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Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder

Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder in the 3rd and final meeting of the regular season. Things would get heated with Kevin Durant and Melo, Draymond Green picks up another tech. And Zaza trys to hurt Russ? PATREON EXCLUSIVE CONTENT https://www.patreon.com/athleticalchemy SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iX...



That is nick Young’s foot and anytime someone hit you in the back of the knee it buckles. I think everyone is still sensitive because they blame him of kawhi being out


There’s one more meeting bro, last one is in OKC towards end of season


Looks clear to me that Nick's right foot hooks behind Zaza's left knee as Nick falls due to Russ's weight coming down on Nick's right leg. Zaza couldn't have stayed upright no matter how hard he tried. Interviewer asks Russ What happened? Russ answers Did you see it? When the interviewer says Yes on replay, Russ says Don't ask me dumb questions about something you saw yourself. Another interviewer asks almost the same question. Russ says Did you see it? The interviewer says No, Russ replies Don't ask me dumb questions about something you didn't see.


I don't think anyone "axed" him any questions, dumb or otherwise...


I mean guys, it’s not secret that Zaza is a dirty player. His toughness and grit is why we brought him to our squad. Whether some of the shit he does is intentional is another topic


Young's leg clearly hooks onto Zaza and is locked in place by Westbrook recklessly flailing and falling to the floor. All that force and momentum can bring a large man down. Video shows it clearly.


Lol they want excuses for why they lost. Pg13 got clamped out of his life, Russ was chucking bricks and melo is washed!. They got blown out in a game that all parties were serious. Warriors in 4.


This team definitely has another gear and this game showed it. In the 3Q, Curry made the decision to be more aggressive on offense and I think this was where the game turned. Before that, we had a tough time scoring. And, like I've said, I never worry about Iguodala. He will always show up when we need him.


Also shows how home court may be important in post season....man Roaracle was absolute rocking last night. Reminded me of last season when we demolished Cavs on MLK day. Every Warriors fan in that building got their money’s worth most definitely!


Cool opening there, fun seeing you experiment a bit with effects and stuff


Man first off I want to say great work brother. I see the new graphics and stats!!! You are definitely doing your thing. Second thing is Russel is just salty. Zsa Zsa is not the most coordinated guy, he’s a big clumsy player. Yes at times he’s suspect but this time I don’t think so.


"It's about damn time"??? Okay if you say so AA......<a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sipTtQ_5q8k" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sipTtQ_5q8k</a>


Westbrook is salty cuz they got smoked and he knows if they get throttled in the playoffs PG13 is outta there. And honestly, when you have multiple guys bounce from your team and if PG13 did leave, it would probably be over for OKC. I'm a dubs fans so it can be hard to look at things objectively but I honestly don't see any contact from ZaZa. And the league will look at it and say the same things. If anything, Nick Young tripped up ZaZa. And Westbrook's leg swiping Nick Young was extra. You know you gonna be mad betting smoked by 30+ then having to answer questions wearing that pink shag jacket. Just take the L and keep it pushing.


Hey Russ, that terminator is out there, he can't be bargained with, he can't be reasoned with, he doesn't feel pity or remorse and he absolutely will not stop until you are dead......yes underneath Zaza is a T-1000......but don't take it so personal he's just responding to his programming.


yo nice clip Alch! I totally agree with you. Zaza's fall was NOT dirty - if we look carefully, we can see that Swaggy accidentally clips Zaza's back-knee with his foot. so of course Zaza's gonna fall..

Branden Edwards

Nick hooked Zazas knee causing him to fall Screenshot <a href="https://prnt.sc/ijdpy6" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://prnt.sc/ijdpy6</a>


And Russ' fall provided the energy to pull Zaza down. Zaza was the least culpable of the 3!!


Not sure why Kyrie is chiming in, his gang of scrubs wont be seeing the Ws in the playoffs. Boy troll


Alchemy, that new intro with the beats is soooo good. Please keep that train rolling Very well done. Great analysis as always too.


It can only be good for us that opposing players fear &amp; complain about Zaza.


My plan is to custom intro each time with 2 players and rotate hype beats. But yeah I’m pretty happy with the new look!


I love these Warriors jersey's damnn


Its BS. Look at the replay, Westbrook hits Swaggy whose foot hooks Zaza behind the knee, Zaza cant step forward to catch himself or risk stepping on Westbrook so he falls, pretty damn slow and controlled IMO, and DOESNT HURT WESTBROOK! WTF does Westbrook think is going to happen when he runs full speed into a group of players, they'll all just fall nicely? C'mon man.


Swaggys foot to the knee is what caused it. And if you look he carefully put his hands down to avoid completely falling on him.


It's honestly just another bullet point for how his erratic recklessness with no control hurts his game just as much as it helps.


Yo why ESPN have the dubs score with yellow background in the beginning then the same blue color as OKC after a little while. I like the yellow background. They did it last yr in the first game against the spurs, then kept it blue the rest of the season.


just throwing in my .02. Looked like Nick hooked Za's leg and then, when he knew he was going down, Za made little effort not to land on Russ' legs. Kind of a "well, i'm going down anyway, may as well make it count."


ya, Andrew's above is pretty darn possible too...I just thought Za's body language looked a bit fishy...though I'm probably influenced by his rep.