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Heyo everyone! Here again. This week was dedicated to Tanya's conversation animations. I also did the final steps of getting the public demo ready. I have Itch.io and Newgrounds pages ready to launch as soon as I click the "Publish" button. The things I am waiting on now is Steam's review process. Hopefully this will come back with positive results in the coming week. While the page being up on Steam isn't "essential" I would really like the page to be up and running before I launch the public demo so people can be directed into the places they feel necessary.

With that, let's get into Tanya's conversation animations shall we?



Before I continue on, I'll say that BY default, Tanya's visor will be on. At the moment, like other clothing options, you can disable/enable it right out the gate in current builds. In future builds you may need to meet prerequisites before taking off her visor.

For the examples from here on, for showcasing's sake, I'll show her non-visor versions.


Smug (Basically just a variant of Happy in this case):

and finally her "shock"

Due to Tanya's nature, one of her staples is her smile. It is nigh impossible to intimidate her, and she is familiar with a rough environment. All that said she is almost always positive. Because of this there is no "Angry" animation unlike the rest of the cast. Try as you will... she will laugh it off.

As always she will have clothing states.

She will also appear quite a bit taller than the others in the conversations

Another thing I whipped up was her hub dialogue

The start of the week also had some final touches on v0.4's public build. They are mostly just some bug fixes, and touch ups. I will post the updated build here as well upon the release of the public build. (v0.4.4).

Alright! With v0.5 just 2 weeks away, I still have some things to cover. In the upcoming week, I am going to be trying to completely finish the build. This means:

-Tweaking Titas' timeline (Some enemies spawn a little too early or too late),
-Writing Titas' transmission sequences.
-Adding Titas, and Tanya's point to the Hub. (Her idle sitting art, and her presence in party/level select menus)
-Adding the final touches to both Hscenes. (Basically just fixing up bits of the animations, and properly charting the scene's buttons/progression).
-I actually wasn't able to complete the full boss sequence. Even though his AI is all written, it actually still isn't stitched together properly.
-Obstacle colliders, and fine-tuning the enemies' weapon timing.

This should all easily fit into a week's worth of work, which will leave the final week of November open for final bug testing, and maybe a little head start getting things ready for v0.6's development.

That should pretty much do it! I'll catch you all next week! Thanks a ton for the continued support. It means a ton to have all of you stick with us despite the genre being so different from SpunkStock. Stay safe out there!




This is looking absolutely amazing, her design is stunning. I cant wait for this game