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My daughter had a jr. suns playoff tournament this morning. Won her first, lost her second.. but dropped a (lifetime) high 27 in the L! Anyway apologize for the delay on this one.  


vs NYN game 6



First! Haha, a W for Europe this time! :D Anyway, it's cool Alch, we know you'll deliver!


Nice amaya balling. The warriors clearly didnt respect the knicks and steph wasn't motivated enough to go super saiyan but kanter started that chirping and KD ended him.


AA, don't we need a nickname for Jonas jerebko? He's a keeper fitting in nicely.


Locker room scene at the end... what's up with the coolers for soaking the feet? That seems pretty low tech for an NBA locker room. Is MSG that bad? Or just the visitors locker room?


I liked the one sequence I believe in the fourth where KD was in his destroy-NY-mode-because-why-not, but missed the shot. It winds up in Curry's hand so he just takes a practice 3 shot with no contest. Be like.. "meh" sure I'll take a three.


What I thought was interesting were the substitution patterns Kerr was doing, and in particular the KD-Dray-Jerebko front line, the big 3 and 4 with the small 5, which saw some real minutes. Had me thinking about what he'll do when Boogie gets back, and I like the idea of rotating a big lineup featuring Boogie and KD, with Jerebko, Livingston and Cook, against the old Splash Bros lineup with Steph and Klay, with Jones, Loon and Bell rotating the 4 and 5 and Iggy on the wing, that kind of thing. There are all kinds of intriguing pairings Kerr can try then between the starters and the closing lineup in close games, he can go the full 48 without ever having less than two serious scorers on the floor - and it'll be even more intriguing when Patty Melt gets back... ;-)


There are! I just hope Kerr doesn’t fall so much in love with Jerebko that Bell can’t get enough time to develop some, still so raw. Jerebs been so good, you can just tell Kerr trust him a lot already.


Glad to see KD taking more threes, I hope he keeps this up. That running off of one foot is just straight up disrespectful. I feel like Curry's 51 point game rubbed off on KD in terms of getting swag shots.


I think a big reason that’s gone under the radar leading to Steph and Slim doing what they’re doing so far is that Kerr is staggering their minutes from the start of the season. It really took him till that rockets series to try it but Steph is really able to get into big-head mode when it’s him and a bunch of offensively challenged guys out there towards the end of the 1st and 3rd


Best ending ever!

Major Powers

There was a little minute there last season, maybe just one game, when Steph came back from injury, and Kerr had him on the second unit to limit his minutes. It was so fucking nuts going from KD, Klay and Dray, to oh, yeah, by the way, you haven't even seen our best player yet, then Steph comes in with Iggy and shit. Kerr's now sort of replicating that, a bit, because he's playing Steph for almost the whole 1st quarter, then staggering them for the rest, unless they are all needed at the end. Personally, I think it's genius.

Major Powers

That was some Jedi shit by Kerr near the end of the 2nd Q to leave Curry in with the scrubs to stop the bleeding and keep it close. The hungrier younger guys got it done. They didn't wanna let Captain Steph down.


That KD burst is in the 4th was unreal..are we witnessing two superstars enter that “zone” where everybody is moving in slow motion but them?


That bit at the end with the Fergie song was hilarious. Steph had the cheat code the last few games, KD had it tonight; I'm waiting for Klay to get his turn.


+1 on Dray finishin at the rim


Agree on KD shooting more 3's. I know everyone always says they are just trying to improve and become better players but normally I think they are just using whatever advantage they can to score and defend and win, screw working on things during the games. Except this team, Steph, Slim, Dray, Klay are all trying new things to improve, never seen anything like it. Slim is the most obvious because he can do anything he wants, Klay dribbling into his shot more (might be hurting his shot right now), and passing much better, Dray with the underhand, under the armpit scoop that u so well pointed out and he's working on his midrange. Steph with the Euro step etc., it's amazing, Slim would be crazy to leave....


hey alch if I want to renew my subscription for next month, is there any way I can do it rn? or do I have to wait until Nov begins


What’s funny is the other teams know it. They can feel it at some point during the dismantling.


Anyone know what's wrong with Klay? Alchemy you pointed out hes off balance and I notice that too, but why is he off balance? He's dribbling more so maybe hes expending more energy? It's a little concerning but I'll give it a couple more games. Then imma personally give Klay a phone call and tell him to shave that shit. The goatee suits him much better.


I was thinking that maybe he spent his summer working on his off-the-dribble moves and other shots and forgot to shoot any threes. But my guess is that when he's not hitting he starts to think a little, adjust slightly, and that has him off by a hair. Probably doesn't help his head any that he sees Steph and KD just throwing 'em in the ocean, though. But he seems like the kind of guy who could hit 3 or 4 in a row and then its over.

Jansen E

Hey man congrats to your daughter!!! Thats awesome. Is she on a mission gunning for MVP as well? xD 27 aint no slouch hahaha. This Warriors game was insane. One of the typical "what can go wrong will go wrong" games. Until the 4th quarter, where Kerr got fed up. Made some hard changes. McKinnie actually proved to be somewhat valuable in this game. I was impressed! Jarebko doing work again as well. Steph with a quiet but important 29 again. And then the man....the myth....the legend. K-muthafukkin-D. I think he got pissed off with Trey Burke looking like a 10 time all star out there. I loved pissed off KD!!! But tbh, Warriors won this game on talent alone. Yeah the defense did pick up and role players made some good plays, but without KD, Knicks wash them. I cant wait til Klay finally finds his tried. Could we see the big 3 all have 30+ in a game????




I'm starting to think NY doesn't have a shot at KD. Just makes no sense. Walt Frazier said KD's titles should have an asterisk, James Dolan is a horrible owner, nowhere near enough talent. Joakim Noah's contract is gonna make it tough to afford more max players to sign. Just can't see it. Jerebko +34 in this game, Mckinnie +26. 0 rebounds in 14 min for Jones.


I agree, NYK is a mess and has been for 20 years, they need to really start building something solid thru the draft and trades before adding name free agents is going to work. It's funny that the teams which have been mentioned most often in the press - NYK, WW, OKC, even LAL - are such disasters right now. Why would he even consider getting into any of that? Perhaps the best thing the GSW have going for themselves is that there may not be an option that looks remotely as good as staying right where he is. The best place for him to go to be the focus of a championship team is someplace like Utah, and I just don't see that happening.


Looney is really starting to impress me, the stats dont show it but he puts in the work on both ends


This team already seems very cohesive and relaxed. When Kerr said that they had the best offseason he's ever seen, I assumed he was just saying that to increase confidence. But now I think he was being honest, and we're already seeing it affect the team's chemistry and performance. How much more spoiled can we get???


Congrats on your daughter's 'lifetime' high performance! Many more to come, I'm sure! Thanks for this post!

Nathan Glanzer

You sound stuffy my dude drink some water and get rest. We need you as rested as the team. :d


Yeah I’m congested right now but I’ll shake it off quick. The weather is finally cooling off out here.


I have to agree! There is s different vibe to them to start this year as opposed to the last 2.


BIG FAIL by Ny Knicks with the pitch flip of Trump's slogan smh...