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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Above the Moon, within the Decepticon base.

Inside the incubation chamber, where only Megatron's head remained, Starscream stood humbly before a display screen.

On the screen, events unfolding on Earth were being broadcasted.

Megatron's gaze was fixed firmly on the scenes unfolding in Cairo.

When he witnessed Optimus Prime impale Sentinel Prime with a sword, ending the life of the former, his face, which had been grim for over a year since losing his body, finally cracked into a smile.

"Sentinel Prime is dead?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Everything is as you anticipated..."

"Sentinel Prime is dead... Hahaha... The old fool has finally met his end... Hahaha... And at the hands of his own student..."

An exuberant and unapologetically excited laughter echoed from Megatron's remaining head within the incubation chamber.

Starscream lowered his head slightly, his crimson optics flickering continuously.

As someone who had long sought to overthrow Megatron and assumed leadership of the Skytiger Legion, Starscream was intimately familiar with his nemesis. If one were to compile a list of Megatron's enemies, Quintessons would undoubtedly rank first due to their inhumane experiments and cybertronians' modifications. Megatron's hatred for them and their civilization exceeded that for any other cybertronians.

Following Quintessons, the two figures Megatron despised the most were undoubtedly his former teacher, Lord Fallen, and Sentinel Prime.

Megatron's birth was not an accident but a deliberate creation. He was the handiwork of Lord Fallen, one of the Thirteen Primes, who orchestrated and watched over Megatron's tragic childhood, filled with inhumane experiments and cruelty.

Despite later receiving extensive combat training and formidable power from Lord Fallen, allowing him to potentially regain his dignity as a warrior, Megatron couldn't help but despise the one who had manipulated his destiny from the shadows.

As for Sentinel Prime, there was no need to elaborate. Due to the harrowing experiences of his youth, what Megatron could least tolerate were those who sought to control his destiny. Unfortunately, Sentinel Prime happened to be one of them. Although he selected Megatron from among numerous slaves and gradually elevated him to the position of Cybertron's military commander-in-chief, Megatron had sacrificed greatly and put in immense effort. Nevertheless, Sentinel Prime had never appreciated Megatron's struggles. To the Superior General who aimed to wrest power from the old aristocracy and the Council of Primes, Megatron was nothing more than a pawn to be discarded at will.

Proud as Megatron was, his past experiences had made him exceptionally sensitive. From the beginning, Sentinel Prime's actions destined him to be Megatron's enemy, with no other possible outcome.

The red lights in his eyes continued to flicker as Starscream gazed at the teleportation portals appearing in the skies over Earth and Africa on the display screen.

"Your Majesty, did you suspect from the beginning that Sentinel Prime's offer of cooperation concealed ulterior motives?"

Noticing Megatron's unusually good mood, Starscream seized the opportunity to ask.

Megatron snorted coldly, "We've been at odds for millions of years; we know each other inside out. During the war, he suddenly reached out to me. No matter how good his words sounded, I could tell he had some scheme in the background."

A hint of nostalgia flashed in his eyes. Calculating the time, it had been over a thousand years since he had secretly forged an agreement with Sentinel Prime.

Megatron still vividly remembered that it happened during the stalemate phase of the Second Cybertron Civil War. At that time, he was personally leading the Skytiger Legion in the siege of Autobot's military fortress, Uraya.

Uraya was an ancient city located in the Stan region of Cybertron, established during the Quintesson colonial era. Because it was built in the rich manganese-iron mountain range, this ancient city had been constructed with copious amounts of fortified alloys, earning it the reputation of the "Impregnable City" and the "Ever-Defiant Fortress."

Relying on this formidable defense, the Autobots, who were already at a disadvantage, staunchly resisted the fierce assaults of the Skytiger Legion. They dragged the Decepticons into a protracted and brutal war of attrition, reducing countless Decepticon Vehicons to rubble.

Due to the inability to capture Uraya, when Sentinel Prime unexpectedly sought a meeting with him, Megatron had his doubts about the so-called peace offer. However, Sentinel Prime had presented Uraya as a gesture of sincerity for their collaboration, leading Megatron to cautiously agree.

Soon after, during a battle to siege Uraya, the formerly impregnable Autobot defense began to show significant weaknesses. The commanders of the Skytiger Legion astutely seized this opportunity. Despite some losses, they eventually captured Uraya, a city that had been firmly under Autobot control.

After losing Uraya, the Autobots also lost control of the nearby manganese-iron mines, eliminating any possibility of a turnaround.

Subsequently, Sentinel Prime secretly met with Megatron several times. With each meeting, the Autobots gradually lost ground in the Civil War, eventually being driven off their home planet, Cybertron.

Sentinel Prime, the leader of the Autobots, had betrayed and abandoned his entire faction in exchange for something significant.

Megatron had always suspected that Sentinel Prime's true goal was to gain his support and retake the Superior General throne by using their agreement. But suspicion remained just that—suspicion. He was not Sentinel Prime's equal and certainly not an element within his body, so he could not fathom the true intentions of his former teacher.

Now, when he saw Sentinel Prime personally open a space portal, what was being transported to Earth was not a group of Autobot warriors loyal to Sentinel Prime as agreed upon during their collaboration. Instead, it was a group of figures that Megatron had deeply imprinted in his mind, figures he could never forget.

"Quintesson... Sentinel Prime, for the sake of power, you would even betray your once cherished identity as Superior General... The king of Cybertron civilization consorting with the colonizers who once plagued Cybertron... How ironic..."

Within Megatron's mind, the murderous intent surged, fueled by memories of the past. It had been kindled ever since he first laid eyes on those Quintessa soldiers.


Megatron suddenly spoke in a cold tone, snapping Starscream, who was lost in thought, back to attention.

"Your Majesty, I am at your service, ready to receive your commands."

Ignoring any ambiguity in Starscream's response, Megatron continued, "Since Sentinel Prime is no more, the agreement is null and void. Inform Earth that Lightning and his team are free to act as they see fit!"

A momentary flicker passed through Starscream's crimson electronic eyes before he bowed respectfully. "As you wish, Your Majesty, Megatron!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 930: The Treasure 


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