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I mentioned doing a Pre game live for Denver. I am going to push that to Friday for Boogies debut. My Daughter who is a Freshmen is finishing out her Basketball season right now and she has a game tonight. Apologies Ill make up for it Friday!


vs DAL gm 43



notification gang! I think the reason why Dirk is still playing is because of the paycuts he's taken throughout his career.

Major Powers

Steph is such a fuckin boss.


Can we take note of how much better Steph has gotten on defense? He's #7 in defensive win shares among guards this season top 25 in all players. KD is 20+ slots down in the 40s. What people have to do is stop accepting what someone wasn't good at and saying this player isn't good at"X, Y, Z"when some players work to improve day in and day out. You could have said that Curry was just horrible on defense no doubt at one point, but what some people have to realize is that some things come with size and it shouldn't be counted against any other player. We should rather look at effort and how much of an irritant they are compared to just lack of effort like Harden who's raked somewhere between 150-200 in defensive win shares Although he is the largest liability on D since he's just outright the smallest on the team, It should be pound for pound, how does this player compare with other players at their position and size? And with that, Steph is obviously above average and has been as of late (past two seasons at least).


Let’s be real Steph/Lebron/KD are 1a/1b/1c. Steph is just so ridiculous because he’s more than a half foot shorter than the other two. Everyone else is in the next tier.


Yo, Alch, amazing stuff as usual helping us seeing things we don't pick up on TV. I'm a bit surprised you didn't show Harrison Barnes last shot attempt that went off bounds on his legs and why Mavs are not giving this clutch Gene Doncic the last shot.


Anyone else catch that Capela will be out 4-6 weeks? Sucks for the Rockets


AH shit I did forget that play! I stoped taking notes at the end to just watch it! Then forgot about it this morning. Mybad! Similar thing happed last week where DSJ took the last shot and Luka was not pleased.


He has been a lot better. he has gotten much more comfortable playing physical....and doesn't reach or gamble as much.


not gonna lie I'm a little disappointed that you didn't show the "Black Falcon" dribbling the ball out of bounds. LOL


I was able to watch the first half, as the game was much earlier than usual, and thought that Alch is for sure gonna be dissing on Klay, as he was chucking shots all first half, bad positions, bad decision making, not good. And yet it was mildly positive :) I guess the second half was a bit better.. Can't wait for him to settle down and play smarter..


Great stuff Alch and I appreciate you calling out Livingston. I don't care if he knows he's going to retire at the end of the season, this dude isn't playing with the same effort he used to. Defense has really dropped off and that mid-range game he sticks to isn't falling. IDK if it's injury or mentally he is checked out or if Kerr is just drawing up some dumb plays for him (iso post with Steph off ball), but Sean just looks like he doesn't care to be there. Shout-out to my boy Andre for playing like he gives a shit even if he is guilty of getting sucked into the paint as you pointed out.


Really impressed with Steph's performance. He moved with purpose and didn't expend too much energy trying to get open. A lot of the times he's running around screens all over the court and doesn't end up with a clean look, but this game he seemed very very comfortable. IDK how much of that has to do with Dallas' defense or him just being more purposeful in his movements. And how does Steph not get the superstar calls that he deserves? I understand that Harden takes advantage of the rules and forces the refs to blow the whistle in a lot of cases, but there are blatant fouls that don't get called in Steph's favor. Its complete BS, and teams know that he doesn't get superstar calls, which is why they think they can get away with fouling him. The refs need to just sit down, think about their mistakes and start getting the calls right. And Steph STILL SCORED 48! He gets his numbers even with all this BS.


He making a push to be an All star despite his slow start, post all star break he's gonna be all about the 3 peat and stop playing extra greedy, we just need him aggressive not greedy

Matt Hanna

Alc man, good shit. I wanted to say I appreciate all the content you put out. You are one the few youtubers I watch all their videos regardless of topic. Im not aware of any other channel that does a breakdown of an NBA team like this. We are lucky to be warriors fans and lucky to get to enjoy the games the day after with the breakdowns. Also, steph on another level right now, cant wait to see how this season ends up.


im suprised you didnt mention harrison barnes choke on the last possesion


Dunno why everyone is surprised by Doncic, they keep calling him a rookie, and while that is technically true, he came into the league as a professional and the reigning Euro League MVP, if he’s truly a "rookie" then I’m LeBron James.


