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GSW vs OKC gm 59



I don’t blame the ref for giving Dray a tech at that moment. I would’ve been confused too at that specific moment if he was complaining towards me or the crowd. It was a bad call after seeing the replay 4-5 times. Will Dray get another tech in the next 2 months? I would say so, things like this where he shows any kind of emotion even if it’s not towards the ref can be taken out of context and that’s just the reputation Draymond has built. I know Dray is smart though but can never tell him to tone it down, for anything


one hell of a game, one hell of a video


Very nice video centered on the Warriors play...


The play at 11:07: I was wondering how Steph got so open. Looks like Melo got lost on all the switches and wasn't guarding anyone. Also check out Durant's reaction to Nick's shot at 13:56.


I got a hot take for y'all. OKC ain't even making the playoffs. They're the 8 seed now and Utah and the Clips are right on their heels with a ton of games to play. Check the OKC schedule to end the year, it's rough.


😮🔥 That would be great entertainment down the stretch.. but I don’t think clip can do it.


The offense finally opened up with Draymond at the 5. Defense was great all night. I thought a key all night was putting Melo and Westbrook in PnR action. They are not good defenders at all. The loss of Roberson really makes them vulnerable bc now they got 2 weak defenders out there to abuse.


I wasn't aware of the suspension rule they had spoke about, that he will get a 1 game suspension at 16, 18, 20. So after the first suspension they can give him another for every other Tech. Did I understand that correctly?


Looks like a ups driver, omg


mellow, is like the old Dude at the park!


Westbrook, not feeling it.


Bruh you got me agreeing out loud in a library cuz your play by plays and analysis are so fire. Also I see what you are doing there with that thunder clap imagery, keep it real!


Actually OKC is in 7th seed and if season ended today, we’d see them in the 1st round. Seed 3-8 is mega close! I’d really be surprised if Pelicans make it into the playoffs.


I would have liked to see some of Cook's highlights near the end of the game. Man was draining 'em


no nonsense and straight basketball analysis.


good game, good vid :)


I have a 15 min limit on youtube for a single NBA game, or they take it down. Wanted to focus on the menaingful moments


Just poor communication, PG picked him up once he crossed half court, got way behind after a screen and SC went to otherside of court. He should've been screaming and pointing for someone to pick up Steph, but he wasn't guarding anyone til the strong side action came his way, when RW and CA trapped KD, PG stepped up to grab Dray and CA ran back to get Dray who was his original man. Klays man was playing that "zone between 2 guys" for the weakside rotation, so Klay smartly cleared out taking that guy with him. PG not making sure CA knew curry went over there, plus SA not being loud enough when he pointed at Steph, CA not being a good team defensive player, plus smart offense that is so good at moving to take advantage of bad team defense all contributed to it. It's kind of on SA as well, only because he saw Steph out there and in defense it's all about helping your guys. Since CA was basically guarding Zaza and completely unaware of Steph, SA could've has some responsibility in just not fixing his teammates mistake since he's aware of it. But he's a big man, he doesn't like to leave the paint and isn't that savvy of a defender. He gets like .5% of blame cuz only the best defenders are even aware of stuff like that AND can pull it off. Only 1 Draymond Green out there.