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Boogies Debut!



Send notification? Dont wanna miss ya before game


how many minutes you think Boogie plays? Kerr said no minutes restriction but he'll play in bursts.


I didnt get notification.. but pregame going.. chat and alch bumpin


Pre-game live is over, and don't know if you will back-track to read this, but I have question and a comment. 1) You said, re GSW, "We're OP." What does OP mean? 2) Re pre-game live Jan 18 -- your back-screen (is that Oracle?) is (intentionally) fuzzy -- out of focus; not clear & crisp -- and hurts the eyes. So maybe you can change that, if you please. Thanks.


Op is overpowered.. the background is here in Phoenix where I live it’s blurry on purpose so anything thing else I show stands out.


Ok, you did end up saying it. Sugar and processed food causes systemic inflammation. It’s funny, you don’t even realize you feel like crap when you’re eating that stuff because that’s just your “normal”. You may not even realize it when you stop. But once you have a cookie or something after 2 or 3 weeks, it’s game over! If you really want to put the healthiest food in your body you gotta get blood/food allergy test. It will show you everything that doesn’t agree with your body, and some actual healthy food may end up on there. We are just all individually different. Some things you may not even feel effect you negatively, but could be destroying shit on a cellular level.


That was an ugly ass game. But you were able to really see some glimpses of what can be. You were talking about psychology and Steph not flopping for whistles, due to him always feeling like he has to prove his toughness, and during the game I saw him get knocked down on a lay up, but not so much fouled, dude just straight up ran over his ass after the whistle...he wasn’t on the ground more than half a second. Popped right back up with dude basically still falling on him. Got me thinking, he always (mostly) does that. Whenever he gets knocked down he’s always trying to pop back up as quick as possible. Fits your “pseudo-psychology” analysis. Especially with his injury past, like he’s trying to prove “I’m good, I ain’t hurt.” With his game he probably got run over all the time growing up playing with bigger older clumsy ass kids. He won’t always do it on fouls for lay ups or shots where he knows he going to fall, but when someone bumps into him when he don’t expect it, I feel like I’ve seen him pop up fast more times than not.