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Patreon Exclusive through the summer

- Individual breakdowns of each players game and what they should work on

- How I would train each player at that skill in a training video

- every warrior summer league game + bonus top pick games

- personal training/coaching vlog How too's 

Ill have new content every week! ( starting the 18th ) I have decided to focus on content here rather than YouTube this summer. You all have invested in me and I want to invest back into the community we have built here. ...and frankly Youtube doesn't pay my bills! Yall do! 



gsw vs cavs game 4


Connor H

Excited for all that content man!


Who y’all rather keep looney or javale definitely javale for me... on another note we should go after nerlens Noel and Seth curry Seth could play that IC hot role...real ones kno


We got ya back bro. Will be looking forward for your releases.


bye bye zaza, west, young and probably javale


Big up from Italy, man! I've been following almost since the beginning (even though I don't write much), and every content is always better and better... keep going!!


I love JaVale. We should keep him until his retirement. Would be cool if he's got more rings than Shaq. 😄


I think West was alluding to the friction between KD and Kerr. Remember early in the season when Kerr said disgustedly that there was no effort from the team, and KD kinda contradicted himself by saying it wasn't due to lack of effort that they lost and kinda blamed it on the gameplan. I think this friction lingered on for a bit, but it seems that it has been resolved as we saw KD meshing well with warriors system.


Remember Dray's floater? Be nice if he could resurrect that, think he didn't use it all year.


Yo Alchemy, lets get a breakdown of the draft after its done and how you feel about the results. Im sure there will be some interesting trades going into it and some huge moves to speculate over.


I am absolutely looking forward to summer league content....my big thank you


I think we have to choose between JaVale and Looney. We should use our mid level exception on one of them and Lacob and Myers need to decide. We might keep Nick Young for the minimum, and hopefully get some other shooters. Quinn Cook will be back and I feel like he's gonna improve. If so, we might consider getting rid of Livingston. If Cook can be our backup, the 8 million a year that goes to Livingston can go to someone else. We'll see what the front office does, but I'm just throwing that out there.


Cleveland is road kill....near the middle of season next year maybe you can cover one of their games, it could be titled "The Land.......of the walking dead" or maybe it will be worse than that.


Warriors are playing at Sacramento summer league also. I believe that’s on July 4th and 5th.


I think it would be awesome to get to watch you actually coaching alch. as someone who never really got to play basketball (wrestler in hs during basketball season) i always loved to watch and now that I’ve been done with school it would be nice to pick up a couple tips for when my friends and I play pickup games. Also blogs and podcasts would be dope for summer especially to listen to on my commute. Thanks for putting all this time and effort into these videos, enjoy your summer big dawg!!


<a href="https://youtu.be/_avbO-ckwQw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/_avbO-ckwQw</a> at about the 3:31 mark, Alch it appears there was slight love towards Iggy.....slight


Hard to say Sdot didn't earn his 8 million with his 90 fg%. I don't think swaggy will be back. I see more and different wing players next year besides the core (including sdot) and Cook. I asking think they may let cook go if they can find same talent in bigger frame. Talks about ariza. Although I'm skeptical of his off nights shooting, but he is a floor soacer and CAN make shots


Yo, AA! Much respect to how you've upped your game on these last 3 years. It's been a pleasure to see man and to talk b ball with you. Respect for your knowledge of the game and look forward to see you keep improving. Draymond was absolutely the best player on defense out of every team this post season. He dominated everyone just about every minute of every game. And big time players too. Steph was the best version of himself defensively we've or the NBA has ever seen and it's a shame no one wanted to bring it up (except you), but that's mass media for you and why we've all started to expand our media intake to guys like you, the athletic and private podcasts. Most of us have too much knowledge to listen to the them shovel the same garbage takes in our ears game after game, year after year. Check out Chronicles of Judah on YouTube for his basketball takes, I think you'd appreciate his knowledge of the game as well, although his delivery can be very different than most, but his points are mostly spot on. The game, or lack there of, is what made the chip so anticlimactic, and you take this game "what is Larry Nance...hehe" where you can't even finish your sentence without laughing is the defining statement of this series. Keep doing you bro.


JaVale said that "I want to be here." I think they'll keep him with Nick Young and Zaza's contracts coming off the books and will still have enough to sign someone in FA <a href="https://bayareane.ws/2sBXuVY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bayareane.ws/2sBXuVY</a>


Chuck's comments after the game saying he would slap anyone who told him to his face that levron is better than Jordan. Hahaha. I get tired of his, in a big bad bully and your stupid antics, but he's gotta damn point. It's now a stupid argument especially now that levron has lost as much as Jordan won. His hand probably hurt him, but it wasn't that bad, but he hyped it up just to try and save his legacy. Every lebron boyrfirend in media will always bring up his hand when people talk about this sweep. It's just yet another stipulation in a ling ass line of them that they have to make when trying to debate him being the 🐐. If it was that bad, he wouldn't have been able to catch or dribble it. And his shooting didn't get much worse until Andre came back in game 3. LeBron is the 🐐, at being the I don't make excuses excuse maker.


Great season, Alc! In this era when we can happily fast forward past lame commentary from the network people (I did not watch one halftime), it's great to listen to a real basketball analyst and truth sayer! Looking forward to the Summer content and beyond.


Sloppy D - Gone - played some D in the playoffs I'll give him that but still, Go make a buddy road trip movie with JR Smith. Looney I like for his effort and humble fit in, trouble is he can't catch the ball, you can't use him in a pass happy offense if he can't catch. Combine that with the fact that you just foul him if he ever does get the ball and it's sorry you gotta go. Keep Bell and DJones, cheap and upside. DWest, keep because he takes less money and with Zaza gone we need a banger who can pass and shoot, and OG factor. Javale got zero interest at the start of this year, can't see him getting much more interest this year. Sdot and Iggy, tough call, Making too much money and sliding down the slippery slope of father time, just got to hope Mccaw can take up some of the slack for those two. I have to believe right now Boston is the team we will need to beat next year. Lebron could go to the Clippers with all of Ballmers money... Who knows but no one is talking about them. AA I'm staying around looking forward to your insight through the summer, have learned too much from you, and this off season is going to be crazy.


