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Heyo everyone! As some of you may know, the public demo released earlier this week. It is the same version that is currently on Patreon. v0.5, however is just around the corner for Patrons. It will be coming on the 1st. It will feature Titas(Desert Planet), and Tanya the Merchant. I'll keep this one fairly short, as there is not much "new" to show, so much as some final things just being tied up. Let's start from the top!

Transmissions were added, along with some smoother transitions between sections.

Enemies were given proper weapons and were added into the appropriate positions during the boss fight.

You will need to make sure you keep the enemy vehicles under control or else they will continue to increase in number and fire at you.

After that, I added all the necessary components for Tanya in the hub including her hub art, party select, and her level in the level select.

And of course her conversation art and animations.

Another thing that needed to be done was finishing off some of the animations in her Hscenes including the climax animations, and states.

Finally I had to do some pretty big adjustments to the level to fit what I felt was necessary. I actually extended a couple of sections of the map, which kind of added to some of the workload.

As a result I wasn't quite able to finish everything up this week.

The last things that are left is finishing up those couple sections I extended, and doing the intro/outro camera pans, then we are good to go!

The public release kept me a little bit busy, but with that said, I'll catch you all on the 1st with the release of Tanya and v0.5!

Thank you all for the support!




Lunatic 0verlord

Another major asset, in more ways than one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Denial Leon

Ooo i like the idea of a mob boss. Gotta keep the adds in check otherwise you'll be overrun.


Good luck!

Lunatic 0verlord

So this is where the Wolf stand-in comes, huh? Can't wait to see where the Leon and Andrew stand-ins are faced.