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Alright everyone! v0.7 is ready to go!

IMPORTANT: The save system has changed as of this build. An alert will likely appear if you are loading data from the old system. If you've never had problems loading a previous save file, the transition to the new system should be seamless. If you HAVE had issues in the past, it's possible you could run into issues with the transition. You can still attempt it, but it may only bring over certain data. I'd say regardless, it's worth a shot to see what you can salvage.

Upon your first time loading an old save, the save will be converted to the new system.

If you have had troubles loading in the past, I would recommend closing, and re-opening the game right after you load old data for the first time, and things get converted. I could explain why, but it might bloat this post a bit, but essentially rebooting the game will refresh the scripts, so any issues from the old save system will go away, as it will then be loading using the new system.

As mentioned.. if you have never experienced issues with saves in the past, this can likely all be ignored.


With that, let's get to the changelog!



New Level: Zol'gan

New Ally: Rooster

2 Rooster Hscenes

Rooster's abilities:

Active > Soul Siphon: Shoots a low "damage over time" beam. If an enemy is killed by this beam, a ghost will spawn by you. This ghost will periodically shoot at enemies. Ghosts are very fragile. They will die in 1 hit by practically everything (including obstacles).

Passive > Life Tap: Upon running out of Thrust Meter, you may continue to use abilities and boost at the cost of health.

  • Added function to Pom's passive. Once you have completed Neos, A box will now spawn once on every level. Destroying this box will reveal a "Power Cell". Power Cells will give you unlimited Thrust meter for a period of time (While your jetflame is yellow).

  • Changed to a new save system


  • Added new SFX by Lewd K.

  • Fixed an issue with Pigman and Titas' boss where Lana (and the new ghosts) would shoot the wrong place, or off-target from the boss.

  • Changed the update methods of several objects like lasers (so laser registration is more consistent)

  • Lowered base opacity for all buttons (This is to hopefully make them less "aggressive" and get in the way of images like Hscenes)

  • Damage-over-time effects can now kill the player. (ie. purple claws latching on to you.)

  • Finishing cutscene now removes DoTs (damage-over-time)... so you can't die during the cutscene.

  • Added a vignette visual for when the player is at critical health (The edges of the screen will turn red).

  • Attempted optimization on Titas (admittedly, I believe the result was quite fruitless, and likely only made minor improvements.)

While I didn't manage to get female Aether's stuff done in time, you can still use Female Aether in Rooster's 2nd Hscene.

As always let me know if you guys run into any issues!


Download Links:

Windows: https://mega.nz/file/sSVE1SyD#oLggU1OMcI4nVFBKNxd1L6fFgi3TYTCGTNMKLtK0EH4

Linux: https://mega.nz/file/5GcnnJbD#Rym2OoeCAYjrM0-ydegQV4OsfFFCmSFdYe4iULHYK0M



Ohtman Zero


Lunatic 0verlord

Glad that it's out, even on such a prankful day :D Looking forward to the return levels. BTW, this made me think of something a future game may do to not need to implement a female form later in the development: Have two protagonists, one guy and one girl. And yes, they should be able to bang each other (unless they're related by blood, of course).


How do you move your old save over, or do you have to start a fresh save


You should be able to just press "Continue" like always. If this option is not there, you may need to start a fresh save.


You don't need to go into folders of files at all. No moving is necessary. You should simply be able to load the game as before. If you cannot click the "Continue" button in game, it's likely that you will need to start a fresh save. --------------- If you want more specifics/info: The old system loads off a .dat file that is in the game directory. The new system uses Player Prefs, meaning there is no "file" that holds the data, the data is kept in the window's registry (not sure about Linux). The .dat file you find in the directory will be the old data, and will always be the old data. This will no longer be overwritten in new versions. It's essentially obsolete after you have loaded it once in the new version. ----- Just for the sake of actually answering your question. The save data directory for the old version for Windows is: C:\User\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\RegulusNSFW\StarbreedDemo\Save1.dat Linux should be something like: ~/.config/unity3d/RegulusNSFW/StarbreedDemo ------------ As mentioned you shouldn't have to go into any of these folders to transfer the save over, as the new system doesn't even use files anymore.