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Heyo everyone! The base of the build is completed! This weekend we will be doing some final testing and fixes so that things are ready for v0.7's release, but there are definitely some things I want to cover here. Let's get right into it!

So there were still some final things to wrap up, like putting icons, and portraits in the right areas, finishing/balancing the transmission dialogue, etc, but with the new build there have been some small changes:

DoTs can now kill the player (Things like the purple claws, and new attack types that latch onto the player).

Because of this, a change has been put in where the edges of the screen will turn red when the player is at critical health for a better alert. I do actually want to add a bit more for this, as I think it will be important, especially with Rooster's new ability. (By add more I mean stuff like SFX, but that will have to come later).

So let's talk about Rooster's abilities. They are a bit far fetched, might be kind of imbalanced, but so far I have found them to be pretty fun.

Passive: Life Tap

You can now use thrust beyond 0 at the expense of health

This can help for those moments where you just need a bit more of an ally's active.

Active: Soul Siphon

Fire a low damage beam. If you kill an enemy that is worth points, spawn a ghost grunt to fire alongside you.

Right now it is quite powerful, and is very subject to balancing.

The grunts do a lot of damage when you have built them up, but they are extremely fragile. They can take hits for you, but they can also die from colliding with obstacles.

1 bad collision, and you can lose everything you've built up.

You cannot spawn these minions by killing missiles, or enemies that spawn during boss fights (As a general rule of thumb.. if a number doesn't pop up when killing something, it means they are not eligible for spawning a ghost grunt)

Now on to something else I had briefly been going back and forth on, was saves. As mentioned, the Save System has been changed as of v0.7. I set it up so that you can attempt to load previous save data. This should work totally fine for those who have not been experiencing any issues with saves. For those who have been experiencing issues, attempting to load this data will present the same issues, but at least SOME of the data might be salvaged.

All saves that happen in this build, however, will be in the new save system so the issues should cease for future builds as we move forward.

Something else I should say is that, I didn't get around to some of the extra stuff I was hoping to wrap up, meaning there will still be no function for medals, Female Aether is not quite ready for release (almost there though. She will still be available during Rooster's Hscene).

With that, I am going to get back to some final testing, so that we are ready to go for launch! Thanks everyone! I'll catch you all on the 1st with v0.7!


