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alright I have been sitting with this video for about an hour waiting for it to be in HD...Im post it now in hopes that maybe it just not saying HD yet but you can view it that way. At some point it will turn HD, youtube is constantly changing how things work and now this appears to take much longer. I f anybody has any insight it would be much appreciated.  


GS vs UTH gm 51


Jeppe Oliver Danielsen

Youtube must be slow today, seen it happen to other videos today.

Nathan Glanzer

I went to the movies instead of watching this one, glad I did haha.


Really want Javale back in the rotation. Also Casspi really needs to start taking 3's again!


KD let himself get punked by Toby from the Office. Curry making Rubio look like spanish Steve Nash. Disgusting.


What was worse watching this abomination or the SOTU?? The 1st quarter offense went through Zaza. WTF?? And he couldn't do a thing. Ugly. Not used to watching this sh** ball from the Dubs. It gave me bad dreams, Rubio scoring at will.


If Rockets somehow land Tyreke Evans by trade deadline, I’d personally favorite the Rockets over Warriors in a series. We can make fun about CP3 and Harden’s last playoff performances but this is different now. They beat us 2 times and I can argue Harden loves to play at Oracle more than he likes to play at Toyota center. The Rockets bench, when healthy, has way may fire power to destabilize our inconsistent defense, 1st unit or 2nd unit.


They giving up something for Reke tho! Not saying it wouldn’t be a good move but they giving up a rotation guy to do that .


Alchemy, with trade deadline in a week, what do you think a realistic move is the second unit. Whats a piece to trade, Iggy, Pmac, Casspi, Swaggy? Sounds Scoopy Do lineup or something. I was all about Pmac especially after the summer league, but man he looks sterile for his sophomore year. Last year he was hitting nearly all those wide open 3's. I don't think its imperative to make a move, but Casspi cant stay on the roster, its just waste of a spot at this point. Maybe he could get packaged up with Iggy to a team whose looking depth, and bring Cook back into the roster, at least he's a shooter with some speed and intensity. I would say keep Swaggy just cuz he has those games where he hits 3 or 4 triples and really changes the framework of the game. It seems like the second unit realizes too much on Livingston's Iso which I don't mind it just when its not there like this game whose gonna pick up the slack? So yea what you think is a realistic possibility for a trade and to who for what.


I’m drop a video with a few of my thoughts on some possibilities tomorrow. IG is definitely the big contract that would have to moved in anything bold.


It’s gonna be tough to move Iggy, I know the guys love him and in his presence there but man, it’s now or in the off-season. His body simply won’t last the 3 years we gave him. We need to move P-Mac. He just isn’t providing us much and for Kerr to not name either Swaggy or McCaw as a definitive 2nd SG says a lot. Either Kerr needs to tweak the 2nd unit by putting KD in there along with Klay or make some trades.


Yeah if you get outscored on threes by Utah like that and Gobert is playing...you're gonna lose


I think the Ws are in a bind on trades - who wants Iggy when his legs look like they're going fast and he's six months into a 3-year $48M deal? I don't think anyone wanted him at $48M last July. Who wants Swag's $5M and fat 32-year-old ass? Trading PMac now would be stupid, you're dealing a no-money kid with real potential when his head is twisted by a shooting slump. And i wouldn't trade Omri either, he's not the problem. It all comes down to what you can get and the cost, and I don't think it's remotely at the point where we should be getting really worried about what these guys will do in April when it matters. I think the only thing that's obviously missing for the Ws is quickness and speed off the bench, and will that matter as much in the playoffs? What I would watch out for with Myers is a big deal instead, like Klay and Za for George and Adams or some shit, something big that addresses the longer run and not whatever problems might be perceived right now. Where the Ws are hamstung on something like that is they don't have any important free agents this year (other than KD of course, and they know what will happen there), so they don't want to create risk and more cap explosion by assuming one.


Sadly I knew this shit with Iggy wasn't gonna fly. I hate to say it but he's got to go. Omri is legit. Nick Young ... I'm not so sure. When he's hitting shots it's great but his conditioning and defense needs work. I think McGee is about to be out and Jones up for next year


Quin Snyder looks like Daria's teacher, cracks me up