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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Space boundaries that many people fantasize about do not actually exist, or rather, every part of Space is its own boundary. This cannot be defined by traditional measures of distance and direction.

In the midst of a void of dark space, a young girl with black hair emitting a faint glow all over her body appeared. Her hands emitted a brilliant light as she lightly swiped the air, creating a bright screen in front of her. Inside the screen, there was a figure with purple skin.

"Respected Lord Thanos, how have you been lately? I've come to report on the recent progress of your task to gain interest for the Dark Dimension within Space. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress on that front," she said.

"But, the matter you raised, about finding a way for you to return to Space, has given me some ideas."

On the other end of the screen, Thanos furrowed his brow. "Are you saying that you've found a way for me to return to this Space?"

Lady Loki smiled and replied, "Respected Lord Thanos, please don't forget that I am not your subordinate. I simply follow the rules of our transaction and assist you. In Asgard, our tradition is to deliver goods once payment has been made, and only when both sides have fulfilled their obligations can we proceed with deeper cooperation."

Thanos let out a cold snort. "You shouldn't be called the God of Mischief; you should be called the Goddess of Greed. You haven't done anything for me yet, and you want me to pay a price?"

"Lord, you should better understand the current situation," Lady Loki raised her voice, speaking with an emotionless face. "You are currently trapped outside the Space barrier, but you haven't given up on conquering Space."

"The Space barrier cannot be simply overcome by physical means. Throughout Space, very few can communicate with you in this manner. Aside from Asgardians, it's the humans. If you don't want to choose me as your partner, I can help you find Tony Stark and see if he's interested in this business."

Thanos' face darkened because Lady Loki had struck a chord. He had ulterior motives for Earth and was well aware of the Avengers' strength.

The current Thanos had neither the gauntlet nor the stones. The development of the Dark Dimension had been stagnant within the galaxy's level of civilization, and even Space colonization had not yet begun.

His personal strength was formidable, but whether he could withstand a double attack from Odin and the Ancient One remained uncertain. Despite having a much stronger civilization than Earth, within the interstellar society, it could only be considered middle-tier.

What was even more unfortunate was that currently, both he as an individual and his civilization were trapped outside Space. The Thanos who had not obtained the gauntlet and had not ascended had no ability to traverse the Multiverse. He couldn't even leave the Dark Dimension, let alone know how to return to Space.

Up to this point, the only one willing and capable of contacting him was the cunning Goddess of Mischief, Lady Loki. So, even though he knew she was planning to ask for a hefty price, Thanos could only bide his time. He believed that one day, he would reclaim everything, including the interest, especially since Ragnarok in Asgard wasn't too far off.

"What do you want?" Thanos asked.

"Asgard has no interest in Dark Dimension's spaceship science and technology," Lady Loki replied dismissively. "Those primitive spaceship technologies, like those of primitive civilizations, hold no appeal to Asgard. However, your unique warship science and technology is intriguing. God-King wishes to obtain some research materials, you understand..."

Lady Loki flashed a sweet smile and continued, "I can ascend above Space and use magic to bring back these devices. However, you know that this method is not suitable for any life with a Soul, so it cannot be used on you."

"So, what's the method you mentioned for me to return to Space?" Thanos asked impatiently.

"Don't rush; let me explain slowly," Lady Loki said patiently. "Though I don't know why you came here in the first place, there is a very simple way to return."

"What is it?" Thanos' tone revealed his anxiety, as he had grown tired of being stuck here. While he had been in the Dark Dimension before, raising his army, willingly staying in and being forced to stay in were two entirely different feelings.

Moreover, studying without practical application could lead to problems in science and technology sooner or later. Thanos understood this well, so he urgently needed real combat to deal with the issues arising from his research.

"Death," Lady Loki bluntly uttered a very brief word. Seeing Thanos' expression that seemed to say, "Are you playing me?" Lady Loki chuckled and continued, "I mean, Death and then Resurrection."

"Whether inside or outside Space, the Soul of the deceased belongs to Death. However, if Resurrection is possible, I can transport your physical body back into Space. The Soul will go through the Resurrection process, moving from the Hall of Heroes to your body inside Space, thus returning to Space."

Lady Loki explained the process clearly, but Thanos narrowed his eyes and asked, "You expect me to entrust my Soul to you and let the Asgardians manipulate it?"

Lady Loki shrugged and said, "You indeed have no need to trust us. Besides, it's not us who are in a hurry to come back."

Lady Loki shook her head and turned to leave, but Thanos predictably stopped her. He asked, "Is this the only method?"

Lady Loki sighed and said, "Lord, you need to understand that the Space barrier is not a simple physical wall. It appears to be there, but in reality, it doesn't exist. The reason you can't leave the Dark Dimension isn't because there's a wall blocking your way."

"It's because unascended life forms cannot sense the existence of the wall, let alone break through it."

"I am willing to make this deal with you because of Asgard's unique situation. We need to face Ragnarok, and we need to obtain all the power we can. Otherwise..."

