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Here is what LeBron is really doing

Sources: LeBron James would listen to Warriors if max slot is available. PATREON EXCLUSIVE CONTENT https://www.patreon.com/athleticalchemy SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iX...



here we go! i was waiting for this!


You hit the nail on the head. There's no way Lebron was going to go to the Warriors - he is doing this to reframe the narrative from "oh he's making a mercenary move, leaving to ring chase again" to "well, at least he didn't join the Warriors"


A-FREAKIN'-MEN!! LeBron is poison, look at how the chemistry changed in Miami and Cleveland with him there. Players have eventually started losing respect for each other. I believe LeBron is like the Barry Bonds with the Giants--has his own corner, his big comfy chair, no one approaches and talks with him without permission, etc. Creating a "them vs him" atmosphere. Step-off LeBron, Bob Myers sees right thru your ruse, go find another family to break up.


O Lord! I can't believe we are talking about this.


YOU ARE SPOT ON BRO! Lebron to Warriors for max makes no kind of sense. He's 33 with heavy minutes, wants a max deal and he says the Warriors would have to clear room to have the convo? Man fuck that dude. And you don't trade 2 dimes for a rusty Quarter piece. Everyone saw how tired he was in the finals trying to keep up, I lightweight think he's on HGH. Lmao, FUCK LEBRON. He's chemistry issues, mind games and all out coach cancer. The shit show that's the Cavs was orchestrated by Bron and a big reason why he left Miami cuz Riley wasn't having it. But Gilbert is gullible and very well may be trying to sell the team. Lebron is the deal with devil even if this shit was legit. In less than a year he got the gentlemen's sweep, ran off Kyrie, team does sign up their GM and potential PG13 deal collapses, IT hurt, now Love is hurt, team is fighting. I told Cavs fans last season Bron was gonna get his ass beat and leave the Cavs and that shit is happening. I don't think it's a stretch to say he's trying to fuck with the warriors' chemistry with the threat of cutting Dray or Klay. There was already rumors about AD. But Warriors aren't simple minded, it's light years in the FO. Lebron is leaving and has his excuses now, he's framing the narrative for his exit, and even his coalition between Sharpe, Nick, SAS, etc are even on the positive side of this hypothetical to ease the tension of him joining Rockets or Spurs or LA. The NBA world would explode if that shit happened, way worse than KD coming to the dubs and Lebron to Miami. He would instantly lose respect next to Jordan. This whole week was about Lebron playing with Kawhi and all this crap on Sports TV ... man FUCK LEBRON. The Lebron era is coming to an end and if Dubs get that ship this year it'll be unequivocally the Warriors' era. Besides, if we were to cut Klay or Dray which i'm not feeling, AD would be better. Younger and can offer more long term. But I digress, out here in the Bay no one is feeling this Lebron to the Warriors shit. As a matter of fact, Steven Adams would be awesome if he was on the squad :) Curry, KD, Klay, Dray, Adams would be lit!


That dude Lebron is boiling with passive-aggressiveness and diva energy. He's proven to be manipulative and only someone as nefarious as Lebron would cook bullshit up like this amidst a terrible season after getting 4-1'd. There's rumors he crushed JR by bringing in Wade and friend-zoning him, giving Love the Bosh treatment as the scape goat, and convincing IT to not take the Celtics tribute lol. Look at the situation with Blatt lol. Their whole situation turned sour due to Lebron not wanting the sign a deal to stay, hence partly why George Hill don't wanna go there plus he'd lose money! How do you think the Cavs locker room is today with this shit hitting the media circuit? Fuck Lebron James.


He is an all time great but it could end ugly if he is never willing to play #2 to someone else.


The longer-term play by the rest of the league, the analysts, etc. is to have Klay moving on to LA after his contract expires next year. If this is LBJ faking the long ball to hit LA over the middle, then you have to believe he'd want Klay joining him a year later, and the more Klay gets mentioned as being in Warrior trade talks the more his home here feels shaky - self-fulfilling prophesy. Silver doesn't allow this to happen anyway, unless the deal is so stupid that Myers and the ownership wouldn't consider it anyway. The only way it could become legit is if KD was considering leaving at the end of the year and they have that super-max hole opening up, and I can't see that happening. And that's really the matter at hand - would KD be willing to play with LaBrawn? Would Kerr be willing to "coach" him? It's just stupid...


So would the ideal response be for the Warriors to proactively say they wouldn't consider taking him? That would take the wind out of his sails, cut short the divisiveness, and take back control over the framing of the narrative.


I agree with you, I think he is reframing the narrative, he is going to Houston can’t nobody tell me anything else. Yesterday he wore a warrior color way LeBron sneaker that got everybody whispering and then this bullshit drop, he thinks he is so smart, but this is blatantly obvious.I think Myers smart enough to know this and won’t entertain this bullshit, ain’t nobody interested in an aging LeBron.


Tell that to the bucks lol


On another note Greg Monroe is a free agent, I know defensively he offers nothing but he is a good big off the bench who quick enough to close out on 3 and big enough to go toe with Adams etc. Do we go after him?


