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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Due to the non-implementation of the Hero Registration Act, as of now, no one possesses concrete data on all the specific abilities of Superheroes. Almost all the information obtained by various factions is based on estimations.

According to estimates, Spider-Man should possess strength far beyond that of an ordinary person, extremely fast speed, superior flexibility and agility, the ability to shoot spider webs, and strong scientific research capabilities.

In terms of interpersonal relations, Spider-Man is a fairly standard young Superhero, assisting anyone he can without resorting to excessive violence against criminals and absolutely avoiding killing.

This is the commonality of the majority of Spider-Men. However, within the Spider family, there are still quite a few exceptions, such as Shadow Spider-Man, an extremely rare Spider-Man who kills, and he is also left-wing.

After receiving the report of personnel losses, General Ross firmly stated, "The one by Bruce Banner's side is definitely not Spider-Man. That kid simply wouldn't and wouldn't dare to kill."

After saying this, he squinted his eyes and continued, "Don't you find it strange? Mutants have not made a move until now."

"Three rocket launches failed; they couldn't have not heard the news. The reason they haven't resisted as fiercely as before is likely because they changed their strategy," speculated Ross, stroking his chin.

"The leaders of mutants are not fools. The previous resistances did not yield good results. Perhaps it's because the more grandiose their resistance, the more it arouses resentment among ordinary people."

"They are likely changing tactics, moving from the surface to underground. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why our initial propaganda against mutants and the plan against Bruce Banner have both failed."

"Haven't you noticed? The problematic parts in these plans are all related to encountering Superheroes."

"In the interviews we arranged about mutants' accidents, there are always various unexpected accidents related to Superheroes interrupting. And in the plan against Hulk, we encountered someone who seems like Spider-Man but acts completely different from Spider-Man."

"I guess they might be using their special mutant abilities to disguise themselves as Superheroes and interfere with our plans in the shadows."

Ross sighed and said, "They've played a good move. Our plan to engage in a public opinion battle with them is falling apart. But without a relationship, I am not entirely unprepared. What about Baron Strucker? Get him on the phone; I want to talk to him."

His subordinate appeared hesitant and said, "General, but... that Strack... I mean, he is likely a Hydra, and moreover, he is not trustworthy."

"Why don't you understand the current situation?!" Ross's voice was somewhat hoarse. In these past few days, he looked like he had aged several years. He continued, "The military is already under great pressure. Anti-mutant organizations have been demanding action from us. Washington is conducting investigations and trial proceedings. The Avengers, led by Stark, are demanding a thorough investigation. And my proposed Red Hulk plan failed. I lost the gamble, so I have to find a way to turn the situation around!"

In the end, Ross's tone became gritted teeth. He was not actually a mutant-hating person, just someone hoping to advance further in the military. After the near-complete failure of the Redgate Orchid plan, he came forward, proposing the Red Hulk plan to appease the anger of those anti-mutant organizations.

He was already gambling. As long as the plan succeeded, he would undoubtedly advance further. Unfortunately, the first experiment resulted in a Red Hulk with insufficient strength and instability, lasting only a short time. After being knocked down, he quickly lost his power.

As a result, he faced greater pressure and urgently needed a means to turn the situation around.

And just a few days ago, a person named Baron Strucker contacted him. He claimed that his twin children were genuine mutants and could cooperate with him to create catastrophic mutant incidents, attacking mutants in the media.

Ross was well aware of the consequences of such actions because Baron Strucker was likely a Hydra member and a remnant of the Nazis. But at this point, he had no other choice. If he didn't immediately reverse the situation, years of careful work would be ruined in an instant.

Going against the current, not advancing is retreating. In desperate situations, more gamblers always emerge. Ross wasn't that extreme, but at this point, he could only go all-in on one path.

In a secret meeting room, Ross shook hands with Baron Strucker. He squinted his eyes, looking at the blond man and woman behind him.

Strack noticed his gaze, smiled, and introduced them, "These are my son and daughter; you can call them the Phineas Twins."

"They possess extremely powerful abilities and can create any accident effect you want. Moreover, they are genuine mutants, and no one will suspect them."

"Are they your biological children?" Ross looked at Strucker and said, "Are you willing to send them to hell like this?"

"You underestimate them too much. When I say create accidents, I don't mean having them do ***. New York is full of unstable superpowered criminals. As long as they can find them, my children can detonate them by any means. The gruesome scene will be recorded by journalists, and all mutants will be held accountable."

