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Little nasally this morning but overall I like the substance in this one. 


GS vs Hou gm 47



I don’t know if you read them quotes by the Rockets: “Attacking the weakest link (Curry)” “We are better than them” Game was important for them for their “swag” I hope dubs use these quotes as motivation. They need to be woke now. Now if OKC takes the series against us, that’s when dubs fan should worry.


I have to force myself to watch the breakdowns of the losses, I hate losing so much! I hate having to relive them even more. But your breakdowns are worth it!


In your eyes bro, is our bench better than HOU bench? Because we are rated #1 and HOU bench is right behind us at #2. I feel like they have a lot of defensive pieces and with Gerald Green in, he gives that offensive spark in the rotation along with Gordon being in the 2nd unit


The decline of IG and the disappointment of Nick combined with the steal of Gerald Green I like theirs better right now.


So what is the threat level of the rockets, right now I would believe in okc before them but the warriors right now with the turnovers just doesn’t like in championship form. Idk I have to see what they do against Boston next Saturday because right now I don’t believe in them defensively.


Im not worried about the core 4 they will be there when we need them. Like I've said, It's Iguodala that is my biggest concern. Bell will with a serious injury and JM not contributing our depth all of a sudden is a problem. OKC concerns me more. Defense, Adams and guys capable of explosions.


For us fans, “wanting” the 1st seed becomes a little tricky because looking at the standing OKC is currently 5th and we would face them in 2nd round if season ended today. I’m all in for HOU and OKC taking care of each other. Though OKC/NOP/POR are all within games of each other for that 5th seed so who knows how that will shift by May. Bottom line, if we can avoid OKC somehow and let HOU and OKC battle each other out that will be a win no matter which seed we get. Let’s face it dubs fans, last year’s 16-0 was against chumps (POR/UTAH) and a Kawhi-less Spurs. Road to the finals will be harder with OKC and HOU coming after our heads.


Well said..you figure Houston with their napoleon complex will push for 1seed regardless what match ups it draws.


Bro did you read the quote from D-West? He asked a PR during postgame interviews: “How many games are we up against them” When he was told the answer he was like “Alright, we good” 😂


Regarding the fight last night: Ngannou had one chance: get Stipe within a couple of minutes. After that, the muscle he carries was going to tired him out. Btw, I've seen Stipe in better shape. He was gassed after the first round! Back to muscle, the best Reem was the slim Reem. He used to gas immediately, when he was on the horse meat. I will say this: if Ngannou slims down, he will be unbeatable (by the current round of heavyweights).


Stipe is a true fighter, I respect his character and toughness. but his new title of greatest heavyweight is kinda of absurd. I feel like he has picked off a bunch of guys in their twilight. Cain was suppose to be that guy, but aye I guess by the stats and by fortune he is the greatest HW.


I found Kerr's pep talk very awkward and patronizing. I had no idea he talked to Steph like that. Struck me as some weird chemistry there but hey I'm not a big sports guy.


"Must be the shoes!" -Mars

Matt Hanna

I noticed that too late in the game why didnt we go to KD.... bad transition offense. We had plenty of opportunities to come back or take the lead and Steph had one of the worst games of his career.. atleast decision wise. I hate to see steph and klay both struggle but it always seems to happen that way.


You think Lebron could go to Houston? If that were to happen, how much of a threat would that pose to the warriors?


I've been saying that all this time. Kerr needs to call out Curry when he makes mistakes like that. I also really didn't understand why they were forcing Klay, when KD was the one that's hot and being competitive.


Laughable that Houston is talking shit after this game. Also laughable that some GSW fans are actually concerned. As Marcus Thompson put it, that was our "C" game. We played really lazy ball and honestly didn't play hard til the 4Q. We already know how to beat the rockets and that is with disciplined ball and player movement. We didn't do that and instead went for home run plays. Even tho we went 4-1 on this trip, we didn't play hard for all 4 quarters in any of these games. This team ain't gonna go all out for any regular season game in January folks. Understand that. These games are almost meaningless to this team that has gone to the Finals 3 years straight. What you will see is what we have all seen for the past 3 years. Curry, Draymond, and Iguodala all start turning it up after the all-star break. Look at each of the past 3 years. Our post-all star break records have been ridiculous. Last year, we only lost a single game from March all the way til Game 4 of the Finals lol. This is why I gotta disagree AA, no need for Kerr to be critical of Curry in a game like this. It would be different if it was late March and Curry was doing this. These guys are all multiple time champions. They know what's up. They will turn it up when they need to. It's about pacing yourself and staying healthy. The playoffs are like a 2nd season. It's freaking 2 months long. Gotta understand the big picture. Also, don't discount the importance of Iguodala. He's the 2nd best defender on the team and impacts everything we do on both ends.

Daniel Fries

this is probably insane, but my mind works in tangents and this is what I was thinking as you pointed out how you've never seen steph make so many bad decisions in one game. What if you were a mafia boss, and you needed to win a bet on this game, and you didn't have scruples, or mind threatening the life of some baller's wife and/or kid. What if you bet hard on Houston, and you needed a Warrior to help you win your bet. Which Warrior's family would you threaten?


You make a point, but it's way more intense/outlandish/scary/worrisome/specific/strange/and just fucking odd that your mind would even travel to that thought just cuz Steph had a bad game. Steph was out of sync all day and was complaining to Kerr about confidence heading back before half. Those early problems/TO's/shooting worse/bad defense was in his head. It's like he was a step slow and he wasn't mentally capable of dealing with HOU being up on him and always poking at the ball from all angles that he just never saw coming. It's like he couldn't process the action fast enough, and then it got in his head. It just is strange how they know they're going to get the rockets best effort in every aspect of game, they know they need to be on point, yet Everytime a team comes out and pressures them and tries to tip passes and is active they always respond like they're surprised by it. Like they can't believe that they're crowded at the 3 and that it's hard to pass the ball.


I love Steph, I think he's one of the best. But he does 2 things that irk me to no end. As a shooter, when his shot isn't on early, sometimes he just keeps forcing them. Instead of pulling up for a 15 footer. He also drastically needs to learn how draw fouls. That's the next part of his game which would make him an unstoppable scorer. Because what better way to get your rhythm going than to see the ball go through in an uncontested free throw. But when he drives he's so concerned with getting his shot off to make it that he avoids contact. He never gets the tickets tack calls because they know that's his game.