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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"In the end, what's going on??? The people I buried in the Solar System development plan told me that those Agents are working like crazy! My goodness! When did you ever see them working more than four days a week?!"

In a meeting room, a young senator slammed the table and exclaimed, "Don't tell me they've been inspired by Heaven's Nick Fury, and even after he's dead, they won't stop?!"

"Easy there, Freddie." An older politician leaned back in his chair and said, "They can't be inspired by Nick Fury. When he was around, these people only did two things every day—drink coffee and check their insurance coefficients. Their sudden diligence has nothing to do with Fury."

Another female senator crossed her arms and said, "The problem is, if they keep working this hard, humanity is going to break out of the Solar System. I mean, the kind of breakout that has nothing to do with us..."

She picked up the documents on the table, rolled them into a scroll, and tapped the table, saying, "Originally, these Agents were responsible for all the trivial matters in the Solar System development and construction plan, such as running errands, logistics support, personnel contact, intelligence transmission, and so on. All the laboratories depended on them to summarize research results."

"Although Stark's AI can handle most material exchanges, many projects require human oversight. For example, the arrangement of the equipment sent to Mercury in the latest batch was labeled by the Agents."

"Do you remember? They spent a full two months just sticking labels on the equipment. After sending it to Mercury, they discovered that at least one-third of the labels were placed incorrectly."

The female senator, with her hands on her hips, stood up and said, "Just yesterday, less than twenty Agents compiled reports from all the laboratories in New York. They didn't make a single mistake in having two people go to the same place. What kind of organizational skills is that?"

"This should have been the foundation of an Agent organization." The old politician shook his head. "But the problem is, it shouldn't be happening within S.H.I.E.L.D."

"We all know what Nick Fury was like. How could these people suddenly become so efficient?"

"The problem is, Nick Fury is dead. S.H.I.E.L.D. should have been in chaos. We're all aware that many people planted bombs there. When the director died, they should have exploded. But why is this guy named Peter Parker, after taking office, instead uniting them?"

"That's impossible!" the female senator raised her voice. "CIA, KGB, Hydra, military, Congress, Europe, Asia, Oceania—so many forces mixed together, what ability does he have to unite them and make them work together?"

"What's even more strange is..." Young Senator Freddie interjected, "recently, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s decision-making power has greatly improved. Almost every choice they make is correct. How is that possible?"

"The U.S. has the strongest think tanks in the world, but we can only ensure that some decisions gain an advantage, while others can only strive to maintain stability. Where does S.H.I.E.L.D. get this kind of decision-making power?"

The old politician frowned and said, "I don't quite understand Stark's AI, but could it be..."

The young senator shook his head and said, "I've also liaised with Stark Industries. As far as I know, that AI butler named JARVIS is more adept at calculations. Moreover, Stark, the kind of person he is, wouldn't let AI make decisions."

"And, you have to consider that now, Stark and the others are stuck in Washington, investigating Nick Fury's cause of death. That involves more intense power struggles. He probably doesn't have time to pay attention to this side."

The female senator touched her chin and said, "Could it be that this kid, Peter Parker, has special abilities far beyond ordinary people? I mean, besides the ability to swing around over New York?"

"Phineas, you have to know, decision-making isn't just about intelligence. You need rich experience and a long-term vision. No matter what, a teenager can't have these things. So, what else can he rely on? Intuition?"

"You mean... rely on my intuition?" In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, Peter looked at the documents in front of him with a puzzled expression. There was no content on the documents, only two words were written, one was "yes," and the other was "no."

"But what's the point? I'm not an AI. I don't need to learn choices this way..." Peter continued.

The Agent with a smiling face said, "No, this is not learning. You just have to choose 'yes' or 'no' based on your intuition."

"Is this also part of the job?" Peter asked again.

The Agent nodded and said, "Don't be nervous, Director. This is not an important issue. Former Director Fury often made such decisions. Just concentrate and make your choice based on your intuition."

"Concentrate... concentrate..." Peter frowned, trying to focus, and then he said, "I feel like it's 'no.' Correct, it's 'no.' No particular reason, just feel that way..."

The Agent immediately took the paper back and said, "Thank you. You can wait here for a while. There will be new tasks coming in later."

After saying that, the Agent walked out. Once outside, the smile on his face disappeared. He immediately took out a communication device from his waist and said, "Ward, quickly recall the team. The plan in New Mexico won't work. Among the sixteen Spider-Men, eleven chose 'no.' It's probably a trap."

"Alright, I got it. I'll contact Hawkeye to recall the team. Next, I need to arrange personnel to go to Mercury with the equipment tomorrow. Do you think the Director needs to make a choice? Okay, understood."

After ending the communication, the Agent walked towards an office and said, "Help me print a sheet with 15 numbers arranged sequentially from 1, no font or size differences... Okay, thank you."

