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Heyo everyone! Hope you enjoyed Rooster and Zol'gan! Today I'm going to be going into depths on how builds are going to look now considering we are returning to planets. First I will say, for all VIP and up patrons, the new poll will be posted alongside this to decide the next level!

I'll start by explaining the new build format.

Because the next builds will be focused on revisiting existing planets, many of the enemies will be returning, but bosses will still be completely unique. The environment and levels will likely have a unique twist to them as well.

The new jungle concept will have us fighting in a river valley, with cavern ridges presenting some new ruins. The level layout is currently being put together by our modeller, which frees me up to focus on our next big point

In the builds to come we will be trying to bring 3 Hscenes per build as opposed to 2.

2 Hscenes will be on the featured character (In this case, Jungle = Pix)

and 1 Hscene will be what we consider "extra". This is to fill in any Hscenes we feel the base workload may not have been able to include. For example... what you see at the top is this build's extra Hscene. This will likely be an event between Tanya and Rooster. Here's a bit more of a look at it!

Much like Aether x Rooster, this scene will feature a pop out window

In a later post I will cover the Pix Hscenes.

With these things there was a few other things I managed to pin down.

I got to the bottom of a bug that has been lingering for a while. If you spawned at Raptura's 1st checkpoint, transmission dialogue wouldn't play, and no enemies would spawn in the alternate route. While I spent a lot of time looking for 1 big issue, I found that it was 3 separate, completely unrelated bugs that happened to only happen in this 1 isolated instance. The issue has been fixed, and with it, likely some other (less noticeable) bugs will have been fixed in the process.

I also reworked how the rails transition in Raptura, so the weird skipping before the boss should be fixed up as well.

With that, there is a bit of communication to be had between the team before confirming what next week is going to look like, but it will likely be a showcase of the level's environments in-game along with enemy placements.

I'll catch you all then! Thanks again for all of your support!




Lunatic 0verlord

Neat cool stuff. Hope that Rooster gets to fill Tanya up.

red redd

Can’t wait for this scene!!! But can you please make her dress shorter so her dick is showing in all of her artworks?