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Rockets End Warriors Streak

Golden State Warriors vs Houston Rockets in the final meeting of the regular season between the two. Alchemy Breakdown



I’m still salty about this game but here’s my thoughts: - I’d usually rather get blown out than lose a close one cuz I’d know we just didn’t have but if it’s close I’ll be thinking of crucial plays that cost us. - We can’t stop Clint Capela, not D-West and definitely not Zaza. - Silly turnovers, as usual, full court passes, I can say 6 of them, lazy forced outlet pass, stupid. - Now we got Rockets players saying they are better than us (Capela, Gordon, Harden) and I can say they are not wrong. They are 17-0 when CP3/Harden/Capela play together and 2-0 against us + they hold tie breaker. - Looking at HOU schedule, they will have an easy few weeks while we have MIN, BOS, SA and OKC next couple of weeks. Closer race to 1st seed. - GSW should use those quotes as motivation, HOU has all the confidence in the world till the next time we meet them.


Side effect of the warriors culture. Too unselfish. KD has it going, and you can get him a wide open layup in transition, but you give it to klay who was trash that night and contested? I can’t even rationalize that. Kerr kept running plays for steph and klay, instead of the 7 foot 4 time scoring champ. KD has to speak up and just ask for it.


Been waiting for this since the game ended; love your quick takes! On a side note, I really wish Steph didn't have these off night / low energy games on nationally televised games. The casual NBA community already hate on him enough so it sucks to see him sort of add fuel to the fire.


I don’t even wanna watch man, but I needed to hear your opinion, steph was trash and last 5 mins should have been warming the bench. Games like these is when we need a back up point guard we can depend on cause Shaun isn’t it. I think this game is reminiscent of last year when they couldn’t decide who was the closer early in the season, they should know by now that it is kid.


I'll watch it again in the edit tomorrow for more details. But it probably should have been a blowout, they should have lost and they did. It's always harder to swallow an effort loss than an execution one...but big picture its better.


TBH, that choice Steph made passing it to Klay wasn’t bad. It doesn’t matter if Klay was cold the whole game, he’s made those shots so many times and all Klay needs is one shot to get it going so I’m fine with that shot, it just didn’t go in. HOU defense against us is real (Tucker, Luc Mah Abute), lots of block shots and can’t hardly get anything inside. Steph just didn’t have the vision offensively and as a PG, lots of silly turnovers.


Yeah I've always firmly stood in the KD is the closer camp. Hopefully this will help solve that.


I feel you! But at the same time there is a group that doesn't want to acknowledge his disappearing acts.


I'll have that full breakdown for yall tomorrow . Aerone KD should have been the initiator late..but like I said im watch it again and try and get to the root of it.


I like your take Carson, KD looked pissed too!


I can't believe the Dubs absolutely ruined my Saturday night but i could kinda tell when Klay came out cold to start and Steph body language looking off we would have a hard time winning but i was still talking my shit tho


Kerr's observation that in the first half the Warriors had 4 or 5 good shots that were in and out is exactly correct.....and I would add, those in and out misses came right at a time when the Warriors were playing good defense and could have closed or created a lead, as they usually do, but that didn't happen last night and SO......As for Capella, we have to decide who is the best matchup for him and I admit I'm not sure but I think it could be Looney. That's my take on the close loss and because I'm a Warriors fan that's what I focus on....solving that Capella problem which is real.

Courtney Valdez

Too many times, the Warriors seem to have no sense of urgency. This was the most important game of the season for the tiebreaker and to keep the Rockets from getting any semblance of confidence and breaking free of their obvious inferiority complex toward GS. This has been a trend over the past several years, but they've typically broken out of it as they get deeper into the season...but not THIS season. Not yet, and I'm getting really tired of the "it's still early" crowd, because it's not THAT early, and eventually they're going to have to get their act together. The fact that they're still winning a lot of these games despite not playing all that well for the majority (and sometimes the VAST majority) of the game, I feel, is actually doing them harm because it's rewarding bad behavior. Now the Rockets own the tiebreaker and probably have the confidence they've seemed to lack the past few years.


Alch, you're my eyes and ears while I'm down here in Colombia, so thanks for that. A few things. Do you think Kerr was still playing his regular season (small "a") alchemy thing in this game, or was he actually trying to win it? Do you think there's a difference between KD and the boys who have been to the finals the last 3 years in terms of intensity to this point? And do you think we won't see the real Warriors until the last 15-20 games, when they'll get serious about winning and start ripping folks and securing both home court and a psychological edge on the rest of the league?

Strong Foru

I think both Steph and Klay have a bit of ADHD. It seems that in certain games they are dis-engaged and there's nothing anyone can do to re-engage them (Note when the camera pans to either of them when they're sitting on the bench.) Not even Kerr! I also believe this is why Kerr and the GM continue to experiment with backup 3-point shooters like Swaggy P and others who can step up. The real problem comes in the rare games when both Klay and Steph are dis-engaged at the same time. This CANNOT happen during the Playoffs or the Finals if we want to win.


You won’t see the Warriors until everyone is fully healthy and in the playoffs. Usually Warriors and every other team are sharper in the playoffs but it’s all about seeding placing. Right now if season ended, we have Thunder second round


Capela ain’t just the problem, they got both Harden and CP3 making tremendous passes to him that gets him easy looks. Too many times yesterday Harden or CP3 pulled off tough wrap around passes or no look bounce passes that’s just hard to guard. The PnR Harden, CP3/Capela is lethal because we gotta help when either is driving but still defend the lob or drop off to Capela.


Has that really ever happened in the playoffs when it actually mattered? Re finding other shooters, the Ws may have the league's premier 3-headed 3-monster in Steph, Klay and KD, but dropping the top three shooters across all the other teams, where does GS rank in 3-pt shooting? My guess is they're middle of the pack at the very best, and a team that lives and dies by that can't really afford that lack of depth. That's where their deep draft strategy the last few years, going for other skills while the rest seek the shooters, kind of costs them.


Haven’t seen a championship team all season, like steph letting his shooting affect his game is so fucking annoying, hanging his head and moping and they need a passing clinic I called every turnover last night because you could see it happening for all of them.


Angry Alchemy speaks the truth. Watching this game I was very disappointed in SC's play. I learned about the layover in CHI and when I did I thought "uh oh"... perhaps Kerr learned a lesson with this: get to the next city ASAP and prep for the game. Fuck this hanging out and having fun.


Where did the stripclub thing come from, we need to know more about your strip club experience in Houston!


Haha iv never been to H-town! Thats what the hip hop community and athletes do there tho. If Harden ever gets a statue it wont be out front the arena.