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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


One week after the horrifying attack in the Spider Nebula, the leaders of the three great Empires once again convened. However, this time, they set aside their suspicions and apprehensions to investigate the dreadful terror attack with a burning determination.

Indeed, the three great Empires unequivocally classified this incident as a terror attack. They knew that if it were their adversary's doing, they wouldn't resort to such a method, let alone appear at the scene after the fact to proclaim their involvement.

Magic was a mystical energy, and when the investigation ships from Spider Nebula spotted the glowing symbols, its brightness was far from crossing thousands of light-years for other civilizations in space to observe clearly.

However, whether it was the Kree Empire's main star in the Large Magellan Nebula, the capital planet of the new Skrull Empire, or the core star region of the West A Empire, all of them could distinctly see these symbols.

While they possessed more advanced observation equipment, it was still astonishing.

But this also meant something more dreadful: many civilizations with observation capabilities similar to theirs could also see these symbols.

It was as if someone had slapped you and then written it on your face for everyone to see.

The three great Empires couldn't fathom the purpose behind this behavior other than humiliating them.

Within the three great Empires, there were no shortage of intelligent minds. Thriving interstellar civilizations didn't rely on luck. The Supreme Intelligence alone could find many flaws in this series of events.

"Don't you think all of this is too coincidental?" Supreme Intelligence spoke up.

"The audio documents we received are undoubtedly authentic," said the Interstellar Colonization Commander of the Skrull Empire. "They are the messages transmitted by the Polar Star Spaceship, and the accent used in them matches the common Skrull dialect during their voyages. There's no issue with the language and customs."

"The Skrull Empire's voyage period is unique because we don't have a fixed home star; we are constantly moving forward, not accepting any outsiders, and not allowing anyone to leave the fleet."

"It's a completely closed civilization, so it's nearly impossible for external spies to infiltrate or for someone to impersonate a Skrull civilian during their voyage period, especially to this degree."

Sitting opposite the Commander was a woman clad in silver armor from head to toe. Her appearance was more akin to that of a human, with a feather-like adornment resembling a triangle on her head. She was the princess of the Xea Empire, the royal general commanding the second main fleet of the Xea Empire. Her feathers rustled as she spoke coldly.

"The issue must have arisen during the collision of the spaceship with the starport. As you mentioned, the Polar Star was stolen by a thief for so many years. Can you truly conclude that it was merely an accidental incident caused by internal disputes within the Skrull Empire, based solely on the information from the Black Box?"

"Are you suggesting that we did it intentionally?" The Skrull Empire's Supreme Commander slammed the table. "The Skrull Empire doesn't resort to sneak attacks! If it were us, wouldn't we have had a follow-up plan? We lost a Deputy Supreme Commander and six generals during the negotiations. Do you know how painful that is?"

At this point, the Commander's eye twitched, revealing a hint of agony. The losses during the previous negotiation event were not insignificant; these individuals were all elite figures cultivated with great effort by the Empire.

Losing all of them at once had directly cost the upper echelon of the interstellar colonization army a significant portion of its strength. It not only tarnished their reputation externally but also faced internal criticism.

The projection of the Supreme Intelligence spoke with emotionless detachment. "The Black Box alone is insufficient to accurately determine the spaceship's motive. The manipulation of recorded audio documents is not challenging."

"But according to the Supreme Intelligence's judgment, the mastermind behind the spaceship's manipulation does not belong to any of the three great Empires. We have no reason to engage in such actions, as they do not serve our interests sufficiently."

"So, what is causing the current predicament of all three Empires?" The female general of the Xea Empire stood up. "Xea Empire is the most innocent party here. We were invited by you to provide security, but you failed to inform us about a fearsome terrorist named Thanos, who not only ignited a star but also dared to detonate a black hole!"

"Our security measures were impeccable. Even the safety bases so close to the star remained unscathed amid the star's violent explosion. If not for that damned black hole..."

The female general took a deep breath and continued, "Now, Xea Empire is in disgrace, and all civilizations are saying that we are careless in our actions and have poor technology. Several civilizations that had already negotiated orders with our industrial department are now hesitating. Do you know the extent of our losses?"

There was no need for the female general to elaborate further; the other two leaders also understood. Xea Empire was the youngest among the three great Empires, and its strength was relatively weaker.

Unlike the other two Empires, which were absolute military powers, Xea Empire was a multicultural amalgamation. They excelled in basic industry and commerce, not in military affairs.

Commerce was crucial for them, and it was for this reason that they had invited so many civilizations to witness their cooperation. However, with this incident, even if some old clients didn't voice it, they would surely have doubts. The most painful blow for a merchant is damage to their reputation.

"We are all victims," Supreme Intelligence began, "Clearly, this is an intricate trap, a chain of events, and all of it hinges on one name. I believe you must have seen that line by now."

"Your spaceship's destruction was too swift, and there was no time to transmit a signal. However, before my projection disappeared, I heard the attacker murmur that name—'Thanos.'"

