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Heyo everyone! The launch will be tomorrow, but I would still like to report what this week held in terms of development. Let's go!

The summary is basically that I have completed everything on that list from last week, plus a couple other things.

Here's the list of "to-dos" left over from last week:

(DONE)1-Finish Pix's 3rd Hscene's animation routing, and climax animations

(DONE)2-Pix's 4th Hscene's SFX and buttons.

(DONE)3-Prefab all the animations

(DONE)4-Fix up animation transitions on Molbon2 Boss

(DONE)5-Fix a bug with one of Molbon2 Boss' attacks

(DONE)6-Add Screenshake/rumble to boss attacks

(DONE)7-Make it so MITE Drones only become available after purchase.

(DONE)8-Set requirements on Female Aether when she is in Hscenes.

(DONE)9-Checkpoints in Molbon2

(DONE)10-re-orientate Pigman in Molbon2, as he doesn't always look at you.

(DONE)11-Finish a small final sequence in Molbon2. (This is a kill-point for Pigman. If you do not kill him before this point, a Golem will destroy him, and you will not be rewarded the points).

(DONE)12-Fix new pipe transition in Raptura.

(DONE)13-Balance medal amounts. Bronze, Silver, Gold

Catiya (unchanged)

Raptura: 100, 135, 170

Molbon: 100, 130, 160

Pearlus: 100, 125, 150

Neos: 100, 125, 150

Titas: 100, 115, 130

Zol'gan: 100, 130, 160

Molbon2: 100, 120, 140

(DONE)14-Finish some transmission dialogue in Molbon2

(DONE)15-Review/rewrite dialogue. (not completely mandatory, but I would like to.)

(DONE)16-Depending on how timing goes, I may block off Female Aether in the Sex pod, or implement her new visuals.

Due to things being last minute on this. Female Aether will be temporarily blocked off in the Hscene Room (sex pod)

Here are the other things I got to on top of these:

-Added the ability to skip the intro cutscene to levels

-Fixed a bug where transmission portraits would get jumbled up during "Help" sequences.

-Player, and party members now receive +10 affinity each instead of +3 upon level completion.

-Molbon1's Boss now gives 20 points.

-Made it so you can't shoot through the first 2 instances of green glass in Neos.

-Made it so Pix's Satchel, and Tanya's Barrier ("Player Obstacle" damage) will detonate golems in Molbon2

(Shown in the gif of 11 above)

-Fixed a bug with Zol'gan boss where there was a small chance it could softlock when transitioning phases.

-Fixed yet another laser collision issue (Mainly on Titas boss, and Molbon1 Boss)

-Reduced Barrel Roll 2's cost to 300 from 500.

-Added a "Tracker" for MITES. The player will be able to properly manage their stock now.

-fixed a bug where planets can get stuck after backing out from the Loadout Menu.

With that, the build is stocked and ready for release on the 1st! Catch you all Tomorrow!




Mimi MI

Nice! Good Work