Lady Loki let out a cold snort, indicating her disdain. Her underlying message was clear: she had already ascended, so why should she make a deal with Thanos? To sum it up in three words: Are you worthy?

In the original comic, when Loki encountered Thanos, he was a prisoner, and at that time, he was only the God of Mischief, the less favored second prince of Asgard, and the younger brother who was feuding with his elder brother.

Now, he was the radiant Goddess who had seen the scenery above Space, the Prince of Asgard, and one of the actual leaders of the Nine Realms.

From the perspective of civilization, he could naturally have an equal conversation with Thanos, and Asgard's Dark Dimension, which had developed further than Thanos, was much older and more powerful.

From a personal strength perspective, even if he didn't ascend to become a radiant goddess, if he were to fight Thanos, he could escape if he couldn't win, as Thanos with the gauntlet wouldn't be able to catch him.

The initiative was entirely in Lady Loki's hands, and Thanos had to let her set the terms. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "I cannot entrust my Soul to Asgard. It's my bottom line. The events that occurred in the Milky Way Galaxy in the past have made me distrust any race within this galaxy. I absolutely cannot accept those conditions."

Lady Loki sighed in resignation, as if she had expected him to say that. She continued, "Very well, you've come at a good time. Now, the Hall of Heroes is not exclusive to Asgard anymore."

"Previously, civilizations with compound resurrection abilities found that their resurrection quotas were restricted. They united and hoped to seek an explanation from Death."

"Death has standardized the permissions for resurrection and established a united Heaven. In that Heaven, all civilizations within the Pan-Human Cultural Zone with resurrection permissions have set up offices. You can also choose to resurrect there. However, if you want to occupy a slot in the Hall of Heroes for resurrection, the price..."

Thanos' chest heaved, and he knew he was about to be taken advantage of again.

After some negotiation, the two reached a deal. Thanos would use Asgard's resurrection slot and resurrect in the united Heaven. In return, he would provide planet-landing warship technology, all equipment for a mature fleet, certain equipment developed by the Eternity Titans, and, most importantly, historical materials related to the Eternity Titans, the Eternity race, and the divine group.

Thanos believed that Lady Loki wanted these items to find a way to unlock Ragnarok. After all, the divine group, as a mysterious existence, likely had contact with deeper layers of Space, and their secrets might hold the key to unraveling Ragnarok.

Thanos provided the materials, although they weren't complete, and Lady Loki didn't mind. After they reached a preliminary cooperation agreement, the entire resurrection process went smoothly.

Lady Loki ascended above Space first, bringing back the fleet weapons Thanos needed and his rewards into Space. Simultaneously, Thanos' physical body was brought back, and he used Asgard's resurrection slot. After death, he didn't enter the Realm of Death but entered the united Heaven.

From the united Heaven, he resurrected into his physical body within Space, officially returning to Space.

However, Lady Loki couldn't bring back all of Dark Dimension's fleets. She only brought the main fleet that Thanos had prepared, and she didn't place it in the Dark Dimension. Instead, she casually left it on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy.

After resurrecting into the control room of the main fleet, Thanos didn't immediately head to his destination. He still had reservations about Lady Loki, so he planned to wander around in nearby Space along a random route.

As the fleet sailed through the vastness of Space, Thanos unexpectedly felt a sense of familiarity. But at that moment, he suddenly saw a bright gap in front of the fleet, followed by alarms blaring throughout the ship.

"Warning! Warning! Approaching unknown fleet detected..."

"Anti-jump device activated... Anti-jump failure! Gravity trap detection device activated... No anomalies found..."

"Gravity trap hit the spaceship's side... Three escort ships lost..."

"Abnormal energy buildup detected, shields deployed! Shield loss! Shield loss! Shield loss!"

Standing in the control room, Thanos saw a million starships appear before him in an instant. Everywhere he looked, there were main attack fleets ready to target individuals.

"Terrorist Thanos! Drop your weapons! Do not resist! You will pay for provoking the Three Great Empires' actions!"

"Terrorist Thanos! Surrender! Surrender! I repeat, you have violated interstellar peace regulations. Close all gunports! Cease charging! Any resistance will result in destruction!!!!"

Thanos clenched his teeth and hammered the control panel, saying, "What's going on?! That damn deceiver Lady Loki!!!!"

"I am Thanos. This is a misunderstanding, I can..."

"Warning! Warning! High-energy reaction detected ahead! High-energy reaction detected ahead!"

In Thanos' field of vision, a brilliant light streaked by, causing turbulence within the spaceship compartment. Without thinking, he quickly dodged the splashes of sparks and rushed through the smoky spaceship corridor until he reached an escort ship.

In this critical moment, the small spaceship ejected from the compartment. Thanos piloted the spaceship at top speed toward the nearest planet and hid behind it.

Hiding in the small spaceship, he watched in horror as his main fleet disappeared completely amid endless gunfire.

Unaware of his presence, Thanos, the Space overlord, was left with nothing but himself and an uncertain future.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 923: Schiller's Garden (Part 1) 


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