My point exactly. I was actually excited to see him play in the league because I watched some of his clips from Euro Leauge. I expected nothing less than what he's doing now. But everyone is taking it to far! "My God, he's only a rookie/19". Like idk if you guys forgot or are just ignoring the fact that he played pro Euro Leauge for about 4 years or what. So many allstar votes, I think he's an all star but it's ridiculous that he has more votes than Steph, KD and PG.


Time is a finite resource. I was just sitting down with this client trying to explain how making 100k a year working 65hrs a week is great. But making 40k a year via passive, residual, compounded income, working 1 hr a week is much more important towards real wealth i.e. time freedom and financial freedom, and is thus more impressive. Not everyone gets that. Like time, the ball is also a finite resource. Steph getting 48 is extremely impressive. However, not enough people understand that getting an EFFICIENT 28/7/5 allows Steph to get 48. And we needed every bit of both KD's 28/7/5 and Steph's 48. Don't get me wrong I am not saying Steph is ball dominant. But I am saying if instead of KD we signed Russel Westbrook, Labron, Harden, Kyrie or some other great ball dominant player the overall outcome would not be as good as KD and Steph. I love how Steph can just go be Steph like he did tonight, and based on how things are going KD can feel his way through and just be whatever the team needs. Anything from "Game 3 of the finals mode" to "facilitator mode". My turn your turn is one thing, but go get yours as i'm so efficient i'll contribute significantly regardless, is special. Shack / Kobe, Kobe wasn't taking a back seat. Jordan / Pippen, Pippen loved the backseat. Labron/Kyree, Kyree was tired of taking the back seat. KD and Steph mesh in a way where they can both be the best versions of themselves with neither taking the back seat to the other. That is so rare and special. KD is a basketball purest, he knows that, and is going no where. Us being able to pay him more than anyone else makes it a no brainer.


Great comment, absolutely agree with you, I feel like the Warriors should mainly run the offense through Curry. KD will get his naturally, as hes such a pure scorer, the floor would also open up due to Curry/KD gravity and Klay can get his shots off much more easier and when Boogie comes back, he'll just be a monster on glass, crashing the glass and finishing, getting his `~24p/10r a night.


Dirk needa hang em up man. Man just looks in pain out there and ain't really helping his team in any category. He's one of my fav players off all time but its a wrap


If I were to have guessed who would lose interest the game first between the two it would have defiantly been Andre. But your right he has played with pride and given us what we need for him.


Thanks Matt! I definitely value quality over quaint. So when I do put something out there is some effort and thought behind it.


Very well put. Thats why I get a bit defensive when people try to scapegoat KD when we are struggling. Very rarely is he the problem.


Maybe let him rest until the final 20 and then give him a chance at some moments late in the year if they are out of it.


Thanks and I agree with you about Curry/KD's gravity. Eairly on, problem was Dray was the "international Space Station" i.e. zero gravity....and it made Klay's Job harder. However, Boggie is going to help with all that, can't wait to see him mesh with the squad.


great video alch it just pains me to see klay chuck up second-chance shots at a 100% rate (and make them at like a 20% rate) ... also thought steph being on-ball more had a positive effect on his shooting, whadda you think


also love how KD actually knows when he plays selfishly and actually tries to fix that, hes been great in the flow of the offence these past few games


I am glad I am not the only one who noticed Doncic flopping in crunch time as Steph pushed off a bit to sprint back to his defensive assignment. A barely 6'3 Steph Curry isn't gonna be that strong to shove a 6'7 Doncic into the backcourt c'mon refs. It's def ridic that a rookie like him is getting calls like that (on top of the nutjob against Jonas) while Steph gets no calls. Def agreed with you about Dirk. He really should have retired like 3 yrs ago as he really has nothing left and Dallas prolly at least has playoffs in their sights. It's not like the Kobe Lakers in which they were tanking so Kobe can start like every game and then do whatever he wants lol. Meanwhile, DWade is still producing during his Farewell Tour. I think it's sad when MLB players keep playing (ie Jeter) when in actuality, they are hurting the team and same goes for Dirk. And also, thanks Black Falcon for helping out the Dubs lol


I think it's funny that it's always steph or kd closing in close games because we follow the hot hand philosophy, and if klays hot it's never a close game hahaha


Great analysis on Draymond. Glad you pointed out how utterly trash Livingston's defense was this game. His effort level and awareness are just not good enough. Your point on Klay's greedy shots is exactly why his FGA is high. He doesn't look for high quality shots to the degree that KD or Curry strives for. That's a big reason why his TS% is league average. When Boogie comes, we can't have 4 guys making 20 FGA. Klay "I aint sacrificing shit" Thompson is going to have to yield mediocre shots he could take for something better.


