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Hey everyone! I was actually hoping to get a bit more done this week, but the apparel windows actually took a bit more time than I thought they would. I did cover a few other things though

Just before I get into things, I want to send a bit of a reminder to everyone that Hentai Expo 2024 is tomorrow! Starbreed's new trailer will be shown amongst many other new and upcoming Hgames.

You can watch via the Hentai Expo page:


With that, let's get into the progress report!

To start off, I implemented the upgrade to Pix's active. Upon completing Molbon2, Pix's active will throw out 5 satchels instead of 1.


With this, I might make some adjustments to the particle effects. I kind of feel the smoke lingers a bit too long... destroying visibility ahah. The ability will still cost the same amount of thrust.

Another thing I found was a bug that had annoyed me for a while. I found this while implementing MITE Drones. Certain allies/weapons have a scanner of sorts, that searches for, and targets enemies. I found out that this scanner conflicted with raycasts from the player. As a result, if a scanner was on your screen, you could not lock-on to enemies with the charge shot.

This canyon was one of the big culprits of this, as Lana is flying alongside you. The ability to lock-on was very spotty along this route. This should now be fixed.

Next was something small and silly. I'm actually not sure if it was present in the last build, but I rearranged some of the layering on Rooster so that her right tit is actually infront of her jacket. It looked weird before.

Finally we get to the meat of what was done. I removed the "Clothes" option in character dialogues, and put it all in 1 place in Tanya's Apparel/Changerooms.

Upon selecting Apparel, you will be presented with a character select.

 You will be presented with very similar options as the dialogue, except the navigation should be a bit more straight forward.


Clothing options aside from the base options will require different medals. These medals are tied to their respective planet. (As you see, with Lana, it reads "Raptura Medals"). In some cases it will require 2 medals. In these cases it means you need to have access to their second level to achieve this. I may reduce these to 1 until their 2nd level is released, just to ensure you still get access to it in current builds.

Right now the only character that kind of lacks these options is... well... Siren... for obvious reasons ahaha. Siren may get her own set of options in the future though.

With the release of Molbon2, getting gold on both levels will unlock the ability to put on Pix's alternate hairstyle.

Alternate hairstyles will generally be the universal "Gold on both levels". You might ask why making the character nude isn't the final goal, but I feel getting gold on both levels is a bit of a strong skill-check for a form of H-content. (A similar reason as to why SS coins in SpunkStock were never anything too important, just neat stuff to show for your accomplishments).

That being said, currently you need a gold medal on one level, and at least a silver on the other to get the character completely nude.

As for Aether, they will work the exact same way, except their planet will be Catiya.


The last thing was some fixing up some of the visuals on Molbon2's boss

 Textures and such...

That pretty much sums up this week though! Next week will be build wrap-up. Meaning tying up scenes, level's ending cutscenes, fixing a few lingering bugs, etc. Basically getting it to a proper playing state. If I get time for anything extra, I will add it.

Thanks again everyone! I'll catch you next week, have a good one!




Lunatic 0verlord

Level's ending cutscenes? You mean like a "radio calls to wrap up the level" like what other levels have or what Catiya had?