With the paper with printed numbers in hand, the Agent returned to Peter's office. Peter was boredly playing a video game, and the Agent smiled again, saying, "Director, could you please choose 8 numbers from these 15, just go with your intuition."

"Uh, what's this new ritual? Well, I'm in a hurry to clear this level, so let's go with 1, 2, 4, 6, 7..."

Peter randomly selected a few numbers, and the Agent took the paper and walked out. Using the communication device, he called in about a dozen Agents and said to them while holding the paper, "Print out 15 numbers like this and distribute them to various laboratories. Have all Spider-Men choose."

With a chorus of responses, the Agents dispersed like a school of fish, heading towards various laboratories. One Agent's paper floated like a falling leaf, and when it landed on the table, SpiderGwen's voice sounded:

"Why are we choosing numbers again? You Space people are really weird, always doing these tests. What can you find out? Constellation fortune?... Oh well, stop looking at me like that. Let me see, just these..."

"Choosing numbers? A daily intellectual test game? I'm grateful my parents gave me a brain that can recognize numbers..." Amazing Spider-Man picked up a pen and started circling, saying, "Just these."

"Are you guys researching some AI?" Spider-Man2099 asked while circling on the paper. "The development direction of science and technology in your Space is strangely weird. Dr. Connors told me he has a project on the relationship between biological science and technology and magic portals. Too strange..."

One laboratory after another lit up, and data flowed like streams of light. In the darkened laboratory of Stark Tower, JARVIS emitted two "beeps," and the pleasant electronic sound began:

"Accessing historical records... Analyzing influencing factors... Data name—Amazing Spider-Man, correct choice rate 69.28%, influence factor 16.1, data recorded..."

"Probability calculation in progress, success probability for the number '1' is 99.6%... Number 3 success probability is 62.7%... Calculation complete, results sent..."

With the soft hum of the machine, a sheet of paper was ejected from the printer. A hand picked up the paper, and Ward glanced at the dozens of Agents standing in front of him, saying:

"Those who read the numbers, step forward. Tomorrow, accompany the equipment to Mercury for maintenance. Don't forget our job. Numbers 1, 2, 6..."

All those called stepped forward without saying a word. No one had any doubts, no one asked about safety concerns, and no one inquired about the return time. They all remained silent until Ward saluted them.

"Hail Hydra."

"Hail Hydra!"

"Damn it, why did their people withdraw??" In the military office, General Ross stared at a set of documents and said, "Why didn't our fabricated incident in New Mexico attract their attention?"

"General, they were supposed to take the bait. Hawkeye led the team to investigate New Mexico, but for some reason, they withdrew as soon as they arrived." A young officer frowned and said, "The same thing happened a week ago in Ohio..."

"This is very abnormal..." Ross said in a low voice. "S.H.I.E.L.D. can't have this level of competence. Even the think tanks called in for the highest secrecy couldn't perfectly avoid every trap..."

Ross straightened up, sighed, and said, "What about Hulk? Has he taken action?"

"That... we've confirmed Hulk's true identity, but for some reason, we can't catch him." The young officer said with some difficulty.

"What do you mean by 'can't catch'? Bruce Banner is just an ordinary person. Approach him quietly, don't let him notice, can't you sedate him?" Ross frowned and said disapprovingly.

"Originally, it was possible, but... but he has Spider-Man protecting him. That Spider-Man seems to have eyes in the back of his head. Our people can't get close at all..."

"Spider-Man? Isn't he the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Can he still personally protect Bruce Banner?" Ross said very unhappily. "Don't make me feel like you're lying to evade responsibility!"

"You better hurry. Now, Stark and the others are stuck in Washington. If they come back, it won't be good."

"Yes, sir! I'll send people to try again..."

In a dimly lit lab, a black figure was manipulating a colorful Rubik's Cube. Suddenly, the movement in Shadow Spider-Man's hands paused, and he nonchalantly put away the Rubik's Cube, taking out a handgun from his waist.

He crossed the preparation room and entered another laboratory. In a low and hoarse voice, he said to Banner, who was focused on the experiment, "Doctor, prepare to retreat. They are coming again."

"Hold them off for a moment. This result is important. I'll be done in three minutes. We'll retreat together with the results then..."

Shadow Spider-Man said nothing, turned the gun in his hand, and left.

Banner, who was staring at the screen, soon heard intense gunshots. After a while, Shadow Spider-Man, covered in the scent of blood, returned and said, "Doctor, you don't need to retreat anymore."

Banner, finally seeing the experimental results, stood up, walked to the door, pushed it open a crack, and following the light shining through the door, he saw a floor covered in corpses.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 879: Starry Brilliance Rotten (Part 24) 


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