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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As the fleet of the Golden Eagle Armed Transport Ship set sail, Hynix and their group located in the Mediterranean Sea received orders to return synchronously.

Several Yassen-class Attack Submarines followed closely underwater, with an advanced warrior on board.

Sun Cheng felt quite at ease with this arrangement.

Meanwhile, in the wilderness of Central Africa, a group of Quintessa soldiers surrounded an ordinary-looking soldier. The soldier emitted an eerie tone with electronic resonance, causing the surrounding soldiers to nod in unison and disperse, maintaining vigilance.

The soldier then tapped his chest, and after opening a compartment on his chest armor, he retrieved a beautifully crafted metallic polyhedron.

His right hand's two fingers extended suddenly, and he made several strokes along the peculiar patterns on two sides of the metallic polyhedron.

Soon, the metallic polyhedron began to emit beams of light. It floated into the air and simultaneously launched six metal brackets from below.

After a brief suspension, the metallic polyhedron landed on the ground, firmly anchored by the six metal brackets in the soil.

"Done!" the Quintessa soldier spoke in the Quintessa language. "The fourth planetary positioning device is installed. Every Quintessa natural month, it will automatically transmit a set of coordinate data to the Universe. Let's prepare to evacuate and lure those despicable cybertronians to other places!"


As the Quintessa soldiers departed, no one knew that in some part of Africa, there were inconspicuous creations of Quintessa civilization subtly revealing Earth's location to the Universe.

To the Autobots who had not yet fully mastered Africa, these small objects, no larger than a palm, went completely unnoticed.

By the time they noticed and discovered them, it might be too late.

As for Sun Cheng, he had no time to spare for the events unfolding on the African continent. The reason was simple – he was currently overwhelmed by his own discoveries.

Several hours later, they arrived in South America. After the transport fleet left the African continent and ascended into the sky, they activated their optical stealth devices.

They were not guarding against Autobots or Decepticons but rather against humans.

Although the Autobots and Decepticons already on Earth had the power to destroy Base Two completely, they would pay an unbearable price for doing so.

However, now that Sun Cheng and Optimus Prime had established a tentative understanding, they could temporarily overlook the Autobots. Even the Skytiger Legion, despite their intense hatred, couldn't possibly concentrate all their forces and suffer heavy losses to eliminate Base Two within South America before Major, led by Shockwave, arrived.

What Sun Cheng was truly concerned about was the nuclear weapons held by humans.

Perhaps it was best to reveal their identities directly. He was most concerned that the United States might choose to take a reckless step one day.

Nuclear missiles were easy to intercept when launched in small numbers, or even a dozen or so.

However, if the number increased by an order of magnitude, reaching several hundred missiles fired simultaneously, even Base Two couldn't guarantee intercepting them all, inevitably resulting in strikes against their mining facilities, factories, or sub-bases within South America.

If the number increased by another order of magnitude, reaching thousands of missiles, Sun Cheng shuddered at the possible consequences.

Although he didn't believe the United States would dare to risk it all, the country had been experiencing a rise in anti-intellectualism as a side effect of the expansion of domestic religious influence and politicization in recent years.

This wave of anti-intellectualism had been hovering over the United States for decades, affecting even the so-called elite class.

Who knew if a madman might suddenly propose a nuclear strike against South America one day, and a group of fanatics would enthusiastically support the idea?

Moreover, the recent turmoil on the roads of Africa had consequences beyond the destruction of the ancient city of Cairo, affecting not just one or two African countries and cities.

The trouble brought by Sentinel Prime would ferment rapidly in a very short time.

Most countries on Earth would begin to address the various problems posed by the arrival of the Cybertronians, especially if a country behind the scenes subtly incited hostility, which would soon become the unspoken consensus and mainstream trend among countries worldwide.

Therefore, Sun Cheng believed that being cautious was never excessive.

With the technology controlled by Base Two, as long as they didn't want to expose themselves, it would be extremely difficult for the United States to find the main base hidden within South America.

The Golden Eagle Armed Transport Ship, carrying Sun Cheng, a group of high-level Decepticon Vehicons, and some relatively intact Quintessa soldier remains, landed safely at an airport within South America.

The Decepticons who had been ordered to wait here had already boarded the spaceship's cargo hold. After Sun Cheng and his group disembarked, they immediately began transporting the remains down and sending them to various major laboratories for research and repair.

"I need to organize Sentinel Prime's memories. Unless there's something major, don't disturb me for the next few days!"


After disembarking from the spaceship at the airport, Sun Cheng briefly instructed Thunder and then soared into the sky, heading towards the central control base located hundreds of kilometers away.

As he had instructed, this operation was a treasure trove in itself, especially the memory data of Sentinel Prime, which would keep him occupied for a long time.

Sun Cheng urgently needed to find and organize the conspiracy between Sentinel Prime and Megatron, as well as their conspiracy with the Quintessa civilization.

In addition, he needed to retrieve detailed memory data about the Space Bridge from Sentinel Prime.

Without understanding these conspiracies, Sun Cheng couldn't find peace of mind. Both the Skytiger Legion and the Quintessa civilization were formidable adversaries he couldn't face at the moment. If they decided to act decisively, even if he was only indirectly affected, it would be enough to cause him serious harm.

As for why he was in such a hurry for Space Bridge technology, the answer was simple. Sun Cheng couldn't wait to use this black technology to establish a stable, ultra-long-range channel between Earth and Mars.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 935: Heaven's Pride Hammer 


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