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Heyo everyone! Here with the release of v0.5! As mentioned before, all the new features outside of Tanya and her level were actually finished and squeezed into the public demo in time, so this v0.5 won't have much in that regard, hence the changelog will actually be quite small, but here we go!


Major Changes:

-New Level: Titas
-New Ally: Tanya
-2 new Hscenes with Tanya

Minor Changes:

-Raised damage of Charge Shot.

Changelog between v0.4 - v0.4.4:

- Added function to the Shop, and credits.
- Added voice acting for all in-game segments (Excluding Titas + Tanya), and most Hscenes.
- A few balance changes involving damage, and health.
- Added a few more SFX
- Added Barrel Roll upgrade
- Shrunk player ship by 30%
- Weeble's beam is now Blue (To follow the game's color coordination.)
- Added Icons to party select's Actives/Passives.
-"Alternate" weapon loadout didn't work properly upon starting a New Game. It should work now.
-Fixed some layering issues in Siren's Hscene

Alright everyone! Enjoy! I'll catch you all next week with a first look at the Catgirl's stage!



-Fixed a bug where the final checkpoint of Titas would cause you to soft-lock.
-Fixed some physics issues with the boss of Titas

*I am currently investigating an issue some people have been having with Saves. Some people are experiencing their saves being shotty, and not being able to select party members, and having issues with credits. If this is happening to you, any insight would be helpful! I will make a hotfix as soon as I find the solution.*




I am enjoy.

rafael mena

hey, im having some problems with the game.. for starters, it won't save my progress, if I go back to the main menu all my progress is lost. Also, I'm not gaining any credits or medals after each mission. I'm also not getting the girls as options on my load out.

rafael mena

Oh, and on the newest level, if I die while fighting the boss the checkpoint wont work, it seems like it's putting me back into the blue dome and right after grabbing the health pack is trying to exit, but I'm just stuck in a blue void not even able to see my ship.

rafael mena

Nvm! This was fixed after deleting older versions of the game and restoring preferences to default


The checkpoint issue should now be fixed in v0.5.3's hotfix. The save issue has not been fixed, but I will continue to look into it. If you don't mind, I do have a question. You said that when trying to reload that checkpoint the blue void was all you saw? When I experienced this bug, it faded to blue, the came out completely underground (Broken in the same way you describe, but I was not in the blue void). Are you certain you were in the blue void, or were you referencing the screen fading to blue during the transition. (This is kind of an important distinction, as if you were in the blue void it could mean a larger problem that may be related to the save issue).

rafael mena

ah yes! sorry for my vague description, what you mentioned is exactly what what happened to me

Paul Lister

What's up Bud! As always, Loving your work and the game is progressing amazingly! Looks like I am one of your fans that's having issues with my save file being wonky. e.g. No shop creds being earned and Siren is the only party member I can have. What can I provide you to help you triage the issue? Edit: oh yea, this is after i downloaded the v 0.5.3 file.


Was this coming directly from 0.4(The public build)? I'm thinking the issued lied with some code in the public build. I'm hoping it is fixed and will function between builds v0.5 and on, but I don't have a way of recreating it on my end.

Paul Lister

My save file is coming from v 0.3.1PC. I was away from home for a bit so I skipped v0.4 means v0.5.3 was out by the time I returned.


oh really? Hmmm.. that's concerning then. It's a bit frustrating because I consider this a priority issue, but(as mentioned) I can't seem to recreate it on my end, and no matter how thoroughly I look through the code and script order, I come up with a loss. People have sent video of the bug and it only seems to baffle me even more when I look through it ahaha.

Paul Lister

I'll message you and we can work out a way for me to send you my save file or any others if it'll help.