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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Heaven's Pride Hammer fell silent for a moment, and then the feminine electronic voice rang out once more.

"I can sense that the information within you is in great disarray, as though many things not belonging to you have been forcefully thrust into your mind!"

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow, not expecting the Heaven's Pride Hammer to be so perceptive. But considering the possible identity of the entity within, he found himself accepting the situation.

Standing before the crystal container, Sun Cheng gazed at the Heaven's Pride Hammer within and suddenly recalled his previous desire to have a proper conversation with it. Now that the Heaven's Pride Hammer had taken the initiative to speak, it presented a golden opportunity.

After a moment of silence, Sun Cheng organized his thoughts and began to speak, "Not long ago, a being known as Sentinel Prime, an Autobot Leader, opened a portal on this planet, transporting some savage soldiers from the Quintessa civilization to Earth."

"War may soon return, and I have some questions. I wonder if you can provide answers?"

The response from the Heaven's Pride Hammer was silence. Sun Cheng, however, was not discouraged. Having interacted with the Heaven's Pride Hammer before, he knew that the consciousness within this Primus weapon was not inclined to engage in conversation willingly. Nevertheless, not outright refusal was a potential opportunity.

After some thought, Sun Cheng continued, "Is the Quintessa civilization a creation of the Cybertron Thirteen Primes?"

In Skyfire's memories, there were numerous ancient stories about the Cybertronian civilization. The Quintessa civilization was one of them, attributed to the creation of the Cybertron Thirteen Primes.

The Heaven's Pride Hammer remained silent, but the hammer within the crystal container emitted a humming sound, indicating that it was not as calm as it appeared.

Sun Cheng didn't rush it. He had time to spare, and he was prepared to engage with the entity within the Heaven's Pride Hammer, possibly one of the Cybertron Thirteen Primes.

Several minutes passed in silence within the laboratory, before the feminine electronic voice spoke up once again.

"The birth of the Quintessa civilization originated from an experiment by the Creator and was not a creation of the Thirteen Primes. However, the Thirteen Primes played a role in its development."

Sun Cheng's spirits were suddenly lifted. This was information that even Skyfire was unaware of. While he hadn't fully processed Sentinel Prime's memories, based on what he knew about events following Sentinel Prime's creation, it seemed likely that the Superior General was not privy to this knowledge.

The Heaven's Pride Hammer had finally spoken, and it had delivered a substantial revelation. Sun Cheng was not about to let this golden opportunity slip through his fingers.

He continued to inquire, "Who is the Creator, and why did the Thirteen Primes influence the birth of the Quintessa civilization?"

This time, the Heaven's Pride Hammer fell silent, and Sun Cheng patiently waited for hours. It seemed unwilling to speak further.

Sun Cheng felt a twinge of frustration but decided to press on, saying, "Is there a significant secret hidden on Earth? Half of the Thirteen Primes have visited Earth at some point, and it's possible that some of them are still concealed on this planet. Sentinel Prime seems to have made a deal with the Quintessa civilization, and there are still remnants of Quintessa soldiers on Earth. I need to know more; otherwise, when disaster strikes, both this planet and I will face complete destruction."

He posed multiple questions in one breath, then once again turned his gaze to the Heaven's Pride Hammer within the crystal container. He waited, hoping to uncover more secrets.

The Heaven's Pride Hammer fell silent once again, but this time, it was not as still as before. The humming from the hammer's body continued without interruption, indicating that the consciousness concealed within the Primus weapon was deep in thought, hesitating.

After more than half an hour had passed, the feminine electronic voice finally spoke as though it had reached a decision.

"No one knows who the Creator is. It's possible that he is a survivor of some ancient civilization that has long since perished, or he could be a survivor from a pre-Universe era. He embodies 'order,' 'light,' and 'creation' and refers to himself as 'Primus,' while the Thirteen Primes gave him the title 'Prima.'"

"Prima has an adversary, someone seemingly from the same ancient civilization as himself. Prima calls him 'Unicron,' but he refers to himself as the 'Emperor of the Universe.'"

"The Universe Emperor is immensely powerful, greedy, malevolent, and extremely dangerous. He ruthlessly destroys one civilization and life-bearing planet after another and excels at luring sentient beings into self-corruption."

"As mighty as Prima is, he is not a match for the Universe Emperor. So, in the distant past, he created over a dozen apostles, hoping they could assist him in defeating the malevolent Universe Emperor and protecting more life-bearing planets and civilizations."

"The number of apostles is fourteen."

In the ancient Cybertronian legends, it was indeed mentioned that the Creator had created the Thirteen Primes to resist evil. Hearing this confirmed by the consciousness within the Heaven's Pride Hammer didn't particularly excite Sun Cheng. To him, it merely affirmed the authenticity of a Cybertronian myth and provided him with the names of two great beings he could potentially contend with.

What truly caught his attention was the mention of the Fourteen Apostles.

"Fourteen Apostles? Primus has only thirteen?"

He eagerly inquired, thinking he would have to wait for some time, if not indefinitely, to receive an answer from the Heaven's Pride Hammer.

To his surprise, this time, the Heaven's Pride Hammer was straightforward and promptly replied, "Cybertron's Primus has only thirteen, but Prima did create fourteen apostles. After the Thirteenth Day of Genesis, Prima, following Solus Prime's example, created a female apostle and named her 'Quintessa.'"

"Quintessa's birth was tragic from the start. The Universe Emperor, aware of Prima's plan to create the Fourteen Apostles, infused evil energy into the developing Quintessa, attempting to lead her to corruption and make her a weapon in his hands."

"Prima soon discovered this and, with regret, had to abandon her. He ordered the thirteen apostles to kill their youngest sister, but a few of the apostles defied his will and sealed the unborn Quintessa on a metallic planet."

"It was on that metallic planet that an evil civilization was later born—the Quintessa civilization. The Fourteenth Apostle, Quintessa, became the queen of the Quintessa civilization."

This was a colossal revelation that left Sun Cheng in a state of awe. Due to the disruption in Cybertron's history caused by the Quintessa civilization's colonization and the subsequent Civil War spanning millions of years, Sun Cheng, an outsider, had encountered mostly unknown and ambiguous mythological tales while attempting to explore the history of this ancient civilization.

Now, for the first time, he could truly delve into the Cybertronian history that seemed like a myth.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 937: Persuasion 


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