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Heyo everyone! There won't be too many "new" things to show this week, as it was mostly just fixing up, and finishing off the current things. I actually found I didn't do any of the climax animations for the extra scene, so that ate up a decent amount of time... oopsies.

Before I get into the report, I just want to show off the new trailer! This was shown at Hentai Expo. Unfortunately Patreon doesn't natively support video uploading, and doesn't really embed from things like Twitter. https://x.com/RegulusNSFW/status/1792104819513344334

Here's a link though, for those who can view it.

Anyways! Let's get into the progress report!

First thing was rewriting some of the conversation scripts. I created a new function for when 2 character need to display emotions.


A name will also display above conversations to display who's talking (I thought I had this before, but it seemed the name never actually appeared.. lol)

Next was editing a bunch of the atlases. I have decided to make the change that Aether's phallic and nipple color will now be pink instead of a dark green.

Oh! I can't remember if I mentioned it, but if you are female Aether, and you play a level, your transmission art will reflect this.

 During the initial demo, Lamia recorded some lines for female aether. I am on the fence about putting them in the build as I never had them processed and were never up for retakes (As female Aether was not in the actual demo), but we'll see.

Next was actually removing the "Clothes" options in character dialogues (due to the new Apparel/Changeroom)

I whipped up a bugfix in Titas. Previously, when entering the blue dome in Titas, you would hit an event trigger. This trigger would isolate you into a giant blue sphere (Basically the blue zone). The issue is that it seemed there were some players who would somehow miss this trigger (Maybe the trigger wasn't increased in size when I gave the player more horizontal movement, so they could just go around the trigger). Either way, the events are no longer triggered by an actual trigger collider, and are now triggered via player's position in the level. This (hopefully) means consistency will be 100%

I added an "Events" button in the Hscene room

You can use this to review Hscenes that are triggered via events (like Tanya/Rooster scene).

These buttons, along with the characters in apparel also have conditions to appear which I needed to add. (Basically this doesn't appear until you have seen the scene naturally, and the characters in apparel don't appear until you've unlocked the character).

Finally, as you saw above, I finished off the Rooster/Tanya climax animations. This actually took a little bit to get done, as I hadn't gotten as far on it on the 1st week as I thought.


I also had to finish off the animation routing for it.

That pretty much sums up this week. Unfortunately there's still a decent bit to do.

1-Finish Pix's 3rd Hscene's animation routing, and climax animations(Might half a day)

2-Pix's 4th Hscene's SFX and buttons. (Should be really quick)

3-Prefab all the animations (super quick)

4-Fix up animation transitions on Molbon2 Boss (Could be quick.. but could take a bit longer depending how smooth it goes)

5-Fix a bug with one of Molbon2 Boss' attacks (Should be quick)

6-Add Screenshake/rumble to boss attacks

7-Make it so MITE Drones only become available after purchase.

8-Set requirements on Female Aether when she is in Hscenes.

9-Checkpoints in Molbon2

10-re-orientate Pigman in Molbon2, as he doesn't always look at you.

11-Finish a small final sequence in Molbon2. (This is a kill-point for Pigman. If you do not kill him before this point, a Golem will destroy him, and you will not be rewarded the points).

12-Fix new pipe transition in Raptura.

13-Balance medal amounts.

14-Finish some transmission dialogue in Molbon2

15-Review/rewrite dialogue. (not completely mandatory, but I would like to.)

16-Depending on how timing goes, I may block off Female Aether in the Sex pod, or implement her new visuals.

Luckily most of these points are really quick things to knock off... The only points that "could" eat up time are 1, 4, 7, 11, 12, 14.

No worries though, a week should be well more than enough to knock these off.

Thanks again everyone! I'll catch you all on the 1st for the v0.8 launch!




Lunatic 0verlord

BTW, when it comes to altering transmissions with Female Aether, I'd say you have three options: 1. Work on the voiced lines to make them better. 2. Use the lines you have for now. You can work on them later. 3. Keep Female Aether voiceless until you have recorded lines that you are satisfied with.

Ohtman Zero
