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Warriors get beat by 30!

Golden State Warriors vs Utah Jazz Full Game Highlights / Jan 30 / 2017-18 NBA Season PATREON EXCLUSIVE CONTENT https://www.patreon.com/athleticalchemy SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iX...



My main takeaway from this game is how we really got bullied/exposed for not having a true shot blocking center. I mean Rudy Gobert only had 9 pts but was the biggest difference besides Ingles shooting lights out from 3. We couldn’t get any drives inside without getting blocked. Yeah, KD and Dray has been our top shot blockers but with Ingles spacing the floor and Favors feasting the mid range J’s that leaves Zaza to battle with 7’1 Gobert. No chance. This worries me because the road to the finals will consist of bigs like: Capela (HOU) Adams (OKC) Jokic/Plumlee (DEN) Nurkić (POR) Capela worries me the most because of how Harden/CP3 utilize him in the PnR which we have no chance having Zaza/West/Looney. Gotta keep in mind though that our defense in the month of January has been pretty poor, meaning we need our offense to carry us for the most part.


Was nice to see McGee look like somewhat of productive piece in this game. I think we all were on the bandwagon fan last year calling out Kerr for more minutes for him, but his IQ just doesnt seem to be there against the better teams. But this game I think showed Kerr should show him a bit more time just make sure we have that weapon for the first two series in the playoffs. What's up with Casspi man? First 15 games of the season I think everybody, including myself thought he was going to be taking that first man of the bench spot, but fuck he looks like a fucking train wreck the last couple appearances. When was the last time he hit a 3, back in 2017?


alch i gotta say the spoiler titles on your youtube have made me unsub, not sure what your rationale is there, but might be worth reconsidering. i'm not hunting your channel it just comes up on my feed and if i haven't seen the game cos i'm at work or whatever it kills it for me


Embarrassing effort....even though Utah shot over their heads, the under the screen no challenge from the beginning of the game, why? IDK...AA said it "warm up jumpers"


Not quite as bad as the SOTU but almost.......


Kerr was asked after the game about the bench and no threes from there last night - serious problem in a blowout when you can't get a single three, even in garbage time. I still say the Warriors biggest need is a Barbosa/Clark type, energy, quickness, speed, ball-handling, threes - anyone out there they could get without giving up too much?


My bad man! With YouTube it’s thoes type of titles that grab most views. Most people already know the outcome they are searching the topic. Moving forward I will word them without the outcome.


Lou Williams! Nah none that I can think of, if you look at this front offices history, it’s always a guy out a left field.


What you thinking of McCaw bro? He’s been pretty much useless. In Plus/Minus McCaw is -68 in the month of January. I’m a bit worried about him, we ain’t getting anything from him offensively and some here and there defensively. I know he’s young but man, I’d put him in some trade package along with a couple other players if we really wanted someone.


Lack of effort was real. I’ll take it. Every team this year has had a “what the?” moment several times. I expect us to lose all of these “easy win” games. Just wanna see us payback the Kings and Nuggets this week and a nasty duel against the Thunder at Home.


Yea the loss couldn't have come at a better time...if we can beat the Nuggets and OKC I'm content with that loss.


No joke Utah also has the advantage of there is no one there to impress. I know in the party cities you have to worry about the night life. But you always get a buzz in the building for them to feed off. That OKC game is a must win.

Branden Edwards

Joe "Jingle all the way from 3" Ingles is my favorite Jazz player now that Hayward is gone


Honestly the team took the L for rest lol. Nobody was remotely engaged in that game. They scratched it on the schedule, we all know Jazz ain't beating no Warriors lol.