That should be obvious to anyone that understands basketball. The top elite scorers like LeBron, KD, Giannis, and Harden hover around 61-63% TS. Steph at his peak is between 66-68%TS. That's not even considering his teamp impact measurements which are absurd.


still got that fire i see! I was at the game live and man it was a great 1! Both teams played pretty well and damn the game was worth the money. Glad i get your overview to piece together with what I saw live. Keep up with the great product

Kahlil Baker

Do you think Klay is chucking up bad shots because he’s not getting his numbers or is there another reason?

Neal X

I was super pissed off on Shaun's behalf there was no taunting call on DJ, ref looking right at it. Do you think Kerr sees the defensive issues?


Alch, I gotta push back a little on your decidedly left-handed shoutout on the stat thing. You're using that shot to take a shot at Klay for your theme on his general greediness this year, but that only works if his behavior there changed, and would you actually expect that Klay would have passed up that shot and kicked it out instead in prior years? He's never really been that much of a passer, and you have to consider that he just got his shot blocked and wasn't feeling pressure on him after he got the ball back, so going back up with it can't be that shocking, especially when it's a bang-bang decision like that. To the extent he considered kicking it back out it might not have been much more than a quick check to see if that was Steph's blue jersey on the line and that's it - kicking it out to a rookie who's a good but not great three guy in a close game in the fourth quarter isn't just an automatic right move - by the stats there's a greater than 60% chance he's going to miss, he's not Mr. Automatic, his % is barely higher than Iggy's out there. That is probably the right move, though, because - based on the stats - Klay's chances of hitting that shot probably aren't any better than Alfo's outside the line (he's shooting 36.4% from 3-10 ft and Alfo is 38.1% from 3) and the result bears that out, and the return is 50% greater for McKinnie's three. I'd also guess that you wouldn't be attacking, say, KD so viciously had he take that shot. I'd expect both guys to put it back up in that situation, though (unless it was the poodle out on the line!); the one scorer I wouldn't is Steph, because somewhere down deep he is the point guard, and because he knows there's a good chance he'd have another one slapped back at him, trying to play down in big man territory.


Putting stats to it Is a area I am lacking in. Its not really my niche , but I want to grow and get better with it. That’s my way of saying I really do like the stats you two bring to the table. I guess what stats don’t measure or take into account is moral and chemistry. That particular shot, too me...lowers the overall moral on the floor. It’s one where if you are out there, your saying to yourself “come on man!” The player does matter, how can it not? If it’s a 7ft KD or Boogie it is viewed by us the fans and more importantly his teammates differently. I could point out 3 or 4 greedy shots by Klay a game if I really had an agenda. That one was just especially bad in my eyes.


Your right that was so wild. It almost froze everybody... like that just happened! With Kerr, he has too right! I suspect It’s Ron’s baby and he is blindly loyal to it.

Paul Hanson

I heard on the broadcast that Brunson (DAL) was available in the draft but the Dubs selected Evans. What's your take on Evans and do you think he's got any potential?


My name is Mitch, and I’m an Alchy-holic. His stuff is fresh and his buzz is addicting! I can’t wait til FRIIIIIIIIDAY! Gonna be drowning in Alchy and Boogie! Woot!


What I have seen I have been disappointed. He really struggles in catch and shoot situations. His release is very low and it comes out flat. Off the bounce its a little different. He is also a bit smaller than expected. All that said he hasn't really got enough run to be judged. Brunson looks like a player tho.


I noticed Klay did use his off foot for a layup at 14:10 (left foot, left hand). Not sure if it made a difference, but he finished the play nonetheless.


Side Note: It looked like Luke said "F--- 'em" after the final buzzer, like he wasn't going to dap up the dubs for the win. Then his teammates shook some hands and Luka had to play nice. I'm just projecting here.


No problem on that rain check alc, cant wait to see the breakdown for what looked like the Dubs we know blowing out the #1 seed in the west


gsw v Den nuggets plzz


Family first, man. Can't wait for Boogie to get on the court! Thanos lineup is going to be insane.