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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Everything happened too suddenly. Arrows of fate pierced through the space surrounding the Binary Star System. In the grand expanse of space, this was considered a relatively small-scale eruption and, under normal circumstances, would have posed minimal danger.

Space itself was vast, with celestial bodies scattered in various planes, rarely aligning in a straight line. However, Spider Nebula had two unique characteristics that set it apart.

Firstly, it was dubbed the "star cradle" by the Kree for a reason. Spider Nebula was teeming with stars, illuminating the entire stellar region in a radiant, radial pattern, resembling a spider's web when observed through human astronomical telescopes.

Stars were natural bombs, especially the unstable ones in their early stages of formation. When subjected to significant impacts, they could trigger chain reactions, causing devastation on a much larger scale.

On the other hand, in order to prevent any subterfuge from the opposing side, the Three Great Empires had summoned fleets from various civilizations to serve as witnesses. Not every civilization possessed the ability to traverse space as effortlessly as the Asgardians; the majority still relied on spaceships.

Within interstellar society, except for exceptional cases like the theft of the Polar Star by the Gana, solitary spaceships were a rarity. When embarking on journeys in space, most spaceships were accompanied by reconnaissance vessels and escort ships, forming fleets as they set out.

Due to the advanced nature of many civilizations and their abundant resources, the spaceships they constructed were grand in scale and size, often occupying significant space.

Unlike automobiles, giant spaceships had to consider the impact of gravity. If two colossal vessels were too close, it could disrupt their gravitational equilibrium. Therefore, when there were starports available, these spaceships could dock according to their models, and the starports were equipped with facilities to mitigate interference between spaceships.

This was precisely why Schiller and Stark had contemplated establishing a starport for humanity. After all, humanity already possessed several spaceships, and leaving them isolated without proper maintenance was a significant concern.

However, the only starport in the Spider Nebula belonging to the Kree Empire had been obliterated, and strangely, there were no remnants left behind. Thus, even a temporary docking point was unavailable.

Without designated parking spaces, spaceships were left to anchor randomly in space. Since space was vast, there was no need to cluster together with others. Consequently, many colossal vessels in the Spider Nebula were distributed more or less evenly, meaning that a single shot could potentially penetrate multiple targets.

Moreover, many civilizations used star energy and preferred to park near stars to replenish their energy while observing events. Unfortunately, those spaceships that gathered around stars to siphon energy faced dire consequences if a massive star were to explode, as not every civilization possessed the scientific and technological prowess of the Xea Empire to withstand such starburst impacts.

In an instant, the majority of spaceships were reduced to molten debris. Some with sturdier materials might leave remnants, but most spaceships were not designed for defense and lacked the necessary structural integrity. After an explosion, nothing remained.

For the spaceships that were farther from the stars and outside the range of black hole ejections, many civilizations narrowly escaped the catastrophe. However, the majority of these civilizations had not fully comprehended the situation. At the moment of the explosion, they did not act in unison but scattered in all directions.

Beyond natural disasters, they feared that someone from the Three Great Empires had manipulated the situation to trap everyone in Spider Nebula. Other civilizations knew of the Three Great Empires' power and suspected that they might have such intentions.

Therefore, once they escaped the immediate danger, the first thing these civilizations did was hit the throttle and flee as far as possible. They abandoned reconnaissance vessels and escort ships they couldn't recover, as lives were worth more than any amount of money.

Upon witnessing the complete destruction of their safe base, many civilizations realized that the situation among the Three Great Empires would become tense. They needed to return to their own civilizations and warn their brethren not to let their guard down.

In a short span of time, most civilizations that could escape had indeed left. Meanwhile, the fleets of the Three Great Empires had stationed themselves near the safe base and subsequently vanished with the ejections from the black hole.

Not long after, in a nondescript dark space within Spider Nebula, a portal opened. Stark was the first to emerge, followed by Schiller, Strange, Polaris, and other mutants.

"I believe everyone is familiar with the procedure, so I won't elaborate. Let's get to work," Schiller waved his hand and spoke concisely.

First, Polaris stepped forward, closed her eyes, and extended her magnetic field for detection. However, she furrowed her brow and said, "The magnetic field here is extremely chaotic, likely a residue from the acceleration of those spaceships leaving. I can't make a reliable judgment..."

As she spoke, she sensed another, even more powerful magnetic field ripple spreading out.

Polaris opened her eyes, displaying an instinctual expression of fear. However, she soon realized it was Magneto's magnetic field.

Polaris shook her head and said, "Since he's here, let him handle it. I can't..."

But suddenly, she wore a puzzled expression because the immense power had vanished abruptly, and Magneto's presence disappeared within the expanse of space. In an instant, he was gone without a word.

He hadn't spoken, but within Polaris's sensing range, the disordered magnetic field had been artificially organized, marked visibly within her field of vision.

Polaris's expression turned somewhat ambiguous, as though she hadn't finished her homework, and someone had secretly completed it for her, much like when you realized your parents had helped you finish your assignment, which you had to submit to your teacher the next day.