I’m hearing that this report has nothing to do with Lebron’s camp but more so the Warriors side and making it known that they will be aggressive moving forward. It’s still rumors and I look forward to Lebron denying any possibility of this when he gets asked by the media during practice or whatever. Now, hypothetically if this was to even happen, as much it looks good on paper, the amount we’d have to give up will absolutely end the dynasty all Warriors fan are hoping for to what could last multiple years in championship contention. We’d be so depleted, giving up Draymond or Klay and a chunk of our bench to a probable 1 year contract with 2nd year player option. Pretty much a one year rental.


It says LeBron would be willing to meet, warriors greedy but this makes no sense for the warriors.


He is skilled, but close out on 3s! If he could play out on the perimeter he wouldn't have been moved so many times.


Don’t be fooled by the wording of the results and the rumors overall, the rumor is just stating that if there is enough cap space, GSW is “assuming” Lebron would listen. Like I said, I look forward to Lebron saying that there is hardly any truth to this and for Bob Myers to pump the brakes on this rumors.


I’m listening to Stephen A. Smith and he is convincing that he makes it clear that Lebron has said nothing to do or say regarding this. I’d fully believe that words around Warriors camp just spread that “hey we can sign Lebron James if we make enough cap, we are that “light years” ahead and will be aggressive” You know how confident Myers and GSW are already making it known they would target AD as well. I just don’t believe LBJ said anything about him “possibly” giving GSW a chance. All these are rumors at the end of the day and it’s getting us speculating.


RIght..and LeBron's camp reaches out to the biggest mouth in media and says "we didn't say anything"


Myers is confident but he is also smart, he would be break an almost perfect team for a player that we already have. If we didn’t have kd then this would make sense but this makes no sense for us. Stephen a Smith is a known liar so who believe the shit he is says. The owners want a young star like AD not old ass James who brings division and chaos everywhere he goes.


Well I look forward for LBJ to deny this real quick later. These “they said, you said” kind of reports feel like the Kyrie-LBJ camp drama. But evidently somehow Kyrie’s camp and or side got it leaked that he is not happy there. Now it will be interesting what KD and LBJ be chatting up on all star break in “Team Lebron” Will LBJ convince KD to revise his contract in the offseason again and take one for the team? LOL


correct! This is LeBron's M.O stuff leakes and then he claims to have nothing to do with it, look at the history.


Stephen A Smith got his sources so I’d listen to as many reporters. This report by ChrisBHaynes just seems to be overblown.


I don’t think golden state will publicly say they don’t want him, because ppl would see it as insulting. But they probably will have a private meeting and deny this so their players only have the championship on their minds. But oh I would love if they rejected him publicly


I agree with your thoughts about Lebron trying to position himself here. But, at the same time, nothing would shock me at this point. I think that what we decide to do in the future hinges on whether or not we win the championship this year. If we do win it, I think we'll likely go ahead and keep the core 4 guys intact for 2018-19. But I definitely feel GSW feels threatened by Boston moving into the future. They are younger and have more assets and picks to get the superstar talent. If we don't win it all this year, I think GSW will make moves. I listened to an interview Lacob did with Kawakami last month and he said that the team will never stop looking to make moves to improve the roster. And he also said they may make a big move this upcoming summer. This is why I've been saying don't expect both Draymond and Klay to be here long term. That's not the way this team thinks, especially with Chase Center opening in 2019. They are always thinking 10 moves ahead of you.


Ive gone back and forth with this choice we will ultimately have to make. Klay can do what he is doing until he is 35! I think Dray is the odd man out. That said Klay probably nets you more in return.


Politicians do this all the time — dragging the Overton Window in their direction so far that their extreme positions seem reasonable or mainstream. If Lebron is really gaming the media this hard, props to him. <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window</a>


Spot on!


Fakest of the fake news


I think both your takes have truth to them, causing unspoken tension for the big 4 and the narrative aspect of his departure from Cleveland. To be honest I'd rather see the opposite happen. I would like to see KD go get his own team next year, because I think the warriors versus a Kevin Durant led team would actually be the best matchup in the nba. Not that I don't love watching Durant and Curry play just they don't need each other. They both should be going out and getting 35 a night. Lebron James will not be the X factor after next season. He has 1 more year at this level of play.


Alchemy, what do you think the trade is for the Cav's before the deadline. I say its IT, Tristan, and Net's #1 for Gasol. He's a warrior killer and signed on for a few more years so at least Cleveland has something if (or once) Lebron leaves. They ain't making the playoffs but maybe Isiah can score 30 a night and Memphis will have that #1 pick and cap space to load up around Connely.


No way I could root for a Queen James team even if it was the Dubs. This is just some media BS.


LeBron and Draymond both wear #23. I wonder how THAT discussion would go if we got him...which I do NOT want.


I disagree. I want Curry + Durant to retire as Warriors


I just threw-up in my mouth a little.


Not everything in this world has a reason, majority of things happen just out of randomness and noise (being philosophical) - maybe some drunk dude said it and it spread viral, whatever, let's watch the game against Kings :)