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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Flying at ten times the speed of sound, they covered hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Before long, over the skies of Cairo, missile silhouettes with long tails began to appear.

At this moment, the presence of U.S. Military aircraft in Egyptian airspace had dwindled significantly.

After Lightning and his team had dealt with the Joint Fleet from Europe, they had quickly discovered another fleet entering the Mediterranean Sea.

A cursory investigation revealed familiar Electromagnetic Spectrum signatures, identifying this fleet as part of the Frenzy faction from South America.

Due to their previous encounter, Lightning didn't act recklessly this time.

Although he was arrogant, he wasn't without a brain. After suffering losses, he would remember the pain for a while.

After ordering the evacuation from the Mediterranean Sea region, they paid no attention to the Decepticon Vehicons in Cairo, caring little for their fate. To the Air Force Generals of Lightning's Skytiger Legion, the Vehicons created by Starscream were nothing more than cannon fodder, and they felt no remorse even if they died in large numbers.

Once they detected the presence of U.S. Military aircraft over Egypt, there was no doubt that the Decepticons reveled in mercilessly slaughtering these humans who offered no resistance. It fulfilled the sadistic tendencies of the Decepticons.

And so, as Lightning and his team pursued the U.S. Military aircraft towards the Red Sea, another massacre unfolded.

Over Cairo at this moment, apart from the two drones Sun Cheng had dispatched in advance, there were no more flying units in the sky.

Even birds, driven by their instinct to avoid danger, had fled the city.

Therefore, the first wave of missiles launched from the Arsenal Ships in the Mediterranean Sea almost went unopposed, striking their designated targets in the city.

When the missiles approached, neither the Decepticon Vehicons, Quintessa soldiers, nor the Autobots on the ground paid much attention. They had already experienced human missiles and, thanks to their powerful silicon-based bodies and reflexes, they usually only suffered minor injuries unless the missiles exploded in close proximity.

As for why some Autobots hadn't retreated, that was not hard to understand.

After all, within the Autobot ranks, there were those loyal to Sentinel Prime. In the previous operation to oust Optimus Prime, a significant number of Autobots had participated. Not long ago, Optimus Prime had executed Sentinel Prime, and many Autobots had witnessed it. Fearing retribution, they preferred to stay in the more dangerous city of Cairo, preparing to find a way to escape amid the chaos, rather than following Optimus Prime and facing the likely consequences.

Unfortunately, they had all underestimated the power of the incoming missiles.



When the missiles struck the ground, the Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs did not immediately detonate.

These third-generation Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs had a safety feature. The warhead was equipped with a giant kinetic energy awakening device, which would only activate and trigger the bomb's explosion when it experienced a certain level of kinetic energy impact from a high-altitude drop.

The efficiency of this system was exceptionally high. In Cairo, those Decepticon Vehicons, Quintessa soldiers, and Autobots who had temporarily taken cover from the missile attack were puzzled as to why the missiles didn't explode like the ones they had encountered before.

At this moment, after a brief five-second delay, the warhead of the Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs was triggered!


A violent electromagnetic shock radiated rapidly from the center of the Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb that had struck Cairo, creating a pulse radiation zone with a radius of up to 700 meters.

All the Decepticons, Autobots, and Quintessa soldiers caught within the radiation zone were enveloped by the electromagnetic pulse's shock, emitting smoke and sparks all over their bodies.

The city echoed with the agonizing cries and screeches of the injured and shocked.

The city's residents, trapped in various corners and unable to escape due to a lack of transportation, had already been in despair. After all, in the recent U.S. Military Air Raid, they had suffered far more casualties than the alien killings.

"Mom... I'm so scared..."

"May Allah protect us..."

Shivering citizens, who had been waiting in despair for death to arrive at any moment, suddenly found their hopes crushed. However, as the missiles nearby exploded, the violent electromagnetic waves instantly destroyed a significant number of electronic devices within their radius, including many people's phones and emergency communication devices.

Aside from that, only some of the city's power equipment and wires were smoking or catching fire, along with a few communication towers and signal devices emitting sparks. This was the extent of the damage.

The city's residents, still bewildered, witnessed a different fate for the Decepticon Vehicons, Autobots, and Quintessa soldiers who had been engaged in combat. The streets that had been the most intense battlegrounds were now littered with the fallen bodies of Decepticon Vehicons, Autobots, and Quintessa soldiers.

At this moment, they had lost their previous ferocity and brutality. Most of them lay on the ground, emitting smoke from their mechanical bodies, with sparks occasionally jumping. Each time they spoke in anger or moaned, black smoke would rise from their chests.

Even the few who could still stand were swaying and in terrible condition.

"Electromagnetic pulse weapons truly live up to their reputation as the ultimate weapon against these silicon-based life forms!" Sun Cheng, hundreds of kilometers away in the Mediterranean Sea, observed everything happening in Cairo through the data transmitted by the drones he had sent into high altitudes. Extremely satisfied with the outcome, he immediately urged, "Launch the second wave of Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs and prepare for a systematic clearing of the area with overwhelming firepower."

Thunder moved to say something but was interrupted by Sun Cheng's wave.

"I know what you want to say, no need to rush!"

He looked up at the sky. Even with Sun Cheng's current vision, he could barely catch a glimpse of the slowly closing portal in the southeast sky.

"Perhaps we don't need to enter the field ourselves... let's wait a bit longer... it's not the right time yet..."

Sun Cheng was waiting, waiting to see if something more dangerous would emerge from behind the portal. Perhaps the Quintessa civilization's marauding fleet or an organized Legion!

He was also curious about what the individuals on the Moon were doing right now!

Sentinel Prime had undoubtedly played a trick on Megatron, but the Skytiger Legion had only suffered a few thousand Vehicon losses so far, and there had been no further actions.

All of this seemed so anticlimactic and had turned into an Autobot Civil War. The true players had not yet entered the stage.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 929: Unrestrained Freedom 


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