However, she soon shook her head and transmitted the information to Stark's Mech armor, saying, "The valuable wreckage locations have all been marked. You can go directly to retrieve them."

Stark examined the star map of the surrounding area provided by Polaris, along with the markers indicating valuable wreckage on the map. He remarked, "I have to admit, this ability is truly exceptional."

"I'm not sure how many civilizations possess the ability to scan such a vast region of stars with such clarity in an instant. But I do know that this ability holds immense strategic value, whether for interstellar exploration or interstellar warfare."

Polaris's expression became even more nuanced, akin to when a parent helped complete your homework, and you received a perfect score and praise.

Besides a hint of guilt, there was also an indescribable sense of pride. Even though the praise wasn't directed at herself, it felt like an indirect compliment.

Unfazed by Polaris's changing emotions, Strange was the first to remove his Cloak and, along with several sorcerers, flew toward the nearest location. Just before departing, he snapped his fingers, pointing at Stark and said, "Remember our previous agreement, alright? Whoever retrieves it, keeps it. Don't talk to me about fair distribution. Sorcerers have endured Stark's version of fairness for too long! This time, what we get is ours!"

Stark wore a disdainful expression, "Hmph," he scoffed, and added, "You took half of the starport, and it hasn't led to any groundbreaking improvements. In the end, it still relies on the starport's original structure to maintain stability. Do you think wrapping it in a shiny magical cloak fixes everything?"

Observing the tense atmosphere between the two, Peter, who was trailing behind them, scratched his head, finding himself in an awkward situation.

Logically, he should have followed Stark, but his symbiote named Red Bee had undergone specialized evolution after absorbing the Power of Belief from the Inheritor Family. Now, he should be the second symbiote, besides Blue Spirit, capable of proficiently using magical abilities. As a result, Peter had also learned to use magic.

Lately, he had been engrossed in unraveling the mysteries of magic. He wanted to join Strange in magical research but felt hesitant to say it aloud. After all, Stark and Strange had clashed before over the allocation of equipment and spaceships.

At that moment, Schiller waved to Peter and said, "Peter, come help me with something. Help me mark a symbol here..."

Peter, utilizing the power of his symbiote, flew over. He saw Schiller pointing at the edge of an exploded area of a planet. Peter took the design drawing from Schiller's hand and looked puzzled, "Is this a logo? Is the brand called Thanos?"

"Just consider it a logo. Help me carve it on this side of the planet, make it large... and make sure it exudes the brand's might and dominance. In short, the bigger, grander, and more conspicuous, the better."

"More conspicuous?" Peter rubbed his chin, "I think magic energy is already pretty conspicuous, but if we use magic, there's no need to engrave it on the planet. I can create a sign directly in space."

"What do you mean?" Schiller asked, "Have you made any breakthroughs in using those Power of Belief recently?"

Peter nodded and said, "You see, Doctor..."

He extended his hand, a bright spot appearing at his fingertip. Using his finger, he started writing letters in the air. He quickly wrote, "I am Spider-Man," and then waved his hand to erase it.

The glow at his fingertip intensified, and he wrote an even brighter line, "I am Spider-Man." He pointed at it and said to Schiller, "You see, like this. In the absence of energy interference, this text will remain here. I think it's already quite conspicuous."

Schiller crossed his arms, inspecting the text. He realized that, as Peter had said, in the pitch-black space, a line of bright text was extremely attention-grabbing. Most celestial bodies were chaotic, and orderly, complex characters stood out, especially with the magical energy making the text shine, not as hot and dazzling as the planets, but more easily distinguishable.

So he asked, "Can you write anything you want?"

"Yes," Peter patted his chest, "After absorbing so much Power of Belief last time, Red Bee hasn't fully absorbed it yet. It has been in a deep slumber recently, but it has only digested less than half. My body can't store that much energy, and the excess has been dissipating. I've been wondering what to do with it..."

"Alright," Schiller smiled and then took out a communication device, saying to Stark, "Do you still have access to the Three Great Empires' database from the Kree escort ship? Can you help me translate a few sentences?"

"Don't mind what I'm up to. Just help me with the translation... Okay, I'll send it to you later..."

Then, Schiller turned to Peter and said, "Peter, help me write some alien text. Shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"No problem. Just give me the design drawing," Peter nodded, then asked, "How big do you want it?"

"The bigger, the better."

Peter widened his eyes but then thought for a moment. The glow spread from his fingertips throughout his body, extending beyond his body several kilometers. He appeared like a giant firefly in the dark space devoid of bright stars, exceptionally conspicuous.

After receiving the text message from Stark, Peter began using his body to write Three Great Empires' text in the space. And when the fleet dispatched by the Supreme Intelligence arrived to inspect the situation, the first thing they saw was a massive, bright text sign, standing atop the remnants of the safe base.

It read:

"Hand over the Infinity Stones! Otherwise, destruction will never cease! – Space Dominator Thanos, Stay."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 921: A Promising Future and the Purple Sweet Potato Essence (Part 1) 


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