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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Africa, New Iron Fortress City.

Optimus Prime gazed at the heavily damaged fortress before him, his expression weighed down with concern.

Ironhide, lacking Optimus Prime's diplomatic demeanor, had already begun to curse vehemently, "These damn bastards! In such a short time, they've turned our hard work into this mess!"

As the commander of New Iron Fortress City, he had poured his heart and soul into its construction, so seeing the extensive damage inflicted upon it filled him with anger.

Ratchet patted his shoulder in silent support, refraining from adding words.

Sentinel Prime activated the portal within the fortress. Although the Decepticon Vehicons that had come through didn't actively attack the Autobots, their destructive instincts led them to casually damage the city's facilities, almost as if it were second nature, much like animals breathing.

Among the Autobots, there were no shortages of hot-tempered individuals, and Ironhide was the first to speak out, leading to a chorus of curses.

Gold Beetle silently approached Optimus Prime, his body covered in wounds. As Optimus Prime's confidant, he had undergone a transformation since his reawakening, becoming a different person.

Quiet and reserved, he remained loyal to Optimus Prime, diligently gathering any information he could find for him.

"Leader!" he spoke in a hushed tone to Optimus Prime, "Frenzy and the others have left the African continent. Lightning suffered some injuries while destroying the human warship fleet, and it seems they have taken refuge in East Africa, currently recuperating. I have already issued your summons to the scattered Autobots throughout Africa, but there are still many who have not responded."

All this information was within Optimus Prime's expectations. Although some Autobots had rejected his call, he remained silent for a moment before nodding slightly, "You've done well, Gold Beetle."

After some thought, he turned to Ironhide.

"Ironhide, I will personally lead a team to eliminate the Decepticon Vehicons within Africa's borders and the Quintessa soldiers. You are the most familiar with New Iron Fortress City, and I hope you can stay behind to oversee its quick recovery."

Ironhide nodded firmly, "Leave it to me, Leader!"

Although he also yearned to be on the battlefield and deal with those Decepticon Vehicons and Quintessa soldiers, Ironhide was not a reckless brute. He understood the damage inflicted upon Autobot's New Home during Sentinel Prime's recent actions.

He quickly selected Autobots who were not skilled in combat, along with a small number of warriors, to prevent any potential attacks on New Iron Fortress City.

After Ironhide had made his selections, Optimus Prime spoke again in a deep voice, "Our former leader, Sentinel Prime, committed a grave mistake. He betrayed our civilization and race, not only collaborating with the Skytiger Legion but also bringing the evil Quintessons to Earth."

"I understand that some of our comrades may not comprehend why I am so furious."

"Earth may not be our home planet, but Cybertron was destroyed in the past during our war with the Skytiger Legion, rendering it uninhabitable for us. Therefore, we needed a new home, and Earth is the New Home I found for the Autobots."

"The tragedy of Cybertron should not be repeated on Earth."

"For this reason, I chose to cooperate with the Decepticon Frenzy, who is not entirely evil, in an attempt to prevent endless warfare."

"However, there are conflicts that we may not be able to completely avoid."

"Megatron and his Skytiger Legion are currently lurking on the Moon, eyeing our New Home."

"Sentinel Prime also exposed Earth's coordinates to those evil colonizers, the Quintessons. The conflicts that have occurred recently in Cairo and are ongoing in the African land will greatly affect our relationship with the Humans, the native inhabitants of Earth."

After experiencing betrayal and conflict with his former teacher, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime had clearly matured. This young Autobot leader, though still averse to falsehoods, had learned to use linguistic artistry much like cunning Earthlings.

"Therefore, in order for us to better integrate into the Earth family and for the sake of our New Home, I declare that the Autobots will march to resolve all Decepticon Vehicons and Quintessa soldiers in Africa!"

After a moment of silence, a thunderous cheer erupted within New Iron Fortress City.




Back in his laboratory, Sun Cheng had just begun the process of digesting the memories of Sentinel Prime when a voice suddenly interrupted his actions.

"Your current state is very peculiar."

It was a gentle, electronically tinged female voice.

Sun Cheng first froze, then abruptly stood up from his metal throne.

"Heaven's Pride Hammer!?"

He recognized the familiar yet unfamiliar voice as that of the Heaven's Pride Hammer.

With a mix of surprise and slight bewilderment, he made his way to a corner of the laboratory.

There, the Heaven's Pride Hammer was currently placed within a specially designed giant crystal container.

Inside the container were several long, sharp needles, and every so often, brilliant blue electrical arcs, resembling Lightning, would shoot out from the needles and be completely absorbed by the Heaven's Pride Hammer.

This was a device designed by Sun Cheng's team of Decepticon senior engineers to supply energy to the Heaven's Pride Hammer.

Standing before the device and looking into the interior of the giant crystal container, where the Heaven's Pride Hammer buzzed and hummed, Sun Cheng fell silent for a long while before finally asking, "Can you sense my current state?"

Ever since acquiring this Primus weapon, which was comparable to the Requiem Blaster, Sun Cheng had harbored both great anticipation and trepidation.

The Requiem Blaster had long been integrated into his mechanical body after he had designed it, allowing him to intimately understand the weapon. However, it lacked the strong self-awareness possessed by the Heaven's Pride Hammer, another Primus weapon.

For this reason, ever since obtaining this Primus weapon, Sun Cheng had suspected that the self-awareness within it might be a fragment of the consciousness of Solus Prime, one of the Thirteen Primes of Cybertron.

He speculated that, even if it wasn't the entirety of Solus Prime's consciousness, it might contain significant memories.

Due to this conjecture, Sun Cheng felt a mix of trepidation and anticipation. He longed to have a meaningful conversation with the mysterious consciousness within the Heaven's Pride Hammer, yet he also feared that it might pose a threat to him.

As a result, their interactions so far had been limited to just two encounters, without any significant exchange of information.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 936: Mythical History 


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