Appreciated your observation on Lebron somewhat dissing Iguodala. Maybe?... or maybe it's like all that overblown chatter about Durant not shaking Bill Russell's hand right off when he got the FMVP. I guess I would have given Lebron the benefit of the doubt if he didn't seem so full-up on his legacy-protecting antics, horribly whiney faces at "missed" calls, and yelling at teammates. It's hard not to shade it that way, just as we expect Kevin and Steph and the Warriors culture to be class acts as a base assumption. Confident but also humble. Anyway, speaking of Lebron gossip, did you see how his teammates almost seemed to avoid him as they came off the floor during the time out with 2:47 left in the fourth quarter? Of course many were dejected from the blow out--but it really looked like Calderon and Osman were avoiding him on purpose. Signs of the bridges already burned down.


Agree 100%. Why can't they get some quality commentators for halftime? Put Doris Burke in there; she's so much better than the "eye candy" they have in there now.


He did actually pat Iggy on the back as he walked by him when coming out, was right after dapping up Dray. However he didn't even really look at him like you would if you really respected someone. However I don't think he did out if disrespect so much as he was trying to rush off the court. I do think he hates being guarded by Ig though and knows he's going to get pestered with every move he makes. Cuz even when Dre gives you space he can still get the ball.


In all your years of watching the NBA, which player struck the most fear in you when they had the ball in their hands?


I also noticed how JB quickly handed the trophy off, smart instinct.


I don't believe that broken hand for a second, maybe he hit something and it was a little tender, but broken nigga plz. He wss throwing alley oops off backboards to himself and shaking hands with everyobe. What he is trying to do is sully our title so the media can run with the narrative that we got lucky. Chris Paul went down and Lebron had a hand injury, this is spin and I wouldn't be surprised if they plotted this after game 3. On the locker room drama I think it was kerr and kd since they were throwing jabs at each other after losses. Had to have a reconnection dinner


We all know the biggest issue GSW faced this season was boredom and complacency. GSW also knows this will be the issue again next season. So, how can you help fix this? With youth. Youth brings energy, life, hunger, and excitement to a team. I guarantee you GSW will get younger this offseason. I think West, Zaza, Young, and even Javale will all be gone. Jones will get a lot of minutes next year. We have the 28th pick and GSW will look to draft a wing who we can immediately insert into the rotation, especially if we don't retain Mccaw. Lacob also will look to buy another 2nd round pick. There's gonna be a youth movement.


The turning point this postseason wasn’t the hamstring, the charge call, or the JR blunder...it was Dennis Rodman visiting Swaggy in his dreams 😂


You should definitely start doing some celtic breakdowns...probably more productive than the SL games. That team is going to be here for a while so you should get on it first. Start posting your vids on the Cs subreddit


I can see there being a hairline fractture or something, but no doubt it's a show. I think it's more him trying to excuse being swept and knowing the media will go to max volume on anything that can be used to trash the Dubs and play up the luck thing. I have never seen a great team get trashed by the media the way thay have been, especialy since the media loves dominant teams and is always downplaying parity, the "the '70s NBA sucked" thing. That they have tried to make the tipping point on a swept series a corrected blocking foul says it all. And Iggy's impact in the last two games is just another indication of how much they lost when he went down up 2-1 in the Houston series, but of course history will only remember the Paul hammy. What's funny to me is the same heads who were saying that series got decided by that injury are now bellyaching about the unfair invincibility of the Warriors - which is it, you cunts? The Warriors were not the problem in the anticlimactic finals, the pantywaste eastern conference was the problem. And everyone knows that.


Thanks for a great season man! It was more fun and engaging knowing that your commentary was coming up after each game. Looking forward to your insights over the Summer.


Actually at 11:46 I think LeBron padded Iguodala on the back if you look at his shirt, LeBron's hand can be seen for a split second. I also think if LeBron dislikes anyone, it's Steph Curry just based on their interactions on court and the fact that he never wants to mention Steph's name.


Thanks again for a great season, Alc! Excited for your summer content and hope you can enjoy a well-earned break.


Thanks for a great season, Alchemy! I'm looking forward to October for more than just the Dubs games, but also your takes on them. It's twice the fun! Also, thank you for all your hard work! I know how much time it takes, and your summer content coming up, that's big plans man! I just want to challenge myself and fellow Patreon members, let's bump up our pledges for Alchemy by at least one dollar (more the better!) Give the man our love for all his hard work. Help him succeed, he needs to go mainstream, his stuff is lit! He more than deserves it! I for one will definitely give more. I want to see him this Fall, bigger than ever! I just cancelled my cable, so I will be saving $80/month. Alchemy will be my new cable viewing experience! 😁 Keep up the work, Alchemy! We are your biggest fans!


not bad idea, tho I cant cover two teams as deeply as I do. I will say I have a pretty large scouting report on them already form the ECF.


Alc, you're the best! Looking forward to what comes next! I love your take on the games and the players. You always keep it 💯. Every time I see Danny Green I can hear your voice saying Lavar Ball's illegitimate son. 🤣🤣🤣


We love you alc


Hey Alch are you gonna do a breakdown of who we might be looking to pick up in free agency and in the draft?


Yo Alch what do you think of Gelo?


I got a take on him coming in this weeks pod.. not that I’ve seen a bunch of him. But I have a few thoughts.