogie phase) of the season


Saw a very honest post game interview from Malone/Nugs head coach, when he was asked what was the difference between this game and last game. He bluntly stated: "We weren't getting the help where we wanted to get help from, the last time we played we gave great effort off the so called non shooters" Then in KD's post-game interview he was like: "Dray has been better in the half court…he has figured out how to be himself regardless of what the defensive scheme is" The Suns win was the game where we figured out how to solve the Dray half court problem, and this win is a manifestation of that. Boogie is going to be murdering folks in the second unit with Klay. As no backup big can guard Boogie 1v1, so when the double comes he will be passing to the best catch and shoot player of all time in Klay. Then with the 1st unit Boogie can screen and facilitate from the perimeter like dray used to be able to do as you have to respect Boogie at the top, unlike dray. Dray can screen and dive from the elbow to the paint or the short corner 3, Dray never has to be higher than the FT line with Boogie and can play make from the post with a player on his back. I honestly believe before this season is over there will be moments where we will see some of the best basketball played in the history of basketball. I agree Steph embodies Warrior culture and is 100% vital to our success. However, KD is also 100% just as vital to our success. And I aint trying to hear nann member of Dub Nation say otherwise. Yesterday KD had 27/4/6 with a steal and a block, 1 turnover, all while shooting 74% from the field and 72% from 3 all within the natural flow. Steph and Klay both had more points with 31 but neither was as efficient. KD's efficiency combined with the pressure SC30 puts on a defense is like nothing I've ever seen on a basketball court. Steph is seeking to destroy, while KD is striving for the perfect game of basketball on both ends of the court. This environment perfectly facilities KD's pursuit of perfection as a basket ball purest. Dude aint going nowhere! Why go to a lesser environment where you can be the Man, when you can stay where you are at, make the most money, and be PERFECT?


Anyone know why KD is wearing his towel on his face? He did so last game too.


i think its to either cover his mouth so that people can't see what he's saying (lots of players do this with their shirts). or maybe he likes looking like a ninja lol

Strong Foru

Alchemy, thanks for your coverage of the games. I'm in Singapore on business and unable to watch. This was a great game and I'm glad to see the Warriors gelling in time for the upcoming Playoffs. Games like this make me believe they have two more Championships in them if they can keep their core together.


Of course! Singapore....That’s exotic! In my ideal world they retool around Steph and KD. ... after the 3 peat


I need more lines like "still got bounce in the street, still D.R.E."


Steph would not let them lose to the Pels. Man, he wants that third MVP and that 4th ring badly...I kinda think Steph is showing KD what he'd be leaving: the greatest team ever assembled. In 5 years, no one is gonna be talking that asterisk crap about KD's rings with the Warriors; there's going to be retrospectives and documentaries and I'm gonna be telling my grandkids about watching these guys, and how LeBron James III sinking 35-footers ain't nothing compared to the Chef.


That Pelicans game was hard to watch until they exploded in the 3rd.