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After the coverage of two electromagnetic pulse bombs, a devastating strike from the Mediterranean Sea descended upon them.

Missiles homed in with precision on Cairo city, and those hit by the electromagnetic pulse weapons lay motionless on the ground, emitting white smoke and sparks.

As waves of seemingly endless missiles rained down, Cairo, already severely damaged by Autobots, Decepticon Vehicons, and Quintessons, became even more riddled with holes under the bombardment.

The situation was even worse for the Decepticon Vehicons, the remaining Autobots, and the Quintesson soldiers who had infiltrated the city.

In less than an hour, Hynix and four Arsenal Ships, acting in concert with Sun Cheng, had launched over two thousand missiles.

"The cost of manufacturing these missiles is much lower than that of human nations. While they are a bit more expensive to use than conventional shells, they also reduce casualties significantly!" Sun Cheng remarked.

The fleet was nearing the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea via the Nile River, and Sun Cheng, watching the screen as Cairo city was shrouded in smoke from their own explosions, couldn't help but smile.

Thanks to the technological and industrial advantages Base Two had gradually built up, they had managed to reduce the cost of a missile with a high-explosive warhead to only one seventeenth of human production costs.

Electromagnetic pulse bombs were slightly more expensive, but for a bombardment like the one on Cairo, the cost in dollars would probably not exceed a few billion.

Being able to eliminate potential adversaries at such a "low" cost made Sun Cheng feel that the money was very well spent.

"Commander-in-chief, when are we going to make a landing?" a crew member asked.

After several rounds of missile coverage, less than a third of the Autobots, Decepticon Vehicons, and Quintesson soldiers still survived in Cairo city.

Thunder saw this scene through the drone's transmission and couldn't help but breathe heavily.

After some thought, Sun Cheng asked, "Report and find out the current location of Lightning, Optimus Prime and the other Autobots!"

The Decepticon tech officer responsible for controlling the drone and receiving satellite feedback data busied himself for a while before answering.

"Commander-in-chief, Lightning and other Decepticon Air Force Majors are currently engaged in intense combat over the Red Sea with U.S. Military Air and Naval Forces. As for Optimus Prime and the other Autobots, they have retreated to the southwest outskirts of Cairo and have not shown any signs of returning to Cairo!"

Sun Cheng nodded but quickly began to think.

From the information captured by the satellite, it was clear that Africa was in a state of chaos.

Autobots loyal to Sentinel Prime and some Decepticon Vehicons had taken over more than a dozen important cities within Africa and had opened portals above the cities.

As the portals opened, waves of Quintesson soldiers descended to Earth and began to wreak havoc in those cities.

However, Sun Cheng did not pay much attention to the situation in other African cities.

Of all the portals opened by Sentinel Prime, the one above Cairo had persisted the longest.

The other cities' portals, at most, remained open for ten minutes, and some for only six or seven minutes.

In such a short time, through those dozen or so portals, only a few hundred Quintesson soldiers had come to Earth, with some cities having only a few dozen.

This scale of Quintesson soldiers was not something that the African nations could resist.

However, Africa was not just the domain of Africans, especially with the involvement of the Five Big Bullies, who had their own interests.

Autobots, who had already established the New Iron Fortress city in Africa, would not let this opportunity slip by.

Moreover, the Decepticon Vehicons seemed to have received some kind of directive.

Shortly after the Quintesson soldiers arrived through the portals, the Decepticon Vehicons surrounding them began to engage them.

Sun Cheng even ordered four drones to take off from the rear and record their combat footage, planning to analyze the combat capabilities of the Quintesson soldiers after the battles in Africa had ended.

Even so, he couldn't help but be curious and distracted by some of the battles between the Skytiger Legion Vehicons and the Quintesson soldiers.

To his surprise, while the Quintesson soldiers were fearless in battle, their individual combat abilities were only comparable to most Vehicons, and they were even inferior to a few Vehicons.

However, they were more ferocious, chaotic, and fearless than the Vehicons of the Skytiger Legion.

As a result, the casualty ratio between the Quintesson soldiers and the Vehicons of the Skytiger Legion was roughly 1:1.3.

Sun Cheng's brain quickly formulated a plan.

Since Africa had already been gifted to the Autobots, he had no intention of interfering further in the chaos in Africa.

"Proceed with the final round of coverage bombardment, leave two squads of advanced warriors to protect Hynix and the Arsenal Ships, and the rest of the Decepticons, follow me to Cairo city to prepare to receive the spoils!"


Although Cairo city had been reduced to ruins by now, it still held countless treasures that tempted Sun Cheng.

He had no interest in the corpses of Decepticon Vehicons anymore, but he was quite interested in the corpses of some advanced warriors and Autobots.

What interested him the most, however, was the corpse of Sentinel Prime in Cairo city.

As the last Superior General of the Cybertronian civilization, a leader through three Cybertronian eras, the memories of Sentinel Prime were an extremely precious treasure.

Its value even exceeded that of the memories Sun Cheng had obtained from Skyfire.

Not to mention that decrypting the memories of a deceased Cybertronian, even with protective programs, was much simpler than forcibly extracting the memories of a living leader.

Moreover, the good things in the memories of Sentinel Prime were not limited to this.

There were secrets from the era of the Council of Primes, secrets of the royal lineage of Primus, secrets of the Thirteen Primes, and the Cybertronian artifacts.

And more!

Optimus Prime's failure to take Sentinel Prime's corpse away was the best gift for Sun Cheng.

The order was quickly conveyed, and Hynix and the four Arsenal Ships, including them, began to reload missiles and aimed for the final wave of coverage firepower against Cairo city.

As the missiles soared into the sky and headed towards Cairo city, Sun Cheng, who had been waiting impatiently, leaped into the sky.

Since the puppeteer behind the scenes had not yet made a move, he didn't mind taking the initiative to cut the best cake and wait for them to act.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 931: The Moment of Harvest 


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