Upon hearing this, the Skrull Empire's Supreme Commander furrowed his brow. "Who is Thanos? Some backwoods hick trying to orchestrate a conspiracy that shames the three great Empires?"

The enormous green face of Supreme Intelligence squinted as he continued, "The universe is vast, with countless interstellar civilizations. We may not necessarily be familiar with the name Thanos, but what he mentioned in that line has already revealed who he truly is."

The Skrull Empire's Supreme Commander and the female general exchanged glances and said in unison, "Infinity Stones!"

"Oh, I remember now!" The female general suddenly raised her voice. "He's the mad Titan, right? I distinctly recall my father mentioning him..."

"It's said that there's a mad Titan who wiped out the Eternity Titan race and began a frantic search for Infinity Stones in the universe," the female general shook her head. "But that's a legend from the Milky Way Galaxy. I've heard of it, but it's not very clear. You know, there are too many lunatics over in the Milky Way Galaxy. I can't even remember the Titan's name..."

"Eternity Titan should be a branch of the Eternity race, right?" The Skrull Empire's Supreme Commander furrowed his brow. "I recall they are similar to the Asgardians, both possessing innate divine power..."

"According to the records in Kree Empire's Materials archive, they weren't a very prosperous race. The majority of their activities never left the Milky Way Galaxy, and they never developed expansive interstellar civilizations like the three great Empires."

"Before embarking on interstellar colonization, some of their activities suddenly ceased. Subsequently, we received news of the extinction of the Eternity Titan race, but the name Thanos was not officially recorded in the Materials archive."

"Later, we dispatched Sentinel Robots within the Solar System, and they were destroyed. Ronan, a general from the Accusers Team, went to Oranus to investigate. There, we encountered an attack by the Eternity Titan race. It was only then that we recorded the name 'Oranus' in the Materials archive. Later, it was also documented that his son is named Thanos..."

"Furthermore, through the information from the Elders of Space, a purple-skinned Eternity Titan has been hunting for scattered Infinity Stones in space. For this purpose, he has attacked numerous civilizations within Space..."

Supreme Intelligence's voice remained cold and emotionless, but he presented the facts clearly.

Thanos's background was actually quite simple. The Celestials had arrived on Earth to modify life, creating the Eternity race. A faction of the Eternity race, the Eternity Titans, engaged in internal conflicts and had a brutal battle that wiped out ninety percent of their population.

However, this had little to do with Thanos. He was a disturbed individual or, one could say, he had fallen under the influence of Death, and he personally exterminated the Eternity Titan race.

After listening to Supreme Intelligence's description, the female general of the Xea Empire furrowed her brow and said, "If he wants to find those gems, he can find them. Why provoke us? We don't have any Infinity Stones. Wait a minute, you guys wouldn't..."

The female general squinted her eyes, showing a distrustful expression. She believed that the Xea Empire definitely did not possess such gemstones, but she was uncertain about the other two parties. In her logic, Thanos had orchestrated such a massive conspiracy, which couldn't be random. Perhaps it was because the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire had Infinity Stones, which had drawn Thanos's attention.

The female general sneered and said, "Don't think I don't know that you've been planning to create the Space Cube. What, regular interstellar warfare isn't satisfying your ambitions anymore?"

The other two sides also had their suspicions. Supreme Intelligence knew that the Kree Empire did not have the gemstones, as he could probe the minds of all Kree Empire members and was not concerned about anyone hiding them.

However, the Skrull Empire's Supreme Commander could not confirm that the Empire did not possess the gemstones. Besides the Interstellar Colonization Army, the Skrull Empire also had a Guard Corps, a Construction Corps, and more. The structure of the New Skrull Nation was incredibly complex, and the Skrull Empire's Supreme Commander couldn't be sure that someone within the Empire hadn't acquired the Infinity Stones, drawing Thanos's attention.

"In any case, he shouldn't have provoked the three great Empires," the Skrull Supreme Commander declared. "This time, if we don't retaliate, the name of the three great Empires will be trampled by a madman with purple skin."

With the Skrull Supreme Commander's statement, the other two leaders nodded in agreement. Whether or not the other two had acquired the gemstones, it wasn't a valid reason for Thanos to carry out such a terrifying attack that had humiliated all of them.

Even if they had numerous grievances among them, they had to deal with the persistent mosquito buzzing in their ears first.

The female general was the first to sneer and said, "I will persuade my father to use Xea Empire's commercial networks to trace Thanos's whereabouts. Sooner or later, we'll unearth him..."

"That's too slow," Supreme Intelligence interjected. "When the Accusers Team from the Kree set out for the Solar System, they brought back a corpse of the Eternity race, and we conducted research and genetic sampling on it."

"I believe we have the technological capability to track this genetic signature directly, locate Thanos, and let him know that the three great Empires are not to be trifled with."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 922: Promising Future for the Purple Yam Spirit (Part 2) 


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