Strucker's tone was very determined. Ross looked at him and asked, "So, what do you want?"

"After it's done, we'll talk. I'll show you my sincerity. This way, it will be convenient for us to have more in-depth cooperation in the future."

"Now, let's play a requiem for mutants."

As the weather turned colder, the night sky became deeper, with sparse stars under the dark blue night. On the rooftop of a building in the New York skyline, several figures stood. A husky voice spoke:

"Today, a group of people came to Dr. Banner's laboratory with dangerous firearms and narcotics. I dealt with all of them."

Another female voice chimed in, "Someone is keeping an eye on Dr. Otto. I found surveillance devices outside the laboratory, and I'm tracing them along the signal."

"Dr. Connors' place too," another voice chimed in. "Lately, there have been unidentified individuals wandering around the laboratory. Although he can... I still worry he might be ambushed."

"I think I've figured out what trouble that kid was talking about."

The clouds blocking the moon gradually dispersed, and moonlight fell on the rooftop, casting a eerie purple hue on Amazing Spider-Man's red suit. He spoke, "This Space has indeed developed better than any other Space, but there are also more crises. We came at the wrong time; there are hidden currents here."

"Some want to deal with mutants, some want to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D., some want to take advantage of certain people's absence to deal with these researchers. We don't know who's behind it, and we don't know when they'll strike," spoke the extraordinary Spider-Man. "I only know one thing—we can't let them succeed."

Spider-Gwen looked up at the starry sky. Her tone suddenly softened, "Don't you feel it? The stars in this Space are exceptionally bright. In my Space, it's rare to see such a bright and brilliant night sky."

"That's because, here, the stars are within human reach, no longer a distant dream," Amazing Spider-Man's words gradually dissipated in the wind. He said, "I don't know if my Space will ever have a day when we can roam the stars and touch the sun like they do."

"If not, then I hope there's a Space that can achieve that, a group of humans who can fulfill our dreams."

"In any case, we must stop these evil people; they are jeopardizing the future of humanity," Spider-Gwen frowned, speaking with a firm tone. "In any Space, that's what Spider-Man should do."

"It seems like our easy and happy holiday trip ends here," Amazing Spider-Man chuckled, extending his hand first. He said, "The Spider-Army should assemble."

Many Spider-Men joined hands. Under the starry brilliance of the night, they solidified their determination to take this step in protecting humanity.

But at that moment,

Another spider web swung over, and Peter landed on the rooftop. He looked at all the Spider-Men and said, "What are you all doing here? I've been looking for you for half the day; I need your help!"

"What's wrong?" Amazing Spider-Man walked up and asked.

Peter's tone was extremely heavy and serious. He said, "I received reliable information from S.H.I.E.L.D. An agent discovered that the military is cooperating with a mysterious person, and they plan to orchestrate a massive mutant incident to completely crush them in the public opinion."

Spider-Gwen approached, squinting her eyes, "Do you know the specifics of the plan?"

"According to the information from the agent, there's a pair of mutants, siblings who were brainwashed since childhood. They are selecting targets from among those easily uncontrollable criminals. They plan to detonate one of the criminals, causing them to go completely out of control and explode in a crowded area, creating a tragedy to frame mutants."

Most Spider-Men gasped, condemning those behind this plan for their lack of humanity. But Peter said, "Now is not the time for lamentation. We must stop this dreadful conspiracy; otherwise, both ordinary people and mutants will suffer."

"It seems like you already have a plan?" Shadow Spider-Man spoke, turning his gun in his hand. He continued, "Tell us how you want to proceed."

"The twins have easily recognizable features; they are both blond and look very similar. Their abilities also have commonalities, so we must split up to search for them."

"After finding them, we must unite to stop their evil actions. At the same time, some of us must evacuate the people to ensure everyone's safety."

As Peter's words fell, shadows leaped from the edge of the building one after another, swinging with spider webs.

They resonated with the stars in the sky, creating an omnipresent and inescapable web over New York as the spider webs crisscrossed in the sky.

One by one, light points lit up, and the sound of spiders weaving a web echoed. Suddenly, a spider web trembled, and in an instant, all the Spiders received a message.

"Target found! Abandoned chemical factory southeast of New York; their target should be a mutant criminal group..."

"Wait, don't come over yet; there are others here!" Amazing Spider-Man's voice came through. He said, "What is that? Those cameras... are they some kind of filming crew?"

"What does the sign on that show say? 'New York Wonders'???"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 880: Dazzling Starry Rotten (Part 25) 


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